Server :: Best Option - Modem Or Server As The Router Of My Network ?

Sep 30, 2010

What is the best option: leave the ADSL modem as the router of my network, or use a Debian Linux server in place?

* there is high traffic on my network (at work time);
* 7 PCs on the network;
* Debian Linux server: PC - Intel Pentium IV 3.06 Ghz - 2 GB RAM.

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Networking :: Network Configuration: Server - Router Vs Router-server

Aug 14, 2010

I am thinking of moving the router behind a server and connecting the server directly to the internet via a modem. Are there any security issues related to doing this? or other things I should be aware of. Iptables are implemented on the server blocking access on unused ports.

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Server :: Bridged Router / Modem Setup - Squid Transparent Proxy

May 19, 2010

I'm using a Debian box as a gateway. I'm planning on bridging my DLink 604T modem/router so that traffic on the LAN goes to my gateway (which only has one NIC). The Debian box is running a PPPoe application which I'm hoping to log into the ISP through the DLink. I plan to configure the box as a squid transparent proxy. Most Howtos I've seen use NAT with 2 NICs, eth0 for the LAN and eth1 for the Internet. Any step-through to set up NAT for this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Install Amanda On Any Computers Or Server And The Port Is Not Forwarded By Modem Or Router?

Nov 17, 2010

I did a port scan on my server from outside my network and saw that port 10080 AMANDA is open.Amanda isn't installed on any of my computers or my server and the port is not forwarded by my modem or router. So why is this port open and how can I close it?

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Networking :: Network Server (DHCP) - No Connectivity To Modem

May 4, 2010

Basically, I wanted to use the Bootp (PXE) protocol to boot a machine (my laptop) from my network instead of using USB/DVD boot medias to reinstall if need be. My router being a piece of crap, I couldn't setup the DHCP server to allow PXE packets. Confirmed from the manufacturer that it is not possible. Well for a $140 router, you would expect the opposite. Anyways, here I am with a small machine setup with Slack, no desktop environment (only CLI) and connected to my router (which I deactivated the DHCP) so the machine can act as a DHCP server. It works very well. However, I would like to install a few other utilities into that machine and for them to work, I need to put the machine between my cable modem and my router. Basically, here's the topology from outside):

Internet (ISP) --> Modem --> DHCP machine --> Router (no DHCP - acting as a switch) --> computers & printers

The problem is that I cannot connect to the modem from the computers on the network. Also I cannot access the internet (go on the WAN side) from the computers. From the computers (namely my laptop), I can ping the router, but cannot ping the interface where DHCP broadcast. Also I cannot ping the modem. From the router (using the web config page), I can ping the DHCP broadcast. From the DHCP machine, I can ping the modem. In the DHCP server, I setup the eth0 (the interface where the modem connect to) as a DHCP assigned IP so it can obtain the IP from the modem. The eth1 (the interface where DHCP broadcast) is static. All my machines obtains a IP from the DHCP machine without a hiccup.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Start NFS Server With GSS Option

Feb 24, 2011

I can't start NFS Server with GSS option.I've added [URL] (example) principal via kadmin with -randkey option as mentioned at "6.4.8. Creating Kerberos Service Principals".After executing rcnfsserver start, /var/log/messages shows:"do you have a keytab entry for nfs/<>@<YOUR.REALM> in /etc/krb5.keytab?"

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Server :: Configure Redhat Enterprise Server 4 As Router And Proxy Server

May 18, 2010

Im new in linux i want to configure my redhat machine as both router and transparent proxy!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Router/adsl Modem Is Not Connected To A Power Supply - How To Connect It

Feb 5, 2011

My router/adsl modem is not connected to a power supply so when power goes and comes the network will do a re-boot. Now the problem is my OpenSUSE network won't come back on! I set the static ip as Autoeth0 to eth0 however when network updates I losse eth0. Why is this happening? Why doesn't the PC simply re-connect? Can I do it via command line?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Adsl Modem Acting As A Bridge To My Router Setup - Connection - Internet Went Slow ?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an adsl modem acting as a bridge to my router my setup was working well for more than year now , but then the internet went slow . I set the modem back to PPPoE the problem was with the DNS server of the ISP so using ifup i set the dns t (google) the connection is back , but when i set the modem back as a bridge slow internet does the router know that my dns is or i should set the dns on the router ? I can't see an option to set the dns on the router ( i just enter my username and password from the isp to use PPPoE mode ) by the way i called the isp support they kept telling me to restart , i told them i did but i never restarted my pc . I'm sure if i tell them i'm running linux they will blame the os !

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Server :: Configure RedHat As A Time Of Day Server For A Docsis Modem System

May 13, 2011

I have been able to find enough information that I need to enable 'time-udp' in /etc/xinetd.d/ But there isn't an entry for time-udp. How do I enable time-udp (Time of Day server) on a Red Hat system? It's RHEL 5.6 64bit.

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Server :: DHCP Server Option T150 Code 150 = String?

Jan 6, 2011

I have come across this option given below in dhcpd.conf file for DHCP Server configuration. Can any body let me know what this option is all about.Code:option T150 code 150 = string;

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CentOS 5 Server :: What Is Configure Option Of Mysql Server From Repo?

May 6, 2010

what is configure option of Mysql server from Centos repo? I mean configuration option used before compilation.

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Server :: Access Ubuntu File Server If It's Connected To A Router?

Feb 13, 2011

I want to access files on my ubuntu server wireless. Is there a way I can do that? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm kind of new at this whole server thing.

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Server :: Setup Home (1 Computer) FTP Server Using DSL Connection No Router?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm going to start a new thread because previous searches have not totally satisfied my question. I've read all day about doing this but each inquiry leads to discussion of configuring the router. I am also not network savy. I would like to set up an FTP server on my home computer (presently Ubuntu 8.10). I have only one computer. I am using DSL with my telephone line for internet connection. I do not use a router.

Is it possible to do this with no router and only a DSL ISP connection?

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Server :: Make A Ftp Server Behind Wifi Router?

May 25, 2011

Can you make a ftp server behind wifi router?802.11g

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Server :: Best Option For Home Server?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a computer lying around here and decided to turn it into a server. I installed Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 and was wondering what software would be best for it. I already have some software in mind but wanted to know if anyone here has a better aproach to my needs.

I wanted it to serve as:
-HTTP server; Apache
-File server for other computers on the network; Samba
-Streaming music server; SubSonic
-DHCP server; dhcpd3


What special care should I take on configuring it all, taking into account that I'll be using two ethernet cards (LAN & WAN)? Also the DNS part seems really tricky to me, as my needs are to resolve network names in my network.. (I can't ping any computer by name and file sharing becomes difficult)

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Server :: Router And File Server On The Same Box?

Feb 17, 2010

Recently I installed Debian on one of my machines to act as a router and file server. I'm pretty comfortable to work from the the command-line (ssh), still I can't shake of the felling of wanting a web GUI for configuration. Since I haven't found anything that can be installed on Debian (don't like webmin), I either need to do my own GUI or go the virtualization way.

I was thinking of running some kind of router distro and virtualize a file server distro or just a regular distro. I don't know maybe this virtualization path is just a bad idea, I dunno, so I ask for your advice and comments.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Where Is The Package List For "Server-GUI" Install Option

May 5, 2010

There is a differentiation between a 'Server' install and a 'Server-GUI' install.

Using CentOS 5.4 DVD 1 graphic install...


So far I have not found a way to view the packages that are installed with the 'SERVER-GUI' option.
I would like to upgrade my 'Server' to a 'Server-GUI'.

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Server :: File Server For Windows - Mount More Than One Samba Shares As Network Disk

Jun 17, 2011

I want to setup a Linux File Server for a small windows network (around 50 users). I do know that I am gona need Smb service/pkg for that. I haven't used Samba for a while now and as per the best of my knowledge, entire communication (including usernames and passwords) between a samba server & windows client machines will be plain text. Is there any way to secure all this communication??

Secondly, if i remember correctly, MS windows wont let me mount more than one samba shares as network disk when all my shares can be accessed by different smb users with different passwords?? is there a solution to this problem? OR may be if there is any other package available for this purpose so that i wont have to use samba?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mulit Server Setup \ Server Machine Has No Internet?

Mar 27, 2010

I want to set up the following server in open suse:dhcpopenldapnfs (to allow users to mount their home directories from the serverI started off with the openldap server. I configured it with dc=localdomain,dc=local as its domain. As the server machine has no internet. Though when I go to add a .ldif file with the following command

ldapadd -x -D 'cn=Administrator,dc=localdomain,dc=local' -f /home/base.ldif -W
It returns this


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Server :: Making A Minor Server For An Mmorpg Game That Will Run In House Network Only?

Oct 23, 2010

My Computer options arent great, but i am going to be starting the process of switching all the computers in my house to linux, i wanted to see if i could make a server to connect all of them for file sharing, but mostly for world of warcraft in the would only be 10 computers accessing it at once. i would basically want to know what the best form of linux would be, the programs id need to have, if it could be done on a desktop based machine, or if id have to use my server. if i would need different hardware or if the linksys hardwired router going to be enough connection. i guess the filesharing would be more the pressing need, especially if it is possible to create a server and convert the connected computers to linux through use of the server

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Server :: Error - NFS Share On A Debian Lenny Server With To Network Interface

Mar 16, 2010

I am running a NFS share on a Debian Lenny server with to network interface.

Sometimes when booting the server the following messages i shown in syslog:


If the system is rebooted then NFS is functional again. I would like to know way this happens somtimes so i can repair it, anyone with an idea? Another thing is that i would like to bind the NFS service to a specific interface e.g eth1 is this possible?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Lamp Server To Send Automated Emails Using Cable Providers SMTP Server?

Jun 19, 2010

Somewhere out there there has to be someone that can help me set up my lamp server to send automated emails using my cable providers SMTP server

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CentOS 5 Server :: Mail Server Within Local Area Network?

Oct 1, 2010

i have successfully done the setup of postfix and dovecot on this link [URL]I run Cent OS on top of window 7 via VM Player,i want to access mailbox from windows 7 using email client like Thunderbird and Outlook. What setting i need to do in my mail server ?

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Networking :: Use USB Modem With Ubuntu Server?

Oct 16, 2010

I am trying to set up one home networking lab in which I plan to use three routers. One of the router will be QUAGGA over Ubuntu Server. I cannot figure out how to setup my HSIA USB Modem (TataPhoton+ from Tata teleservices)in ubuntu server. This device works fine with Ubuntu 9.10 desktop edition. Just a few clicks in network manager does the job, but how to achive the same in ubuntu server which have no GUI

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Server :: What's The Best Router To Use With A Web

Jun 2, 2010

I have a LAMP server in work with five different web sites on it. All the sites are below average traffic and page upload time seem OK but I want to tweak my hardware anyway. I have tweaked Apache already.

Occasionally (more often recently) my Internet speeds when I use the same WAN connection myself for general surfing the speed is extremely slow. When I look in the logs I can "Access Denied to *.*.*.*" over and over. It's a robot I know but I think it causes a kind of DoS on my Standard router, generally slow everything down. I think a professional router would be better able to deal with that sort of traffic.

What router or device would be good for a web connection when the primary purpose is a web server connection? How much money should I be thinking of spending on the router?

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Networking :: Network Setup - Router - Wireless Router Card ?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm having trouble getting my network set up the way that I want it/had it. You see, when I first set up my network, I just had my cable modem going directly to my standard wired router (A D-Link DI-604), which had DHCP,and was connected to all of the computers on my network. I had one switch hooked up to one of the ports of the router, but this was a regular switch, and it would not try to assign IP addresses, it would just pass through the DHCP info as I wanted.

Now however, my network setup has changed. My room mate and I both got laptops, and we decided that we wanted to have wireless access so we didn't have to constantly plug in to the router.

Now my network is set up like this: The modem is hooked up to the router(DI-604), which is hooked up on the LAN side to our computers, our switch (which is hooked up to 3 more computers), and to a wireless router card (A Gigabyte GN-BC01).

The wireless router card has two jacks for ethernet. One for WAN, and one for LAN. The LAN side we have plugged only into the computer in which the card is installed.

Now the problem is this: The wireless router card comes with DHCP by default, and it's assigning addresses to the laptops and to the computer hat it's in, and worse, the IP addresses are on a different subnet than that of the main dlink router. The Main (dlink) router assigns addresses from (itself) to, while the wireless router card assigns addresses from to (itself).

Because of this, I cannot access services on the wireless network from my wired network or vice versa. The first thing I tried was setting the card to assign addresses from to, however it just said "internal error" when I tried to do this. I decided that this may be because it sees that it was being assigned an address on it's WAN side on the same subnet. So the next thing I tried was disabling DHCP and setting the "LAN IP Address" to, hoping that the DHCP would just go through the card, like a switch. I would have set the LAN IP address to be assigned by DHCP, but this was not an option, so I decided that'd be the best thing to set it to.

Once again however, setting the LAN ip address to an address on the same subnet as that of the IP assigned to it's WAN side caused it to report an "internal error". I verified that this was the issue by setting the LAN address to several other private IP addresses to test (I.E.,,

My question then really is: How do I set up both routers so that I can access services and computers from each network from the other network. Should I set them with different subnets and set the gateway on the wireless network to the main router? To the wireless router card? Should I put them on the same subnet? Will it know how to communicate?

Here is a link to (picture) my network diagram. Network Diagram

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Server :: Connection Blocked To Kubuntu Server Outside Network

Jul 14, 2010

I've recently turned an older PC into a linux box for the purpose of creating an online server with ftp and ssh capability and file sharing. I've installed Kubuntu 9.10 and I'm trying to ssh to the computer from outside the network.I've install the openssh-client and openssh-server and I've created a static ip address, which works fine. I cannot ssh to the machine from outside the isp using either the direct ip address or hostname. The machine is connected to the internet via a Linksys Wireless G router, and I've edited the configuration settings to keep port 22 open for connect in the port server utility.

I've checked the ssh_config and sshd_config settings and port 22 is the default connection port, which is supposed to be open. I've run ifconfig and everything looks fine. I can connect to the computer using a machine connected to the same router, but other computers cannot access it. I want it to be visible to everyone.

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Server :: Server Unexpectedly Cloesd Network Connection

Mar 7, 2011

I have a problem on server running RHEL 5.4. Oracle jobs are sometimes succesfull,somtimes not. Error message is: server unexpectedly cloesd network connection. Everything seems to be set correctly.

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Server :: Uplink / Downlink Server Network Speed?

May 15, 2010

I got a dedicated server ; datacenter told me that I have a 1000 Mbps Public & Private Networks uplink/downlink . How can I check from console if they are saying the true ?

Also , how can I get info about the server network card from console ?

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