Server :: Php 5.3.3 Not Loading

Jan 23, 2011

I cannot make php 5.3.3 load the zend guard loader:Extracted the tar.gz, moved the .so file in the right place, edited php.ini in the [php] section, rebooted the server and php -v says I don't have the optimiser.Quote:

[root@intraweb ~]# updatedb; locate php.ini
[root@intraweb ~]# cat /etc/php.ini | grep -i zend | grep -v ";"


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Server :: Loading 4 Versions Of Ubuntu To Server / Get Hung On Agp Chipset

Jan 23, 2010

Have a McFee Server; SuperMicro 370der, P3 Dual 1 ghz, 256 gig ram, 2 18.2 gig scsi(lvd) drives.Have tried loading 4 versions of ubuntu to my server and get hung on the agp chipset. don't know where to go to get it to work. Tried 6.0 to 9.10.

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Server :: Sites On Server Are Loading Slow

May 30, 2010

My sites on the server are loading very slow, though my server load is under 1.00.What can be the problem, when ever i restart httpd the sites starts to load instantly.

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General :: Loading Big Files To Server?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a linux server that I cannot really configure. I would like to upload via web page a quite big file ( ~100MB) but the server disconnect after 10 min. Is there any kind of software that can establish the connection without getting into server cfg details? If not what can cause this disconnection?What I need a simple web site when 50 ppl can upload short movies and then watch them. It needs to run localy (no .....)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Server - OS Not Loading On Reboot

Jul 13, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a Dell pc without issue, but on reboot or startup from being off it doesn't load the os. It flashes error: no such disk then leaves me a blank screen with a flashing cursor. For some reason it's not seeing the drive.

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Server :: Loading Sata_promise Before Md: Bind?

Aug 21, 2010

I am trying to set up a raid set on my computer but I have run into a small problem. it seems that the sata_promise driver is not loaded until after the md: bind has been performed. This means that my raidset will be missing some of it's discs and fail to start.

Is there any way to have the sata_promise drivers load earlier in the boot process?(more details can be found in my other post)

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Ubuntu :: Folder Keep Loading Forever And Sometimes It Shows Two Or Three Files And Keep On Loading

Apr 9, 2010

I've a folder named "lynx" in my desktop . It contains ebooks - pdfs,chms etc . The problem is sometimes when i open the folder in nautilus , the folder keep loading forever and sometimes it shows two or three files and keep on loading . But at some other times , folder contents are displayed just as any other folder(i.e normal ).

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Software :: Drupal Site Not Loading Properly On Internet While Loading On LAN

May 12, 2010

I installed Drupal and there is only one site. It I access the website [url] where Drupal is installed I can easily see it functioning properly. But on internet it is not loading properly the colors etc are not visible properly.

Following changes were made to all the sites


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Server :: FastCGI And Apache Not Loading Pages

Jul 9, 2011

I am trying to set up my Apache server with FastCGI as the CGI engine. It will be mostly running PHP, but I may add Perl or something else later. I started from a completely fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 with every update available. I used the install CD to install a LAMP server as part of the system install.I am using the tutorial at add the FastCGI functionality. I am having some problems with getting everything to work.The first problem was that apache2-suexec-custom wouldn't accept a different document root. I fixed that by compiling apache2-suexec from source with the document root changed to the correct path.

The next problem is that every php page I load throws a 500 error. Apache's error logs show that FastCGI isn't returning the page data correctly to Apache.

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CentOS 5 Server :: VPS Is Not Parsing/loading PHP File?

Jun 9, 2011

I managed to successfully install LAMP on my VPS and proceeded to install Wordpress only to run into an odd error.When I click on index.php, it starts to load but nothing happens.

The details:

LAMP = CentOS5.5, Apache 2.2.18(compiled from source), MySQL 5.1.57(compiled from source), PHP 5.3.6(from source too) My site: as you can see in the index of files index.php is what I'm trying to load and if you check phpinfo.php you can see that PHP was installed correctly too. I added an .htaccess file with 644 permissions to my web root directory and that only seemed to produce an error, this is what I put in the .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /


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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Not Loading - Sticks At GRUB Loading

Oct 27, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 not loading. Sticks at GRUB Loading message.

Read the other threads re OS not loading and GRUB. The talk about code goes over my head.

Local techie says the hardware is good. Tried reloading Ubuntu from CD. Tried loading the unmentionable OS.

Tried using Spotmau Powersuite.

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General :: The Connection To The Server Was Reset While The Page Was Loading

Aug 3, 2010

i'm using fedora 13 OS and installed web invoice application in my server. whenever i open the site, the problem on "connection to the server was reset..." is persistent. i was advised to clear the cache which i did. it work for a while but with just a few page loaded the same problem occur and i need to clear the cache. again i found a suggestion in the internet to add post_max_size = 48M file_uploads = On upload_max_filesize = 192M to the php5.ini. i also did this in my server, but the same problem occurs.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Postfix Not Loading Config From

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to change some configurations but when I change it from the default options in, it doesn't actually update the running configuration. I've even restarted the server all together but it still doesn't update it.In, here is the configuration I've added:

bounce_template_file = /etc/postfix/
bounce_queue_lifetime = 4h
maximal_queue_lifetime = 4h
delay_warning_time = 1h

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CentOS 5 Server :: PHP 5.3 And MySQL - Webpages Not Loading Correctly

Oct 8, 2010

I am running CentOS 5.2 with php5.3 and Mysql. I am running a CRM program called Sugar on the server and I am having a problem where the webpages don't always load correctly. I am not sure if this is something on the program itself or if there is a problem some or other setting on the webserver. I am accessing the server over a local network so I don't think it is connection issues. The server has a static IP.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Removing Ebox From Loading On A Headless Server?

Jul 18, 2010

I upgraded my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server to 10.04 LTS - rebooted and things ran good. I knew I had a few problems, but DHCP and DNS were booting up and working fine for me.I went to take a look at Webmin, but apparently that's been removed from support for Ubuntu 10.04 - so I thought, I'll use eBox. I realized that Ebox didn't have the network module turned on, so I tried to turn it on. I found out the installation was missing scriptaculous, so I got that and installed that and then turned on the network module.I then rebooted the machine - and now nothing. It hangs when I get to the load for Apache. I would like to disable the network module for eBox, but can't find documentation for how to do that from the command line - which I have to use because the damn box won't boot and I'm running from a Live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Not Loading - Screen Blank On Mail Server

Jan 21, 2011

Try to load my system today and nothing come up, only the terminal window. Whatever I type in is working, like now I type in the terminal firefox and it is how I ended up here. Try to type thunderbird in the terminal and my mail server started no problem. But nothing on my screen, don't no where to go from here.

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General :: Loading 4 Versions Of Ubuntu To Server And Get Hung On The Agp Chipset?

Jan 23, 2010

Have a McFee Server; SuperMicro 370der, P3 Dual 1 ghz, 256 gig ram, 2 18.2 gig scsi(lvd) drives. Have tried loading 4 versions of ubuntu to my server and get hung on the agp chipset. don't know where to go to get it to work. Tried 6.0 to 9.10.

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Server :: Error 27 While Loading Shared Libraries - On RHEL 5

Mar 15, 2011

Recently I came across this error while booting up our RHEL 5 server:

Starting send mail:/ user/ sbin/sendmail:error while loading shared libraries cannot open shared object. error-27

sm-client:/ user/ sbin/sendmail:error while loading shared libraries cannot open shared object. error-27

Also, while creating a new squid user, I get the same error: htpasswd /etc/squid/squid_passwd alok

htpasswd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Error 27

The file exists in my /usr/lib. When I looked up for error code 27, it says " File too large ". I thought maybe its because of the number of users. But even after removing some duplicate user accounts, I still can't figure out why the error remains.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Mysql (mysqld) Not Loading Config File?

Apr 30, 2009

We have been struggling with a problem with the mysql-server package. This might be in the wrong category because our problems are with it on x86_64. Where the problem happens variables that should populate from the my.cnf don't, on other servers, they do, the my.cnf files are identical except for the server-id

The problem occurs on some of our machines but not others. All are using the mysql-server-5.0.45-7.el5.x86_64 The ones that work, when you connect with a client respond with server version 5.0.45-log source distribution The ones that don't work respond with 5.0.45 source distribution

It's unclear what the differences are between the two source versions and how we wind up with two different versions. One thing that might be involved, the mysql package is installed with both the i386 and x86_64

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CentOS 5 Server :: Squid - Error While Loading Shared Libraries

Jan 23, 2011

I installed squid non the CentOS 5 server. When I try to start squid I am receiving following error:
# service squid start
init_cache_dir /var/spool/squid... Starting squid: [FAILED]

The logs indicate the following:
$ sudo tail /var/log/squid/squid.out
squid: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied .....

Although, all the libraries which are shown as missing are present, but still I am seeing the following.
$ ldd /usr/sbin/squid => (0x00007fffb95ff000) => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found

I have tried setting the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
But still no use.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Loading Multiple Virtual Host Conf Files From Httpd.conf?

Jun 1, 2009

I've been scanning the apache2 docs for the past few days and have not come up with an answer my following issue:

In my httpd.conf file, at the very end, I have the line

Include conf/vhosts/vhost_*.conf

However, when I run apache checkconfig or try to start apache, it gives me the error:

httpd: Syntax error on line 993 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/vhost_1.conf: Permission denied

It appears as if the Include line is correct - in terms of it grabbing the first virtual host conf file. However, I'm confused on the permissions. the /etc/httpd folder is owned by root:root, as are the subfolders. As a test, I chown'd the conf/vhost folder combination and all the vhost files to apache:apache to see if that made a difference, and it appeared to make no difference at all. The log files don't contain anything (assumed because apache isn't starting). If I place the contents of the vhosts in a singular vhosts.conf it works - with the permissions set to root:root. I'd like to avoid having to use one vhosts conf for the configuration I'm trying to achieve - as it would make my life a lot easier.

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Server :: Grub Not Loading 'GRUB' Error

Oct 4, 2009

I have an Ubuntu Jaunty server with 4 x 1 TB Hitachi SATA Hard drives and a 4GB IDE Flash Drive. I installed the root file system to the IDE Flash Drive and setup the 4 x 1 TB Hard Drives as a RAID 5 for the home partition (I actually allotted 3 Gigs on each drive as swap space as well). My problem occurs however when I restart my computer after the server installation. Grub doesn't load fully and I am left with a "GRUB_" message on the screen.My root partition is ext3 and I have also tried the same configuration with a boot partition as well on the IDE drive to no avail.

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Debian :: Grub Load Error "Grub Loading Stage1.5. Grub Loading, Please Wait... Error 15"

May 23, 2010

When I try and boot my Debian computer I get the messages: Grub Loading stage1.5. Grub loading, please wait... Error 15 Is there any way of recovering from this - or is it simply a fresh install? I was attempting an upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze and despite a few hurdles it looked like it was all happening. Got the new kernel loading, and the new grub. It looked as though grub2 was working so I ran the grub-remove-legacy-support command (something like that) and now my computer won't boot grub or Linux.

I'm assuming the MBR on my harddrive is lost, however I don't know what state the partition is in. I'm guessing that maybe this has been lost as well. I tried a few tools from the Ultimate Boot CD but nothing here was able to re-install my grub or boot from any partition or even mount my file-system. I'm fearing the worst but would like it confirmed before I blow it all away with a new install.

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OpenSUSE :: Mootools.js Not Loading?

Jul 12, 2011

I am running the latest version of firefox 5.0.1 downloaded form Mozilla's web sight and I am getting this error message when I try to log go to my Verizon account. Anyone know how to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: X Isn't Loading Correctly

Jan 20, 2010

For 6 months I have used this computer as a ediacenter/seedbox on a decent TV. It crapped out and we got a new one. Hooked it up, had super messed up resolution. Ran some command (really don't remember) that ran you through the setup configuration asking for keyboard layout etc.

Didn't work. Deleted xorg.cong, didn't work. Blank xorg.conf, didn't work. What happens is it shows the Ubuntu name and loading bar, loads, then at 100% it shows 2 of them in purple around the screen. Obviously X isn't loading correctly.


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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Web Pages Not Loading?

Apr 18, 2010

after wrestling with several problems over the past few days of switching over to a portable version of Linux 9.10 (I'm running a Live USB created using Lili USB), and deciding between the UNR or the Desktop i386 releases (I eventually went with UNR because i386 will not load on my netbook and ends up corrupting itself), I now find myself with the interesting problem that Firefox will no longer load webpages.I'm using a wireless connection, and it worked about 4 hours ago, but doesn't any longer. It registers that it is connected (The network icon displays the connected information), but the webpages themselves will not load (And I don't know if any other web based application functions- I only bothered to check firefox).

And I know the connection itself is not to blame because I'm using it right now to post this message (Off of Windows 7).Any help that can be given would be appreciated. Except for these problems that come up I'm loving Ubuntu, and intend to use it inbetween classes and such.EDIT:No internet applications work, and the router does assign me an IP address while in Ubuntu. Also, the speed of the "Server not found" message indicates that it's not even trying to connect.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 2 Different Ways Of Loading?

May 1, 2010

This is a clean install of Lucid sometimes I get the Ubuntu loading screen and sometimes just black screen followed by a flash of green across the top and some text. Sometimes its loads with a high resolution and that's when there are other problems no authorisation to mount other file systems and no shutdown or restart just takes me back to login. When it loads at the lower resolution it seems to work fine.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Not Loading ?

Jul 3, 2010

Ive recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a 2.0 GHz Gateway computer (circa 2004) and have been having issuses with loading the desktop.

When the desktop would load on ever boot, it would load part of GNOME, and the cursor, but thats all... The background is black, and it does not respond when you click on anything. No icons, not all of gnome loaded. What should i do?

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Ubuntu :: Programs Not Loading?

Jul 15, 2010

Ok I have been installing a few programs lately and some of them try to load but do not load.I installed Mixxx DJ software and when I try to load it for example it goes down to the task bar and sits there doing nothing then it just goes away.

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Ubuntu :: Shows The Given Msg After Loading?

Sep 28, 2010

Last time my Pc was automatically shutdown due to problem in light,now when i turn it on,it shows me the given message after ubuntu loads,No init found,try passing inti=bootargwhat can i do now..?it don't take it to my login=screen..

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