Slackware :: Banshee Install Fails From Missing Taglib Sharp

Jun 6, 2010

I've been using linux for several years now, and given that I get banshee running I can completely do away with Micro$ux . But here is where I've run into a bit of a problem. Obviously since I'm running slackware I know that the package manager will not have every program I want. I also know that when I build a package from source there will be some dependencies I do not have, and I need to adapt and overcome. I've been working away at the dependencies for a couple hours, and one is killing me "taglib-sharp".

I downloaded that exact package (as it is the newest version) and installed from source (simple "./configure && make && make install"). Worked just fine, seemed to have installed with no errors during make and no missing dependencies during config. That would lead me to believe it installed, however the configure script for banshee is still complaining that it can't find any taglib-sharp at all. So I redownloaded the source and tried again to no avail. Below is the exact output of the banshee config (though it's just as you'd expect).


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Slackware :: Install Banshee - Gconf-sharp-2.0 For Slack

Feb 5, 2010

I am running the latest slackware and have for a while been trying to install banshee. So... I also installed gnome and that seems to work. I have added dependency after dependency... and now I am finally stuck. I have searched the web for gconf-sharp-2.0. i might be blind, but i have not found anywhere that i can download it from and install.

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Ubuntu :: Resolution - Missing Pixels - Didn't Look As Sharp

Dec 1, 2010

I did this whole process, [URL] It worked, but I have missing pixels. I thought it didn't look as sharp as it should, but when I went to facebook which uses small fonts, I could see part of the letters missing. (@ 100%)... 1440x900_60.00...

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Slackware :: Gnome-sharp Not Compiling Despite All Dependencies Being Installed?

Nov 16, 2010

Gnome-sharp is a dependency of Tomboy. It has many dependencies itself, but all are satify-able from SBO. So I installed them all (yes including mono!) from SBO, then tried to install gnome-sharp. Problem is when running the slackbuild I get this error -

pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gtk-sharp.dll -r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/glib-sharp.dll /r:../../gnomevfs/gnome-vfs-sharp.dll -r:Mono.GetOptions.dll ./TestXfer.cs


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Debian Installation :: USB Stick Install Fails - Missing Operating System

Nov 18, 2014

I want to try Debian on my Asus Eee netbook and I'm trying to follow the instructions in URL... But just copying the ISO file to the USB drive then trying to boot from it doesn't seem to work. I just get "Missing operating system".

The Eee can use an external optical drive as well but that failed also. I'm sure I need to do more to prepare the USB drive or CD? Can I prepare the USB Drive or CD on my Windows system, and make it boot on the netbook (which has another Linux distro on it now)?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Install Sharp AR-5516 Printer To 5.4?

Jan 15, 2010

install the Sharp AR-5516 to centOS 5.4.

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Slackware :: Ikiwiki Fails To Run - Missing

Jul 8, 2010

Any Slackware users running ikiwiki out there? I built the ikiwiki package via src2pkg and installed it... but the command fails to run. My steps:

1/ Installed the required perl modules using Slackbuilds and cpan2tgz.

2/ Downloaded the ikikwiki source tarball

3/ Used src2pkg to build Slackware pkg of ikiwiki: $ src2pkg -CWD -i='make -i install' ikiwiki_3.20100704.tar.gz it reported a successful build.

4/ Installed pkg:................

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Ubuntu :: Banshee Re-scan Library Fails?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm running Banshee 1.6.1 on an AMD64 machine and I am having problems re-scanning my library. Every time I select Tools -> Rescan Music Library (even after making substantial changes to my library) the status bar disappears after a few seconds. Has anyone else witnessed this phenomena before? I can re-import my library to update the banshee database, but it would nice if this feature functioned properly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Fails To Play Classic FM Radio

Sep 27, 2010

From banshee if I try to play the radio station [URL] it fails. However if I run gnome-mplayer [URL]. It works fine. Close mplayer, and then try banshee again to the same url and it now works?

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Slackware :: Install Mumble 1.2 On 13 - Missing Dependencies?

Feb 1, 2010

who to install mumble 1.2 on slackware 13 i can't install, missing dependencies, tx. hola alguien sabe como instalar mumble 1.2 en slackware 13? no encuentro las dependencias, gracias

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General :: TagLib: ID3v2.4 No Longer Supports The Frame Type TDAT

Jan 8, 2010

My question concerns NCMPCPP ( the frontend music player ). I installed, configured NCMPCPP a while ago and it worked like a charm.

But yesterday some colours just changed back to the default for some reason. From : Code: http: (double slash) img37 (dot) imageshack (dot) us/img37/1865/firstss.jpg To : Code: http: (double slash) i45 (dot) tinypic (dot) com/24nij34.jpg Going into the preferences of the terminal : Code: http: ( double slash )i46 (dot) tinypic (dot) com/2j26q9z.jpg As you can see, it is using the default colour yellow. I created another profile already, changing those two colours to black and grey, but I don't think this is a good solution.

I checked the error.log file : Code: TagLib: ID3v2.4 no longer supports the frame type TDAT. It will be discarded from the tag. I'm guessing it has something to do with that.

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Slackware :: Wine Install Fails At Line 291 - Alien Bob's SlackBuild Script

Jan 30, 2010

Using slack 13.0 32-bit.

I'm using [url] with one modification only:

The version number at $SRCVER was changed to 1.1.37

The script has failed with the following error message:


The code at that line is


I also have noted the following (in part) outputs previous to the error


It appears to me that a successful build may have been made at /tmp/build/package-wine/usr But the install has failed.

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Slackware :: Missing The Flash Plugin Using Slackware 13 64bit - - KDE Desktop

Apr 26, 2010

using Slackware 13 64bit,, KDE desktop. i installed the flash-player-plugin using sbopkg. when i try [URL], it says i'm missing the flash plugin. i copied the. so file to


and i still get the same result. what am i doing wrong?

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Slackware :: Mkfs.msdos Symlink Missing In Slackware 13.0?

Feb 1, 2010

The mkfs.msdos symlink seems to be missing in Slackware 13.0 32-bits. However it is there in 64-bits. This: [URL]...e_is_mkfs.vfat

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General :: Update Fails And Missing Dependencies

Oct 25, 2009

My girlfriend has just dusted off her Aspire One netbook with Linpus on it. I've tried to update packages and such (eventually got the password changed and such) now I can't update the packages or enable GNOME.

Updating the packages brings up this error:


And trying to switch to GNOME brings up this error:


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Slackware :: Slackware Identifier Icon Missing

Jan 23, 2011

I am using Firefox-4.0b9 from /testing. I never deleted the old profile from 3.6x days. I just noticed that the Slackware identifier icon is now just a generic Linux icon. I checked in about:config, and the general. useragent.extra.linux string is still set to Slackware Linux.Is there something different to do for FF-4x? This isn't a real problem, just an annoying matter of pride.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Fails But Library Not Missing

Nov 4, 2010

I'm trying to install gazebo but I would like the general solution. When I type "./configure" I get the error: "could not find gdal_priv.h" or sometimes "could not find gdal library" But I have it on my computer. It is: usr/include/gdal/gdal_priv.h This means configure is not looking in the right place for this library. Where is the path stored, please? I tried reading the configure file but I could not find it. I tried to replace all instances of gdal_priv.h by gdal/gdal_priv.h but this did not work either. I tried adding /usr/include/gdal to all the env PATH_something_or_other I could see. how to tell to ./configure where to look for libraries. What file(s) should I edit? (I tried config.status, because it contains /usr/include stuff). The files I have are:


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Ubuntu :: Automatic Login Fails Due To Missing Information?

Jun 16, 2011

After changing my user's UID number with the "usermod -u" command or otherwise changing the login settings my computer no longer logs in automatically. I can login manually by selecting the "Other" option and manually typing in my user-name and password. However my user-name is gone from the list of users at the login screen or in the Login Screen Settings program.

Other than that my computer seems to function fine. My users details are still listed in "User settings".

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Ubuntu :: Sharp Fonts In GTK But Not In KDE?

Aug 1, 2011

I used the .font.conf from [URL] and its working great for Pidgin, firefox and programs GTK based but is not working in the whole KDE system. How can i make the KDE Sharp as in GTK?


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Yum Update Fails Due To Missing Php-embedded Package?

Nov 20, 2009

my update today failed, because the packages raydium and maniadrive depend on, which is provided by php-embedded, which is (apparently) not in the fedora 64bit repository There does however seem to be an i586 version...

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Fedora :: SystemTap Fails Due To Missing Package (kernel-debuginfo)?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm having troubles running systemtap scripts. It fails to run with message:


Checking "/lib/modules/" failed: No such file or directory Ensure kernel development headers & makefiles are installed.

Then I typed:


$rpm -q kernel kernel-devel kernel-debuginfo
package kernel-debuginfo is not installed

So no kernel-debuginfo, a package which I cannot find in repo. So where to get it and why it's not included in default installation if SystemTap is. It's like having Apache without tcp/ip stack.

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General :: Start Java With Nice Value Fails (Missing

Oct 29, 2010

In principle my java installation works perfect now I tried to increase priority with nice. So I put special user rights to nice:
chmod u+s /usr/bin/nice

And then tried:
nice -n -20 java something
but this gives me the error that is missing.

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Debian Installation :: Missing Network Drivers / And Missing Make To Install Them

Dec 1, 2014

I have an asus pc, and its network hardware is not recognized by debian, the drivers are not even in the list provided during the installation process. I managed to download them from another pc, but if i try to make them and install them, i'm stucked because Make is not installed on debian (nor is sudo).So i need a connection to install the drivers that provide me a co0nnections..

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 - Fonts Not Crystal Clear And Sharp In KDE

Mar 28, 2011

I'm running openSUSE 11.4 in KDE and Gnome. To me it looks like Gnome has more or less correct font rendering. At least for what I can see the fonts look good. The problem is in KDE, I tried about every tutorial I could find to make the fonts look good but still it's not like it is shown in Windows. In windows the fonts are crystal clear and sharp. In KDE it looks like I'm working on a prehistoric system. Why do the fonts look really impressive during the installation of opensuse in Yast and ugly after the installation? Is there a way to make the font rendering in KDE look like Windows 7 or Vista?

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Ubuntu :: Sharp Zoom (not Blurry) Functionality

Feb 12, 2010

Im looking for magnifying glass functionalty for ubuntu. I want to use it for web design: watching icons, borders, spaces, etc. I tried the compiz zoom, enhanced zoom and mynifying box bout all of them make things blurry and I couldn't find the way to make things "sharp". Is there such an option for those plugins or an alternative way to have that functionality?

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Ubuntu :: Sharp Windows-like Font Rendering Not Working?

May 20, 2010

I am running ubuntu 10.04 and am using nvidia drivers and my resolution is 1680x1050.

I've been trying to get the windows-like font rendering to work, but I'm having problems with almost every font except Tahoma for some reason. I installed microsoft fonts using this tutorial.

(LINK) This is how bad the fonts look in google chrome
(LINK)This is what my xorg.conf looks like
(LINK)This is my .fonts.conf, I have anti-alising disabled for all fonts there (I think), so the fonts would be sharp


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hdmi Not Working With Sharp Tv - Drivers ?

Jan 4, 2011

I cant seem to get my sharp tv connected to my compaq presario cq50. by hdmi

I followed this:

1. I connected the HDMI cable to my laptop with the TV already on (my laptop was on too).

2. Went to NVIDIA X Server Settings, then to X Server Display Configuration and on the Display Tab I chose my TV (Samsung) as the "model", then configure it so that the TwinView mode was switched on, then I changed the resolution to 1920x1080, position: absolute and then I checked the box "Make this the primary display for the X server" (I guess this is what I was missing in the first place).

3. Clicked on Apply and then my TV started to show what I was doing on my laptop.

My computers reading the tv but when i click apply its still blank and i lose my mouse and boarders on my computer

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General :: Sharp AR-5316 Drivers That Are Compatible With Ubuntu

Dec 19, 2010

i am using ubuntu 10.10 maverik and i am trying to use it with sharp printer AR-5316 BUT i have not found any drivers that are compatible with the printer!

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General :: Media Player - Use Totem And Rhythmbox To Play An Mp3 File But It Fails Because Of A Missing Decoder

Feb 19, 2011

I tried to use Totem and Rhythmbox to play an mp3 file but it fails because of a missing decoder. I have found a solution that solve the problem through a repository. Unfortunately, the PC I'm using doesn't have internet connection so I'm looking for another approach. I couldn't find any rpm that would work for CentOS I could copy the my Linux system?

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General :: How To Install Banshee

Jun 23, 2011

I download the tar ball of banshee 2.10,after unzipping, how to install it?

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