Server :: Read An LVM Volume That Was Not Exported?
Feb 8, 2011
I have a machine which had a hardware fault and I want to read the disks by plugging them into a SATA-USB docking station in another machineWhen I do thisI can see the partitions on the old disk, but cannot read the LVM volumes on one of these physical partitions.Commands like pvscan do not find anything on this disk. Apparently you are supposed to export the volumes before trying to read them on a new system, but this was not performed. Does anyone know how to access the data on this disk? Surely it is possible.
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a Windows 2003 server with fiber attached volumes (NTFS) that I would like to mount readonly on a linux system to back it up to tape. The fiber device will allow me to present the volume R/W to one host and R/O to another, however, the R/O system doesn't see any of the changes made by the R/W server. In other words, how can I make a readonly volume refresh, scan for changes, or update without un/re-mounting it?
Is the "mount -o --bind" option what I want? From the MAN is doesn't seem right... the option "sync" seems slightly more promising but I think I'm just grasping at straws here. The best I have come up with is a cron job to unmount then mount the volume periodically.
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Dec 26, 2010
When i ssh to server using -X, i always confuse about which display number i should export. It seems to me sometimes the display number has been used by something, so what i can do is only
export DISPLAY=localhost:0 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:1 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:2 && xclock
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Aug 22, 2010
I installed CentOS 5.5 32-bit with Gnome and want to use it as a file server. The volume I wish to share is a 1.5TB NTFS partition stored on a USB drive. I installed "ntfsprogs" and "fuse-ntfs-3g" to get NTFS support. However, I only have read access to the volume.
How can I fix this and get Read+Write to the NTFS drive?
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Nov 23, 2009
As part of my testing, I need to find a tool that will write/read IO to a volume. I need it to fill the volume and then read and verify that the write was successful. hroughput stats would be a plus, but right now, IO verification is a must.I need the volume to write, read, verify, then repeat until the volume is full.Can anyone point me to a free tool that can manage this?
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Mar 17, 2010
how easy it would be to read the contents of a physical disk that was part of a larger logical volume. The disk contains a "Linux LVM" partition that spans its entire size. My problem is that one of my disks died, and I have to send it back for a warranty replacement. However, the disk is dead, and I can't zero it out. I'm just trying to assess how difficult it would be (or at least how likely it would be) for a tech that's checking out the disk to get at the data.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have a filesystem mount at /A. I can export that filesystem via nfs with no issues.
I then mount an ISO image in a folder under /A: mount -o loop fname.ISO /A/isomnt. The original mount /A had the nohide option.
The files in the ISO image are available on the local machine, but the submount doesn't get exported by nfs to any other systems (FWIW: it does show up via samba). I have even run exportfs -a after the ISO mount, but that did nothing.
I have several ISO files that I would like to make available this way, without having to make several nfs exports for all of these, and then make mount commands on all of the remote systems.
Is this possible? If so, what do I need to do to make this work?
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Jul 6, 2010
This is probably a very easy thing to do, but I don't know how: I'd like to export an env't variable, and then use its reference in a Bash script
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Dec 9, 2009
I have an exported (via NFS) file system that contains other sub-mounted file systems (eg, DVD drives, ISO files, etc). While the sub-mounts show up locally, they aren't visible when the parent mount is exported.
In /etc/exportfs, the nohide option is specified for that export.
What else do I need to do?
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Apr 22, 2011
I'm using a simple Bash script to export an environment variable, eg.
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/my/own/dir
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Aug 21, 2010
So after much intense reading of linux documentation and posts I can't find an answer to my question. Maybe someone can help.I am trying to access a kernel symbol that isn't exported (the symbol exists in /proc/kallsyms but not in Modules.symvers). Is there a non intrusive way (by avoiding compiling the kernel with CONFIG_KALLSYMS and parsing /proc/kallsyms in my LKM) to reference kernel symbols that are in /proc/kallsyms and not in Modules.symvers i.e. not exported symbols.
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Oct 20, 2010
I am using OpenSuSE 11.3 (64 bit) and am trying to force my new server use NFSv4. Later, GSSAPI, sould be added, but for beginning, I want to configure without it for now. If I try using NFSv3, this works good, but I need NFSv4. I have exported my directory:
omega:/ # cat /etc/exports
/distrib *(ro,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
After mount attempt I have a error:
omega:/ # exportfs -var
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Jul 19, 2010
firstly it took a very long time to display the browser.After the browser was working on my localmachine it took really long time to show the response.I am doing all this on internet and the server has bandwidth as 6Mbps and my internet connection has a speed 1Mbps what could be the reason for such a slow response.The same exists in case of Chromium is there a way to make it fast.Ubuntu 10.04 server edition and ssh2.
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Dec 25, 2010
I have a problem in my ubuntu 10.01 that it can't load a drive/volume in ubuntu. When I tried, it said: "Unable to mount location Error mounting: mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock". And when I boot my pc with 'Windows', it said : "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" under a blue screen. What can I do to solve this problem?
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Jul 21, 2009
I would like to monitor a RedHat via snmp. I would like to make available data via snmp. The data that I would like to graph are only present in logs file. Is it possible to parse data from applicative logs and have them available for my cacti server via snmp? I already monitor CPU, mem, and others with cacti using the standard MIB.What would be the logical step I would need to achieve that?
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm running squeeze (last updated today), and everything has been working great. There is only thing that would simplify my life minutely..Anybody know how can I have the volume buttons on my laptop change the "pcm" channel volume rather than "master"? If they could control pcm, then I could adjust the volume coming out of my headphones or my computer speaker (both controlled by pcm, but not master...seems strange to me) with just one click.I tried to find this info online, but all results seem to refer to an older version. The simple "click here, set this" solution no longer is possible.
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Jul 14, 2011
I've a popular vbulletin forum (10k max in vbulletin stats 'whos online') runnin in two servers like this:
1) Web server running vBulletin.
Dual Intel E5620 @ 2.40GHz (shows 16 cpus)
2 x 500 GB SATA (one for system/web and other for backups)
CentOS 5.6 64 bit
PHP 5.2.16
2) MySQL 5.server
Dual Intel E5620 @ 2.40GHz (shows 16 cpus)
2 x 500 GB SATA (one for system/web and other for backups)
CentOS 5.6 64 bit
MySQL 5.0.77
Web server connects to MySQL using private LAN.
Web-php server works with xcache as recommended by vBulletin.
Image/avatars and other static files (css, js, etc) are on a CDN
MySQL server uses Memcached for caching common queries.
The problem I'm facing, is from time to time (let's say one or two times a week) the Web server goes into read only mode... then the server has to be rebooted in order to get online normally and be able to work. From the logs I've seen this:
This is a new server, and in the old server the 'read only mode' issue happened very often too... so I guess it's not a HD issue.. it's just the HD have a heavy I/O usage. What do you think?
I am thinking about this solutions to improve the webserver performance:
1) 75% of the vbulletin users are anonymous users, so I've been thinking about using Cloudflare as a cache for all that traffic, that would reduce the php-webserver process a lot.
2) Using an external email server is a good option I guess... as right now the webservers also handles the email notifications for all the vbulletin users and it is constantly sending email everywhere. So, email will be stopped to gain server performance.
3) Mounting partitions with 'noatime' at /etc/fstab seems to improve I/O performance.
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Jun 3, 2010
Is there an app I can put on my website hosting server that will do the following:
1. Allow the user to view a DVD.
2. Pause / stop to view something in more detail.
3. Rewind to view something again.
4. Mark location so they can return to viewing in the same place at a later time.
I belong to a fly fishing club. We have tapes of fly tying sessions dating back to 1992. Since we are registered as an educational charter with the state, I would like to make the available to our web sight viewers for learning.The club owns all these tapes and they were filmed at club sponsored functions. There should be no copyright problems. I am in the process of converting them to digital.
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Feb 27, 2011
Debian Squeeze 6.0.0 on a Thinkpad T43, sound volume is not synchronized between the laptop volume buttons and GNOME's Volume Applet. So if I turn the volume all the way down with the physical buttons, the volume applet may still indicate 75%.I did not have this problem in Debian Lenny. Pressing the volume buttons used to show a volume bar on the screen, as did pressing the mute button.
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Jul 17, 2010
Is there a way to default volume to 100% in the terminal with gnome-volume-control-applet or any other program? I am setting up a dedicated Zsnes machine which boots into Fluxbox but the volume is muted by default. There isn't a man page for gnome-volume-control-applet.
When I log into Gnome the volume is set to 100%, but Fluxbox is always set to mute.
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Oct 29, 2010
I've got my xubuntu 10.10 install just about perfect on a little acer aspire d250, apart from a small sound useability issue: In the interests of simplicity and resource usage I removed pulseaudio. After a bit of fiddling I got it so that my USB soundcard (ProDac) is recognized and automatically set as the default soundcard when plugged in. Any sound applications automatically use the USB sound if it present, no need to around with pulse. The only problem is that my netbook's volume control keys still only control the master volume of the inbuilt soundcard, and have no effect on the usb sound. Does anyone know of a way to change which sound device these keys actually effect? I'd like to write a little script so that when the usb device is detected the keys are remapped.
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 32 bit on an old DFI KT600AL motherboard based system using the onboard VIA 3058 AC97 audio (because it supports front panel audio connections and none of the add-in PCI soundcards I have do). I have an old Gateway/STB TVPCI TV tuner card (mainly wanted the FM radio part to work) hooked up to the cd audio connector on the motherboard because the digital audio over the pci bus apparently isn't supported for this card (neither is the onboard analog mixer on the tv tuner card, I had to hack a CD-ROM audio cable and solder it to the audio outputs of the tv tuner module on the TV tuner card). When I use the master channel as the master channel (selected in Kmix) then as one would expect it affects the output volume of all other audio playing on the system except that which is being handled by the PCM channel. On Windows the PCM channel was also affected by the "Volume Control" slider such that ALL volume levels were reduced when moving the slider. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to make it work like this on Kubuntu.
First off I should warn you that I (like many users of older hardware that is not properly supported under PulseAudio) have uninstalled PulseAudio (because it's garbage) and am using Alsa to manage my audio hardware. I would think that there would be some way to do this using the 'amixer' application to add the PCM channel as a component of the 'Master' channel so that when the volume is turned down using the 'Master' channel control it will affect the PCM channel too (at least the output to the speaker jack, not necessarily the capture or mix volume though), but I'm not really any good at doing things from a terminal window and the options for the amixer command kind of confused me.
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Mar 24, 2011
I used Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) on IMac i7. As far as, I remember, after installing Pulse-Audio Equalizer, for each restart of the system, after login screen, system sets volume to maximum value. What can I do?
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Mar 23, 2011
I have taken over looking after a EMC/Suse iscsi storage network. We recently run out of space on our virtual disk, so I added another 100GB from our storage pool using the EMC management software and the virtual disk the suse box is using expanded from 1.5TB to 1.6TB. That completed fine.
However the SuSe host is still showing 1.5TB. Do I need to extend the volume somehow? Or is it just a case of restarting the suse box. I have umounted and re-mounted but no change. It is imperitive the current data on there REMAINS INTACT!
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Jun 12, 2010
since using 10.04 I have a big problem with my usb headset (freetalk everyman)
1. Problem: I cannot regulate the volume of the phones (output) anymore with gnome-volume-control. By default the volume is set to 100% which is way too loud. When I set it under 100% there is no sound at all. Values over 100% work.
2. Problem: The X server is freezing iregulary when I connect the headset and disconnect it, Magic SysRq works. I checked Xorg.0.log and found out that it recognizes the usb headset as keyboard:
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Jan 22, 2011
I don't know much about lvm and I've managed to screw up a drive. I had a 500GB drive with FC14 on it and I wanted to copy over a load of data to my new 1TB that was replacing it. I set up my new install the same way as the old...including the same volume names (error number 1 I think) I successfully mounted the old/500GB drive (using vgscan and vgchange -a y etc.) using a laptop (running FC13) and an external hdd cradle. I could access the files I wanted but this wasn't the machine I wanted to copy them to (I was doing this while waiting for the install to finish on the new drive).
When I tried the same process on the new install I found that having two lvm with the same name meant I couldn't mount the external one. So I opened the disk utility (palimsest) and was going to change the name of the old volume group but it wouldn't let me do that. I then thought maybe I could get away with just changing the name of the partition where the files were and maybe I could add it to the mounted group or something so I changed it to lv_home2. This changed the name of my new/1TB lv_home to lv_home2 as well. So thinking that wasn't the answer I just changed the name of the new lv_home2 back to lv_home.
From that point on I haven't been able to see the old drives partitions (the new volume group still works so far). I has a physical volume but the volume group and volume names are gone from view. When I try to vgscan on my main computer or the laptop I had it working on earlier I get:
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Dec 1, 2010
I'm rearranging a bunch of disks on my server at home and I find myself in the position of wanting to move a bunch of LVM logical volumes to another volume group. Is there a simple way to do this? I saw mention of a cplv command but this seems to be either old or not something that was ever available for linux.
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Sep 9, 2010
I'm using 10.04 now and it runs ok, except one strange thing in the Volume control applet. Sometimes, when I click on the volume slider, it moves up. Even if I try to slide it down, it moves up on every click. The same when I click left of it - it keeps moving up! This is very annoying at night when the music gets loud and wakes everybody. It happens with or without Compiz turned on
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Oct 31, 2010
I am struggling with a problem with the volume control... when i try to adjust the volume with the sliding bar i can not do it. If i put the scrollbar to the 0 position, it is muted. when i move it to anywhere else, i get the full volume. From other programs like vlc, i can adjust the volume with no problem.
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Apr 10, 2011
My volume control seems to have only three settings: TOO LOUD, VERY QUIET, OFF. If I adjust the Master volume slider from the Panel, only about the right 1/8th has any effect and if I slide it past about the 95% mark, I get no sound at all. At the far-right end of the volume control, I get total volume. It's basically like the slider only has any impact in the top 5% of it's space. Below 95% of the slide, there is zero volume.
It's so drastic, that one tap down of the volume button on my keyboard kills the sound (because it nudges the slider past that 95% mark). This happens in the Audio settings, etc., system-wide. If I adjust the volume for an individual app from within the app (MPlayer, for example) it behaves exactly as expected (that is, app volume works smoothly, it's just master volume that has this issue). I have run through most of the "obvious" things-- I'm wondering if I broke something by installing the extra KDE packages to get Amarok to work.
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