I'm setting up a full server configuration on Fedora, moving it from Mandriva which sadly faces a rather uncertain future. Things are going well and I will be ready (and more familiar with Fedora) in time to upgrade to Fedora 15.
What I have done so far in regard to networking setup:
I first removed Network Manager and replaced it with the network service (chkconfig --level 25 network on). That put an end to the overwriting of /etc/hosts, which now reads simply:
I am trying to add a virtual host to my machine by name to the IP here.It absolutely refuses to work.it is a mess server I hope to upgrade soon, but it has 2 versions of apache running together on it.The first one (php3) just proxies all the requests from 80 to 8080 which has another instance of apache running php5.I don't know what else to do, it keeps defaulting to the host header error virtual host.
I have install Mandriva 2009 and install apache server but its not strating on default configuration file . What I should do for starting apache . i have tried /etc/init.d/httpd start but apache is not running .
I am setting up a VirtualHost on my Apache. I am quite not familiar with Ubuntu setup so I am wondering what will I do with the 000-default file (which contains a template of virtualhost syntax)? What filename will I save it to?
I have a php script that I want to create a file and allow it to be downloaded. I know the dangers of chmodding a directory to 777 so I am trying to avoid this.
What I have done is logged in through ssl as root.
Navigated to the directory where the directory I want to chown is located. I then perform:
I have an apache server setup where I have different rules using <location>. Essentially, I have a test environment "/test/" and I would like to capture the logs for activity in this location and direct it into a separate log. I know that perhaps I should have set up virtual hosts, but I wasn't aware of them at the time and the change over can not be accommodated at the moment (the change control wouldn't be agreed). I was wondering if it could be done using environment variables.
At the moment I use: Code: tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log | grep "/test/" but this does miss out some messages, particularly multiple line SOAP messages.
I wanna know how to create an account in linux and it gets the cgi-bin and all that stuff.2nd) I wanna know what I gotta do in order to access that account via tilde.example of the account)
I have one previously compiled apache server from source. I would like to know is there any option to get previous configuration file from /etc/httpd/.
I am configuring apche on rhel5, I got default page successfully, and virtual page too, when I keep only one file index.html in virtual folder it goes well, that file opens correctly, but when I keep other html files except index.html server shows default page again.
We'll yesterday I got a new server and just installed Linux Debian. The thing is it's been so long (for over 5 years) that was the last time I set up virtualhosts in apache. The thing is I googled around a bit and supposedly my virtualhosts are OK, but I get this WARN when I restart apache2:
I have apache running on my server, and also Zoneminder, a surveillance system running on the same machine. Both services runs without glitches, and I think apache's config as well as ZM's config are fine. I am not sure I understand how apache (not to mention the whole thing zoneminder, apache, web browser...) works. Pretty hard to manage when you dont know what you are doing. Also, when I try the supposed to work zoneminder webpage in my web browser, I get nothing (a blank page), or sometimes a "Not found" error message. The latest seems to be from apache because it is the same font as the "It works!" message when I try http://localhost:80
The only bit of information I have so far is in the apache error log (/var/log/httpd/error_log) and it says: Code: [Sun Mar 21 00:35:14 2010] [error] [client] script '/srv/httpd/htdocs/zm.php' not found or unable to stat [Sun Mar 21 00:46:04 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/httpd/htdocs/zm It seems that the "zm.php" is missing.... That would be why Apache cant find the page?
i have several sites hosted on one machine (Apache 2.2 on Debian). They are configured at /etc/apache2/sites-available/ with this configuration (part of it):
CentOS 5.5 + Apache 2.2(httpd.conf) + SSL confiuguration(ssl.conf) gives following error in FireFox.Secure connection failed.An error occured during a connection to localhost.SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum possible length.Errorcode:s_error_rx_record_too_longThe page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
I am a novice with linux but I pick up stuff pretty quick so far I have been able to figure everything else out except this, I have read all the documentation on apache 2 and getting virtual hosts to work and it appears I have everything setup right but yet I still can't get it to work, I have googgled my brains out and I still can not figure out whats going on here is my setup.I have two websites that I am trying to get to load[URL]I have webmin installed and I'm using their utilities to setup virtualhost. heres how it looks in my http config:NameVirtualHost ( I have tryed * in place of my external ip)
I have installed latest Nagios and Nagios plugins. Nagios is working properly, but when I go to the browser n write the www.server-name.com/nagios, it gives Not Found The requested URL /nagios/ was not found on this server. How can I tell Apache to open Nagios on adding /nagios in my URL.
I need to tune the mysql and apache server for the comparatively busy webserver. My scenario is like this.
1. The Web request is around 2000 request at a time or more. 2. Each web request will generate one mysql query. 3. The query to database is all read. 4. This server load will be at peak for around 3-4 hours after that the load will subside. As the task will be published, around 300,000 will be viewing the page.
5 quad servers are deployed, load is balanced via DNS but performance is not as expected. Centos 5.5 is used as OS. Top command shows The mysql process is around 185%!
I have server with Debian and Apache installed. Webpage content located in /var/www folder. For failserver I have Windows server 2003, which runs Mysql service thats needed for library software. And on this machine theres Inetpub/wwwroot with library webcontent. Sofar its only accessible localy. How can make Apche webserver to take content from this local server machine and show it publicly.
I have to run multiple instances of apache on the same physical machine, as we have different OAM policies for different domains.is in the httpd.conf file can I have ServerName same in two instances of apache, like
ServerName: prod_machine (actual machine name)
In the vhconf files I do have different servernames for virtual hosts. Apache instances are running on same IP but different ports. I am including various vhost files in the main httpd.conf file. Can I skip servername in the main httpd.conf file and include different servernames in the virutal hosts configs. OS: Solaris10
Just setup an Apache2 server, and I would like to setup a login. I also wanted to use the same method that is setup for vsftpd For vsftpd I've created a mysql database.... structured as:
Code: mysql> use vsftpd Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> describe accounts;
I try to fix bugs on my web server. The remote web server allows redirects to arbitrary domains. Description : The remote web server is configured to redirect users using a HTTP 302, 303 or 307 response. However, the server can redirect to a domain that includes components included in the original request. A remote attacker could exploit this by crafting a URL which appears to resolve to the remote server, but redirects to a malicious location.
I currently am running 10.04.1 and have successfully setup my home web server to run a single website. My current settings are:
-I have registered the domain name annarrankings.com through godaddy -A record is - host = @ and points to = -CName is - host = www and points to = @ -on my server I have the site running in /var/www
I've done some research and found that to run multiple websites I need to setup VirtualHost.
-So I created a folder /var/www/annarrankings.com and moved my site to that folder
-Edited Apache2.conf to add the following line
-I then went to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and copied the default file to a new file called annarrankings.com. Here's the annarrankings.com file after I edited it
-I then created a link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to the annarrankings.com file in /etc/apache2/sites-available
-Next I editied /etc/hosts
-When i went to enable the site using a2ensite annarrankings.com I got the following
I figured this was ok since I had already created a symbolic link earlier (a result of trying to following multiple tutorials and ..... videos at once) so I reloaded apache2. I created an index.html file in /var/www/ just for testing purposes and when I load www.annarrankings.com I get the file located in /var/www/ instead of the website located in /var/www/annarrankings.com Do I need to change my A record or CName in godaddy or did I just do this completely wrong?
How to best manage both http and https pages on the same apache-server without conflicts. For example, if i have both 000-default.conf and 000-default-ssl.conf pointing to mydomain.com, and don't want users who visit mydomain.com without specifically type the https-prefix to be redirected to the https-page - how to handle users using browserplugins such as https-everywhere etc?
Another option would be to create a subdomain ssl.mudomain.com and have users who want to reach the ssl site to have to type ssl. I have tested several things with https everywhere enabled in my own browser, and it seems really hard to make this working the way i want, in one way or another i always end up getting redirected to the ssl-site automatically.
The reason i need this to work is because i run one site that i don't care much about SSL, that is the "official" part of that site, and i also host some things for friends and family on the SSL-part. This would not have been a problem if it wasn't that i use self-signed certificates for my ssl-site and the major user become afraid when a certificate-warning pops up in their browser and therefor leave the site.
The luksOpen command asks me for my passphrase, but always rejects it. I have retried this several times and written down the passphrase - and even tried with a very simple one just to check. And I never can make it work.