CentOS 5 Server :: Configuring Fonts In Non X-Window System?
Feb 10, 2009
Am using Icefaces1.7.2 in tomcat5.5.23 in Centos5( jdk 1.6.06 and jre 6u11 and no X window system in my server ).. Am getting the error(java.lang.Error: Probable fatal error: No fonts found) when am using the functions getFontMetrics() and drawString() methods in my Captcha Image Generation programs. I am only using the fonts that me retrieved using ge.getAllFonts() ( i.e., the fonts available in the system ).
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Aug 9, 2010
I'm having some difficulty to confgure the windows X manager...
I can't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf
I'm trying to do this in opensuse 11.1 and fedora 12
I tried to install in fedora yum install system-config-display but I think that isn't the best thing to do...
And can anyone tell me a distribution that use XFree 86.4.4.x?
Opense suse, Fedora and Ubuntu use X.org-X11 isn't it?
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Apr 19, 2010
installing `yum` in my VPS Centos 5.3 (Final release) I need `yum` because I want to install Japanese fonts in my sever. What is the command for installing Japanese fonts in my VPS Centos 5.3 server
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May 13, 2009
I've got a server with several different virtual hosts on them, e.g. host1.com, host2.com, host3.com.
Is there a way I can set up an email alias just for an individual domain?
e.g. I want to set up help@host2.com, but not to have help@host1.com or help@host3.com.
I can't see how to do this in the /etc/aliases file...
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Mar 31, 2011
configuring DHCP server with two NICs. I need DHCP server with 2 NICs:
eth1 -
eth2 -
The client also has two NICs and suppose to receive ip addresses eth1 from and eth2 from Here is the dhcpd.conf from dhcp server:
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;
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Jan 17, 2011
full steps of configuring mail server in CentOS 5.5.
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Nov 10, 2010
i have linux server application based on centos 5 that run httpd daemon from /usr/local/pf/conf/httpd.conf which is generated from the /usr/local/pf/conf/templates/httpd.conf.apache22 file
the problem is every time i run my linux server application i am not able to access phpmyadmin unless i stop my linux server application which is stop it httpd daemon then start "service httpd start"
i have been told by forum moderator to create an alias for my phpmyadmin in Virtual Host but it stil dont work, i am not able access my phpmyadmin site
this is what i have done to solve this problem
- open /usr/local/pf/conf/templates/httpd.conf.apache22 file then look for <VirtualHost *:%%admin_port%%>
- add Alias /phpmyadmin "/usr/share/phpmyadmin" (Failed)
- add Alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin (Failed)
- add Alias /phpmyadmin "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/" (Failed)
NB : my phpmyadmin is install on /usr/share/phpmyadmin with /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf as phpmyadmin configuration file
why i still cant open my phpmyadmin site ? or why i cant run phpmyadmin together with my linux server application because it use the same daemon (httpd daemon)
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Jan 25, 2011
I've got CentOS 5.4 without access to internet (install all from DVD).When I try ti run Eclipse via remote desktop I've got error:
Quote:(.:30196): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
(.:30196): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
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Feb 18, 2009
I seem to be having a strange problem configuring Piranha to load balance (Direct route) 2 ports across 2 w2k3 servers in a test environment. What is strange is that 1 of the ports are working fine but the other port doesn't work. I've read many how-to and after many frustrating hours I disabled the firewall, iptables and arptables services and one of the ports are load balanced across the 2 real servers. Here's the environment.
I can telnet from the client to the realserves on both ports and it's works. When I telnet to the VIP only one port gets through and the other gives me "could not open connection to host port 32777 : connect failed. The configuration in Piranha for one port is the same as the other. I can't help but think that some other configuration for port 32777 was missed.
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Jul 14, 2010
Recently i have installed centos 5.3 from a 'CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso' which was downloaded about an year ago.It was conflicting with my graphics card(Intel� Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 integrated graphics subsystem) from the very beginning as i was unable to install it in graphical mode.So i did a text based installation and selected the 'Gnome' mode.But whenever i type 'startx' or Ctrl-alt-F7 ,Linux is unable to open the x-window and show a huge error regarding its inability to detect monitor resolution or graphics card.My hardware's are Intel quad core 2.33Ghz processor,1.96 GB ram,Intel Dg41 rq motherboard and on-board graphics card(X4500).
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Jan 5, 2010
I am trying to get an X window server setup on my CentOS 5.3 server rack. I have gotten as far as to doing:
yum groupinstall "X Window Sever" "GNOME Desktop Environment"
EDIT-Forgot to mention that I did Xorg -configure before testing the config. Only errors I got were:
(EE) LoadModule: Module ati_r500 does not have a ati_r500ModuleData data object.
(EE) Failed to load module "ati_r500" (invalid module, 0)
Linuxquestions--I posted this over on the CentOS forums, which are not as booming. Then I remembered these forums for when I had my VPS way back when and you guys were pretty helpful, of course expected me to mostly do my own reading which I dont mind its just having a hard time understanding some of the things in what I was reading. I even believe I came here with this problem before but abandoned the issue because my VPS was not powerful enough or something of the sort, but this was many years ago also on CentOS using apt. Now using yum which I like much better.
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm a new user of Linux.Recently i have installed centos 5.3 from a 'CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso' which was downloaded about an year ago.It was conflicting with my graphics card(Intel� Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 integrated graphics subsystem) from the very beginning as i was unable to install it in graphical mode.So i did a text based installation and selected the 'Gnome' mode.But whenever i type 'startx' or Ctrl-alt-F7 ,Linux is unable to open the x-window and show a huge error regarding its inability to detect monitor resolution or graphics card.My hardware are Intel quad core 2.33Ghz processor,1.96 GB ram,Intel Dg41 rq motherboard and on-board graphics card(X4500).What should i do to operate Linux in graphical mode?Considering that I'm a beginner and everything i have to do is in the command mode,'detailed'.
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Apr 12, 2010
How to change the size of desktop/window fonts in Puppy Linux 4.1?
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Mar 2, 2010
1.) Where can I find the setting to change the size and color of the font used for inactive windows?
2.) Where can I change the size of fonts used in webpages? For example, look at the size of the font I see here at this website.
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May 30, 2011
Does anyone else know of a terminal emulator that scales the fonts automatically when a window is resized?
My eyesight is horrible but I want to use more terminal applications. I also use AwesomeWM for tiling, so windows resize frequently. Also on the short list are cut/paste by keyboard and good support for launching links.
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Sep 24, 2010
When I VNC into my CentOS server I am always met with the usual GUI and an annoying terminal window. If I try to close the terminal window it reappears immediately. I can only minimize it to the taskbar. Am I missing a simple setting to disable this?
Here is my xstartup file:
# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
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Jul 20, 2011
I now have Suse 11.4 and I don't like the default console window under kde.In 11.2, I was able to set the font size, line width and no. of lines, and then makethese changes permanent. I can't find anything now other than changingthe font size, and it's not permanent. The console window covers the whole screen,but I sometimes want to drag it smaller, which I can't seem to do now.
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May 23, 2010
This is a bit of an odd problem that's been happening to me recently. My home folder is a version of Fedora old, I've been using the same one between Fedora 11 and 12 (which I'm now using).
When booting up, I notice that my system fonts are not the ones I have manually set. They're the ugly version, whatever exact font it is. It's only when I select System->Appearances from the menu that the system seems to detect my seletions to use Liberation fonts in all areas, and then everything instantly switches to the more visually pleasing Liberation fonts. This is a strange bug, I was wondering if anyone has experienced this or can point me in the right direction?
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm trying to configure SNMP service to send traps to SNMP server. I've installed net-snmp-utils, now I need to configure the "snmpd.conf" file...
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May 19, 2010
I have followed to the letter the wiki HowTo on setting up VNC and it works (sort of). I get a VNC session (doesn't matter whether I connect locally, over ssh, or using a vnc client), but all I get is the dreaded black screen with an xterm top left. If I then execute 'startkde' from within the xterm I get my normal desktop up. What I am however getting, is a new desktop session. And this happens each time I start a vnc session. I.e. I end up with a LOT of user sessions for my username. (As shown up by a 'users' cmd.) Consequently, each new time I start a vnc session, I get <x> (representing the previous nr of vnc logins) number of xterm windows + 1 appearing. I never get the logged on session.
However I've also noticed my .xsession-errors file filling up. I've googled around enough to get the impression that the reason I'm not getting the logged-on session up in vnc is due to a missing window manager. but haven't hit on the right google combo to fix the issue. I can believe there being a missing window manager due the following related story;About a year ago, I went to switch from KDE to Gnome. Decided I didn't want to and then set out to switch back to KDE. Each time I installed/uninstalled via the GUI "Add/Remove Software". Eventually I got back to KDE and it appeared to work since, so I left well enough alone.t is only now attempting to set up VNC, I have come across all these issues. I firmly believe VNC will work as expected if I can resove the apparent missing window manage issue.xstartup
# Ensures an xterm is always available
( while true ; do xterm ; done ) &
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Jun 9, 2010
I've created a brand new CentOS 5.4 (Final) 64bit machine AMI on Amazon EC2. This was based off an existing image. I was able to follow the wiki to add NX server. I am using WIN XP desktop for NX client.
I can connect to the EC2 machine and get the GNOME desktop fine. I see the usual CentOS desktop and poke around.
I expected to open the Terminal window and get a shell prompt to su into root user (I need to be root to install some software that needs GUI). I do not want to install this from my plain SSH connection to EC2 (hence the NX server etc.).
When I open the Terminal window, all I get is the NX>105 prompt. I need to get to a shell prompt so I can su into root. For life of me, I cannot get around this prompt (I looked at NX documentation too). Note that this is a prompt NOT on client but on the remote machine. I do not need this as I'm already authenticated and logged in to remote GNOME desktop.
Obviously the TERMINAL is running some NX start up script (I've no idea which one). If there is some other way to sudo into root?
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Mar 30, 2011
I have some trouble with my hp workstation xw4400 with an ATI FireGL 3300 and the X-Server. There was no problem with the graphical install routine and the graphical boot works fine. But when the system changes into the login-screen, then it results in a black screen and a more or less frozen system.
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Apr 17, 2011
After doing an update a couple of days ago (had previously upgraded to 5.6), the font size in firefox (file forward reload, etc), terminal and the panel (using xfce) are significately smaller. Searching the web, mail lists and the forums have not resulted in finding anyone else with this problem. I did notice that glibc has a bug that is currently being worked on at Redhat but it is unclear if the font problem I am seeing is related. Note also, that the initial upgrade to Centos 5.6 was successful.
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Aug 8, 2011
My system boots, I login and am brought to my desktop. I click on the file system icon in the launcher to open a Nautilus window. The window opens, but is unresponsive (i.e., I can't move it, clicking on the icons does nothing, etc.). If I press the super key to get the dash and the press escape, the window becomes responsive again, just like normal.
If I open a folder in the window, the window becomes halfway unresponsive in that I can't move the window, but I can select more folders and toolbar icons. The top menu no longer appears at this point, and I can't access any of the system icons on the top right of the screen. Alt-F4 closes the window even if the close button doesn't work.As another example, suppose I open a Nautilus window and then a Chromium window. Both are immediately unresponsive. If I super-esc again, I can move the Chromium window around, and it seems to work normally. I can click on the Nautilus window, but it always stays greyed out. Even if I'm clicking on things in it, the Chromium window always has focus.
I had a similar experience to this with VLC and Chromium. After clicking around enough I eventually got it to the point where VLC apparently always had focus, but I couldn't access any of VLC's controls. Double clicking anywhere on the screen fullscreened the video, and that's all I could really do. Not even escape worked to bring it back.I can usually press super to get the dash and Alt-F2 to get a command prompt. Also Alt-Shift-T seems to usually work to bring up a working Terminal (at least one that accepts commands, even if I can't move the window).Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? The behavior is highly unpredictable and extremely frustrating. I should note that key commands don't always work, even though they seem to in my examples. So I don't think it's just a mouse issue.
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May 2, 2009
I'm trying to host a dedicated game server for a game called garry's mod. I have to use wine *PUKE*, because the developer of the game doesn't think linux is that great, so I don't have binaries to get the server running.
I got wine installed just fine with no errors. I have vnc installed and running, and able to make connections. (nothing but a never ending black hole of darkness) This leads me to the issue. I tried to launch the installation of Steam to get the garrys mod server running, and this is the out put, and you can see my actions that I took to see if I could get things rolling, unfortunitly, I have encountered an error that I just don't know how to solve.
~:/home/revnev/gm10# wine hldsupdatetool.exe Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.~:/home/revnev/gm10# yum groupinstall "X Window System"Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
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Jul 9, 2009
Just wondering if there is an un-install for the gui. I intalled it like this:yum groupinstall "X Window System"
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a weird performance issue with a centos 5 running a nfs server and a rh8 client. I think the fact that it is rh8 client should be downplayed. It is just that with rh8 client the performance degradation seems more clear. See test details below OS in server is Centos 5 x86_64 kernel 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5
1Gb connection between machines File to test over NFS is a 1GB file. First of all I wanted to measure how the network alone performs while using NFS. So in the server side I run a "cat" command on the 1GB file to /dev/null. Please note that the disk read speed is about 98MBs. At this point the file system has the 1GB file cached in memory. In the client side a "cat" on the same file gives me a speed of about 113MBs. It seems then that the bottleneck in this instance is the network and it is very close to nominal speed. So the network performance is really good. (BTW I know that the server got that file from cache because a vmstat or iostat shows no disk activity.)
The second test is reading from disk with no caching involve. In the server I flushed the 1GB file from the memory. For instance by reading another 5GB file and I repeat the same thing as above in the client (a cat on the 1GB file). Now, the server has to go to disk.(vmstat or iostat shows the disk activity). However the performance, now, is about 20MBs, I was expecting something closer so 90MBs. (since the reading speed in the server in the first test showed 98MBs).
This second test was repeated for ext2, ext3, xfs with no significant differences. A similar test using a RH8 NFS server and client gets me close to 60MBs for a 1GB file not cache by the file system in the serverSince network speeds and disk read speeds are not the bottlenecks ... what or where is the limiting factor then?
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Aug 10, 2010
I run a webserver with centos 5 and like to change hardware. I run a 1u supermicro 6014t server with 4 *500gb raid 6 and like to downgrade to a smaler but more efficient server. The problem is this. I'dd like to transfer all the content and the whole OS to the new system, but how do I do that
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Jul 14, 2011
No setting in KDE to configure fonts to bold,as Gnome have that feature. Bold font looks clear especially outdoor. I'm using Droid sans fallback.
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Nov 29, 2009
How can I add more fonts to my Linux distro .
I have Ubuntu 9.04
mor fonts to Open Office
can I use the fonts that comes with windows XP?
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