Slackware :: Determine Native Screen Resolution From Shell?

Sep 17, 2010

Is there a way to determine the native resolution of the current console display device from the shell?

I know I can get the current console settings, but I'm looking for the native screen size of the display hardware, whether or not it conflicts with settings.

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Slackware :: Native Resolution Isn't Automatically Applied Anymore

Apr 13, 2011

I use Slackware64 Current and since a few weeks, X doesn't automatically apply the native resolution (1680x1050) of my LCD screen, instead it uses a resolution of 1024x768.Since I bought this monitor in 2009, It had always worked as expected, and it's only since lately that I experienced this problem.After X has started, I can change the resolution through the kde tool but after an X restart everything is forgotten. Apparently, the correct resolution is detected but it is not applied.

My monitor is HDMI1.I don't use a xorg.conf file as it had always worked well this way, so I would like to track down this regression.I have an intel GM45 chipset.I have tried Mesa 7.9 and 7.10 in case.

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Debian Multimedia :: Native Screen Resolution With VESA?

Feb 3, 2016

How to enable native screen resolution in X using VESA driver? I have IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T61 with a native screen resolution of 1680x1050, but I am getting 1024x768 instead.

This is a fresh install of Debian 8.3 (latest stable) (Jessie).

The root cause of this is that nouveau graphics driver (which I was using before) was causing me kernel crashes. Full story here: [URL] .....

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 X64 Black Border Around Screen At Native Resolution?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm setting up a Dell Inspiron One 2305 and I can't get the native monitor resolution to work without black borders. I'm also experiencing blurry text in Firefox (not sure if this is related). At most other resolutions it will expand to the edges of the monitor fully. Note that the desktop area doesn't extend into the border. I tried glxgears and noticed that it was only pulling 60fps -- figuring it needed drivers I installed the latest ATI drivers. On reboot I was given more options for resolutions however the native one still doesn't work properly. I looked around for troubleshooting tips and looked into xrandr output.


Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 1920 x 1920
DFP1 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 510mm x 287mm
1920x1080 60.0 + 50.0 30.0 25.0 30.0
1776x1000 50.0 59.9 25.0 30.0


Using 'configure display settings' in Gnome, any time I picked a resolution that was 50, it would cause the borders. Any time I picked a resolution that was 60 AND xrandr listed a 60 and 59.9 and said 60 was the selected one, the borders would come back for those too.

So I tried

xrandr --output DFP1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 59.9

Seeing as every resolution with 59.9 worked. However... This still resulted in borders.

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Ubuntu :: Actual Resolution Is Only 1024x768 - Can't Get The Native Resolution (1280x1024)

Apr 5, 2011

I'm running 10.10. I have a Nvidia GTX 460. My actual resolution is only 1024x768. I can't get the native resolution (1280x1024). Nvidia-settings does not show this resolution. Google hasn't helped at all so far, and I have installed the Nvidia Driver.

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Ubuntu :: Get Display At The Native Resolution?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a Dell U2311H monitor which has a native resolution of 1920 x 1080. My graphics card is an ATI 6870.

Last night I installed Ubuntu 10.10 alongside my Windows installation, and when booting into Ubuntu, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.

How can I resolve this to get Ubuntu to display at the native resolution?

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Debian :: Monitor Won't Display Native Resolution?

Aug 12, 2011

I recently installed Debian. I have a monitor plug in to my laptop and i cant get my monitor to display its native resolution.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music At Its Native Resolution

Sep 1, 2011

Canadian hi-fi manufacturer Bryston is shipping a Music Player, which is in effect a pared down Linux box running some media player. The good thing is that it plays the files at their native resolution16bit/ 44. 1KHz for ripped CDs, 24/96 and 24/192 for hirez downloads, as well as other intermediate values.Does anyone happen to know which player they are using?

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Ubuntu :: Finding A 'native' Shell For 10.10?

Jan 14, 2011

Is there a 'native' shell for Ubuntu 10.10? I usually work in KORN shell, but I've got a feeling that Ubuntu 'likes' BASH OR does it really matter which shell I use?

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Slackware :: Get 13.37 To Remember Screen Resolution?

Jun 7, 2011

I've installed Slackware 13.37, it's working well in general There is no xorg.conf file How do I get it to remember my screen resolution? (I'm using a CRT monitor and often adjust the default resolution) Having to change the resolution after each startup is not ideal I tried using my old xorg.conf file from Slack 12.2 with my resolution settings.

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Slackware :: Keep Constant Screen Resolution?

Apr 8, 2010

When i startx, the resolution of the kde is 1280 - that's awful, for my monitor it needs to be 1152x864, so everytime i startx my slackware i have to go to system settings and set the proper resolution...

What should i do in order to set one resolution-size so it will keep it that until i changed it, and everytime i start the X i will be that type of resolution ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disc Not Detecting Native Resolution?

Dec 14, 2010

I am planning on installing Ubuntu on my new laptop with a native resolution of 1920x1080 however the install disc (I booted into the "test") part, sets my resolution to 2048x1536.Keeping it on 2048x1536 cuts off about 50 pixels on the right side of my screen so it must not be right. So I tried changing it from the "Monitors" settings back to 1920x1080 and everything is so large and it is stretched horizontally. Is this just because I'm running the "try me" part, or is there something wrong with Ubuntu and my video card?

Component: Standard capacity battery
Component: Inteli7-740QM processor (1.73GHz) with Turbo Boost up to 2.93GHz


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Slackware :: Stuck With 640x480 Screen Resolution

Sep 7, 2010

I made a total reinstall of Slack 13.1 the other day and all went seemingly well. After a lot of experimenting and deciding I wanted the disk partitioned differently, a reinstall felt about right. But when I started X the resolution was all too low. xorg.conf was adjusted with the properties of my screen (GDM 4011P). Once upon a time, the Xorg config-tool would ask me my opinion, but now it flashes by and I have to live with what it comes up with.

The nVidia driver was installed (legacy for GeForce 3). I know the config is read, because it fails parsing if I have kHz with the sync-figures. But it otherwise disregard my wish to run at 1280x1024. In XFCE I can run the nVidia configuration tool, but it offers only auto, 320x240 or 640x480. The screen is too small for me to click "ok" on several occasions. The machine is capable of 64bit, 2GHz. But I installed the 32bit version of 13.1, it has 1,5GB RAM.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Native LED Monitor Resolution On Intel Arrandale?

May 17, 2010

I can't set up the native resolution for the LED monitor of a Dell Inspiron 1564 laptop with openSUSE 11.2.YaST2 lists correct the graphics adapter as: "Intel Arrandale Integrated Graphics Controller" and the monitor having the resolution: 1366x768 However in /etc/X11/xorg.conf lists only modes with a 1024x768 resolution, which are not really "sharp" on the monitor Besides that it lists the Device as "Vesa-BIOS Graphics". Starting sax2 does not provide me with any option to change these settings (at least not in the graphics mode).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: External Monitor Having Resolution Higher Than Native

Jan 2, 2010

I've got a little problem with my 9" netbook. It came preinstalled with Ubuntu (factory install), but I reinstalled it to get a fresh karmic as it was a second hand.The problem is, whenever I plug in an external monitor, rightclick on the display icon and click "Configure Display Settings..." both monitors go black and nothing responds. Weird thing though, is that sometimes the mouse appears on the second monitor. I need a solution for this, either creating a xorg file (I have no clue on how to do that) or some other solution that works.

My netbook resolution is 1024*600, the external monitor resolution is 1024*768. It should be noted that I had a similar problem on another Ubuntu laptop (NVIDIA drivers), but it had to do with the resolution height. My laptop had 1440*900 and my external monitor needed to have the height lower then 900.
For further information, this is what the system profiler says about my graphics card:Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller.I hope you guys can help me, as plugging in a netbook to an external monitor (or TV) is not uncommon to me I like doing that, even if there's no point in it.I hope I gave enough information on this, I'm willing to give more if needed of course

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General :: Native Monitor Resolution Gone - Where Is The Wrong Info Stored

Mar 2, 2010

On my Acer laptop wit ATI Xpress 1100 I have a native resolution of 1280 x 800, and Linux Mint 8 (of the Ubuntu family) offers that resolution without a problem. However, a few days ago I connected my laptop to my TV, and since then the correct resolution setting has been LOST. It doesn't appear anymore in the Display settings and so I had to choose a lesser resolution - I am now looking at a less sharp screen! How can I delete it? I hope that I don't need to reinstall...

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General :: Unable To Change Screen Resolution On Slackware 12.2

Mar 8, 2010

I am unable to change mu screen resolution in slackware 12.2. I am editing the xorg.conf in "etc/X11/" with nano. My graphics card is a ATI with 64MB RAM. My monitor is capable of 1280x1024 @ 60Hz. Heres the xorg.conf:

# File generated by xf86config.
# Copyright (c) 1999 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: .....

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General :: Slackware 13.1 Screen Resolution Settings Not Recognized?

Feb 19, 2011

I am loving Slackware, but my Westinghouse monitor is having a hard time recognizing the screen resolution. After typing in startx, I get a black screen. I can plug my box into my trusty test monitor, change the res to a config that the Westinghouse will recognize,then switch monitors and all is fine.How can I edit the res and have Slackware remember the settings? This happens every time I reboot. I am logging in as root, I have not added a user yet at this point.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make Games In Wine Not Stretch In Non-native Resolution?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm running WoW in Ubuntu 9.10 with wine. My screen's native resolution is 1920x1200. When I play WoW in Windows I set it to 1920x1080 in fullscreen because that aspect ratio allows me to see more of the playing field. In windows it doesn't stretch the screen so I have a black bar at the top and bottom of my screen.

When I set it to 1920x1080 under wine, it stretches my screen. Is there any way I can make it not stretch?

I tried searching forums/google but I couldn't find anything related to my question.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Graphics Card Not Recognized - Monitor Native Resolution Not Available

May 8, 2011

I actually do have a GeForce4 MX 460 in this pc. I have a 7950gt in a different pc. Oops. I guess the MX 460 cant do 1600x1200 on the dvi output but somehow it can do it on the vga output? I guess I could just use a vga connection instead of the dvi connection.

The problem I'm having is that my LCD monitor (acer AL2021) can't be used at it's native resolution of 1600x1200. This is probably because my GeForce 7950gt graphics card is not being recognized. Xorg seems to think my card is a GeForce4 M 460. (It's not, really!) I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

Here's what I've been doing for the last few hours:

This didn't work. 1600x1200 is still not listed.

Tried to run nvidia driver installer:

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General :: Dell Latitude C840 Screen Resolution - Slackware

Oct 19, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude C840 with a nVidia GeForce4 440 Go card and the screen is reported to go to 1600x1200, 32 bpp on Wikipedia. But I am unable to choose that resolution in Slackware. last time i changed the resolution to a higher one i needed to edit the xorg.conf, and change the HorizSync setting to match the monitor. but im unable to find the specifications on the screen for the C840. is there another way of doing this ? mabye a nVidia driver or something ?

# Monitor section
# Any number of monitor sections may be present
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "My Monitor"
# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a comma separated list of ranges of values.
HorizSync 31.5 - 50.0

# HorizSync30-64 # multisync
# HorizSync31.5, 35.2 # multiple fixed sync frequencies
# HorizSync15-25, 30-50 # multiple ranges of sync frequencies
# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a comma separated list of ranges of values.
VertRefresh 40-90

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Xrandr Doesn't Detect External Monitor Native Resolution

Apr 25, 2011

When I'm connecting second monitor to the laptop, Display Settings applet (and xrandr -q) does not detect full list of supported resolutions. I need to restart my system or perform Log off while monitor is connected to make full list available.openSUSE 11.4 32 bit, Ati Mobility Radeon HD 3450, proprietary ATI driver 11.3 8.831.2-110308a-115935C-ATI.External monitor is FullHD SyncMaster B2330 (1920x1080)I wonder is there any other workaround to access full resolution that does not require restarting of the system?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xorg.conf Setting Up Native Resolution 1900x1200 & Dual Monitor

Jun 19, 2011

my laptop screen has 1900x1280 (native resolution) and my second monitor has 1600x1080

After browsing the forums and messing around with drivers I managed to get the resolution up to 1600x1080 (from 1000x800 at install) on the laptop screen. No luck at all with the second monitor. I currently have it connected with both VGA and DVI.

my understanding is I need to use twin view to setup the second monitor. I've read several of the earlier posts but haven't been able to get it to work. Here is my current xorg.conf file:

Section "Monitor"
# HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
VendorName "Unknown"


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Slackware :: Unclear Screen - Move Aside All Shell Startup Scripts?

Mar 18, 2010

using any sort of rxvt-based terminal with TERM set to rxvt (or rxvt-unicode) then ^L will not clear the screen, only act as newline. This is not the behavior I see on Debian or CentOS. I have the same user environment at each site. Using urxvt on centos, ^L will clear the screen like readline(3) says it should. If I then ssh to slackware, it won't. exporting TERM=xterm will cause the correct behavior after having logged in to slackware, but I'd rather understand why this is happening. I've tried moving aside all the shell startup scripts, setting clear-screen explicitly in .inputrc, setting stty sane nothing doing. Am I missing something?

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Slackware :: Slackware 13.37 Doesn't Determine Monitor Size Correctly

Jun 12, 2011

I have a display problem since updating to Slackware 13.37. Everything was fine on Slackware 13.1, but when I switched to 13.37 some piece of software came up with the wrong monitor size. I have a 1600x900 LCD monitor but the X screen came up as 1024x768 with blackness on either side of it. Under Slackware 13.1 the X screen came up as 1600x900 as it should without any prompting from me; I didn't even have an Xorg.conf file. I tried using the Xorg.conf file which was needed and work for older Slackwares, eg 12.*, but it didn't work. (Saying it didn't work is a gross understatement! That old Xorg.conf completely screwed up mouse, keyboard, and monitor; the screen was flashing and nothing worked. The only way to get control back was to SSH into the machine from my laptop and reboot. Killing the X server via that SSH console did NOT the flashing or get me back to my console login; only reboot worked.)

I find I can get the screen to be the right size manually by going through KDE's "System Settings" --> "Display and Monitor" --> "Size & Orientation", then disabling "LVDS1" and setting VGA1 to 1600x900. The size of my odd-sized monitor is being correctly detected for the "Auto" choice. Upon reboot LVDS1 stays disabled but VGA1 reverts to 1024x768 so I have to do this each time.I've done some search of the on-line literature regarding the error messages I am seeing in the boot log.

People are suggesting changing all kinds of things to alleviate the side effects of the "conflicting" error message above, even modifying GRUB parameters (which won't work for me since I use LILO).So, I have a manual work around which I must do each time I log in. Does someone know how I can get X or KDE to force 1600x900 upon start (while Linux/X/whoever find and fix the problem) or does someone know of a real fix?

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Ubuntu :: Determine When Shell Is Being Run In An Emulated / Virtual Terminal?

Apr 17, 2011

In a shell script. And use that in a condition.
Something like:

if(pts) echo "emulated"
if(tty) echo "virtual"

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General :: Determine Number Of Rows And Columns Of File In Shell?

Mar 4, 2010

if there's a tab-delimited file under /usr/desktop, how can I determine the number of rows and columns of the file in shell?And, if told the the 3rd column of the file contains only numerical values and all values in the 5th column are unique, how can I verify these in shell?

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Slackware :: Unwatchable DVD Playback In 13.1 With VLC And Native Players?

Apr 2, 2011

I am trying to get DVD's to play in 13.1. I have downloaded Eric's latest VLC, installed libdvdcss, libdvdread, all the gst-plugins I could get and I with VLC the playback is unwatchable, with color mismatch, audio tearing.. all kinds of nasties. The same DVD will play in my win7 laptop as well as my blu ray player. Other players give either audio and no video or tell me that the DVD is encrypted and they can't go further.

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Slackware :: Connection In Various Native Games (13.1 32-bit) - Can't Join Multiplayer Matches

Jan 22, 2011

in the LQ Forums i am experiencing a few connection issues under Slackware 13.1 and came here after lots of searching, and unsuccessful fixes so here it is.

- Problem: I can't join multiplayer matches in various games (Running natively in Linux) some of these are: Open Arena, Urban Terror, Cube 2: Sauerbraten, Quake Live and Planeshift.

- What i did: I tried joining multiplayer matches in these (and a few other) games without success, i get the server list, it says it is connecting and in most of these i get the message: Awaiting Gamestate (except for Planeshift which just fails and Cube 2 that doesn't show anything). Didn't find a fix in the internet and tried some possible ones without success. I even tried forwarding ports on my router/modem, turning on and off UPnP, setting up a firewall and nothing.

- Exceptions: I tried one of these games in my Windows XP 32-bit boot and the same game (Urban Terror) worked, same version number (but the native Windows version) and i could play without lag and any other issue. Cube 2: Sauerbraten manages to connect and lets me play (under Slack) but only on some servers maybe a port or authentication problem i guess. As said the only message is Awaiting Gamestate in every game except for Cube 2 that doesn't show anything and just doesn't connects and Planeshift that says it wasn't able to reach the server. This Slackware install is pretty fresh i installed it day 1 of January 2011 with the additional packages during the installation and the only firewall which i set up today was a IPTABLES one generated here but the issues are present since the day i installed Slack (but only in it) the problem persists with and without the firewall.

As far as i remember i didn't have these issues when i installed Ubuntu so i guess it's a configuration that's lacking. I am connected to the internet through a router (with wireless enabled for my notebook) with a cable (eth0), DHCP, Dynamic IP. - Notes: I installed the PCMCIA thing during the installation and i CAN use the internet (browsing, pidgin, e-mail, .....) normally. Sorry if i wrote too much i tried to give as much information as possible and sorry for any grammar errors, English is not my first language.

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Hardware :: Determine The Best Sub Pixel Order Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

How to determine the best sub pixel order of the screen?

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