Software :: Gnome-Nettools Doesn't Ping

Nov 8, 2010

Lately every time I try to ping an address from Gnome-Nettool it never works. It does work in the command line. The good thing is Gnome-Nettool, the gui, runs the commands in the terminal so I can actually see what it is trying to do. Running gnome-nettool as root at the command line.

So the issue seems to be that gnome-nettool is adding that /bin/ping at the start of it and it doesn't work. How do I fix this in gnome-nettool?Also this same issue was happening to me in Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 when I was using it. I submitted a bug at that time.

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Networking :: Cannot Ping With Command - Ping IP - Address But Can Ping With - Ping IP -I Eth0

Jul 15, 2011

I am using an virtual machine. where I need to ping from one machine to another. earlier I was able to ping. But after going to once, I cannot ping back to this machine.

But if I gave ping -I eth1 <IP> then I can ping.

I cannot install any package, so tell me solution which includes not installing any package.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Do 0.8.2 Crashes When Using

Jan 3, 2010

I am using Gnome Do 0.8.2, which I added using the PPA. It is great, although when I summon Do, and type a status, and press enter, Gnome Do crashes with this output:

Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception.
System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: element


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ping Doesn't Work After 10.10 Installation?

Dec 22, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 today and when i open the browser it doesn't show any sites. I tried

> ping
ping : unknown host
> telnet > open localhost


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Ubuntu Installation :: GNOME Failsafe Works But GNOME Doesn't - 10.04 Upgrade

May 27, 2010

Older machine here that I upgraded to 10.04 after a clean install of 9.10 some months ago. When booting into GNOME, the desktop image flashes on the screen and the second the bars on top and bottom try to appear the system boots out of the desktop and returns to the log on screen. I assume this is a crash of Xserver, but just guessing. Per another page I ran: lspci | grep VGAand returned:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)

I know - old machine Typing this from failsafe mode, would be great to hear from someone as to what I can do to get this working in normal mode again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Ad Hoc Windows XP ICS - Ping The Desktop Doesn't Work

Feb 8, 2010

how to go about getting Ubuntu to receive an ad-hoc wireless ICS enabled connection. The internet connection is shared through a virtual machine running XP (with the USB wireless dongle under XP's control), on my desktop PC, in order to escape my ISP's no NAT policy. Ubuntu is on both the desktop PC (the sender), and the laptop (the receiver). The desktop and laptop also run windows 7. I managed to get my laptop Ubuntu to connect to my virtual machine XP, by setting the IP, subnet and gateway of all wireless devices, as was suggested in [URL] - I did use the Network Manager GUI, but pinging the desktop doesn't work.

Even with the IP configuration, Windows 7 on the laptop receives the internet fine. The next step is getting Ubuntu to receive. I can do any kind of configuration in a virtual machine, such as install Ubuntu. In virtual machine XP I used with subnet and gateway On the laptop Ubuntu same everything else. I understand nothing about networks. I know there is stuff I can do in the console, but how will Network Manager cope with me doing that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Manual Route For VPNs - Doesn't Work But Ping

Mar 24, 2010

I use my computer as a gateway to the internet for the rest of the house which is split into two LANs. I also have VPN's linking the office side of the LAN to a remote site. All of the PC's other than mine that should have access to the VPN works, but my PC doesnt and I firmly believe this is because I need to add a static route. ping doesnt work but ping -I eth2 does. is the remote router on the other side of the VPN. I've tried this route:

Code: route add -net netmask gw dev eth2 is my computer... the gateway for the rest of the house/office. My computer has a quad NIC, only 3 ports are used. WAN, LAN1 and LAN2. Aside from this routing issue, I have everything working perfectly.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Nmblookup Resolves But Cannot Ping Netbios Names Or Ping FQDN

Feb 23, 2011

This applies to my 2 opensuse PC's, my Windows PC is fine.I can ping a hostname, say "PC1" but I can not ping PC1.domain.local (even the host PC can not ping it's own FQDN). When I ping just the hostname the ping stats even list the FQDN.Onto the next issue, since all my PC's, have the domain prefix domain.local, my Synology can not. I can ping it's IP and that is it. I can resolve it's name with nmblookup just fine tho and that is what is killing me. How is this not resolving.Even weirder, I can browse to "Synology" in Network Servers under places on the slab.

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General :: Ping - Gives Unknown Host Error - Ping To LAN Address Works Fine

May 13, 2011

Even ping google's ip address doesn't work. unknown host error using backtrack4 able to browse net with these settings.

My network settings:

What's the problem with these settings...

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Networking :: Debian 5 - After SysCp Installation And Configure Ping Valure - Ping - Unknown Host

Jul 9, 2010

Ive got a problem on my server ....installed Debian 5 , Webmin and than syscp settung up syscp ready ....

I try to ping "localhost" ansver ping: unknown host
I try to ping "localhost." there is a host with IP

I need it to change it in "localhost"

Is that the bind9 maybe?

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Networking :: DNS Lookup Doesn't Work, Ping, Firefox Will Not Work Properly?

Apr 23, 2009

I have this annoying problem since day one.I am testing out Red Hat RHEL5, everything is fine except DNS look up.If I ping, it doesn't work, ping ip address it all works;if I bring up browser, put it doesn't work, can't find the name, however, simply put ip address there it works.My DNS seeting seems ok, and the DNS works from Windows box.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Ping Over Wireless But Can Ping Over Wired?

Jul 24, 2010

I have two machines on this network, one running Ubuntu and the other running Fedora.

When I'm using the Wireless network on the Ubuntu machine, I cannot ping the Fedora machine. Everything else works. I can browse the net fine.

If I switch over to the Wired Network then I can ping the other machine.

I don't understand why ping doesn't work only over the Wireless. I can ping the router so I'm guessing it's getting blocked by the router but I didn't block ICMP traffic.

I tried asking on IRC and they ran out of ideas too to find out where the problem is.

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Debian Configuration :: Can Ping Public Ip But Cannot Ping Domain Name

Apr 6, 2011

I have a debian server installed with a static ip. Now i am able to ping my ip, but when i try to configure a domain name with the nameserver as my ip, i am not able to ping the domain name


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Ubuntu Servers :: Ip Ping Is Continuous, Dns Ping Is Discontinuous?

Aug 5, 2010

When i ping, i get something like:Quote:

(wait 20 seconds)
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl:53 time=80 ms


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Networking :: BIND9 SLOW Ping When Ping By Hostname

Feb 1, 2011

I just installed my first EVER bind DNS server. I am running bind9 on Ubuntu 10.04. Everything seems to be working great except one thing: If I ping a host that I have set up in bind by its HOSTNAME the pings take 5-6 seconds to reply/print to the screen between each echo response. If I ping by the host's IP address, they echo back very quickly.

I have read that IPv6 can cause this, but I have disabled it in /etc/sysctl.conf and the problem still exists.

I know everyone says this can't be a DNS issue, but this never was an issue with dnsmasq (which i was using prior), and it doesn't make sense that the ping are ONLY slow when pinging by hostname and not IP.

Configs below:

Ping by hostname - there is a 5-6 second delay between each one of the responses:


Ping by IP - the responses come VERY quickly one after the other:






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Networking :: Can't Ping Past Gateway / Can Ping Server From Outside

Apr 29, 2010

So, I have an Virtual Machine running CentOS 5.4. It sits behind a hardware firewall which also does NAT'ing. I've set up plenty of these, so I know for sure the firewall and NAT rules are set up correctly. From the host, I can ping anything in my subnet and the gateway. But I can't ping anything else beyond the gateway. I can perform DNS queries and when I try to ping, it finds the appropriate IP address.But from the outside, I can ping the PUBLIC address (It's a 1 public to 1 private address NAT, not 1 public to multiple private). I've tried it with IPTABLES on and off, with no change.

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Networking :: Ping Connection To Router OK But No Ping Between Boxes In LAN

May 26, 2010

I have Mandriva One 2009.0 ( on one box and Mandriva Free 2010.0 ( on the other. I can ping router ( from both of these boxes but I can't ping one box to the other and the other way around. What's going on?.

Do I have to change some settings in router?. Or is it firewall issue on those two machines?. Both of these boxes are connected by cable. Symbol of the router: TL-WR340G.

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Fedora Networking :: Xp Can Ping 10 - But Can't Ping Xp

May 21, 2009

I have connected xp and fedora through crossover cable . xp has ip address (manually assigned) fedora has with default route equal to

I can ping fedora from xp computer but i can't able to ping xp from fedora computer.

I have manully edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file with correct subnet mask and ip address because when i tried to give ip address manully in network manager the subnetmask is replaced with gateway address don't know why.

Now i want to share internet through crossover cable . xp is connected to internet through wireless usb adapeter.

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Fedora :: VLC Doesn't Disable Gnome Screensaver?

Jun 6, 2010

I had this problem also in F12, now in F13. Is there a fix for this? It's kind of annoying.

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Fedora :: Gnome 3 Doesn't Start No Login

Jul 30, 2011

When I boot my Fedora 15 installation it shows me the blue screen with progress indicator, however I do not reach the login screen.Instead I see the textual shell where the last item is:Started Display Manager.It looks like my monitors are not detected anymore. I have been working with them though (this appeared after a restart). I am not sure how I determined it but I read in some log that no display was detected. Nothing changed to the hardware set up however.I see some suggestions to run system-config-display as root.However this command can not be found nor can it be found when I run yum install system-config-display.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Shell Doesn't Work?

May 30, 2010

i tried gnome shell from the software center, but it has some graphics issues. Is it my graphics driver?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome Doesn't Seem To Be As Configurable As KDE

Oct 6, 2010

KDE 4 has prompted me to try Gnome -- and I like what I see. It's beautiful, clean, and use-oriented. I especially like Nautilus and the system monitor and the terminal program and simple but helpful features like the F10 menu key. It's inspired software!But nothing's perfect. For one thing, Gnome doesn't seem to be as configurable as KDE. I tried to change the maximize keystroke to Ctrl-Alt-M, to no avail. I'd also like to change F10, since that conflicts with the mc (Midnight Commander) exit key, but I don't know how to do it.

The black screen at startup has recurred.This time, I wads not able to get out by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 and restarting gdm from the root: Ctrl-Alt-F1 had no effect.I had to reboot.The problem occurred after gnome flashed and then blanked a login screen.I thought the lack of a login might be the cause, so I added another user and used YaST to ask that the login panel be shown.Well, gnome still isn't giving me a chance to login, but at least the black screen problem has disappeared for now, at least.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work In KDE / But Does In Gnome

Sep 4, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.4 Running in Virtual Box 3.2.8 on Windows 7.I have managed to get Compiz to work for gnome, and upon installing the KDE packages for Ubuntu 10.4 compiz does not work in KDE, but does in Gnome.How do I fix this?Also if I update to 10.10 Beta, will the update manager tell me when the next beta, rc or even full version is released?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Desktop On 10.04+ Doesn't Complete?

May 24, 2011

I had 11.04 installed, and I was having a weird problem when going into the Classic Gnome desktop, since I don't like the new Unity desktop. The problem I was having was that Gnome would start, but it wouldn't complete. Only one panel would come up, but not the main panel where all of the main controls are. I wasn't having any problems getting into Unity, but of course I don't like using it. So I tried a hail-mary and reinstalled to an older version of Ubuntu. I went all of the way back to 9.04, since that also includes the Grub-legacy as the default. I then upgraded through the stages from 9.04 to 9.10, and then got to 10.04. Once I got into 10.04, I had the same problem that I was having while using Gnome under 11.04, which is that the desktop didn't complete coming up. It seems to happen only in one user account (mine), but it's not happening in another user account (wife's). But I'm the sys admin, so I need to get my desktop working more than she does!

I'm wondering if after upgrading to 11.04 and Unity, it left something nasty behind in the my local configuration. I use a separate /home filesystem, so it remains intact after any system reinstall. I can't get even get the "Failsafe Gnome" option to work. The only thing that seems to work is a simple old Xterm.

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Software :: Gnome Sound Preferences Doesn't See Mic

May 9, 2011

Something broke recently on my Fedora 14 system. Up until several weeks ago, the mic worked fine, but now it is no longer recognized.

That is to say, if I tap on the mic, sound comes out of the speakers, so the hardware is working, but it doesn't work under Skupe nor does it show up as an input device under Gnome.

Thinking something may have broke in a recent kernel, I went back to an earlier, but the problem remains (now running, but I have the following installed).

how to get Skype and Gnome to see my mic again?

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3784000 Dec 20 22:19 vmlinuz-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3783872 Dec 23 17:10 vmlinuz-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3785120 Feb 7 08:21 vmlinuz-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3789088 Mar 31 23:27 vmlinuz-


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Debian Multimedia :: Use The "ping -a" Command For Getting An Audible Ping

Jul 8, 2011

I try to use the "ping -a" command for getting an audible ping. But there is just silence The command "beep" works fine, so everything should be ok with the speaker (in the konsole).

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Networking :: Ping Using PHP Exec("ping -n 1 $ip",$output[],$retval)?

Apr 23, 2010

I try to ping with php : exec("ping -n 1 $ip",$output[],$retval); it works fine in window. but in linux i got this error : ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted are there any ways to solve this ?

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Debian :: Gnome Update Manager Doesn't Work?

May 25, 2010

I've installed the GNOME Update Manager (0.68-debian.7) from the official Debian package archive. However, after checking for new packages and clicking "Install the updates", the update manager asks for rights and then just checks for new updates again. Selecting different packages didn't help either, it just checks for updates again and doesn't update anything. Has anyone experienced the same problem

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Debian :: Gnome 3 Search Doesn't Find DropBox

Mar 6, 2016

The searchfunction in Gnome 3 does not find the files in my DropBox. When searching it does find the DropBox folder, but not the files contained in them.

Dropbox folder is placed in /home/myusr/

All other subcontent folders in the home directory does show up in gnome search,

Went through Google and DuckDuckGo but was unble to find out how to manually change the places that the searchfunction indexes.

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Fedora :: Gnome-terminal Doesn't Recognize Root Pw?

Oct 16, 2009

I have been using Fedora 11 for some time and I ran into a major problem today. I had installed some packages by yum (especially bacula-related) and erased them. Now I can't use gnome-terminal as root. Quote:

[webman@localhost ~]$ su -
su: incorrect password

The password is correct, but it is not accepted as such.

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