Slackware :: Unwatchable DVD Playback In 13.1 With VLC And Native Players?

Apr 2, 2011

I am trying to get DVD's to play in 13.1. I have downloaded Eric's latest VLC, installed libdvdcss, libdvdread, all the gst-plugins I could get and I with VLC the playback is unwatchable, with color mismatch, audio tearing.. all kinds of nasties. The same DVD will play in my win7 laptop as well as my blu ray player. Other players give either audio and no video or tell me that the DVD is encrypted and they can't go further.

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Slackware :: Slackware Current 64 Bit Wine Sound - Error: Alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could Not Find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' Element

Mar 22, 2011

after update to slackware current 4 days ago i cant get sound working in wine in starcraf 2 i mean i got sound in instalation but not in game and i get error when i wanna configure sound in winecfg

err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find '{PCM,Line} Playback Volume' element
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred

in game i dont got that error but sound dont work btw my sound card is asus xonar essence stx

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Slackware :: 1080p - Codecs Or Video Players?

Jun 20, 2011

What software(exceping drivers) do you need for maximum performance with blu-ray movies or .mkv files? Is there any place I can find linux codecs or video players? I'm using Slackware64 13.37

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Slackware :: Determine Native Screen Resolution From Shell?

Sep 17, 2010

Is there a way to determine the native resolution of the current console display device from the shell?

I know I can get the current console settings, but I'm looking for the native screen size of the display hardware, whether or not it conflicts with settings.

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Slackware :: Native Resolution Isn't Automatically Applied Anymore

Apr 13, 2011

I use Slackware64 Current and since a few weeks, X doesn't automatically apply the native resolution (1680x1050) of my LCD screen, instead it uses a resolution of 1024x768.Since I bought this monitor in 2009, It had always worked as expected, and it's only since lately that I experienced this problem.After X has started, I can change the resolution through the kde tool but after an X restart everything is forgotten. Apparently, the correct resolution is detected but it is not applied.

My monitor is HDMI1.I don't use a xorg.conf file as it had always worked well this way, so I would like to track down this regression.I have an intel GM45 chipset.I have tried Mesa 7.9 and 7.10 in case.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MP4 Files - Video Nearly Unwatchable ?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm running it in a virtual machine right now, because when I tried to dual boot my computer, it broke my hard drive.

I'm having a problem playing .mp4 files though. My phone only takes videos in this file format, and most of the time I'm working with large amounts of files, so converting them isn't an option. I've tried many different players, and they all lag like crazy, making the video nearly unwatchable. This is a huge flaw for me, and one reason I'm not bothering to try dual booting again...

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Slackware :: Connection In Various Native Games (13.1 32-bit) - Can't Join Multiplayer Matches

Jan 22, 2011

in the LQ Forums i am experiencing a few connection issues under Slackware 13.1 and came here after lots of searching, and unsuccessful fixes so here it is.

- Problem: I can't join multiplayer matches in various games (Running natively in Linux) some of these are: Open Arena, Urban Terror, Cube 2: Sauerbraten, Quake Live and Planeshift.

- What i did: I tried joining multiplayer matches in these (and a few other) games without success, i get the server list, it says it is connecting and in most of these i get the message: Awaiting Gamestate (except for Planeshift which just fails and Cube 2 that doesn't show anything). Didn't find a fix in the internet and tried some possible ones without success. I even tried forwarding ports on my router/modem, turning on and off UPnP, setting up a firewall and nothing.

- Exceptions: I tried one of these games in my Windows XP 32-bit boot and the same game (Urban Terror) worked, same version number (but the native Windows version) and i could play without lag and any other issue. Cube 2: Sauerbraten manages to connect and lets me play (under Slack) but only on some servers maybe a port or authentication problem i guess. As said the only message is Awaiting Gamestate in every game except for Cube 2 that doesn't show anything and just doesn't connects and Planeshift that says it wasn't able to reach the server. This Slackware install is pretty fresh i installed it day 1 of January 2011 with the additional packages during the installation and the only firewall which i set up today was a IPTABLES one generated here but the issues are present since the day i installed Slack (but only in it) the problem persists with and without the firewall.

As far as i remember i didn't have these issues when i installed Ubuntu so i guess it's a configuration that's lacking. I am connected to the internet through a router (with wireless enabled for my notebook) with a cable (eth0), DHCP, Dynamic IP. - Notes: I installed the PCMCIA thing during the installation and i CAN use the internet (browsing, pidgin, e-mail, .....) normally. Sorry if i wrote too much i tried to give as much information as possible and sorry for any grammar errors, English is not my first language.

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Slackware :: HD Video Playback On 2nd Gen Core I3 With Vlc?

Jul 17, 2011

I have a weird HD video in wmv and mkf files playback problem. Every HD video i attempt to play using vlc with vaapi hardware acceleration looks like this: My hardware configuration is i3 cpu, and i am using it's integrated HD2000 video card, which has DVI, HDMI and VGA outputs, which all i am using (not at the same time). However, the problem is present in every combination (DVI only. DVI+HDMI. DVI+VGA. DVI+HDMI+VGA).

As for software, I am using stock 32bit Slackware 13.37, with stock 2.37.6 kernel. And for HD video playback I have installed VLC-1.1.10. libva-0.32.0 and MPlayer-20110624 all these packages came from Alien pastures, so they are quality packages And my vlc settings are also stock :/


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Slackware :: How To Get Red Book Audio Playback

Jun 18, 2011

Sounds like a trivial thing, but how do you do it? How do you play a plain red book audio CD? I have tried xmms, audacious and mplayer. The only success I have had (if you can call it that) is with the latter, mplayer. Using the command:

mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/sr0 cdda://3 -cache 6000
I get the warnings:

Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!
Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!

The program plays the audio, but there is a huge latency prior to starting the playback, making it very cumbersome to change tracks and having to wait. I have tried with various cache values as well as using the "-cache-min" argument, to no avail. What values are certain to work?

As for xmms and audacious I get the errors:
Audacious: When trying "audacious /dev/sr0"

unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
MADPlug-Message: Rejecting file:///dev/sr0; cannot read from file.
unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
XMMS: When trying "xmms /dev/sr0": No error

It simply does nothing except starting up and not playing. My system is a 32-bit Slackware 13.1.0 on a fast x86. I have tried with different audio CDs.

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Slackware :: Cannot Open PCM Device Alsa_pcm For Playback

Jun 12, 2011

I have installed the Jack audio connection kit from [URL] The two listed dependencies, libsndfile and libsamplerate are installed and everything seemed to go well, except it's not listed in the KDE menus. But that's Ok. I can start it from /usr/bin/jackd But no I can't because I get these error messages:

oot@ed:/# jackd -R -d alsa
jackd 0.116.2
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details JACK compiled with System V SHM support. loading driver ..creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit control device hw:0 ALSA: Cannot open PCM device alsa_pcm for playback. Falling back to capture-only mode cannot load driver module alsa


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Slackware :: Methods To Rip CDs And FLAC Playback Quality?

Dec 19, 2010

first of all: I am not sure, if this is the right forum, as I don't know, if it is Slackware-relatedm, or if it is a general thing affecting other distros with KDE, as well. If the latter is the case, please let me know, where to post this (Linux Software or Linux Desktop forum?). BTW, I am on Slackware64-13.1 (stable). Currently, I am trying to copy all my music CDs on a harddisk. I thought, this would be a very simple thing to do, but whatever I do I run into another issue.


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Slackware :: Avoiding System Suspension During Mplayer Playback?

Apr 24, 2010

I'd like to know if there's a way to disable system suspension during mplayer playback, I'm using kde 4.4.2 by AlienBob on my slackware64-current, and powerdevil as the power manager. In powerdevil I've setup the performance profile to suspend the system after 30 minutes with no user interaction, and the presentation profile is setup not to use suspension at all, but I always forget to switch the profile before playing some long video on mplayer and the system goes down after 30 minutes of playback.

Does someone knows a way, a hidden mplayer setting (powerdevil setting would be ok too) that lets me disable suspension only when mplayer is working and nobody is using the system for more than 30 minutes??

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Slackware :: Error. "the Audio Playback Device HDA Intel (ALC887 Analog) Does Not Work"

Nov 8, 2010

I am unable to get any audio to play. I configured alsa and checked to make sure nothing was muted. I think the problem might be KDE related but I'm not sure. Also when I restart the computer I get this error. "the audio playback device HDA intel (ALC887 Analog) does not work".

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OpenSUSE :: Bricscad For Native CAD At Last?

May 18, 2010

Bricscad announced today, after a couple of years since version 7, a beta version of Bricscad classic 10 for linux.Packaged as DEB, red hat RPM and TGZ.For me CAD is the last missing piece for a windows-free environment.

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Ubuntu :: Where Are Mp3 Players Mounted?

May 28, 2010

i know this is probably a really novice question.. but i can't seem to find where the mount direcotry for my mp3 player is.. its showing up in rhythm box, but when i look in media its not there, and when i click on places its not showing up either..

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Ubuntu :: Mp3 Files On 10.10 Pc To Mp3 Players?

Oct 30, 2010

I've been trying to get my mp3 files on my ubuntu 10.10 pc to my mp3 players. However, ubuntu doesn't recognize my mytouch 3g, ipod nano, and my g1. I can't mount neither of my android phones and ipod. what should I do?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 11 Not Playing CD/DVD In Any Of The Players?

Jun 8, 2010

I am having a problem with Fedora 11 not playing CD/DVD in any of the players. It errors out saying I need some kind of plugin.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get The Native Spotify On 10.10 ?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm struggling to get the native Spotify on Ubuntu 10.10 working. I haven't tried it on any other version so I'm not sure if it's exclusive to 10.10.

Basically, the application loads fine, until I hover over to the left-hand side bar (playlists etc), at which point it crashes and *poof* instantly closes down.

Additional Notes: Output from terminal:

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Ubuntu :: Get Display At The Native Resolution?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a Dell U2311H monitor which has a native resolution of 1920 x 1080. My graphics card is an ATI 6870.

Last night I installed Ubuntu 10.10 alongside my Windows installation, and when booting into Ubuntu, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.

How can I resolve this to get Ubuntu to display at the native resolution?

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Ubuntu :: Finding A 'native' Shell For 10.10?

Jan 14, 2011

Is there a 'native' shell for Ubuntu 10.10? I usually work in KORN shell, but I've got a feeling that Ubuntu 'likes' BASH OR does it really matter which shell I use?

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Ubuntu :: Scribus Doesn't Look Native

Apr 27, 2011

Today I did a fresh install of 11.04 (beta), but I have the same problem on my 10.10 box too. However, I know it's not right, since my laptop and upstairs box (both running 10.10) look fine.The problem is that Scribus looks like a Windows 95 application. I assume that the problem may be with the Qt support.I installed the Qt setting manager and set the theme to GTK+, but it had no effect.

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General :: Boot Native Usb And Run From Windows?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to set something up so I can have a pen drive and do all of the following:

1) Boot linux from the pen drive on systems that support usb boot devices.

2) boot from a CD that switches over to the usb drive and releases the cd (for systems that do not support USB booting)

3) Optionally run the same pendrive linux installation from windows

a) Huge preference for NO vmware or other emulation/virtualization environments

b) something like colinux or topoligilinux

c) big prefence for doing this with linux mint or at least ubuntu

d) bonus if I can do the windows part without admin priviledges on highly restricted systems like library computers

e) worst case scenario maybe could set it up in one of these ways

1) have cygwin and a seperate linux distro and just mount the home folder of one from the other - but prefer to not waste space duplicating applications etc.

2) I wanted to put a two and three here but I'm out of ideas.

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Fedora :: Mplayer And Other Media Players?

Oct 13, 2009

I guess I need to start off by saying that I am new to Fedora. Most of my media files come from iTune. therefore, I have download mplayer, xmm and Audacious to play the ACC, Mp4 and Mpv files. None of the media players play ACC or mp4 files. I downloaded the ACC plugins for mplayer, XMM and Audacious but it still does not work. Also Mplayer will not show show a video file, but the sound works. When I start mplayer the screen freezes and glitches. I have screen shots showing the glitch issue.

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Fedora :: Can't Login To Last Fm With Music Players From F12?

Feb 13, 2010

tried amarok -- debug
amarok: BEGIN: void LastFmServiceSettings::testLogin()
amarok: [lastfm] username: "Denghezik"
amarok: END__: void LastFmServiceSettings::testLogin() - Took 0.0014s
amarok: BEGIN: void LastFmServiceSettings::onAuthenticated()
amarok: [lastfm] NoError
amarok: [lastfm] ERROR from "Invalid Method - No method with that name in this package"
amarok: END__: void LastFmServiceSettings::onAuthenticated() - Took 0.00075s

ive tried othe client like rhythmbox, exaile, vagalume etc. and doesnt work, ive tried with two accounts, not working, ive reinstalled all the things what can cause this problem. but ive tried from here an ubuntu 9.10 laptop and it works... something with fedora using amarok 2.2.2 where is the scrobble log? only wanting to scrobble asked on amrok forums too Quote: Then I strongly suggest you ask Fedora. It could be a wrong liblastfm version for example...

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Cant Play Mp3 Using Any Of Players K3b

Jan 24, 2010

I cant play Mp3 using any of the players k3b said I had to down load something called MAD MP3 and k3b mad mp3.Not sure where I down load these from.

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Ubuntu :: Web Browser Media Players?

Jan 21, 2010

wasn't quite sure how to search for this the question always seemed to be too long and i'd get nothing related to my problem. its not a huge problem, but if i could fix it, that's be awesome

there's websites, such as videos, that i can't choose anything in the actual media player... to be more specific, it plays just fine, but it i wanted to pause, turn down the volume, rewind, or skip ahead, nothing happens, it acts as though i'm not clicking on anything. i guess its not a big deal, but just a little annoyance.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Why Won't MP3 Players Automount

Feb 5, 2010

I bought myself an inexpensive USB mp3 player the other day, thinking that I could sync it just like I do my digital camera and thumb drives. No such luck.

The player is identified by 'lsusb -vv' as follows:


Bus 001 Device 005: ID 10d6:1101 Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Players Can't Play .avi?

Mar 17, 2010

neither Mplayer, VLC or SMPlayer can play an .avi i have. and they won't download the codecs needed.look> should i manually download codecs from somewhere?or shift to a new player maybe?

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded Quite A Few Different Media Players?

Aug 9, 2010

I went through and downloaded quite a few different media players, looking for one that would play this DVD. Well, I finally found one that worked, but now I can't remember which one it is, so I don't know which ones to remove. I want a media player that allows me to watch DVD's, listen to MP3/4's, watch all different types of movie files, make play lists, etc. Here's the list of what I have installed:

Dragon Player
Movie Player
Movie Player Totem (xine backend)
VLC Media Player

So, which ones can I get rid of, and which one(s) should I keep?

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Ubuntu :: Movie Players Lock Up On 10.04?

Aug 29, 2010

Since upgrading, whenever I play a .avi file 10.04 slows down and finally locks up.

I'm running memtest86 but there don't seem to be any problems.

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