Ubuntu :: Setting Up Static IP In Server?

Mar 21, 2010

Well basically the title how to setup a static IP in Ubuntu Server?

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Server :: Setting Up The Static Ip Address With A 2wire Gateway From Att

Oct 22, 2010

setting up my ubuntu server I would also like to run ubuntu desktop for the GUI.

setting up the static ip address with a 2wire gateway from att.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Static IP In A LAN And DNS Configuration?

Feb 13, 2010

how to set up a static IP from Ubuntu... Secondly, on some of the tutorials I read, there was something about changing the DNS server IP adresses. I do know what a DNS server is (Courtesy of www.howstuffworks.com ) but I don't understand why the DNS servers must be changed simply because I chose to use a static IP address.. (My PC connects to the internet via a router.. )

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Static IP Address ?

May 17, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 and I want to set the static ip address but I can't find where to do it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Static IP With Godaddy?

Jul 2, 2010

Ok so I got my server running with apache2. I can access it via the web with my static IP.

I registered on Godaddy for a domain, and sucessfully setup URL forwarding. When I type in that domain it takes me to my website, but the browser shows the IP address again. Should I not be using "URL forwarding"? I'm guessing I have to do something on my server side saying what domain it is but I don't know which file to change and I am scared to touch anything. Although I'm a programmer, I'm not a network person.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Static IP And Opening Ports?

Aug 30, 2010

I am trying to open a tunnel for a friend of mine who's isp has blocked a bunch of webpages, so I was thinking I would learn how to since it might come in handy in the future Anyway, so I looked at a couple of videos about going in to network settings and changing the setting to manual and write down the desired IP (in my case Then I went into my router (it's a D-link DI 524) and tried adding my static IP as the DMZ computer. I then restarted, everything looked fine, the router saved the settings and the eth0 still hade the information saved so I wanted to try it out. I just googled "try my ports" and I found a website called [URL]...But no ports worked for me.. I tried double checking everything, checking for errors. I couldn't find anything so I'm guessing you might have a clue!

EDIT: It seemed I had to have a program that actually used the port for it to work.. It's working anyway, so if you could move it to [SOLVED] I'd be happy

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Static Ip Through Router?

Sep 23, 2010

If not should I just plug up directly into my modem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Since Setting Up Static IP?

Jan 12, 2011

I set up a static IP address yesterday, following the instructions at the top of this page and since my machine no longer connects to the internet (although all other machines are connecting fine, so I know it's a result of this change).

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Networking :: Setting Up A Bridge With 3 Static IPs And Two VM?

Aug 11, 2010

I've been reading for days now, but can't find an example to the following. I have an ubuntu server, with two KVM virtual machines running ubuntu jeos. I want each VM to have it's own static IP, plus one IP for the server. How on earth I do that? do I need to create two bridges, one for each machine? and if so, how do I assign static IP to each?

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Slackware :: Setting A Static Ip From Dhcp?

Apr 30, 2010

I tried to setting a static ip from dhcp, I changed lines in /etc/rc.d rc.inet1.conf as follow:

# Config information for eth0:

and then I run "/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 restart"

after that, can't access net, and couldn't ping the gateway[], I have to change it back

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't Connect To Internet After Setting Static IP For Samba

May 17, 2010

I recently used this process to connect my Samba network to be able to access and allow Windows XP machines to access my computer on my office network.

For various reasons, all the XP computers on the network are set to fixed (do we say static?) IP addresses with manual DNS. Hence I realised during the Samba setup that I had to set a static IP on my Ubuntu machine similar to my Windows static IP's (ie 192.168.10.?) in order to be able to see the Windows share PC's properly.

Once I set my Ubuntu machine to static IP of with subnet of and gateway of then I was able to access and be accessed by PC's on the network. However I couldn't access the internet after this. I input the DNS server in the edit connections as you can see per the attachment. All these settings (except the IP address obviously) were all now exactly the same as the PC machines, and I thought I'd now be able to access the windows network, as well as have access to the internet, however, even though my wired network is connected there is still no internet access.

I'm using the GUI under network connections to make all these changes if that is important. I can't understand why this doesn't work?

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Networking :: Setting A Static Ip For A Private Lan System?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a linux system which is conencted to a corporate lan and it has internet access to it. But i don think that machine hs any static ip or DNS name. I am able to ssh to that machine within the lan but is it possible to ssh to that machine outside the lan using internet?

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Fedora Networking :: Setting Up Static IP And Vnc Viewer Behind A Router

Oct 19, 2010

I have an old pc that I would like to use as a headless server for my music, files, etc that I can access at work and other places outside of my network. I'm a complete noob in this department so please excuse my overwhelming ignorance. The only thing I've managed to succeed at was installing fedora 13. Two things in particular are giving me trouble: 1.)setting up my router and fedora box so that it has a static ip address and 2.)connecting to the fedora box via vncviewer on my laptop.

Fedora Box: Intel Pentium 4 2.66GHz, 1GB ram, Fedora 13
Laptop: Toshiba Satellite A505, Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 2.20GHz, 4GB ram, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Router: D-Link WBR-1310
ISP: Comcast (cable)

Setting Static IP
On the fedora 13 box:
1.)Went to Network Connections and added a new connection
2.)Copied mac address from the default connection
3.)On IPv4 tab, added new address: (this is out of the range which my router will assign automatically) netmask, set gateway to's ip on the network)

When I connect to this new connection web pages don't load, etc. but when I'm on the default connection I have no problems.

Connecting With Vnc Viewer
On the fedora 13 box:
1.)System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop
2.)Under Sharing I checked "Allow other users to view your desktop" and "Allow other users to control your desktop"
3.)Under Security I unchecked "Ask you for confirmation", checked "Require the user to enter this password", and specified a password

On the router
1.)Set up port forwarding for port 5900, TCP only, to the ip address of the fedora box.

On the laptop
1.)Installed VNCViewer
2.)Went to whatsmyip(dot)org to get ip address of router
3.)Tried to connect to that address, port 5900 (ex. ##.##.##.###::5900)
4.)Connection times out everytime.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Static Local IP Address?

Feb 18, 2010

how I can define a local static IP address (so that I can run a web server off of the same IP, rather than letting my router DHCP it)?I've tried doing the YaST->Network Devices->Network Settings->Traditional Method with ifup->Set NIC to desired IP->Set Default Gateway to router address method, and afterwards I can't even get into my router anymore (not even responding to ping).

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OpenSUSE Network :: DHCP Overriding Static Setting?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm maintaining a very modest network at home, with OpenSUSE as OS on the server. I got the DHCP and routing working by following the instructions in the wiki. However, every time I run dhclient on the server/router, it appears my own DHCP server assigns an address to the internal network card despite the fact I specifically assigned it to be static using Yast. The situation resolves itself when I restart the network services with the command /etc/init.d/network restart. Otherwise no problem, but it also seems the internal network card gets a "new" IP from my server every time the external card requests one from the ISP. This is more of an issue.

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Networking :: Enable DHCP Setting In Fedora 12 / Using Static Address?

Jan 2, 2011

My DHCP setting is disabled in fedora 12 . Previously i was using static IP address. I Want DHCP setting enable, any idea.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Assigned Computer A's Static Ip To Computer C Without Changing Dhcp Setting?

Aug 18, 2010

I set up a dhcp server in the lan and assigned static ips to two computers, computer A and B, according to their mac address. Everything was running fine. But when I turned off computer A, connected computer C to the network, and assigned computer A's static ip to computer C without changing dhcp setting. Computer C was able to access the internet. When I turned on computer A, dhcp couldn't assign an ip address to it, and computer C showed an error message of ip conflict and failed to use internet. I wonder if dhcp server is able to prevent other computer from using the same static ip that is already assigned to a computer according to its mac address.

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Programming :: Java Non-static Variable Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

Feb 12, 2010

I'm having some problems on the line with ***. This is from a OpenEntidade.java class file and I'm trying to update EmprestadorView's variables.

public class EmprestadorView extends FrameView {
public class OpenEntidade extends javax.swing.JFrame {


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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up A Server With Static Ip?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to set my computer up as a server. I've installed LAMP, but now my problem is getting a static ip. I've tried several tutorials, but with each one, I seem to somehow disable my internet connection.

I'm almost positive that this is all over my head, but my aim is for it to not be.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't SSH When Server Has Static Ip

Jul 27, 2010

I figured that i would like to have a static ip address so that i could always know what the internal ip address was of my server. But when i make the address static, I am not able to SSH in from a different machine on my network. The network is wireless/wired, through my D-Link router. I can't even ping the server when i give it a static ip. Is there a way that i can have a static ip address and still have it be seen by other machines in my wireless network?

I have had to re-install everytime I need to make changes to my etc/network/interfaces file. Otherwise i am told that permission is denied, even for sudo. Is there a way around this ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Will Not Boot After Static IP Set

Mar 27, 2010

I just installed sever 9.1 with webmin. Everything was working great, untill it tried to set it to a static ip address. I tried to do it thur webmin. after it rebooted the server and it now stops at this line
init: network main process (61 terminated with status 1

Any idea what I did wrong? Or how I can fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Use Static Ip On Dhcp Server

Aug 17, 2010

I have 2 Ethernet connections, one (eth0) for the internet which gets set with dhcp, and one (eth1) for my internal network on which I have dhcp3-server running. I set eth1 to use static IP in interfaces, but every time I reset the network, it is fine for a couple of minutes, and switches over do being served by my own dhcp server on the same machine. (the interfaces file clearly says "iface eth1 inet static")

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Server Switching To Static IP?

Sep 27, 2010

(Cross posting this from[URL]I am running an Ubuntu 10.04 server installation and I recently had to switch it from DHCP to static ip. I edited /etc/network/interfaces file and switched

"iface eth0 inet dhcp"
"iface eth0 inet static


You'll notice the IPs are a little strange. This is because the sever is now on a special subnet dedicated to isolating specific servers. I also edited the resolv.conf file to include the proper DNS servers (including one of Google's just in case all hell broke lose).The problem is that, seemingly randomly, the machine will lose the ability to talk to the outside world. I know the machine is still up, but it acts like it has no networking at all.

I think part of the issue is that there is no DHCP running to this subnet (nor will there be) and the dhclient seems to still be running on occasion which causes some sort of conflict (no idea what) which causes networking to die. I cannot, however, remove the dhcp3-client package as it also causes the ubuntu-minimal package to be removed and that would be bad.

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Server :: How To Make A Static IP

Apr 17, 2010

I'm trying to build a server at the moment.How can I assign the server a static IP?

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Server :: SHH Needs Static IP To Allow User?

May 5, 2010

I have a webhosting account, and I can now ftp into their SHH server. They seem to require that I have a static IP address to access the server. Is this normal practice? Im currently on a dynamic IP system, and my IP can change occasionally.

Is it essential that I request a static IP from my isp? or could I suggest to the webhost that they whitelist the first portion of my IP which rarely changes? i.e 90.195.xx.xx, or *sky.com for my ftp account?

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Ubuntu :: Server Static IP Setup But Still Giving Dynamic IP's

Mar 21, 2010

I have setup like instructed in online tutorials.

Here is a copy of my interfaces file:



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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Lan Adress From Linksys To A Server?

May 5, 2010

Okey I have a good start i know there is something I'm missing. After Following this great help tutorial.[URL]..And kinda guestimating and messing around with my Linksys creating a new router assigning a static ip "Lan and wireless" address. configuration for the router looks like this.


I think I might be messing up the interface config file at the "NETWORK" section but i don't know.

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Server :: Create A Domain Name For Static IP?

Apr 26, 2011

I want to set a domain name for my static ip address. If i am giving my static ip, i got output but i cant create a domain name instead of giving ip address.

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Server :: Static Ip To Domain Name Conversion?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a staic ip from my ISP provider and i have a web server too. I NAT the port 80 from my modem to the webserver and I can access my webserver from internet using typing my static ip. If my static ip is 122.67.xx.xx, then I need to type http://122.67.xx.xx. and i have a domain name mydomain.com pointed to this 122.67.xx.xx ip in my C-panel. I can ping mydomain.com from internet but if I type http://mydomain.com I am getting the following error from my browser Unable to determine IP address from host name for mydomain.com and The dnsserver returned: Name Error: The domain name does not exist.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Set A Static Ip For The Server Via Ssh?

Mar 18, 2010

the Centos Server Edition , so glad I make that clear , my problem is the changes of my intern ip adress from the Centos server , and i wont to make it Static so it gets always the same ip.

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