Software :: Configuring Monit For The System?

Jan 28, 2011

I was trying to configure monit for my system.These all are the commands i used to configure:

1). set httpd port to 2812 it worked..

2). ssl enable it gives command not found...

i am unable to locate the problem.....

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Ubuntu :: Monit With A Pid But Without The Process?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a process that runs without creating a PID. I know how to use pidof... So I use it to create a pidfile containing the process number. The thing is that monit checks that the file exist... That works fine... But when I kill the process manually... leaving the pidfile, monit doesn't see this... And the process doesn't restart. The process is flashplayer... running an swf in full screen.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Using Monit For Services With No Pid?

Sep 8, 2010

It would seem MySQL and VSFTP no longer create pid files and monit requires a pid file to work. Is there any way to force MySQLD and VSFTPD to use pid files or am I out of luck?

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CentOS 5 :: Should Use Monit Or Mon To Monitor A .pl File

Dec 27, 2010

I have a perl program that I need to an eye on so it run 24/7 and restarts if it stops at any time. I have Webmin installed and I am looking into Mon but it seems it only monitors services like "httpd" and "smtp" rather than a file which runs. Actually the file creates a pid.log in /var/log/ which has the PID number in it.

Since Monit doesn't come on webmin I am not sure what I need to put in it's config file to monitor my

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup And Run Monit To Monitor An Apache2 Webserver?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to set up and run Monit to monitor an Apache2 webserver, I want to be able to ensure Apache is running and if it's not have it restarted with an email alert sent out.

The monitrc (edited for relevance) looks like:

check system *server name*
if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert
if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert


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Server :: When Cron Is Running, Monit Loses Its Connection To Postfix?

Mar 18, 2011

I've run into a strange problem on one of the servers I maintain. It's running CentOS 5, fully up to date. The server has Monit installed via RPMforge, and runs Postfix as its MTA. Every day at about 4:20am, when cron is running, Monit loses its connection to Postfix. As far as I can tell, nothing is actually going wrong with Postfix and it's always restarted just fine. I run a couple of Debian servers with very similar setups, and the problem does not occur on them.

Perhaps related, other daemons on the CentOS box often lose their pid files at the time when cron runs, which results in Monit thinking they're not running. One service in particular (zarafa-dagent) is so bad for this that I've had to completely disable monitoring of it in Monit. Again, this problem doesn't occur on the Debian boxes I maintain.The problem isn't hugely urgent as everything still runs fine, but it does mean that pretty much every day I get false positive mail alerts from Monit, which is (a) annoying and (b) makes me more likely to miss a real alert.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Configuring Fonts In Non X-Window System?

Feb 10, 2009

Am using Icefaces1.7.2 in tomcat5.5.23 in Centos5( jdk 1.6.06 and jre 6u11 and no X window system in my server ).. Am getting the error(java.lang.Error: Probable fatal error: No fonts found) when am using the functions getFontMetrics() and drawString() methods in my Captcha Image Generation programs. I am only using the fonts that me retrieved using ge.getAllFonts() ( i.e., the fonts available in the system ).

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Red Hat :: Configuring Zones In 5 And 6

Mar 22, 2011

In locating me a good document for configuring zones in Redhat 5 and RHEL 6

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Fedora :: Configuring Cron Job

Apr 21, 2010

I create a shell file with different commands . I am able to execute it manually . Now I want to schedule this file hourly . For this where I place this file and where I configure for time .

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Fedora :: Configuring ALSA On 13 KDE?

Aug 24, 2010

where to customize the modules thing? I've always used Ubuntu and there was an asoundconf file where I could change these settings.Haven't been able to find the same sort of thing on Fedora. A lot of people say I should either edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file which is now deprecated and does not exist on my computer, or edit some alsa file under /etc/modprobe.d/ which i don't have either.I've installed all of the alsa packages through yum.

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Fedora Hardware :: Configuring The KVM In 14?

Jan 26, 2011

I am using Fedora 14 x86_64 (KDE 4.5.5) OS on my home desktop. I tried installing KVM (default virtual machine available in the anaconda installer). I find the performance of virtual machine too slow. For instance - installation of windows XP 32 bit took around 4 hours to complete and booting windows xp takes somewhere around 3 minutes. PCBSD installation took around 14 hours and booting PCBSD is taking around 5 minutes. The base operating system i.e.Fedora is blazingly fast. After spending some time in google search , I found few posts saying such sluggishness could be due to not enabling virtualization option in BIOS. I searched my BIOS menu, my level best, but could not find any such option available.I use intel E7400 core 2 duo processor with 4 GB DDR2 RAM. I use nvidia GEForce 7100/nForce 630i/PCI mother board and graphics card. I have installed nvidia proprietary video drivers from rpmfusion. Following is the output from hardware lister (lshw) for the CPU -

product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz
vendor: Intel Corp.


I also tried visiting the BIOS manufacturers website, and found that there are no firmware upgrades available. So I wanted to know is there any way I can speed up my virtualisation or should try some other solution like virtualbox etc.

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Ubuntu :: Configuring First Boot OS?

Jan 28, 2010

I installed Ubuntu a few months ago on my Dell inspiron 1318. All works really well, however my only only problem with the setup is the boot selection screen. Is there a way to put Vindoz in the first spot instead of Ubuntu? I use them about 50-50 of the time but would still prefer windows as default because my wife uses that with her accounting software and she goes nuts when she turns it on and it goes to Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Configuring The 'windows' Key?

Feb 8, 2010

my windows key on the keyboard is lying idle. can i do something about it? erm...use it to open the GNOME menu?

how to do it, i mean implement the shortcut.

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Networking :: Configuring With Two HW Interfaces?

Oct 16, 2010

I have two interfaces, gprs0 and gprs1, both connected to the Internet from the same HW device, but through two different access points I just read another blog entry with a guy who had two network cards, using one as a back up - I guess this is a little similar, but should be much easier I am guessing - I am just lost Using ifconfig (IP address given by the network) and route to setup the connection,

ifconfig gprs0 up
route add default dev gprs0
ping works fine


There is data being transmitted and received to device again, I guess the kernel just doesn't know where the incoming data should go without the correct routing tables? Or what exactly is going on?The question I have is how do I configure the device to do the correct routing, using only the ifconfig and route commands? Maybe too trivial for you guys, but I am getting tired of goofing around not knowing what is up and down anymore

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Configuring Squid On 13

Jul 14, 2010

I was trying to configure squid 3.1 on fedora linux 13. It's working perfectly fine from the local host but unable to browse from local network even after configuring acl for local network.

Connectivity diagram is given below

Local Network (windowsXP clients) --> Squid Server --> Firewall--> Internet
( (

Linux server has only one network card which is configured with internal IP. Configured client browser with proxy address ( and port 312.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Configuring The Firefox On 13?

Jul 14, 2010

I have managed to install java, flash and acrobat plugins but haven't been able to make Firefox play wmv, wmp files. I am following instructions from website and when I search for test player on google at the webpage PluginDoc: Windows Media Player Plugin Test Player (XP/Vista) and it doesn't work.

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Fedora :: Configuring Nfs Automount ?

Jun 15, 2010

In configuring nfs automount. following must be in consideration. command and tools for NFS automount?changes in configuration file.

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General :: Configuring Yum In Suse 10?

Mar 29, 2010

give the instructions to install and configure yum in SUSE 10. Is it necessary to install yum from CD and then do all the required configurations or ..we cant straight away download yum from internet and configure it....Many links are broken...i am not able to find the exact download path

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Networking :: Configuring DNS On Redhat 5?

Oct 21, 2010

I have been trying to configure DNS using "bind", however i dont have a named.conf file in the vars and etc

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General :: Configuring Cgi On Ubuntu

Feb 1, 2010

when i try to copy this script to the cgi folder, i get an error

casper@casper-laptop:~$ cp /home/casper/hello.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/cgi-bin/hello.cgi': Permission denied
# -- my first perl script!
print "Content-type: text/html
print <<"EOF";


i am running apache on ubuntu ibex - is there something that i have to setup to run cgi scripts on ubuntu? it runs ok from the command line - but i want to open it up in a web browser.

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General :: Configuring Lan In Ubuntu?

Oct 12, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10on a Compaq via USB. Everything works fine except NO INTERNET. Even a simple LAN connection is not rcognized. What needs to be done?

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General :: Configuring SVN With Ldap?

Aug 13, 2010

in configuring SVN with LDAP authentication on Ubuntu 9.10.

I am using SVN 1.6.5 on Ubuntu 1.6.5 both are working fine but I want to implement Ldap on the same server

other Details Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit, Svn 1.6.5 with apache2 and windows 2003/2008 32-bit

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Server :: FTP Configuring With Windows

Aug 2, 2011

I have created a FTP server on CentOS then i stop the anonymous..

User A and password
User B and password
Client 1: ( Windows 7 )

ftp permanent setup from should able access User A and User B home diretories from Client 1 both the folders should be it possible ?but i tried it is showing both folders same contents.

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Software :: Configuring Rsh On Ubuntu?

Aug 11, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04. I installed inetutils-inetd,rsh-server & rsh-client. Created user "user1".disabled firewall using the command $ sudo ufw disable

$ su user1
$ cd ~
$ vi .rhosts
Entered ip address of another host and saved
$ chmod 600 .rhosts


When I issued 'tail -f /var/log/messages', I got no messages. do I have to disable any other services to do this work.

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Software :: GUI For Configuring SVN Server?

Jun 11, 2011

I would like to install a subversion server on my Mandriva system, and I was wondering if there are any configuration GUIs out there to help me set it up. Does anyone know of anything out there for this purpose? I found a beta version of a Webmin module that is supposed to provide SVN configuration capabilities, but I can't get it to work (module located here).

Note that I'm not looking for a GUI SVN client like TortoiseSVN, kdesvn, RabbitVCS, RapidSVN, etc. I plan on using such a client to checkout and commit things to the server, but first I need to set up and configure it.

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Ubuntu :: Configuring Keyboard - 10.10

Apr 10, 2011

I've just been given a Microsoft Wireless Media Desktop 1000 keyboard and I'm trying to configure it for ubuntu. Unfortunately I can't find any preinstalled keyboard layouts that work and can't find any software that assists in such a task.

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CentOS 5 :: Configuring Syslog-ng 3.0.3 With 5.3

Oct 5, 2009

I installed syslog-ng-3.0.3-1.rhel5.i386.rpm and at first blush it appears to be working fine to /var/log/messages. However it doesn't seem to be doing any other ancillary logging as defined in syslog-ng.conf (I've had to mod /etc/init.d/syslog-ng to look in /etc). e.g.

destination d_auth { file("/var/log/secure"); };
filter f_filter3 { facility(authpriv); };
log { source(s_sys); filter(f_filter3); destination(d_auth); };

I'm using a syslog-ng.conf which has served me well in the past (v1.6.9 on fedora).

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CentOS 5 :: Configuring The Dns And Apache?

Aug 11, 2010

where i can learn configuring DNS and apache

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Debian :: Configuring Interfaces For Ethernet

Feb 27, 2016

I'm trying to connect my computer to an ethernet cable and having no luck, I looked up the problem and was told to put

Code: Select allauto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

But after a restart the computer I still did not have access to the internet (aslo, dhcp is enabled on my modem, I checked)...

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Debian :: Configuring X From Network Install?

Dec 1, 2010

This time I'm attempting to get Xorg up, and running. I've done a minimal Debian install from a network install disc. I used aptitude the install the following, with the dependencies configured automatically I assume:

- xorg
- openbox
- xserver-xorg-video-n (Where n is your graphics card family)

I've rebooted, and no X. I've typed in 'xstart', with no result. I've even typed in 'Xorg' at the CLI where it loads to a black screen, and hangs. I had to power off the PC by holding down the power button.Is there something I'm missing to configure/run it for the first time?

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