Slackware :: Installed Openbox (Alt-Tab Between Firefox And Console)

Dec 12, 2010

I really like KDE 4.4.3, which comes with Slackware 13.1. It is very responsive even on my Pentium III IBM laptop, and that, even with Nepomuk, Akonadi, and Strigi running! However, I'm building Linux from Scratch 6.7 on that laptop right now and I decided that I wanted a much lighter-weight X environment for building LFS because I really only need Firefox and Konsole. The other stuff that's running in KDE that make it nice to use day to day simply uses resources that aren't needed when I'm mostly just compiling software.

So I started looking for light WMs. I played a lot with TWM, which I like. But I wanted to be able to Alt-Tab between Firefox and Console. I think I can do that if I customize the .twmrc, but I haven't got that far with it yet. So I built and installed Openbox from, along with the Tint2 panel/taskbar. It works perfectly for what how I want to use it!

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Ubuntu :: Openbox Allows Login To An Openbox Session, But GNOME/openbox Just Redirects To The Login Screen?

Jul 17, 2010

I have installed openbox on ubuntu 9.10 by this



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Slackware :: Firefox 3.6.12 Just Installed - Dumps On Start

Nov 11, 2010

following the instructions on firefox's web site i installed firefox 3.6.12 in /home/jed/firefox. when i start it from KDE, it shows a startup feedback icon for a few seconds and a firefox button on the task bar for a few seconds, hen it dumps. when i try to start it from a terminal window, nothing happens, it just hangs. i let it sit like that for 20min before hitting ^C. i'm running slack 13.0. working version of firefox is 3.0.17, which fortunately i can point my KDE menu back to and get it to work.

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Slackware :: How To Install Openbox

Feb 12, 2011

I installed slackware 13.1, but I have no desktop. I installed openbox, is this possible? how?

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Slackware :: WICD Keeps Asking For User Password At Openbox Start?

Nov 25, 2010

So, in any other Desktop WM, wicd never asks for passwordyesterday I installed Openbox,etc from SlackBuilds and each time I start Openbox it asks for my user's password.I did some googling but couldn't find anything regarding Slackware & wicdand I'm using -currentUser is part of netdev group so what's the issue

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Ubuntu :: Installed The Add-on Greasemonkey For Firefox And Since Then Firefox Won't Open

Nov 29, 2010

I installed the add-on Greasemonkey for Firefox and since then firefox won't open. If I try to open it on safe mode nothing comes up, it I try it a secont time it tells me that Firefox is already running and if I try to open it normally it shows it on the bottom as if it was opening and then it dissapears.

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Software :: Run Firefox Maximized In CONSOLE?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to take snapshot of web with some script, so its must running on console. what i want to do it how to maximized it to full ?

DISPLAY=:2 firefox "$URL" &
what i've got


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Fedora :: Java Console Pops Up In Firefox?

Mar 6, 2010

Recently fooled around with settings, don't remember what I did and now the java console pops up in Firefox when I click on a java app. How do I turn this OFF?

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OpenSUSE :: VmWare Plugin For Firefox Does Not Open A Console In X64 11.3

Oct 26, 2010

The usual way to access to a virtual machine console from a VmWare server 2 is to use Firefox :

- you type the URL of your VmWare server, e.g. : https://myserver:8333
- then you click on the console tab, for the vm you want to access to
- the first time, firefox tells you to install a dedicated plug-in
- then, when you click on the right panel, a new window appears for the vm console.

But on a fresh installed x64 Suse 11.3, with Firefox 3.6.6, the plug-in does not open the window and you get an error : "Cannot access virtual machine console. The request timed out." There is a workaround that I find much more convenient than to use firefox :

- you need to access to your vmware server installation :
- you fetch the vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.xpi file and you copy it somewhere on your Suse PC (e.g. /home/myhome)
- you change the extension : mv vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.xpi vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.tar.gz
- you unzip it : unzip vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.tar.gz (it will create 2 files and 2 directories : components and plugins)
- you will run the VmWare plug-in directly : plugins/vmware-vmrc
- for the hostname, you have to enter : myserver:8333
- and it works !

ref : VMware Communities: HOWTO: Standalone Linux remote console ...

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Firefox Plugin FEBE - Error Console

May 12, 2010

After installing Lucid Lynx on a clean partition, as I usually do with all new releases, I had the idea of backing up my Firefox settings and stuff from the old installation with the Firefox plugin FEBE, to restore it into my new Firefox. It didn't go so well. I should've settled for just restoring the extensions, not settings and preferences too. Below is a copy of the Error Console, right after startup of Firefox. It seems something originally present (is it the Ubuntu One plugin?) was lost when I restored the FEBE files:

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Slackware :: During Logon At Console?

Feb 10, 2010

When I logon at the text console I see the following:

gbnet login: root


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Slackware :: What Is Meant By Console / Tty / Pts

Jun 27, 2011

i wanna know what is my console, the terminal, pseudo terminal, thses things seem one thing to me ,, plz can anyone differentiate them. and how many consoles and terminals i have in slackware.

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Slackware :: Mirroring Displays In Console?

Apr 24, 2011

I've always been under the impression that when using the console only a notebook's display is used. Apparently this is not the case as I just booted off of a SystemRescueCD and the display on the notebook was mirrored on my external HDMI connected monitor. I have a feeling this is set somewhere in the kernel, but where?

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Slackware :: No Console Messages During Boot?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm running slack64 13.0. At initial boot i see the two penguins and text from th kernel scrolls past until my root partition is mounted where upon all messages stop until the console prompt or KDM pops up. Everything seems to be operating as normal but i've no idea whats happening during the rc scripts (FS checking, etc). When shutting down though the rc.6/rc.0 script messages appear in the console though.

To my knowledge i've not changed anything that would effect this (just modified inittab for runlevel 4 & tty4,5,6 in runlevel 4).

There's nothing in dmesg but most messages don't get logged there as i understand.

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Slackware :: Installed Multilib Support In 64bit Slackware 13.37 Installation?

Jun 28, 2011

I have installed multilib support in my 64bit slackware 13.37 installation than I proceed it to install google earth from slackbuilds... and did ln -sf /lib/ /lib/ when I try to run google earth I get:[ 760.092745] googleearth-bin[3647]:segfault at 984f7d31 ip 00000000984f7d31 sp 00000000ffbfe100 error 4

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Slackware :: How Should Proprietary ATI Driver Be Installed On Slackware Current 64-bit?

May 15, 2010

I've tried a few different ways to install the ATI graphics driver "fglrx" to get 3D acceleration.If I try to install using the standard file "" from the ATI web site it appears to work but then I discover it actually got an error.I saw a reference to ATI requiring 32-bit libraries to install their 64-bit driver. Is there a link or post that explains how to add the 32-bit libraries. Will that solve the problem, or will I just waste more time trying that?

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Slackware :: Plug Projector On Laptop With Slackware 13.1 Installed?

Nov 3, 2010

I was trying to plug projector on my laptop with slackware 13.1 installed. The problem is that the projector stops showing whenever I start X. I can see everything starting from LILO loader, but whenever I type "startx" - bam, no signal or just a black screen on the wall. I try to switch to console mode with ctrl+alt+f1 - the view appears, switching back to X with ctrl+alt+f7 - view disappears. I am using awesome WM. I tried XFCE, but the result was the same. I also tried to change resolution to

xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768 / 800x600
, but again, no difference. My laptop is ASUS F3Jc. Fn keys doesn't help as well.

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Slackware :: 13.1 Text Console Horizontal Alignment?

Feb 16, 2011

I use various hard disks in my computer. When I install a 13.1 disk, the six text consoles <Ctrl-F1> through <Ctrl-F6> are shifted to the left such that the first 2 characters in the line are off my flat panel screen. I use several different disks on this machine and all other disks are properly aligned. change the vga line in /etc/lilo.conf to vga = normal rather than vga = 773. This didn't fix the problem and resulted in another problem. If I adjust my flat panel horizontal adjustment, when I start XWindows, those screens are too far to the right. Is there a way to adjust the horizontal offset only for the consoles?

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Slackware :: Can't Change The Console Text On Netbook

Aug 16, 2010

I just installed Slackware 13.1 on my Acer a0531h. My first problem is the size of letters on pure console. It's too small. I tried tweaking lilo but even using 'normal' doesn't change the size of letters. I haven't changed the default font (I think it's called default8x16). The text looks pretty sharp though, so I'm wondering whether this is its native resolution. The text during installation was huge, and quite blurry. I just want to have a text size I can easily read and if possible be sharp. I know I can start X and have whatever font family and size I want, but somehow I feel better using pure console. Just in case it matters, I want to say that eventually I want to have UTF8 support on the command line (so that I can read and write Greek).

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Slackware :: Manually Mount A USB Stick In Console?

Nov 14, 2010

I'd like to be able to manually mount a USB stick in console (before X is started) and I can't seem to find a good way to do that. I'm not too smart about HAL and UDEV and I don't want to undo the auto mount feature when X is running but still be able to manually mount and unmount as necessary; like for installing patches and packages after an install or version upgrade. It seems like there should be an entry in /etc/fstab and a directory in /mnt or /media but danged if I can find something that points the way.

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Slackware :: Have A Reminder Printed On The Console Just After Login

Nov 19, 2010

I have sometimes wished to place a reminder, to be displayed after I login. And what I did was to write it in /etc/motd or in /etc/issue. But something in the system erases or writes a new motd/issue.What would be the easiest way to have a reminder printed on the console just after login?

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Slackware :: Oracle VM Console Button Not Working (VNC)?

May 30, 2011

I need to be able to install new virtual machines with Oracle VM. There's console button in the web interface which opens VNC connection to specified Virtual guest but it haven't been able to get it to work yet. [URL] I converted the rpm to tgz package and installed it. It installs the packages to /opt. I also tried info in the following link: [URL] Firefox's about:config lists the ovm-console plugin active and when I press the console button in the web page it opens up a new window. The window doesn't prompt for missing plugin but it won't open the VNC display either. As an alternative I installed tigervnc from Aliens repo but it has problems with the mouse cursor. My laptop mouse cursor goes at different pace than the vnc client cursor so it makes its use very hard.

Edit, forgot to mention that I checked and tightvnc-java package is installed on the Oracle VM manager and the console button works on Windows and on Fedora when I tried it. So the issue seems to be limited to my Slackware64 setup.

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Slackware :: Reading And Writing Emails From The Console?

Apr 3, 2010

I want to be able to access my email account from the console. I'm reading all day about fetchmail, postfix, sendmail etc. but all the stuff I found is related to building whole mail system. All I want to do is to read my emails and write some. Which is the painless way to do this? I successfully configured Evolution for this purpose but I want to do that from the console.

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Slackware :: Change Base Console Text Color

Sep 5, 2010

I'm interested in changing the console text color. I can change the console color easily in X, but I'd also like to change the color of the text when my computer first boots up (like right after LILO).Is this something I can modify without rebuilding the kernel? If not, does anyone know where in the source I could make a change like this?

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Slackware :: Console App Causing System To Hang On Shutdown?

Jul 14, 2011

I have been looking for a lightweight bandwidth monitoring app and came across bmon. It does what I need. However it has an interesting way of exiting.

when it is running and you close it down it ask you 'Really quit (y/n)' and does not shut down. I am used to just right clicking on my desktop and selecting 'leave' when it comes to shutdown time.

A few times now the laptop hangs on shutdown if bmon is open. I guess it is due to the app asking if it should shutdown. Is there a way to disable the app asking or alternatively nuke it for sure with some script on shutdown.

I could search the relevant konsole running the app and go thru the steps to shut it down but sometimes I am in a hurry and it doesn't feel like the way to go anyhow?

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Slackware :: Get Rid Of Unicode Console Fonts And Keyboard Layout?

Nov 23, 2010

I use Slackware 13.1. So far I chose during the installation of the system lat2a-16.psfu.gz font and my applications worked well in console mode. Now the same applications with the same font display gridded rectangles instead of some diacritical characters. In /etc/rc.d/rc.font I have standard setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz command:



setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz

In /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap I have standard loadkeys command:



if [ -x /usr/bin/loadkeys ]; then /usr/bin/loadkeys; fi

Standard setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz command reports for some reason loading of the Unicode mapping table:

# setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz


Loading 256-char 8x16 font from file /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/lat2a-16.psfu.gz
Loading Unicode mapping table...


I examined /etc/rc.d directory but I didn�t find the setting switching the console to the Unicode mode. The same with env and set commands outputs. I tried to overwrite Slackware 13.1 /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/lat2a-16.psfu.gz with lat2a-16.psfu.gz file provided in kbd packages from Slackware 12.2 and 11.0 but the results were the same. I suppose the problem is caused by improper handling of the system settings by the kernel but I�m not can I get rid of Unicode console font and keyboard layout and come back to ISO-8859-2 font and keyboard?

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Slackware :: Finding The Location Of Default Console Keymap?

Mar 20, 2010

I avoid capslock like the plague and use "ctrl:nocaps" when in X, and would like to have the same behaviour in the console. Back when I was using Debian I got it set up the way I want, but now I can't seem to locate the default keymap. I tried editing



and it works when I use loadkeys manually, but not on boot.

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Slackware :: Network Traffic Prints In Console @ Slack 13?

Mar 24, 2010

I've been using slackware since slack12.2 on a linux box as router at home with some servers running on it and it's been awesome and performs perfectly. But since I upgraded to slackware 13 there is something that drives me crazy. I use to manage the box through SSH but sometimes I have to do some configs localy and it's almost impossible because I have constant echos of some traffic the iptables is forwarding to other hosts on the network.

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Slackware :: Getty/virtual Console Prompt Setting?

Jul 12, 2010

How to change the console login prompt settings in slackware 13.1 x64? I tried googling but couldnt find anything, maybe I dont know what it's called.. I mean when the system boot and boots into console asking login info, how to reset the console to new page/clear screen(clearing all the boot up info lines) before it prompts to login. Like for example if after logged into a tty I type exit, I want the screen to refresh(reset?) such that all screen info is cleared and only login prompt is shown on the top left of the screen, like in fedora shell prompt.

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Slackware :: Unreadable Characters At Console Screen After KDE Logout?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm using Slackware 13.1.

Whenever I logout of KDE and go back into console mode, the characters at the console screen become unreadable gibberish. Is anyone else having this problem?

I can ctl+alt+F? to work at another console screen, but the ctl+alt+F1 screen remains unreadable until I reboot.

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