OpenSUSE :: Freeze Screen In 11.3 With Kde?

Aug 3, 2010

i've had a problema with opensuse 11.3. Sometimes (3 times) the O.S. is freeze. STOP everything. And i had that shutdown with button. I think that the problem is with KDE, but i dont know.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome-terminal Glitch Causes Upper Left Of Screen Freeze

Apr 14, 2011

When it launches, sometimes a few mins later, the upper left of the screen (where gnome-terminal sits) freezes and becomes unresponsive. The cursor always stays as the 'text entry' cursor when in the region. If I alt-drag the window and close, nothing changes.It only goes away when I right click the area (even if I have moved/closed the terminal window) I have terminal options so I select 'close' then the screen resumes.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: After Adding RAM Modules - Random Screen Freeze/lockup

Jan 11, 2011

Basically when I add more than a single 2gb RAM module, my computer starts randomly crashing every half hour or so, the screen freezes with no response. I have tested the RAM with memtest 86+, it only happens when there is more than one module. The system is openSuse 11.2 64bit and it had a single 2gb RAM module when I first installed it, and removing all but this seemingly fixes the issue. The following is the error message I get when the system crashes, It seems to continue messaging after the initial visual lockup.

Jan 11 16:34:50 eddie kernel: [ 3129.580690] SysRq : HELP : loglevel(0-9) reBoot Crash terminate-all-tasks(E) memory-full-oom-kill(F) fGldbg kill-all-tasks(I) thaw-filesystems(J) saK show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(L) show-memory-usage(M) nice-all-RT-tasks(N) powerOff show-registers(P) show-all-timers(Q) unRaw Sync show-task-states(T) Unmount show-blocked-tasks(W) dump-ftrace-buffer(Z)


I don't know what the problem is, but from searching the web it could be a number of problems, the memory is not being allocated correctly or it maybe there's some conflict no between my ATI HD card/driver (latest driver from ATI repo).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze Screen After Reboot And Get Past The Splash Screen?

May 12, 2011

When I install Ubuntu 11.04 with Wubi, I get this freeze screen after I reboot and get past the Ubuntu splash screen: url

As you can see, it's a scrambled picture of my Windows desktop. This happens with every other version of Ubuntu also.

I'm running a 64-bit PC and I don't wanna waste another CD or use a USB to install, because I actually progress further in my efforts whenever I use Wubi.

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Ubuntu :: Suspend/hibernate Commands Freeze / Screen Turn To A Black Screen Without Shutting Down?

Jul 4, 2010

out of no where it seems ubuntu no longer wants to cooperate when suspending/hibernating. the screen will just turn to a black screen without shutting down. each time i have to maually power down my laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze/Blank Screen After Screen Off 11.04?

May 4, 2011

I've been running Ubuntu 10.10 very smoothly for a while now. Decided to upgrade to 11.04 - managed to corrupt the hard disk the first time by letting the laptop hibernate part of the way through but reinstalled from a live CD of 11.04 and it's now working except for this issue.

If I shut the screen on my laptop (or press the screen off button) either the screen won't come back on or it will but frozen (I can move the mouse but not click on anything etc.) In this state music continues to play (from spotify under wine) and if I press my hibernate shortcut (power button) the computer hibernates, only to wake into the same situation. I've got a Dell Latitude D520, upgraded to a bigger hard disk and more ram - the ubuntu partition has 50gb. Windows is working fine.

Edit: I noticed a sticky thread which includes something about a blank screen but I think this is a different issue?

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Ubuntu :: Freeze On Log In Screen?

Mar 17, 2011

and i cant press alt+ctrl+f1 to get to a terminal. can i reinstall gdm to my drive via the live cd? if so, how can i do it?

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Fedora :: Freeze Before Login Screen?

Jan 10, 2010

I currently run Fedora 12 on one HDD divided into 4 partitions:

/boot :
/ : encrypted
/home : encrypted


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Ubuntu :: Screen Freeze At Login 10.04

May 7, 2010

I'm having this problem right now. Everything seems fine right until the login screen. I click my name and attemp to login using virtual keyboard, since i use wireless mouse and keyboard. Well, none of both works while at this step, so i just use a wired mouse. Well that was yesterday.

Today i can't login using this method since 2 secs while i try to put my pass it just freezes. Not even my wired mouse works. Of course i can not use other terminal. Just in case i went into recovery mode to check if it was my gpu (5870) and it runs just fine in recovery(well at least the sort of test i does, but when it switched driver, bam freeze again) Still i don't think its gpu related, but maybe im wrong.

I was thinking to try and log in console(since while at recovery, keyboard seemed to work) and throw some update to see if that could fix muy problem.

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Ubuntu :: Freeze At The Login Screen?

Jun 15, 2010

Recently I have installed Ubuntu under windows and it worked perfectly the first time I booted up. It was really fast and wireless worked which was a plus. However the second time I tried to log into Ubuntu it froze at the login screen and no usernames were displayed. My mouse also didn't work.

In order to try to fix this I just rebooted and had the same issue, this time the drum sound played three and a half times then the same as before happened.

As a result I completely reinstalled Ubuntu (again under windows) and have been having the same problem, but this time I can actually see my user name.

I have noticed that when this freeze occurs the Hard Drive seems to just stop all activity which is interesting. By the way my computer is working perfectly if I boot into windows so all hardware is fine.

Edit: It seems that this problem only occurs when I am running my laptop off battery power

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Ubuntu :: KDE And GDK - Black Screen - FREEZE

Apr 20, 2011

I installed KDE (because its what all the pretty Linux desktops use) and gave it a go. My initial problem-black screen. But I had that taken care of. So I had a great time and all and then I restart and then FREEZE (which is VERY rare in something as great as Ubuntu, compared to Windows which I now hate). When it does that, mouse moves but thats it. I'm overall very smart and pretty good with operating system but Linux code is something I am yet to learn. Also, my Gnome desktop isn't really that bad although I'm desperate for one of those sidebars that show you the CPU and time and weather and crap.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10: Menu Pixels Freeze On Screen?

Dec 7, 2010

Eee PC 1005HA : Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix, using Desktop Edition at login screen, using Awn in place of Unity: No clue what's causing this. Menu pixels freeze, remain on top of windows. Cursor floats over, but interacts with the actual active window. Can't move it. This has happened several times now, but usually only lasts a few minutes. At the time of this post, these pixels have been frozen for at least 20 minutes. Relogging fixes the problem, but logging out and in again every time this happens isn't really an option.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Full Screen Freeze?

Jan 18, 2011

I've seen a number of post for this, but none work, does anyone know of a fix. Whenever a streaming flash video (you tube etc) is toggled to full screen the picture freezes. The sound doesn't. It's not a driver issue as video from DVD works fine

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Ubuntu :: Flickering Screen & Freeze On 1st Boot?

Mar 21, 2011

When I first boot up it gets to the checking sensors, then freezes and the screen flickers all the time. I have to do a hard shutdown then when I turn the computer back on everything works normally in fact the boot time is greatly reduced! And so far the system has worked fine after the 2nd boot.Anyone had anything similar?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04system Freeze W/screen Capture

May 20, 2011

system - screen/mouse/keyboard/hard drive all freeze. if I am in the middle of video or audio, last second of audio loops. I get a terminal screen (attached).

Also, If there is a step by step overall troubleshooting guide,I would appreciate its location. This did not freeze under 10.10, but I have changed wifi card (changed driver) and loaded VirtualBox from oracle (not Ubuntu - VB not running during freeze)) - no other changes.

Running 11.04, classic gnome
Hardware: AMD Athlon II X4 2.8 GHz Processor
MB - MSI 785gtm-E45

What Ubuntu Sees:

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Ubuntu :: Freeze At 'blue Bubbly Screen' After Login

Feb 22, 2010

While I was trying to install a package in the package manager I accidentally removed a package that I am not aware of.I got a crash report telling me to enter something along the lines of a broken package repair mode. The next time I started my computer it froze at the blue screen with bubbles after login.Is there a way to access the gui using a recovery/rescue type mode so I can access the package manager, or is there a way to find and reinstall the vital package?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot In 9.10 Login Screen Freeze?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a dual boot configuration (WinXp and Ubuntu 9.10) on a PC (my video card is an ATI Radeon 4850), i have been configuring ubuntu for the past 5 days and everything was working fine. Today i installed Screenlets (through synaptic manager), and i was adding a screenlet when the screen froze. I could move the cursor, but couldn't click anything. I left it for about 5 minutes to see if anything changes, and since it was still frozen, i did a hard reset (restart from the button).

In the grub menu i chose the normal linux boot (not the recovery mode), it loads up the welcome splash screen (with the tribal sound and the bar moving), and then the little circle cursor appears, turns into the normal arrow cursor and it hangs. I can move the cursor, but the screen is stuck with the ubuntu splash screen.I restarted (again from the button) and went into recovery mode, but in the recovery console i can't select any option from the keyboard (i tried hitting the cursor keys, enter, nothing happens). I hit ctrl+alt+delete and it restarted the system (so the keyborad does function). In XP i found a recommendation to restart the Xserver, so i rebooted in the Ubuntu splash screen, hit ctrl+alt+F2, logged in, typed the command i found:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorgrestarted (sudo reboot), and got to the splash screen, which after playing the tribal sounds, turned semi-transparent (i could see the desktop wallpaper, taskbars and a black rectangle where my cairo-dock should appear), but again it freezed, no cursor. I hit ctrl+alt+F2 to go into console mode, and uninstalled screenlets (since it was the last thing i installed before the initial freeze).Screenlets uninstalled properly (i used sudo apt-get remove screenlets) so i rebooted, but it still freezes at the ubuntu screen splash (this time it wasn't transparent, just the standard screen splash). So i tried getting into console mode again, but this time my screen displays lines in a lot of colors, randomly (probably a failure from the video adapter)

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Ubuntu :: Thinkpad T42 Black Screen Freeze - Aptdaemon?

Jun 6, 2010

had 10.04lts running on a thinkpad t42 for the last month or so, and in the most part have been quite impressed. however, i have been suffereing from random lockups, where the screen goes black, mouse and keyboard are (seem) unresponsive and the magic sysreq key doesnt seem to work either.

can post lshw if requested, but having googled this seems to be an issue with video chipsets, mainly intel. this t42 has a 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] and as with googled results the last entries in the syslog are

Jun 6 07:16:27 t42-laptop AptDaemon: INFO: Quiting due to inactivity
Jun 6 07:16:27 t42-laptop AptDaemon: INFO: Shutdown was requested

this seems to happen most often when using transmission (port 10009) and gotten much worse following a recent set of updates to kernel

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Freeze On Splash Screen?

Jul 8, 2010

I have failed to install kUbuntu for a several days already, so I am currently on SuSE (hate it, love ubuntu...). I don't know what is wrong with my PC, but something ain't right. I tried:1st: Installing kUbuntu x64 - Result: Freeze on loading screen (I think..don't even remember anymore ).2nd: Running Live CD ("Try Kubuntu") - Freeze on splash screen, at the Hard Disc icon (can't get past that one).3rd: Installing Ubuntu x64 with Unetbootin - (GNOME variant). - I get a nice graphic card error, can't unerstand anything - screen messed up.4th: Installing Ubuntu x86 with Unetbootin (GNOME) - same as 3rd time.5th: Decided that maybe something was wrong with the download. Downloaded kUbuntu via torrent. Installed with Unetbootin in a flash - no change.6th: Installed SuSE7th: Downloaded kUbuntu x86, burnt, tried installing, back to 1st step.Is this an infinite loop ?Hardware specs:

250GB x 2 Seagate Barracuda ( I had them connected in a RAID0 via bios previously(Windows 7), had trouble installing suse because of this, but I deleted RAID information and disabled raid in BIOS setup )GeForce 9800 GX2Quad 2 Core 2.664 GB unbuffered ram ( 4 x 1 GB)

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Ubuntu :: Screen To Pause And Windows To Temp Freeze?

Oct 22, 2010

This problem has occurred over a few years and with a number of Gnome distributions, including Ubuntu and Fedora, and it just won't go away. I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 / Gnome. Almost immediately, windows that opened would grey out and temporarily freeze. The mouse can still move, most of the time. The greying of windows can happen frequently or not a all for a while. The freezing can last a few seconds or many. This inconsistency makes it difficult for me to figure out what is triggering this problem. I don't know if it is hardware related, either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Screen Freeze After Update?

Feb 19, 2011

so I updated to a new build (I don't know if that is actuaaly what its called), and now my comp freezes everytime after I put in my password to load the system. from the grub menu i can load the previous build and it starts up just fine. Any thoughts why/how to fix it. by build i mean its the same ubuntu version 10.10, but the grub menu has 3 different builds for my system

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Freeze And Different Colors After Upgraded To 11.04

Apr 28, 2011

I have just upgrade from 11.04 When I restarted after upgrade installation I got message that I didn't have the hardware to run Unity, then I clicked on ok, now ununtu start, but it is very slow to start and the screen freeze and has different color, but after while it start. I am looking for advice to solve this problem.

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General :: RHEL 5 Screen Freeze \ Unable To Log In At The Console Nor?

Sep 21, 2010

I am loving the server, except for in the last couple of days the server has completely froze and I am unable to log in at the console nor am I able to connect toit via SSH. Once I force a shut down and restart the server, everything is fine. Where could I look to see what happen to the server? Is there a tool I can use?

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Debian :: Jessie Screen Freeze - Requires Hard Reset

Apr 26, 2016

I'm running Jessie 64bit, and after installing the latest image and fully updating it, I get screen freezes using gnome, most oftenly when i press the start button to access gnome app grid. System becomes unusable and I have to hard reset. Just in case, I installed linux firmware from nonfree repos, but the issue persists. I don't use any exotic hardware:

Code: Select all00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 06)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor PCI Express x16 Controller (rev 06)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI (rev 04)

[Code] ....

I'd say it's related to graphics, but I don't know how to get around it...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Screen Freeze - Mouse Still Moves But Can't Do Anything

Mar 23, 2010

Little background info: I have a computer where the hdd crashed. Bought a new hdd tonight and installed it. As the computer had no operating system at this point I put in a copy of the live cd and begin to install Ubuntu 9.10(32 bit)...everything went smooth with the install (at least I think). My problem is that when I get to the login screen, I click on my user name to type in my password but as soon as I click on either my user name or guest it basically freezes...Mouse still moves but can't do anything with login or the options on the bottom right of the screen...

Right when it freezes the pixels under the login box mess up, looks like some type of graphics problem?? I'm not sure, but I can't be the first person with this problem Also after it "freezes" I can't utilize the ctl+alt+f1 command either

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Ubuntu :: Random Mouse/keyboard Freeze In The Login Screen?

May 1, 2010

I downloaded and burnt the Kubuntu 10.04 release to a CD. I tried to install it. First time, couldn't find the disks and eventually it froze. Ok, second try, when it's contacting the "time server" (or whatever) another freeze, but this time I notice everything is running fine and then get a nice little image with the current time (increasing seconds and all). Third attemp, clicked the "update this installer" and it went fine. "Yay!" I thought. Well, a few minutes in my beautiful 10.04 system and again, another freeze. Hit the power button and to my surprise a "Shutdown" dialog shows up with a countdown. After 30 seconds it logs out and mouse is working again. I log back in and come here to write this long post, and as I was writing the title "Random mouse/ke..." guess what? Yeah, it froze again. And the little bar that goes after the writing continued happily blinking. Hit the power button but this time mouse and keyboard were still frozen in the login screen.

Short version: mouse and keyboard randomly freeze while the rest of the system apparently work fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get To A Black Screen With Five Dots Below The Wording / Freeze?

Dec 23, 2010

I recently received a HP Pavilion dv9000 that the previous owner swore had some issues with it. I'm not so sure it had issues, but that's another story. Anyways, I downloaded Unbuntu 10.10 and burned it to a disk. The first time I booted up the machine I told it I wanted to try Ubuntu. I then left the machine and came back in 20min or so and it looked like it had successfully booted. However I quickly realized the screen was frozen. So I turned off the machine and decided I'd try again a few days later. Today I booted up the machine and I get to a black screen with Ubuntu on it with five dots below the wording. It freezes on this screen. I've rebooted several times but I keep getting to the same screen before it freezes.

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Fedora :: 11 Graphics - Firefox Not Scrolling Smoothly - Entire Screen Gets Freeze

Nov 2, 2009

I am using Fedora 11 on Intel Xeon Power edge 1900 server, but graphics is not at all working good. When I try to scroll firefox,it not scrolling smoothly, some time the entire screen gets freeze and I cant see the contents of the page. (I am unable to clearly describe how it looks ). how to check graphic drivers and its details?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic And Lynx Both Freeze On Install / Screen Gets Glitchy?

Jun 2, 2010

I have not been able to install a linux distro since 9.04. Karmic and lynx both freeze on install. (screen gets glitchy) I am a total noob when it comes to anything beyond installing.

Opteron 165
DFI lanparty ultra-d
2gb gskill
EVGA 7800gt

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Opensuse 11.3 Lockup With KWin / Everything Will Freeze Except Mouse Pointer

Aug 30, 2010

I'm experiencing random lockups. There are 2 types.1st time this happened when I enabled Kwin compositing effects. The screen turned black and it froze, the mouse pointer froze. Nothing would move. 5 Minutes later I just hard reset the Laptop. I was afraid something could be corrupted as it was shutdown in a bad way. On boot up Kwin's compositing effects were in place.Randomly working on the laptop, everything will freeze except the mouse pointer. This happens like once in a while though.I have a feeling this has something to do with my Dell Studio 1555 Intel GM4500 MHD graphics.

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