CentOS 5 :: Should Use Monit Or Mon To Monitor A .pl File

Dec 27, 2010

I have a perl program that I need to an eye on so it run 24/7 and restarts if it stops at any time. I have Webmin installed and I am looking into Mon but it seems it only monitors services like "httpd" and "smtp" rather than a file.pl file which runs. Actually the file creates a pid.log in /var/log/ which has the PID number in it.

Since Monit doesn't come on webmin I am not sure what I need to put in it's config file to monitor my file.pl.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup And Run Monit To Monitor An Apache2 Webserver?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to set up and run Monit to monitor an Apache2 webserver, I want to be able to ensure Apache is running and if it's not have it restarted with an email alert sent out.

The monitrc (edited for relevance) looks like:

check system *server name*
if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert
if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert


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Ubuntu :: Monit With A Pid But Without The Process?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a process that runs without creating a PID. I know how to use pidof... So I use it to create a pidfile containing the process number. The thing is that monit checks that the file exist... That works fine... But when I kill the process manually... leaving the pidfile, monit doesn't see this... And the process doesn't restart. The process is flashplayer... running an swf in full screen.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Using Monit For Services With No Pid?

Sep 8, 2010

It would seem MySQL and VSFTP no longer create pid files and monit requires a pid file to work. Is there any way to force MySQLD and VSFTPD to use pid files or am I out of luck?

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Software :: Configuring Monit For The System?

Jan 28, 2011

I was trying to configure monit for my system.These all are the commands i used to configure:

1). set httpd port to 2812 it worked..

2). ssl enable it gives command not found...

i am unable to locate the problem.....

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Server :: When Cron Is Running, Monit Loses Its Connection To Postfix?

Mar 18, 2011

I've run into a strange problem on one of the servers I maintain. It's running CentOS 5, fully up to date. The server has Monit installed via RPMforge, and runs Postfix as its MTA. Every day at about 4:20am, when cron is running, Monit loses its connection to Postfix. As far as I can tell, nothing is actually going wrong with Postfix and it's always restarted just fine. I run a couple of Debian servers with very similar setups, and the problem does not occur on them.

Perhaps related, other daemons on the CentOS box often lose their pid files at the time when cron runs, which results in Monit thinking they're not running. One service in particular (zarafa-dagent) is so bad for this that I've had to completely disable monitoring of it in Monit. Again, this problem doesn't occur on the Debian boxes I maintain.The problem isn't hugely urgent as everything still runs fine, but it does mean that pretty much every day I get false positive mail alerts from Monit, which is (a) annoying and (b) makes me more likely to miss a real alert.

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CentOS 5 Server :: View/monitor What A User Is Typing In Other Terminals In Centos?

Mar 11, 2010

how can i view/monitor what a user is typing in other terminals in centos?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Monitor A Tty Using Another Tty

Mar 11, 2009

Is there any way I can monitor what is happening inside one tty using my current tty, like we have 'portmir' command in AIX. I think there will be definitely one in Linux.

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General :: Setting Up A Second Monitor In Centos?

Nov 16, 2010

I have CentOS installed on my laptop. I hooked up my TV via VGA and it works, just not as I'd like it to. The left side (on the tv) is cut off, like the image is justified too far left. I want it to be centered, but I also want to use a different resolution. You see, I use a netbook, and thus my laptop screen is tiny, meaning some things cant fit in the same window without scrolling. I want my TV to fix that for me.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Can't Get Second Monitor To Work

Jan 11, 2009

Two days ago I switch from Arch Linux to CentOS. Everything is working as it should; except that I can't get my second monitor to work. I use two monitors (VGA: LG-W2241S, DVI: ACER-AL1906) connected to one video card (GeForce 7300 SE).


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Lockd: Cannot Monitor

Jan 7, 2010

i am using nfs on my network with server ip (the exporting server)

and i am mount nfs partition in /etc/fstab and when i login into console using the
alt ctrl FX

i continously get the following error

lockd: cannot monitor

moreover the mount is somewhat irregular on host systems as i am mounting home directories on all the systems on network and authentication using NIS, when i try to open firefox in console it continusly gives this error and firefox doesn't open and then after a reboot again of the client workstation firefox opens

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CentOS 5 :: How To Monitor Email Accounts

Feb 8, 2010

we have a small company sharing 1 email account. How can we monitor the activities in the email account like who's reading the messages etc.

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Software :: Monitor Mysql 5.0.77 With Nagios 3.2.1 Under CentOS 5.4?

Apr 7, 2010

Trying to monitor mysql 5.0.77 with nagios 3.2.1 under CentOS 5.4. Everything with nagios has been running without a hitch for me, however, when I added the following to /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg to try to monitor mysql, I get an error that reads "Running configuration check... CONFIG ERROR! Restart aborted. Check your Nagios configuration."

define service{
use local-service
host_name localhost
service_description MYSQL
check_command check_mysql
notifications_enabled 1

This is pretty much what I added to monitor other things on the server such as ftp and smtp, just switched out check_smtp with check_mysql, etc.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Getting Extended Resolutions On Monitor?

Aug 7, 2009

I am somewhat new to CentOS, but I have read a lot of web pages and tried a good number of things trying to solve my own problem. I have made it worse a few times, but never better. I have an envision 1440x900 LCD monitor and a S3 Savage video chip on the motherboard. In System->Administration->Display->Hardware I am using generic LCD Panel 1440x900 and the video card is listed as "S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage KM266/KL266]. I believe both of these to be correct. I have added the mode to my xorg.conf

The problem is, under System->Preferences->Screen Resolution, the mode 1440x900 does not appear. The highest resolution is 1280x768. Does the S3 Savage just not have the ability to produce 1440x900?


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CentOS 5 :: The Dissociation Of The Monitor - The Keyboard And The Mouse

Nov 9, 2009

I installed Centos 5.3 x86_64 and jumped out to me the problem with which I cannot manage.
After about 10 minutes from the start of the system becomes detached to me the monitor, the keyboard and the mouse.Itself system in himself works and I have a possibility to connect myself across ssh or else mappings of disks.

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CentOS 5 :: Recommended Apps To Monitor Temperatures?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm running CentOS 5.4 on an Atom-based motherboard with a quiet, low-power PSU. As the only fan left is a 40mm fan to cool the Intel 945GC chip, I'd like to run a utility to monitor the 945GC and HD temperatures. Ideally, it should be able to run the 945GC fan faster when it's needed.

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Get Proper Monitor Resolution To Display?

Jan 7, 2010

I am having video issue with ubuntu 9.10 and centos 5.4 cannot get resolution higher than 800x600 on Viewsonic vg930m monitor...The first time I installed ubuntu 9.10 worked great, since then no better than 800x600 on both linux distros. Any ideas it is very annoying, like using web browser on a small tablet pc....This monitor works great with opensolaris, though.

Using both distros in virtualbox right now but even if not virtualized install on hard drive I cannot get higher than 800x600...Driving me nuts.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Monitor Hardware Raid On DellR710

Apr 8, 2010

I alrady set up centos5.4 on Dell R710 , My server set Raid5 ( 3 HDD ) . But I don't know how to monitor raid status.Centos have software for monitor hardware raid?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: New Monitor; Can't Choose New Resolution?

Dec 5, 2010

I recently purchased the HP w2338h LCD monitor; I previously used HP w1907, which worked perfectly. My graphics card is NVIDIA Quadro NVS 290.

01:00.0 "VGA compatible controller" "nVidia Corporation" "G86 [Quadro NVS 290]" -ra1 "nVidia Corporation" "Unknown device 0492"
01:00.0 0300: 10de:042f (rev a1)

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Server :: CentOS 5.5 - Dead On Network And No Signal On Monitor

Jul 6, 2010

We have a quad core Intel Xeon E 5410 processor running on recently installed centOS 5.5. Machine can't be pinged all of sudden and when we switch on the monitor, no signal on it, even no response on keyboard. We thought the problem accorded with abrupt temperature changes, is it so? But we have similar machines running efficiently under same temperature conditions.

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CentOS 5 :: LVM2 Clustered Mirror Monitor And Repair?

Apr 8, 2009

I am using LVM2 Clustering to mirror logical volumes between 2 different storage arrays ( iscsi target hosts). Everything is up and running fine, but I would like to be able to monitor the status of the mirror(s), and "re-sync" them if necessary.

I have attempted the locate the information from Google. From what I have read, lvdisplay -v should tell me whether the mirrors are in sync, but it either is not, or I am simply miss reading it. I have come also across information stating lvchange -m [ 0 | # ] should be used to add or remove mirror copies. Is the is correct / only way to "resync" a mirror, in the event that I can determine the mirror is actually out sync?

For those who are familiar with Symantec's VERITAS volume manager, I am looking get the equivalent information related to plexes from vxprint, the equivalent function from /etc/vx/bin/vxreattach -br, and the progress information from vxtask list. I hope the information is currently "search challenged", or I am simply not fully comprehending what I have found.

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CentOS 5 :: Monitor ISA Server2006 Usage In Real Time?

Mar 2, 2010

is there any software which can show us real time monitoring of ISA2006 usage(for example as we can see in WinGate software)

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Olevia Monitor Not Detected Properly?

Aug 20, 2010

I haven't manually configured XWindows in a very long time, so I'm not very certain what I need to do anymore. Hopefully someone can provide some guidance. I just built up a new system that I'm trying to connect to a 47" LCD TV that provides a VGA connection. When the computer starts booting all of the text comes up just fine (1 or 2 characters on the left are chopped, but otherwise fine). When I tried to run the installer for CentOS5.5 I ran into a problem. The monitor(TV) wasn't getting a proper signal to display XWindows. In an effort to keep going, I reconnected the PC to an old monitor and did the install from there. That worked no problem. I ran all the latest updates hoping that maybe this was fixed in a patch. I then shutdown and reconnected to my TV. no luck. When it starts XWindows the screen doesn't display anything. I've tried fooling around with modifying the xorg.conf and adding an explicit "Monitor" section and set it to 640x480 with a VertRefresh of 60 (which is supposedly an acceptable format), but no luck. Can anyone provide any guidance on how to solve this problem. BTW I do know that the VGA connector on the TV works just fine because I can hook up my laptop (Windows XP) to it.

H/W Monitor: Olevia 747i (when nVidia on my laptop detects it, it is reported as 747-b11) Motherboard: Biostar MCP6PB M2+ Motherboard - Socket AM2+, �ATX, Audio, GeForce 6150 Graphics, SATA, RAID Graphics: Using the integrated GeForce 6150 chipset

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Monitor Really Faint In Dell XPS 15 Laptop

Jan 13, 2011

Brand new Dell XPS 15 laptop.
NVIDIA GeForce GT 420M graphics card with Optimus.
15.6HDF TLF LCD L501X screen.
Centos 5.5 64 bit, text install.

I downloaded and install the NVIDIA graphics driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.29.run When I run system-config-display the display configuration appears but is very, very faint. Increasing screen brightness has no effect.

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General :: How To Monitor Changed File

Jul 3, 2010

How do I monitor which files have been changed after, say, I run the passwd command? (I know, depending on the options used, it changes /etc/shadow and/or /etc/passwd). But I would like to if there is any clever ways of monitoring this. This is how I do it which is a bit crude, and I have to know which directory to monitor. Before running the command, I run


for i in $(ls -A) do; md5sum $i >> /tmp/before; done

And after running the command, I run


for i in $(ls -A) do; md5sum $i >> /tmp/after; done

Then I do a diff to see if any file has been changed


diff /tmp/{before,after}

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Programming :: Monitor A File When Ever Anything Updates?

Jan 25, 2010

I am looking for a way to monitor a file, when ever anything updates. an email gets generated

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General :: Monitor Hardware Temperature (CPU , Motherboard , HDD Etc) In CentOS/RHEL?

Jun 7, 2011

How to monitor hardware temperature (CPU , Motherboard , HDD etc) in CentOS/RHEL ?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Dell Monitor 1909W Is Not Supported During Install

Feb 24, 2010

I am now installing the CentOS5.4 with a DVD on a Windows machine. The video card is ATI Radeon HD 3450, and monitor is Dell 1909W. During the install, after recognizing the ATI card, and starting the xserver, the screen came up with a message saying: " The current input timing is not supported by the monitor display. Please change your input timing to 1440X900@60Hz or any other monitor listed timing as per the monitor specification. "

However, in Windows XP the monitor is configured as 1440X900@60Hz, which works well. Due to this problem, the GUI installation cannot proceed. And how can I fix this problem if I manage to install in the text mode.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Install NVidia Drivers To Use Dual Monitor

Jun 7, 2010

I am trying to install nVidia drivers on CentOS 5.4 and it is requiring kernel-source
# lspci | grep VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)

For the installation of kernel source, I have followed the steps on [URL]. I followed the steps under 2.1 and they worked for me. Now what can be done for the installation of the kernel-source package. When I am trying to install nVidia drivers, I am getting error, following are lines from installation log of Driver.

-> Tagging shared libraries with chcon -t textrel_shlib_t.
-> License accepted.
-> Installing NVIDIA driver version 185.18.31.
-> No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you like the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel from the NVIDIA ftp site [URL]? (Answer: Yes)
-> No matching precompiled kernel interface was found on the NVIDIA ftp site; this means that the installer will need to compile a kernel interface for your kernel.
-> Performing CC sanity check with CC="cc".
-> Performing CC version check with CC="cc".

ERROR: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel and that they are properly configured; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the 'kernel-source' or 'kernel-devel' RPM installed. If you know the correct kernel source files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the '--kernel-source-path' command line option.

ERROR: Installation has failed. Please see the file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details. You may find suggestions on fixing installation problems in the README available on the Linux driver download page at [URL]. I want to install driver.

# rpm -q kernel-
# rpm -q kernel-devel
# rpm -q kernel-source
package kernel-source is not installed

The nVidia Driver I am installing is:
# uname -a
Linux harvey 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu May 13 13:48:44 EDT 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Only reason to install the proper driver is to use dual monitor.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Unable To Use Dual Monitor With Intel Hd Graphics

Nov 26, 2010

I've installed CentOS 5.5 64 bit on a Dell Latitude e6410. This model only contains Intel HD Graphics, not the extra Nvidia card you could also buy in addition. The getinfo output can be found here:[URL] Initially X11 did not work at all (blank screen), but using hints from other posts in this forum I was able to fix this by editing the file xorg.conf using the vesa driver, although I still do not get the native screen resolution of 1200x800 (I alwas get 1152x768).

Now I want to add an external monitor (Samsung Monitor connected via DVI, screen resolution 1680x1050). Unfortunately as soon as I try to configure the dual head mode using the system-config-display tool after restart of the X server there will be the the blank screen again. I tried various drivers with no luck.Has anyone succeeded setting up dual head on an Intel HD Graphics machine? I understand that this hardware is quite new and and would be easier to set up with more recent distros, but I would like to stick to CentOS, but cannot wait for CentOS 6.

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