Slackware :: Tetex Kpathsea Kpsewhich Seems To Hang?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm running an x86 Slackware 13. When i start emacs with auctex enable, or when i launch latex, the process hang.

For emacs i have found that it's kpsewhich that try to scan my whole home (lot of Gb).

The problem is that i had defined my home directory with a trailing slash. If i remove the trailing slash, there isn't any problem. If you want to reproduce the bug try :

HOME=/home/you/ /usr/share/texmf/bin/kpsewhich -debug=90 -help
HOME=/home/you /usr/share/texmf/bin/kpsewhich -debug=90 -help

On the doc page of kpathsea, there is a section "tilde expansion" [URL] that say :


As a special case, if a home directory ends in `/', the trailing slash is dropped, to avoid inadvertently creating a `//' construct in the path.

So my question is : do you think there is a bug in kpsewhich ?

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Slackware :: TeTeX Time For Update?

Jun 9, 2011

I use Slackware from version 12.0 When i have two write something more formal the choice is always Latex. But as we all know the TEX version presented in Slackware is no longer supported (since 2009), I produce some report that used algorithmic package and in Windows generates correctly (last TexLive) but in Slackware64 13.34 give error because don't understand some macros.

We all know that the tex version is outdated, and TexLive may be too big, but I'm starting this thread so we could find a solution.

For example MiKTeX can be a suitable substitute?

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Slackware :: Texlive's Kpathsea And Cannot Find The Shared Library File - LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Oct 14, 2010

I recently installed a Slackware-13.1 32 bit system and I encountered an odd problem. I had a texlive-2010 package from, previously compiled on another 32 bit Slack-13.1 system. I just installed the precompiled package on the new system. However, whenever I tried to issue a latex command, kpathsea complained that it cannot find the shared library file I googled a bit and I found that this could be circumvented by setting the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "/usr/share/texmf/lib", where the library in question actually is.

This solved the problem. The weird thing is that on other machines I have installed, kpathsea had no issues whatsoever and I did not have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The only difference is that on those systems I had compiled and installed texlive, not just installing a precompiled package. Could that be causing the issue?

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Slackware :: Hang On 'Restarting System' While Using Reboot

May 1, 2011

fairly new to linux and tried Slack as a way to force myself to learn. I am running current and when i issue the reboot command it will hang on "Restarting system". If i use the shutdown -r now command it will reboot fine. Any ideas?

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Slackware :: Dolphin Hang And Crash On KDE 4.5.1 - 64-current

Sep 15, 2010

Is there any Slackware-current or Slackware64-current users in the LQ Slackware forum experiencing lags or slowdown on Dolphin file manager on KDE 4.5.1? I experienced this first on KDE 4.5.0, after the current update KDE to 4.5.1 I still have this problem.

Hovering mouse on a file can take a while, opening a text file with kwrite took several seconds and dolphin window will appear blank (like hang). Sometimes Dolphin crashed when opening file, changing directory or hovering mouse on a file.

Quick googling points to this discussion at which suggest a bug in libdbus.

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Slackware :: Console App Causing System To Hang On Shutdown?

Jul 14, 2011

I have been looking for a lightweight bandwidth monitoring app and came across bmon. It does what I need. However it has an interesting way of exiting.

when it is running and you close it down it ask you 'Really quit (y/n)' and does not shut down. I am used to just right clicking on my desktop and selecting 'leave' when it comes to shutdown time.

A few times now the laptop hangs on shutdown if bmon is open. I guess it is due to the app asking if it should shutdown. Is there a way to disable the app asking or alternatively nuke it for sure with some script on shutdown.

I could search the relevant konsole running the app and go thru the steps to shut it down but sometimes I am in a hurry and it doesn't feel like the way to go anyhow?

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Slackware :: System Hang At 'Control Center>Peripherals>Display'?

Sep 23, 2010

spent endless time trying to get multiple monitors going and have had a bit of success -- got two showing just fine. However, when I try to access the page I mention in the title, Slackware hangs hard -- only the red button will get me out. This is recent. I had dual monitors going before and that didn't happen, I think one monitor was at 800x600 and the other at some wide screeen rez. Anyway all by itself the 800x600 decided to go to 1024x768. Now, note that it all shows fine, no issues of any kind on the monitors themselves, xrandr works

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Fedora :: Texlive Installation - Warning: Kpathsea: Configuration File Texmf.cnf Not Found

Jul 21, 2010

I installed TeXlive 2010 and when i compile this command pdflatex it shows the following error:

warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/bin:/usr:/usr/share/texlive:/usr/bin/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/bin/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/bin/texmf/web2c:/usr/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texlive/texmf/web2c.

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Slackware :: Startup Hang After "Using /etc/random-seed To Initialize /dev/urandom"?

Feb 19, 2010

I recently tried to upgrade from 2.6.23 to 2.6.32 but kept on getting VFS errors. I had overwritten the old 2.6.23 kernel so there was no going back. Luckily,I had the 2.4.31 kernel still in the /boot directory.

Anyway, I finally got some time to figure out the VFS issues and I managed to solve the VFS kernel panics. It was probably a forgotten configuration setting during the make menuconfig. Now it boots up only to hang right after the "Using /etc/random-seed to initialize /dev/urandom".

Looking at the rc.S script, the next section does the dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/random-seed count=1 ...

I know for a fact that it isn't that line that hangs the system. I commented out that line and it still hangs.

Strange thing is that I can boot up 2.4.31 with no problem; but with 2.6.x, I get a hang-up. I did a google and came up with something about, which I don't have.

Can someone point out to me what is executed right after/etc/rc.d/rc.S? Or maybe point out where it might
be hanging? (To be honest, it's either a hang up or a process that's taking an extraordinary long time to

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Slackware :: Kernel Hang During Boot Process - Slack 13.1 Stable W/ Kernel

Jun 20, 2010

I installed a fresh copy of Slackware 13.1 (stable) on one of my media servers and I am experiencing something strange.... When I power up the machine, I see the kernel booting, no errors, until it gets to the point where it says:

And then randomly freeze there.... Well the machine is not totally frozen because the cursor still blinks. But it will never continue... Like I said, this happens on a random basis... After a reset, it might go through or simply stall at the same spot.

I remember after installing Slack 13.1, I rebooted the machine but forgot to remove the DVD from the player, so the install routine started up, and froze at the same point when it was loading the kernel for the setup programs...

My mobo is a MSI k9N platinum.

I never had this problem before.... (well I never used 13.1 before). Since I got this machine, I used slack 12.2 and slack 13-current with success.

This problem makes the machine extremely unreliable because I intent to use it as a backup and media server, so chances I will WOL the machine and use it remotely... if that happens.

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Software :: Can't Get Hang Of While Do

Apr 2, 2011

This code is meant to retrieve ascii from a temperature sensor in the fridge, check that it is not the error code (85 degrees) and append it to a csv file. If the reading is 85 degrees, then either my fridge is on fire or the sensor cocked up, in which case it is meant to try again. It's the last bit that I can't get to work.


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Fedora :: 15 Hang In Parallels On Mac?

May 30, 2011

I've been using F15 through the early releases and now with the final release, and in all of them I've had the same issue:

It will install fine in Parallels, however about 30 seconds to 1 minute after launch, it will hang and completely freeze. This will happen even in run level 3 with no gui running. It doesn't *appear* to happen at the same time every time.

I've tried, disabling networking, sound, and a few other things in the VM to see if that has an effect, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

I've also tried making a copy of my F14 VM and upgrading. The same issue persists in this case as well.

I have had no issues with F15 on the metal on different machines, as a matter of fact it's been great and required very little hardware work-arounds. Similarly, F14 has run fine and continues to run fine on Parallels on this machine.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Causes Laptop To Hang

May 4, 2011

I performed a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and it caused the system to freeze up completely. The freeze would happen anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds after a full boot.

My system specs:
Toshiba Tecra A4
1.6 GHz Pentium M
1024 MB of PC2-4200s DDR2 533MHz RAM

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Ubuntu :: Hang During Booting 10.04?

Jul 28, 2010

I have installed uec on my ubuntu-desktop through packages and made cc and nc etc on a single machine i am unable to boot my ubuntu.I want to remove the UEC enrty on startup ..what should I d

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CentOS 5 :: Server Hang / Why Is So?

Mar 26, 2009

I have Cent OS 5.1

I also have

I have asterisk running .

Now when I look at System Information ,

I see that "Physical Memory" keep increasing and at one point it reaches 96%. Then my sever get hang and then I have to restart it.

I have 4 GB RAM.

Processors 2
Model Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7200 @ 2.53GHz
CPU Speed 2.53 GHz
Cache Size 3.00 MB
System Bogomips 10135.71

Kernel Version 2.6.18-53.el5 (SMP)
Distro Name CentOS release 5 (Final)
Load Averages 0.27 0.35 0.31

What could be the reason ?

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Fedora :: System Hang On External HD - 10

Aug 4, 2009

I am running fedora 10 on my laptop. I use a usb Western digital "MyBook" 500Gb (ext3). I am using this hard drive since more than 1 year now. Lately I run into a single problem when I read a precise file. The laptop becomes totally unresponsive and I have to manually shutdown the computer. After start-up I can find that the /var/log/message file of my previous session has grown very quickly with "[sdb] Sense Key : No Sense [current]" and "[sdb] Add. Sense: No additional sense information" messages.

I found various similar question on the web, most of the answer were hardware dependent and kernel related. I tried various kernel hoping that my specific problem would be fixed in the next one but with no success (all the kernel since fedora 10 release and two testing one: and, I don't have access to a Fedora 11 machine.

I replaced the usb cable and check that the power supply was working correctly.

I am joining part of /var/log/message and the results of lsusb (related to the external hard drive).

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Fedora :: Azureus Cause FC12 To Hang?

Feb 20, 2010

Just upgraded to FC12, but when running azureus, it hang the entire system.Anybody had the same problem. I tried both yum installed and download from azureus site.

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Fedora :: ISO Emulation And Multiboot Hang Ups

Jun 26, 2010

I have a GRUB2 USB multiboot setup. Plus I have a multiboot setup on my computer with Ubuntu 9.10, PCLinuxOS, Windows XP, and Fedora 13. The issue I'm having is different but the same. On my USB multiboot, Fedora will hang up on certain devices. Things such as touchpad, bluetooth, etc. On my PC it hangs up on first the bluetooth, then I unplug, then the USB hub, then the mouse and finally the external hard drive. It detects the devices but it freezes on detection. I did get this error before the device detection began:


dracut; dracut-005-3.fc13
dracut: FATAL: Don't know how to handle 'root=(0,4)'
dracut: Refusing to continue
dracut: FATAL: Don't know how to handle 'root=(0,4)'
dracut: Refusing to continue

this is on the PC and the problem with the USB is that it will hang up when detecting devices.

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Fedora :: Intermittent Boot Hang Ups

Mar 7, 2011

I have Fedora 13 installed on a new PC and have two types of intermittent boot hangups. What logs exist within Fedora 13 that may help me identify the cause or causes of these hangups? Todate, a reboot gets over the problems but I wish to get this sorted whilst the PC is still under warranty.

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OpenSUSE :: Update KDE 4.4 - Hang And Crash

Feb 13, 2010

I tried KDE 4.4. I'm back to using KDE 4.3.5. Very bad experience for me, maybe it's just my system openSuSE 11.1 on AMD x86_64 with 4gb memory. Dolphin was unusable. Deleting a file cause it to crash, go in to a directory with a large number (20,000) of images and it would hang and eventually crash. PIM has removed some of the features I used, main one being ability to add Custom Fields to Contacts and assign categories.

In general, the whole thing was slower, not faster, probably because now it requires Neopmunk to be running and the Akondi server. I'll wait a while and try again and see if it gets stable in first update.

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OpenSUSE :: Sporadic Xorg Hang With 11.3?

Aug 15, 2010

I've been running 11.3 for about 3 days, and have been noticing that it seems to crash with depressing regularity. The symptoms are, from the users perspective, the screen just locks up, mouse cursor won't move, won't respond to any keystrokes, and just dead in the water. But, I can go to another system and ssh back into this one. When I do a top I see at least one and sometimes two Xorg processes owned by root that are grabbing every available CPU cycle. This box has dual cores, so it can support two processes running close to 100% CPU. I tried sending the runaway processes a SIGQUIT signal, which did stop them and did restore normal system operation. But I couldn't find the expected core dump anywhere. If I don't do anything to stop the runaway processes, eventually the whole system locks up, including the ssh session.

I haven't been keeping a real close track, buy my general impression is that this only happens when we have two X sessions running. My wife and I usually keep separate login sessions that we switch back and forth from during the day. I realize this isn't a lot to go on. Any suggestions on what I can do to collect some more info. I particular what do I have to do to get a core dump from the runaway process and what should I do with it if I can get it.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - KDE Making Laptop To Hang

Oct 5, 2010

Last week I installed suse 11.3. Most of the time it runs fine, but sometimes my laptop just hangs. Mostly I'm just browsing the internet using firefox. For example when I just installed opensuse, and I tried to maximize the terminal window it would hang and not recover. I'm not sure what is causing it. When it hangs I also can't move the mouse pointer, or open the system activity window. I'm not sure I have the minimum specs for kde though, but I can run kde without any problems, it's fast, it reacts fast. At first I thought maybe the amount of ram 512 was not enough so I turned off all the kde effects, but it still seems to crash once in while. I tried checking .xsession-errors to see if I could find something, and I found this

updateapplet(2142): Failed to lock file "/var/tmp/kdecache-donald/kpc/kde-icon-cache.lock" , last result = 1
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
"/usr/bin/kdeinit4(2127)" Error in thread 3041617680 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 64 Bit Seems To Randomly Hang?

Nov 3, 2010

My machine seems to randomly hang, and I am not sure how to work out what is causing it. Are there some logs I can examine that may help me first that I can look at?

My mouse stops, keyboard stops and cpu monitor on screen doesn't move so no idea if its some kind of X thing, os thing, or hardware.

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Ubuntu :: Non-Fatal Hang When Idle

Feb 20, 2010

I've had this bug on pretty much all Linux distro's I've tried in the last few months, but because I love Ubuntu and I can't seem to find this bug reproduced anywhere (though I'm not sure it's a bug worth reporting if it's just me) I decided to bring it here: Whenever a program that is not resource intensive (for example, Update Manager while it's downloading packages) is running for around 20 seconds, and I am not typing or moving my mouse, the system will hang. It will sit there for hours on end unless I move the mouse or hit a key.

Worse yet, it will hang on boot and shutdown too. I often have to hit a key to get the hard drive to start reading again and for anything else to happen for that matter. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 on a relatively new laptop, but like I said before, it's happened on a bunch of distros: Debian, openSUSE, Fedora... I just have no idea what could be causing it at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Server Installation Via USB Hang?

Oct 29, 2010

Trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 Server via a usb flash drive. Can't use a cd-rom as the server doesn't have a cd-drive! lol! It boots up and then hangs at the loading stage where the ubuntu symbol is displayed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 (64 Bit) Hang On Boot

Jan 8, 2011

I upgraded my ubuntu 64 bit from 10.04 to 10.10 using the update manager on my Laptop ASUS, F80Series, 4Gb Ram, CPU Duo T8100. Ubuntu 10.10 could never boot: it always gets stuck. I tried the "recovery mode". The last two messages written, before getting stuck are:

[1.729408 ] NET: Registered Protocol Family 1
[1.730110] Registered Taskstat Version 1

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Ubuntu :: Hang Before Boot Start?

Jan 9, 2011

My machine is running in Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.7Ghz, Nvidia legacy Riva tnt/tnt2 and a 512mb ram. I have a Network adapter, Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC. I have installed Ubuntu in my Window Xp, and used the ACPI workaround to install ubuntu on my PC. Now that I have installed Ubuntu, when I try to boot ubuntu, it always hang before it start to boot.

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Ubuntu One :: Download Process Seems To Hang?

Jun 12, 2011

I am using Rhythmbox 0.12.8 on Lucid 64-bit. In the "Your Downloads" window, it shows many of the tracks with "0MB downloaded" and one with "Queued", and doesn't really seem to be showing any progress.

addition 1: I completely shutdown RB, opened Ubuntu One from the MY Menu and placed a check mark in the "file synchronization" box. It seems to be working now. I had forgotten I turned off the file synchronization.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hang Up Installing 10.04 LTS?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm trying to install 10.04 LTS and everything goes great until I get to step 2 of 7 after clicking my time zone it just hangs up. I had no problems installing using the same live disk earlier today on another cpu, I even tried another image to see if that was the problem. Installing 11.04 goes great too on the same cpu.Edit: I should of mentioned this earlier, but I also can run directly from the cd. The only issue is when I try to install it.

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Ubuntu :: System Hang Up When Killing The Pid?

Jun 21, 2011

After installing and activating "ATI&AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" ;in Ctrl+Alt+F2" mode, do following steps:sudo pidof X (to get pid number)sudo kill xxxx (xxxx is the pid number)Then , system hang up!If the FGLRX driver is not installed , there is no such problem

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