General :: Multiple Instances Of Apache On One Physical Server - Configuration

Apr 2, 2011

I have to run multiple instances of apache on the same physical machine, as we have different OAM policies for different in the httpd.conf file can I have ServerName same in two instances of apache, like

ServerName: prod_machine (actual machine name)

In the vhconf files I do have different servernames for virtual hosts. Apache instances are running on same IP but different ports. I am including various vhost files in the main httpd.conf file. Can I skip servername in the main httpd.conf file and include different servernames in the virutal hosts configs. OS: Solaris10

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General :: Run Multiple Squid Instances On Server?

Sep 20, 2010

I need to run multiple squid instances on my server , I am running squid version squid-2.7.STABLE5-1.el4 on RHEL 4.7 , kindly tell me how to do so. by the way , I need to run two instance because i need to configure my proxy to act as a reverse proxy and a forward proxy, and people told me that you cannot run a forward and reverse proxy on the same instance.

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Debian Configuration :: Correct Way To Start Multiple Instances Of MPD?

Mar 18, 2010

The first thing that comes to my mind is to add (copy) the script in /etc/init.d and the /etc/rc* directories by hand. Debian's automatic handling of init scripts on package install/removal is quite nice, so I tend to shy away from making any manual changes if there's an automated way to do it. Which leads me to the question: is there an official way to run a second instance of a daemon? (Tried google, didn't find much more than a bug report).

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Debian Configuration :: Preventing Multiple Instances Of User?

Sep 6, 2010

Currently, a user is able to log into multiple terminals simultaneously, creating a copy of their roaming profile on each, and potentially causing problems if the instances are logged out in the wrong order. Is there any way to prevent this, so that if a user has logged in on a machine and not logged out (and perhaps some timeout has not yet expired) then their login attempts on another machine will be rejected.

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Debian :: Multiple Instances Of Mumble-server?

Oct 31, 2015

i'm new to linux, and i want to create mumble servers for my friends.My first server is finished and he works but, is it possible to create multiples instances of mumble ?

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Ubuntu :: Set Up Password-less SSH Login Between Multiple Instances On Server?

Jun 30, 2010

i'm trying to set up password-less SSH login between multiple instances on my server. My goal is to be able to monitor all instances, whether I created them or not, with Zenoss.

Current setup: 3 machines

A: Zenoss host- owned by me, Access via putty with my keypair
B: instance- owned by me, access via putty with my keypair
C: instance- owned by teammate, access via putty with their keypair

I'm able to set up password-less SSH login between the instances I have created (A to B), however, I cannot between my Zenoss monitoring instance and any instances not created by me(A to C). Whenever I try to copy the file to these instances, I keep getting a Permission denied(public key) error. I believe the problem is that I have log in to my instances using my keypair but must use the the other instances creator's keypair to access their instances.

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General :: Run Multiple Instances Of Same Program?

Feb 23, 2011

In windows xp, i created another user account. Now i can run a second instance of any program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as. Is such a thing possible in linux (centos or ubuntu) in graphical environment ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Management Tool For Multiple Server Instances - Webmin No Longer Supported

Jun 20, 2010

i started to look into upgrading my LTS ubuntu server instances to Lucid. one the notable things that i have discovered is the lack of support for Webmin; it seems that Debian is no longer supporting packages required by Webmin. But it also appears that ubuntu team believes that Webmin may actually cause problems as it works in a different way than that presumed by Ubuntu. so i am now left with no way to manage my 10+ instances of ubuntu server that i used for studying and research. it seems that i am left with cluster-ssh as an alternative. but are there other alternatives, ideally similar to webmin?

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General :: Start Multiple Instances Of Firefox?

Mar 31, 2010

How can I have multiple independent instances of Mozilla Firefox 3.5 on the same X server, but started from different user accounts (consequently, different profiles)?

Limited success was only with Xephyr :1, DISPLAY=:1 /usr/local/bin/firefox, but Xephyr has no Cygwin/X's "rootless" mode so it's not comfortable (see other question).

The idea is to have one Firefox instance for various "Serious Business" things and the other for regular browsing with dozens of add-ons securely isolated.

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General :: Why No Multiple Instances Of Firefox As On Windows

May 4, 2010

On Windows If I run Firefox as user jack, and then try to start another instance of firefox I will be unable to, as one is already running.If I choose to run firefox as administrator,then I can have two instances of firefox, separate from each other side by side, because they are under different user accounts.This does not seem to be true on Linux.As user jack if I start firefox, like on windows I am unable to start a new instance.If I open a terminal and change to root, set XAUTHORITY to jacks .Xauthority and try to start firefox as root....I get the error that firefox is already running.

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General :: Replace Multiple Instances From X To Y In Line

Feb 1, 2010

I have a line of text with multiple web links in the line. I'd like to replace the actual links with the text "<web-link>" so I don't accidentally hit them while reading on my iphone. I've tried many versions of the following sed command, sed 's/(http.*)/<web_link>/g', but it simply replaces everything between the first instance of "(http" and the last instance of ")" with <web_link>, or does nothing at all.

Ex: This line has a link to a web page ( then some more text (extra text) and then another link ( to a website.
$ echo "This line has a link to a web page ( then some more text (extra text) and then another link ( to a website." | sed 's/(http.*)/<web_link>/g'

What I get is: This line has a link to a web page <web_link> to a website.
What I'd like is: This line has a link to a web page <web_link> then some more text (extra text) and then another link <web_link> to a website.
What am I doing wrong with my sed command?

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Server :: Two Physical Apache Hosts Served By One Machine

Oct 19, 2009

Is there some way that I can use apache/iptables to serve both of my servers through the same basic domain? I'm not talking about VirtualHosts either, I don't believe ( despite the fact that's all I can find anything to read about on Google when searching for this ).

Anyway, the problem is that I have a TorrentFlux php torrent-client that I run so I can add stuff to the download when I'm not around. I don't want to put this on my regular webpage server because there's just not enough diskspace in that machine. On the other hand, I don't want to replace that server all-together because the other machine is my desktop and would not make a reliable host.

So my idea was that there could be some way to have the apache2 server on my dedicated server redirect a subdirectory in its webroot to the webroot of my desktop's TorrentFlux server, but over standard HTTP ports so that it is more like the server is serving up the content of my desktop server through its HTTP service, instead of simply redirecting.

The reason I want to do this is because so far I have to use the TorrentFlux server on a nonstandard port so my dedicated server can still host its own things on port 80, but I've been running into several situations where the browsers I want to use do not support the nonstandard port such as with some instances of IE or the browser on my BlackBerry.

Anyway, I'm not looking for a step by step or anything ( though it couldn't hurt ) but I just need some ideas on what I could search for to get some better ideas. There's probably some term for what I want to do I'm not even aware of that would help me greatly.

Runnining Ubuntu 7.04 and apache 2.2.4 along with shorewall 4.0 as my routing/firewall software.

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Server :: Creating Multiple Logical Groups Out Of Physical Volume?

Apr 26, 2010

How to create multiple Logical Groups out of a single Physical Volume? Here is the Physical Volume I have created:

# pvdisplay
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sda9
VG Name myVG1
PV Size 54.88 MB / not usable 2.88 MB
Allocatable yes
PE Size (KByte) 4096
Total PE 13
Free PE 11
Allocated PE 2
PV UUID bon4Ao-vmgC-aP1h-EC9X-w3tN-YXNu-0N2dAw

This is how I am creating a Logical Group out of the above Physical Volume:

# vgcreate myVG1 -s 4m /dev/sda9

# vgdisplay
--- Volume group ---
VG Name myVG1
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 5
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 2
Open LV 1
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 52.00 MB
PE Size 4.00 MB
Total PE 13
Alloc PE / Size 2 / 8.00 MB
Free PE / Size 11 / 44.00 MB
VG UUID O6ljYC-bflz-EUTd-nf34-8gYe-Fh39-Bh3cOg

But I am unable to create one more Logical Group out of this Physical Volume. Can we accomplish it? Or do we always extend our current Logical Group to utilize the available space of a Physical Volume?

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General :: Firefox Terminates If Multiple Instances Of Flash Player Running?

Feb 17, 2010

If i have, say, ..... tab opened and if a click on some of the related videos (while it's still playing) firefox terminates. The same if I open ..... on one tab and myspace on another - firefox just shuts down.

I want to know why this happens, is it a bug and how can i fix it ?

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Programming :: Multiple Virtual Host Configuration In Apache

Feb 20, 2009

How to give mulitple virtual host in apache. I want to access all my sites with ip

For ex :if i want to access it should have the ip with port 80 & for it should have the same ip with port 80

After restarting the apache servers.I am unable to run both the applications in a single time.

For that i gave Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/[^.#]* in apache2.conf. But still its not working.

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General :: Apache Configuration - Nagios Not Found On Server

May 26, 2011

I have installed latest Nagios and Nagios plugins. Nagios is working properly, but when I go to the browser n write the, it gives
Not Found
The requested URL /nagios/ was not found on this server. How can I tell Apache to open Nagios on adding /nagios in my URL.

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General :: MySQL And Apache Configuration For Busy Server?

Mar 4, 2011

I need to tune the mysql and apache server for the comparatively busy webserver. My scenario is like this.

1. The Web request is around 2000 request at a time or more.
2. Each web request will generate one mysql query.
3. The query to database is all read.
4. This server load will be at peak for around 3-4 hours after that the load will subside. As the task will be published, around 300,000 will be viewing the page.

5 quad servers are deployed, load is balanced via DNS but performance is not as expected. Centos 5.5 is used as OS. Top command shows The mysql process is around 185%!

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Fedora :: Run Multiple Instances Of Yum At The Same Time?

Jun 24, 2010

Is there any way to run multiple instances of yum at the same time. The need is to speed up the install process.

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Ubuntu :: Run Multiple Instances Of Ushare ?

Nov 22, 2010

I have multiple hard drives with videos on them and i can only get the my xbox to read the 1st in my list of directories. So i wanted to know can i run multiple instances of ushare and use one for each hard drive? Is it possible?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Instances Of Terminal App?

Jun 25, 2011

How can I make it so that I can open multiple new instances of the terminal app by clicking on the corresponding icon? I'm running 11.04 with Gnome 3.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Run Multiple Instances Of A Program

Jun 29, 2011

If I have a program running in one workspace and then switch to another workspace and open the same program it switches back to the first workspace.

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Programming :: Run Multiple Instances Of A Jar Executable?

May 5, 2009

It is possible to run multiple instances of a jar executable. Is it possible that only a single instance of the jar runs? Wrappers like JSmooth or Launch4J can be made to run as a single instance. But since there are no such wrappers for linux, I need a way to restrict the jar to a single instance. How to embed the jar file into an executable such it runs a single instance?

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Fedora Servers :: Multiple Instances Of Pulesaudio?

Sep 9, 2010

I've got two sound cards fitted, before I've always killed pulseaudio as a pain in the butt.

Without pulseaudio enabled I could run two audio apps simultaneously, ie run a SDR ( software defined radio) app , and listen to music or watch TV at the same time.

However, with puls audio running, you can only run one, either input to either output. So can a second instance of pulseaudio be run, master and slave perhaps ?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Multiple Instances Of Evolution?

Feb 27, 2010

The great clock applet shows tasks and appointments from the evolution calendar. That's a great and fast overview of my agenda. But clicking a task of appointment opens a new instance from evolution every time, which is enormously annoying and really destroying productivity. I don't want 15 calendars open, I want the applet to behave like an index. So it should reuse the open instance and bring focus to the clicked appointment or task. How do I disable multiple instances of evolution?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Instances Of A Daemon?

May 27, 2010

I have a test server on which I'd like to run up to 30 separate instances of a program as daemons, each running on a different IP address bound to the server. I've created a init script that takes an additional command line parameter - the last octet of the IP address. For example:


sudo myprog 40 start
sudo myprog 41 start

This would run instances of the program on IP addresses and respectively. But it's looking like this approach isn't doable if I wish to have any or all of these run at startup, as the links in the rcN.d directories can only link to the init script, not pass a parameter.

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Ubuntu :: CPU 100% On Boot / Multiple Instances Of Same Process

Jul 30, 2010

I tried the google and browsing the known bugs in the sticky before posting this thread.On boot the machine is pegged at 100%. It is a dual-core with 4GB of ram and is running 10.04, 64bit. Also, as time goes on it eats up all the ram till theres maybe 32mb free. What happens is there are multiple 4-10+ identical processes running. seem to be gnome related.The machine sits idle on my floor and runs samba and apache/mysql/gallery for my test website that no on but myself visits.

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Ubuntu :: Enable Multiple Instances Of An Application

Oct 14, 2010

I have enabled netbook-launcher-efl and like the interface quite a lot, but it only allows me to launch a single instance of each application. I was told in an unrelated thread that there should be a setting in gconf-editor that enables multiple instances to be launched, but I thought it would be more appropriate if I broke that out into a separate thread.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Instances Of Apps In Unity?

May 2, 2011

Using more than one instance of the same app is a real pita in Unity.If I have 3 (or more) pdf documents open in evince then there isn't a way to shift from one to the other using the mouse. Previously I had the windows on the taskbar and could click on the one I wanted. In Unity clicking on the evince icon on the launcher just brings ALL the instances of evince to the top - I still then have to shuffle the windows around to get the one I want.I've been trying to get used to Unity over the last few days, so maybe I am just doing it wrong, but if not then maybe I should file a bug report?

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Programming :: $1 Variable In Multiple Instances Of Same Script?

May 27, 2010

I am running a script that can run as many as 10 simultaneous times. During my testing, i noticed that if the script starts while another is in process, it inherits the $1 variable, which is always different.For example, the script starts with " entry1", anther one starts almsot at the same time " entry2". As the script is running, the second instance inherits $1 from the first script. So instead of $1 entry2, it shows up as entry1. how I can store $1 so that its unique to that instance of the script only?

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Software :: Bash Jobs Over Multiple Instances?

May 20, 2010

I know that bash can suspend and resume processes, but I am interested in forking and resuming them from different bash instances. So, for example, forking a gui app started from the console so that it will not crash when the terminal is closed. I currently know about screen, which can work, but I was wondering if there was a way similar to Ctrl+Z, bg and fg.

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