General :: Find A Test Tool To Write And Read IO On A Volume?
Nov 23, 2009
As part of my testing, I need to find a tool that will write/read IO to a volume. I need it to fill the volume and then read and verify that the write was successful. hroughput stats would be a plus, but right now, IO verification is a must.I need the volume to write, read, verify, then repeat until the volume is full.Can anyone point me to a free tool that can manage this?
I installed CentOS 5.5 32-bit with Gnome and want to use it as a file server. The volume I wish to share is a 1.5TB NTFS partition stored on a USB drive. I installed "ntfsprogs" and "fuse-ntfs-3g" to get NTFS support. However, I only have read access to the volume.
How can I fix this and get Read+Write to the NTFS drive?
I have a Windows 2003 server with fiber attached volumes (NTFS) that I would like to mount readonly on a linux system to back it up to tape. The fiber device will allow me to present the volume R/W to one host and R/O to another, however, the R/O system doesn't see any of the changes made by the R/W server. In other words, how can I make a readonly volume refresh, scan for changes, or update without un/re-mounting it?
Is the "mount -o --bind" option what I want? From the MAN is doesn't seem right... the option "sync" seems slightly more promising but I think I'm just grasping at straws here. The best I have come up with is a cron job to unmount then mount the volume periodically.
What are the possible problem when Windows access the file from Ubuntu got Read Only even though have a full permission to read, write and execute the file? Ubuntu to Ubuntu accessing the file there is no problem only Windows got a problem.
Trying to use tcpdump -r TEST, and get permission denied, even though I am logged in as root or super user. Tried using the "chmod a+rw TEST" (any other file for that matters, yes it came from another source) and get permission denied.
I have been given a headless linux system running from a SD card. I get into it by putty, directly to root, not other user and even /home dir. Whatever I copy or write will dissapear because is ro.
I am trying to search a tool for testing multicast. Currently, 'yum search multicast' yields nothing. I saw mcsender and mctest in google but they seem not to be supported in CentOS. Do you know any tool that can test multicast?
I am trying to write a C++ Code to read write a XML file in C++.I researched a lot and find xerces is used for that but I am not able to write the code for that.Please provide me some links on how to run a code that R/W a xml file in C++.
One of the tasks I want to do is to read/write from/to any physical address. My question is how do I get a physical address on my Linux desktop. I was thinking of using some utility to dump my BIOS settings, and modify a "not so important" memory address there? Is this possible. Otherwise is there any other physical address I can read/write
I'm using Arch right now and i'm having problems syncing my ipod with Amarok (KDE). Everytime I would want to sync a song, it would give me access denied. it is currently mounted at /tmp/ipodbxQtrU and i have tried using chmod with no luck. I was in root when i used "chmod -R user ipodbxQtrU" and it said operation not permitted.
I have created directories in root. I am looking for the chmod command to allow all users read and write permissions to a specific directory. I have done chmod 775 for a file but I need this for a directory. This includes permissions on all files and sub directories.
What I want to be able to do, is have create a group, for example called "group1" and set its default permissions to read & write, instead of the usual just read.
So when I add a user into "group1" they automatically have read & write access to all files & directories which is in "group1".
Oh & I use crunchbang 10 (statler) for my desktops & Ubuntu 11.04 for my NFS/print/SSH/etc/etc server
I have a file the owner is root:root ( mode is 644 ), I want to release read & write permission to a non root user ( eg. admin_usr ), I tried to create a specific group ( eg. ADM ) and release it to root user and admin_usr ( by adding this users to ADM in /etc/group ) , but it is not work, if preserve the file mode to 644 , is it ok? how to do it if I want to have read & write permission in my case ?
I need to change a filename but when I boot up I get the message root device is read-only. Is there a way of changing this so that I can change the filename. I have a Mac Pro running Leopard OSX. The graphics card an NVIDIA 7500GT or driver has failed. It was suggested elsewhere that I change the relevant kext files to filename.kext.old, which I did, now when I try to boot start in OSX I get a message in various languages telling me to restart. I have tried booting in safe mode and from original Installation CD. In Safe Mode I get the same multi language splash screen, from CD I still have the graphic card problem, screen freezes and artifacts appear. So I boot up straight into CLI by holding down CMD-S hoping to be able to change filenames back but it says device read-only.
I have a minilinux that I being working on, the problem now is that the serial ports doesn't seem to work (I have 4 serial ports).They don't write or read.
I run the command setserial g /dev/ttySx and it says that his IRQ are 3 or 4 (3 for ttyS0 and ttyS2 , 4 for ttyS1 and ttyS4)�but when I run the command: dmesg | grep ttyS the IRQ�s are 0 for ALL my serial ports� could be this the reason why my serial ports aren�t working right??? And if it is how can I solve the problem??
Any tool where I can test a web site with slow connectivity? E.g.: A web server running at Location A and from Location B want to test the web site hosted at location A with various speeds How is the loading of the web site from location B at 256kbps, 512mbps etc..
Well someone has been putting up this attack on my game-server ports. For those of you who don't know what type of attack this is, so its an attack which is actually masked to us because the attacker uses his machine to send packets to a machine called source which reflects the packets to destination. Based on this, the UDP port under Flood at the destination starts making outgoing connections to that IP and gets rejected which uses up more than 5mb/second bandwidth instantly.
I've worked out on some security for this and now need a tool to test this against my machine. I've used PentBox but that's not really powerful to do anything. As I search Google, I find something called Trinoo but can't download or test it.
I've been looking for a good data integrity test tool for linux, but I'm having trouble finding one. Basically I'm looking for an application that will generate a heavy I/O load to a raw device and then perform some kind of data verification on the device. I my case the raw device will be md raid5 array.
I own a particular file on a Linux system. I would like to give 2 groups (accounting, shipping) read access and only read access, and 3 users(Mike, Raj and Wally) write access and only write access. How can I accomplish this?
allow specific user permission to read/write my folder
I have a folder called /TAR/Sketch
I added a new user, named Snoopy, I want to grant this user the ability to add files & directories to this folder which is under the group Sketches and the owner is me.
How does the read & write request from a command prompt go to usb & retrieve the file ? When a read request is given , I/O manger sends the request to file system manager (FSM) and from FSM to mass storage device drivver and from there to mass storage , is this right in Linux ?