Slackware :: Freeze In 13.37

May 1, 2011

I have 13.37 installed and am thinking of changing to it but I have had two system freezes with it. This never happens on 13.0. Once was when I was selecting reboot from kde and another time I was closing another program - I forget which.

I have this in kdm log and xorg.log


Should I try the nvidia driver?

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Slackware :: 13.37 Freeze On X Start?

May 23, 2011

Hardware - Compaq615, video - radeon hd 3200 After clean installation of 13.37 x64, proprietary ati driver, multilib. xfce.

All was o.k., video rendering was direct etc., etc. then i rebooted, and system freeze at startx. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace not working, hard reset needed. I tried xorgconfig, Xorg -configure, aticinfig --initial, deleting /etc/X11/xorg.conf with no result at all. /var/log/Xorg.0.log empty. When i do startx from root - all is o.k, writing from root now.

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Slackware :: Vim Freeze At Startup When In Ssh Session

Jan 16, 2011

I have been using vim for years without problem but today I have met one weird scenario which I can't solve it after troubleshoot for the whole day and google around. This happen to my 2 machine at home which both installed with Slackware 13.1..I just got my laptop done setup with Slackware 13.1 and I ssh from my laptop to my desktop that have vim installed. I use one of my laptop virtual console to do the ssh login to that desktop.

And using vim in that laptop virtual console and Konsole itself, all works fine. The problem only occur when I ssh into the desktop using a virtual console.It seems like if I supply the vim specifically a .vimrc, it will work fine. It seems like it's taking forever to find the .vimrc file. But if I remove that .vimrc, it will also freeze. If I create a new user in that desktop and ssh again and then do vim, it will also freeze.Any one face this strange problem before ? I know I can still use Konsole to ssh and do vim, but I wish to solve this and since vim is been there for so long, I think this problem will most likely faced by someone before.

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Slackware :: Freeze On Large File Copy With NFS?

Mar 22, 2010

i don't know if this is a slackware related issue but i have the following problem.I'm running a slackware64-current on my system. For my private data I'm using a QNAP NAS (Some ARM CPU with linux kernel 2.6.22), the file shares provided by NFS. I mount them withmount -t nfs /mnt/qnapWorks fine, no problems.But now, if i try to copy some large files ( > 1GiB) to the NAS share, sometimes the systems completely freezes during the copy process. I have to do a hard reset to bring the system back to work

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Slackware :: Fresh Install - Xfce Freeze

May 28, 2011

I have just installed Slackware 13.37. After the install - when executing startx for the first time, the xfce desktop freezes when its almost (?) fully loaded.

While loading I can move mouse and if I hit caps_lock the lamp at the keyboard turns on and off.

In the setup I choosed to use vesa - allthoug I afterr that even tried to boot from lilo into vga-mode.

I am, a litle rusty after have been brainwashed through Ubuntu for a few years (sigh) - so I really am not sure which config-file I should edit, and xorg.conf seems to be empty.

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Slackware :: Intel Celeron 750 Installation Freeze?

Nov 1, 2010

I've been trying to install Slackware on my Intel Celeron 750, but it keeps freezing during the installation.

It usually freezes during a screen that seems to show a bunch of coordinates and processes. The last one looks like this:

[<c10035be>] kernel_thread_helper+0x6/1x10

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General :: Slackware 13.1 - Oftenly Freeze On It's Own While Use GUI Session - KDE4

Apr 6, 2011

I'm using slackware 13.1 now (dual boot with win7) and recently, my slack oftenly freeze on it's own while i use GUI session (KDE4) i can't use ctrl+alt+del or prtsc+alt+REISUB it's just like my notebook absolutely freeze.

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Slackware :: Total Freeze After Installing Wicd Using Slackpkg

Nov 23, 2010

I have installed Slackware 13.1 without a problem and have a working wired ethernet connection. However I need to set up wireless but each time I try to do this using wicd I have a total system crash during the start up screens at the very last line before the welcome line appears.

Nothing works to resolve it, and I need to press and hold the start button and restart. I have checked the md5sum, installed the software again several times but the same happens each time which results in me having to reinstall.

I have installed wicd using slackpkg update, then slackpkg install wicd.

I have also tried downloading wicd from the slackware /extras folder and installing it on its own. Either way the same happens.

I have tried various manual approaches to setting up wireless following various links but again without success.

I now have a clean install again but am not wanting the same to happen.

Can anyone suggest what I might need to do?

I am using an intel Pentium 4, 2.53 ghz, 512Mb ram, GeForce4 MX 440.

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Slackware :: When Run Startx Or Startxfce4 Xfce Freeze During Startup

Mar 10, 2011

I have installed Slackware and chose Xfce as my primer desktop. but when I run startx or startxfce4 xfce freeze during startup what to do?

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Slackware :: Mouse Randomly Quits Clicking And Scrolling And Windows Freeze

Jul 20, 2011

Unfortunately, I've encountered a disaster the likes of which I've never seen before:Yesterday, in slackware 13.1, while using firefox, the window would no longer move or resize, and I could no longer click on things in that window.While this happens, the icons in xfce4 panel no longer acknowledge that the mouse is rolling over them, so I can't launch terminal from a panel, etc.; however I am still able to right click on desktop and open terminal and other apps that way.Since it was high time to upgrade to 13.37, and since I was experiencing weirdness, I decided to do a clean install: I actually repartitioned my drive, and reformatted the partitions (all xfs, and after backing up my data, of course)...

I don't know if that's significant, or not. there seems to be some lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log about my logitech mouse.way too complicated to write by hand.I will log out and back on... sometimes that frees up other windows. Then I'll add the Xorg.0.log.

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Slackware :: USB 3.0 / Connect Something Width Startx Initiated Box Freeze And The Caplocks Led Start To Blink?

May 12, 2010

I have slackware64 current installed, my laptop have a nec pci express ubs3.0 port, but when I connect something width startx initiated my box freeze and the caplocks led start to blink, I think maye a kernel panic.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Desktop Randomly Freeze - Finding Which Module Cause The Freeze?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a Ubuntu 10.04 fresh installation on my HP laptop. Installation successful and boot OK. But the desktop randomly freeze. During freeze(about 15s each time), all programs are not responsive. Sometimes I can switch program by click, but program seems locked. How can I know which module cause the freeze?

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Debian :: Sid Not Getting Updates During Freeze?

Sep 5, 2010

The following packages will be upgraded:


66 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

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Fedora :: 12 Random Freeze ?

Dec 18, 2009

I just installed Fedora 12. Now i've seen a few other threads but they seem to have all the conclusion that its the Nvidia drivers at fault. Well i have an ATI Mobility Radeon 3400 series. I can login, and navigate for a little bit, then it just randomly freezes. I've booted to both gnome and KDE, kde freezes almost immediately w/o letting me navigate much. Gnome takes a bit and then freezes on me. I managed to login once and go like 6 minutes then i thought it was worked out, rebooted and boom, froze up again. I can still move my mouse but can't click or use keyboard. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work either .....

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OpenSUSE :: Freeze KDE At 4.4 Release 2

Feb 27, 2010

Here are my repos:


Since I use this for work, I don't want the DE to get unstable with updates, but want to do other updates like security updates. Should I disable the KDE Factory Desktop repos? How can I work this so everything updates without taking my KDE into 4.4.1 beta? I ask because I'm not sure yet what comes down through OSS, NON OSS, and Updates repos....or, if I can only do those. I'm just trying to make it dummy proof..I don't tend to break things in linux

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OpenSUSE :: Freeze Screen In 11.3 With Kde?

Aug 3, 2010

i've had a problema with opensuse 11.3. Sometimes (3 times) the O.S. is freeze. STOP everything. And i had that shutdown with button. I think that the problem is with KDE, but i dont know.

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OpenSUSE :: Why Firefox 4 Freeze In 11.4

Apr 11, 2011

Firefox 4 freeze in openSUSE-11.4? Mine freezes randomly, it seems, on opening links in new tabs. I don't think it's Flash as it happens on any web site, even without flash (e.g. like this forum). I've updated to the latest version from the Mozilla repo but it still freezes. The only option is to kill it and restart it. So I use Chromium at the moment. But I prefer Firefox.

PS I don't have any Firefox 4 problems in WinXP at work. And I think I haven't yet had a freeze on my Intel laptop or Atom netbook (maybe I haven't used them long enough), looks like it may be something to do with 64-bits (AMD)? But I may be wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Freeze Due To Low RAM?

Feb 26, 2010

I was just browsing and it said something about it requiring 256MB of RAM to install the 9.04 OS. I was curious if that would cause the freezing during install and the freezing during usage of my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 & 9.10 Freeze All The Time?

Jul 4, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for about 2 months now, I have quite enjoyed using it and so I decided to install it on my brother's PC.I started by trying to install 10.04-64bit, to my surprise it froze during installation. I tried installing it again and this time I was able to complete the installation, however the PC started freezing systematically usually 2-5 minutes after logging in. I decided to install 9.10-64bit, it was frustrating to discover that the same issue was still there (the systematic freezes). I also tried the 32-bit version of 10.04 but it simply didn't solve the problem.

Another thing is that when installing ubuntu from alternate CD it doesn't freeze during installation, which is not true for a regular installation image.After reading around I discovered that booting Ubuntu in rescue mode and then choosing the failsafe option in the menu prevented any freezes from happening.When the PC is frozen neither mouse or keyboard are responsive & the caps light DOESN'T blink.It is certainly not a hardware problem as windows seems to work flawlessly on the machine.Also when I do a hard restart, I sometimes need to reset the BIOS as it gets messed up.hardware:MB: ASUS A8N-VMVIDEO: On-board(Nvidia 6100)Proc: AMD 3000+Ram: 2GB

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Ubuntu :: Freeze Ups Are Becoming Unbearable?

Jul 26, 2010

Ive posted here before but have not received any solutions. I have freeze ups in the application software including open office, movie player and firefox to such an extent that it is barely usable. These lock ups occur frequently, consistently, and use can become an extremely aggravating issue. I use the computer for VPN functions and it causes the vpn to disconnect. I dont need to tell you the problems that causes.

The entire computer locks up for periods of 20 seconds or more even where no activity can be performed. I have a computer with 2-2gig processors with 2 gigs of memory.I update my machine whenever the update manager informs me.

I use the computer monitor and can see the cpu usage spike to 100% when the computer is idle, causing lockups. I know Im not the only one who experiences this problem cause I see it all over the net.

My question is this, when are the developers for ubuntu going to address these issues. As it stands now this product is NOT ready for prime time. I dont wish to become a ubuntu guru. Im simply wanting a stable operating system to do basic wordprocessing and other such functions.

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Ubuntu :: System Freeze - What To Fix It?

Oct 3, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 10.04 as a mythtv box and it works mostly fine. But occasionally the system will hang during booting and the last messages I can see are code...

So, I don't know. What is the problem? This system is supposed to run mostly unattended, I can't check all the time whether it booted alright.

So what can I do?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freeze At Boot / Fix It?

Jan 23, 2011

I just downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition for my Toshiba Tecra A4 laptop, but the system first froze at the default desktop picture (nothing was loaded except the arrow). Tried restarting only to find it frozen on the purple boot screen again with only the mouse arrow loaded (I can move it around).

Note: The same thing happened when I tried to boot Ubuntu from CD (without installing)

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Ubuntu :: Freeze On Log In Screen?

Mar 17, 2011

and i cant press alt+ctrl+f1 to get to a terminal. can i reinstall gdm to my drive via the live cd? if so, how can i do it?

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Ubuntu :: Both 11.04 And 10.10 Make PC Freeze

Apr 29, 2011

I have an HP Pavilion zv5000 laptop, it has a pentium 4. I believe the problem might have something to do with the pentium 4. I've searched the forums and noticed others have the same problem as me and they have similar P4 laptops freezing. I've tried the fixes mentioned in those threads but they don't work for me and a handful of other P4 users.

The Problem: When surfing the net or just doing normal everyday things like writing a letter in open office the laptop will totally freeze. It doesn't matter if I overload the laptop by surfing with multiple tabs, playing a video on ....., and listening to music or if I just have one program running. The laptop will totally freeze at a random time and you can't do anything. It's a complete freeze that forces me to reboot by holding the power button.

Solutions: I've seen some solutions posted but they never work for me. The most common one is switch from Firefox to Chromium. I actually have both browsers and they freeze. Firefox tends to make the laptop freeze faster than chromium. But it still freezes randomly after a while.

Another solution I tried from reading a different thread is getting rid of Icedtea java and going back to sun java. This didn't do anything to help the freezing.

Before upgrading to 10.10 and 11.04 I was on 9.10 and it worked flawlessly on my laptop. Something happened in 10.10 that caused this, maybe something was modified or dropped is my guess. I upgraded to 11.04 hoping that it would fix the problem but it hasn't.

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Debian :: Ssh Session Freeze After Any Command?

May 26, 2010

I have debian squeeze server at work, acting as gateway, and home computer with debian sid (amd64). OpenVPN is working on server ecure connections from internet. So my home computer is connected to work server via openvpn almost 24/7. Some days ago i faced strange problem - when i make ssh session from home to work, via openvpn connection, i can login to work server, but after any command on remote console i have blank screen and nothing happening on it. Only exit is pressing Enter ~ . In server's auth log are messages about session opening and closing only.When i ssh to server from local network at workplace - via putty or native ssh - it works without any problems. I can do anything.But from home I can only login.

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Debian :: System Will Freeze For Some Seconds

Jun 20, 2011

I'm experiencing some weird short freezing issues in Squeeze and / or unstable. Everything works as usual, then the system will freeze for some seconds if I don't do anything, or resume faster if I move the mouse or hit a key on the keyboard. I thought it was a wifi related problem, as I have an intel iwl4965 , here is what I often see in dmesg:
[ 2608.910307] iwl4965 0000:06:00.0: Queue 4 stuck for 2000 ms.
[ 2608.910317] iwl4965 0000:06:00.0: On demand firmware reload
[ 2608.912832] ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested

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Debian :: Testing Version Going Into Freeze

Jun 14, 2010

I have been searching the forum regarding info about the debian testing going into freeze, but cannot find specific info regarding some of the facts. I understand that after some time the testing version (squeeze currently) goes into "freeze" before it becomes the new stable. Now, what does freeze actually mean? Currently I'm running Squeeze, and updating as the update software suggests, and since first install, I got a new kernel image, some updates to applications I use etc etc. So, when testing goes into freeze, all updates are stopped and only bugfixes are released, am I right? But I'm curious about one thing, for example I have gnome DE with let's say network manager applet 0.8.

So when testing is done with freeze and becomes the new stable - does it include current versions of kernel and programs that were actual during freeze? Will I have network manager applet 0.8 after freeze is gone to stable, or will it revert to... dunnno 0.7.6 version? At this time I have kernel version 2.6.32-5-686 , when I first installed it was 2.6.32-3-686 , so when going into freeze then stable kernel won't be downgraded, right? Btw I'm not using Sid's repositories. Well I least I think I'm not, the sources.list doesn't include sid's repos... Well sid non-free is there.

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Debian Hardware :: System Freeze - What To Fix This?

Apr 4, 2010

i'm running debian on a custom-built (no brand) box, which has been up and running for, maybe, 3-4 years with no issues whatsoever. all good parts... asus mbo, athlon, wd hd, etc. lately, every once in a while - like, say, every couple of days - i hear a "beep" from the box and the system freezes... lose the keyboard and mouse, and the display stays up but also freezes (for example, if a videos vid was playing, it would just freeze). have to physically reboot to get the system back. i assume this has nothing to do with the os or any app (although i'm usually browsing with chrome or ff when it happens). not being a hardware guy... can anybody clue me in as to how to figure out what's causing the problem?

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Debian Hardware :: Notebook Seems To Just Freeze Once In A While

Aug 4, 2010

My notebook seems to just freeze once in a while sometimes once a week, sometimes once in two weeks, sometimes once in two consecutive days. I cannot for the love of it narrow it down to anything. Granted, I have not followed the logs, but doing so for the first time gave no real results either.

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Debian Hardware :: PC Freeze / Sort It?

Oct 2, 2010

My pc is old socket 478 board. It was repaired and installed win xp it worked normal. but later I installed debian unfortunately in debian pc freeze after about 1 hour working. but in xp it was not freezing. what do you think is it from hardware problem.

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