Server :: How To Make A Static IP

Apr 17, 2010

I'm trying to build a server at the moment.How can I assign the server a static IP?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Home Server Use A Static Ip Address?

Mar 15, 2010

i have followed multiple guides to make my home server use a static ip address. no matter what i do it always reverts back to its dhcp address after about 2 minutes. how do i get the static ip address to stick, or be permanant.

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Ubuntu :: Make HDDs Have Static /dev/sd*?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm having a little trouble with a mdadm RAID array at the moment in which the four hard drives in the array change their /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd/ /dev/sde placement on every reboot.

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Programming :: Static Linker With Make Configure

Oct 2, 2010

I need to compile a program and make it portable to other computers, but it needs some external libraries and I don't want them to be linked dynamically, I would like to compile them as one single executable or at least compile them in the same directory as the main output files. The program is sphinx>, it has its own configure and make scripts. I know I can run g++ with the -static flag, but I don't know how to do this with make or configure. This is the ./configure --help output


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Slackware :: SlackBuild To Make Both STATIC And SHARED Wireless-tools Package?

Jan 31, 2010

I don't use wireless tools myself currently, since I'm wired to the internet; but, I found that a package I wanted to build, required at the least, a shared version of libiw, if not both the shared AND static version. Symptoms of when you are in this boat, are error messages during compiling, similar to:

/usr/lib64/libiw.a( In function `iw_mwatt2dbm':
iwlib.c:(.text+0x1a77): undefined reference to `log10'
iwlib.c:(.text+0x1a84): undefined reference to `ceil'
/usr/lib64/libiw.a( In function `iw_freq2float':
iwlib.c:(.text+0x1b11): undefined reference to `pow'


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Programming :: Java Non-static Variable Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

Feb 12, 2010

I'm having some problems on the line with ***. This is from a class file and I'm trying to update EmprestadorView's variables.
public class EmprestadorView extends FrameView {
public class OpenEntidade extends javax.swing.JFrame {


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Server :: SHH Needs Static IP To Allow User?

May 5, 2010

I have a webhosting account, and I can now ftp into their SHH server. They seem to require that I have a static IP address to access the server. Is this normal practice? Im currently on a dynamic IP system, and my IP can change occasionally.

Is it essential that I request a static IP from my isp? or could I suggest to the webhost that they whitelist the first portion of my IP which rarely changes? i.e 90.195.xx.xx, or * for my ftp account?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up A Server With Static Ip?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to set my computer up as a server. I've installed LAMP, but now my problem is getting a static ip. I've tried several tutorials, but with each one, I seem to somehow disable my internet connection.

I'm almost positive that this is all over my head, but my aim is for it to not be.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Static IP In Server?

Mar 21, 2010

Well basically the title how to setup a static IP in Ubuntu Server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't SSH When Server Has Static Ip

Jul 27, 2010

I figured that i would like to have a static ip address so that i could always know what the internal ip address was of my server. But when i make the address static, I am not able to SSH in from a different machine on my network. The network is wireless/wired, through my D-Link router. I can't even ping the server when i give it a static ip. Is there a way that i can have a static ip address and still have it be seen by other machines in my wireless network?

I have had to re-install everytime I need to make changes to my etc/network/interfaces file. Otherwise i am told that permission is denied, even for sudo. Is there a way around this ?

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Server :: Create A Domain Name For Static IP?

Apr 26, 2011

I want to set a domain name for my static ip address. If i am giving my static ip, i got output but i cant create a domain name instead of giving ip address.

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Server :: Static Ip To Domain Name Conversion?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a staic ip from my ISP provider and i have a web server too. I NAT the port 80 from my modem to the webserver and I can access my webserver from internet using typing my static ip. If my static ip is 122.67.xx.xx, then I need to type http://122.67.xx.xx. and i have a domain name pointed to this 122.67.xx.xx ip in my C-panel. I can ping from internet but if I type I am getting the following error from my browser Unable to determine IP address from host name for and The dnsserver returned: Name Error: The domain name does not exist.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Set A Static Ip For The Server Via Ssh?

Mar 18, 2010

the Centos Server Edition , so glad I make that clear , my problem is the changes of my intern ip adress from the Centos server , and i wont to make it Static so it gets always the same ip.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Will Not Boot After Static IP Set

Mar 27, 2010

I just installed sever 9.1 with webmin. Everything was working great, untill it tried to set it to a static ip address. I tried to do it thur webmin. after it rebooted the server and it now stops at this line
init: network main process (61 terminated with status 1

Any idea what I did wrong? Or how I can fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Use Static Ip On Dhcp Server

Aug 17, 2010

I have 2 Ethernet connections, one (eth0) for the internet which gets set with dhcp, and one (eth1) for my internal network on which I have dhcp3-server running. I set eth1 to use static IP in interfaces, but every time I reset the network, it is fine for a couple of minutes, and switches over do being served by my own dhcp server on the same machine. (the interfaces file clearly says "iface eth1 inet static")

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Server Switching To Static IP?

Sep 27, 2010

(Cross posting this from[URL]I am running an Ubuntu 10.04 server installation and I recently had to switch it from DHCP to static ip. I edited /etc/network/interfaces file and switched

"iface eth0 inet dhcp"
"iface eth0 inet static


You'll notice the IPs are a little strange. This is because the sever is now on a special subnet dedicated to isolating specific servers. I also edited the resolv.conf file to include the proper DNS servers (including one of Google's just in case all hell broke lose).The problem is that, seemingly randomly, the machine will lose the ability to talk to the outside world. I know the machine is still up, but it acts like it has no networking at all.

I think part of the issue is that there is no DHCP running to this subnet (nor will there be) and the dhclient seems to still be running on occasion which causes some sort of conflict (no idea what) which causes networking to die. I cannot, however, remove the dhcp3-client package as it also causes the ubuntu-minimal package to be removed and that would be bad.

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Debian :: Server Setup With Static IP Not Accessible

Jan 22, 2011

I setup a server last night and was able to remotely connect to it and access the internet with it. However, now that I have setup /etc/network/interfaces so that the server will have a static IP address, I cannot access the server remotely. Also, from the server itself, I cannot access the internet. Ping provides "unkown host" for any website I try. How do I fix this?! I don't know why this is happening.

Here is my interfaces file:
Code: ...
#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
# also tried with and without auto eth0
# auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.168.133
gateway This is the only NIC on the server.

Here is ifconfig:
Code: eth0
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txpueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)
Interupt: 29

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Server :: Use Domain Name And Static IP For Exchanging Emails?

Jan 24, 2011

1. I have registered Domain name/website, suppose =, hosted on another ISP.

2. I have another Static IP, suppose =

3. Now I want to setup/configure mail server to send and receive Emails for "", say a user from anywhere can use mail server by using webaddress of ""

4. Mail server will be mange locally in my own setup, accessible from everywhere.

5. Please give some examples, howto use registered domain name (for example = with static public ip (suppose=, so user can use only, not static ip address.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Trying To Assign Static IP Address

May 1, 2010

i am trying to assign a Static IP address and for the life of my i cannot get it to work Can someone explain to me the easiest way to do it and if i restart the server it won't get lost either.

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CentOS 5 :: Assign A Server A Public Static IP?

Jul 19, 2011

How would you assign a server a public static IP ?

Ok.. I guess to better ask my question... how to assign server public static IP centos? Like for example I am in the router itself.. where would I go to point ip to ?>

What would be the most common in the routers?

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CentOS 5 :: Assign A Server Public Static IP?

Jul 23, 2011

I am running a modem in bridge mode to my server

I edit file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 code...

I do service network restart and get nothing ? No connection... Are there other files I need to edit?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Mail / Web Server With A Static Ip?

Aug 29, 2010

I think that i lost my memory, because i completely forgot how to accomplish this.

I have a WEB/MAIL server configured to work on a static IP address, lets say

Now I wanna point a domain to that server to get the services up and running, lets say ...

The static IP Address is assigned by my Internet Provider.

I'm lost in the part of connecting the domain with the server.

I have the domain DNS pointing to the ISP name servers, but I don't remember if this is the correct way, or if I have to setup my own DNS server.

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Ubuntu :: Server Static IP Setup But Still Giving Dynamic IP's

Mar 21, 2010

I have setup like instructed in online tutorials.

Here is a copy of my interfaces file:



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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Lan Adress From Linksys To A Server?

May 5, 2010

Okey I have a good start i know there is something I'm missing. After Following this great help tutorial.[URL]..And kinda guestimating and messing around with my Linksys creating a new router assigning a static ip "Lan and wireless" address. configuration for the router looks like this.


I think I might be messing up the interface config file at the "NETWORK" section but i don't know.

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Networking :: DHCP Server - Losing Static IP Address

Nov 10, 2010

I have an Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 that I have given a static IP address. Every six hours or so I will lose connectivity to it and when I type ifconfig to look at the network information, it has been given an address via dhcp. If I run the /etc/init.d/networking restart command the IP address goes back to my static address and things are fine for another 6 hours or so. Here is what is in my interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

This machine is also a DHCP server and I checked to make sure there are no other DHCP servers on my network. Right now my fix is to have a Cron job running that runs the reset command every 5 hours, but I would like to find a more permanent solution.

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General :: Point Domain To Server With A Static IP Address?

Sep 4, 2010

I am trying to point my domain to my server with a static IP address. My domain is registered with Network Solutions and they ask "Primary and Secondary DNS" settings in their setup. What primary and secondary DNS settings I need to give when I have a dedicated server with static single IP address with BIND installed.

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Server :: Hard Drive Device Assignment Not Static

Jun 23, 2011

Any basic description of how linux assigns drive letters? I understand that a drive letter assignment is not static. If I add a drive between /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, my /dev/sdb will become /dev/sdc and the new drive will become /dev/sdb. I have a hot swap tray and have come into some unexpected behavior. I removed /dev/sde from the hot swap tray and then loaded another drive into this same tray. When I mounted the new drive with options in fstab, it wouldn't mount because the new drive was /dev/sdf, not /dev/sde. Apparently, linux is looking at the id of the drive in addition to it's place in the BIOS chain.

My fstab entry is:
/dev/sde /backups auto noauto,rw,noexec,async,user 0 0
I was avoiding using UUIDs in the fstab so that new HDDs would not have to be "registered" in the fstab prior to use. Is there a way to tell linux (or fstab) whatever drive is plugged into SATA channel X mount to /mountpoint?

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Server :: Redirect VPS Domain / Static IP To Dynamic Dial-Up IP?

Oct 16, 2010

got a VPS and for testing purposes a homeserver with apache running. what two tools would i need to redirect my static ip to my dynamic one?

the traffic shall all go through the dynamic one. i've got a domain name registered with the VPS also. nameservers are configured.

is there any setup required on my local (dynamic ip) apache settings for using the name? and if i stop the service, will it still work? do i have to setup a webserver on the VPS for it? none running yet.

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Server :: Static Website Needs To Serve Flash / Use Red5 In That?

Jul 27, 2010

I am having static html pages and want to embed some flash videos in them.I have installed Red5 on my server after this what do I do so that I can serve them using Red5.

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Server :: Setting Up The Static Ip Address With A 2wire Gateway From Att

Oct 22, 2010

setting up my ubuntu server I would also like to run ubuntu desktop for the GUI.

setting up the static ip address with a 2wire gateway from att.

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