Programming :: Save Input From An Online Form To A File/database?

Jan 27, 2010

Browsing some websites I've found a code for online form where a user provides name, number, etc. Everything is created in html/javascript. I'm just wondering whether it's possible to collect this input and present it in a database form so that I'd be able to see who's provided data and all the details they entered.Actually, it doesn't have to be a proper database (it would probably require php/mysql). It could be a weekly/monthly report (a text file) of people who provided details. The website is hosted by a third party company.This is an html bit:

<body id="main_body" >
<img id="top" src="top.png" alt="">


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General :: Print Data To Laser Printer Using An Overlay Form And Save File As Pdf?

Jun 5, 2010

i have custom programs written in Basis pro5. Standard output to a pdf virtual printer works fine. Using pdftk to overlay on to a form is hit or miss.... There are products out there like Unform that are just too expensive for my company. i have purchased another product from a company that prints the forms to the laser perfectly but i am incapable of capturing them and saving them as pdf's for archiving/emailing/faxing and i don't much care for this company.

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Programming :: Make An Online PHP Contact / Phone Book With Simple PHP (no Database)?

Jul 5, 2011

I would like to unzip a simple PHP code files, to have a online PHP contact / phone book. Simply, slow, and not database oriented over complicated setups into settings. I have a PHP / web provider (free), not apache. WITHOUT SQL (like before it may exists) something like this [URL]

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Programming :: Filtering MYSQL Database Input In PHP Does Not Work

May 30, 2011

I am trying to make a PHP form where the user inputs a text string, and then it is stored in MYSQL db


<form action="2.php" method="post">
Your name: <input type="text" name="txt_name" />
<input type="submit" />


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Programming :: Script To Read Mailbox And Save Items To A MySQL Database?

Sep 8, 2010

I would like to make a script which reads a POP3 mailbox on another server and saves the items in the mailbox to a MySQL database. Is this possible? I have to make this script to create monitoringen scripts which has to use the messages in the mailbox.

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Ubuntu :: Automaticaly Save Input Of Gtkterm To Txt File?

Oct 21, 2010

I would like to save the input of gtkterm ( what is displayed from its window) to a file, and this iautmatically. Because from GTKterm you can rsave raw file by clicking "save every to raw file manually". As it's say on the readme file, you can use "gtkterm -f filename.txt", but i tried and any file is created on the current directory.

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Programming :: Form To Submit Csv File To Handle?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm new to php and need some pointers to worth while documentation 'cause I'm getting nowhere I want to make a simple html form that allows me to submit a csv file so that I can work on it.The problem seems to be that if the file is not in the root of the (web) application it won't work.The form doesn't seem to send the path with it so I am unable to (1) know where the file is, I just get the name of the file and (2) I couldn't access the file anyway as it's outside of the apache environment.Is there a way to up the file to memory? How would you do this

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General :: Printing Individual Database Records In Form Format?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a database (Mysql) with records of our club members. It is quite small only about 300 records. Unfortunately there are gaps in the information and I would like to be able to print out (two records to an A4 sheet) the records in form format so that I can pass these to the members who will fill in any blanks in the record.

If it is not possible to do what I want from the database I can convert the records to a spreadsheet and do it from there.

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Programming :: Splitting A File Based On The Values Read From An Input File?

Jul 27, 2010

I am splitting a file based on the values read from an input file. The below one is the script.

1)How do I add the header which is present in the original file to the new split files created?(For eg. pharmacyf conatins header as table column names. The new files created (ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat) are without the header).

2) Also the script is creating 0 byte files for the pharmacyids which are not available in the intial file? Can this be avoided?

for pharmacyf in *
tablename=`echo $pharmacyf |cut -f4 -d'.' `
while read pharmacyid
grep -w $pharmacyid $pharmacyf >> $OUT/ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat
done< inputfile

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Programming :: Sed - Save Output To File With Filename From Content Of Another File?

Feb 28, 2011

My employer issues pdf files with everyones work schedules. I copy the content and save it as plain text in a file called unformatted (hope to be able to automate this step someday). Im working on a SED script that reduces unformatted to only display what I want to see and saves the result in a file Iïve named formatted. After that I have to manually copy formatted and save it with that days date as a filename e.g. 2011-02-25 or whatever day is scheduled in the pdf, for use on a mobile device (Nokia N900). I noticed that the date occurs on certain lines in the file so I added a line like:

sed -n 's/^Date: (201[1-9])/([0-1][0-9])/([0-3][0-9]).*/1-2-3/p' < unformatted >theDate
That creates a file theDate with the date in it that I wish to use as the filename for this particular instance. So I would like to skip the file formatted all together and have the sed- script write to a new file using the content of the Date as a filename, but how do I make that happen? And of course it would be more elegant if I could skip the intermediate theDate file as well.

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Programming :: Unload File From A Database?

Jan 5, 2009

I am trying to unload file from a database. Which contains few lines with the character below. Rest of the data was unloaded appropriately.


a) What does this below character means?

b) How can i remove it,

I already have

sed '/^$/d'
c) Will this effect the file by any means (If I am guessing properly, this is the eof notation)

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Programming :: Is PHP Suitable For File And Database Tasks?

Feb 20, 2011

According to Wikipedia's PHP page, PHP "is a general-purpose scripting language". Does that include being suitable for duplicate files detection? More specifically, the task is collating files from workstation backups into a single place, preserving directory paths and replacing duplicates with hard links. This will be a regular task on a lot of files so performance is important; our current proof-of-concept solution uses a PostgreSQL database of file "fingerprints" to speed duplicate detection. Does PHP have PostgreSQL integration?

I am asking these questions as a follow-up on an earlier thread asking for programming language recommendations for this task. Since then I have learned that PHP skills are available locally.

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Software :: Generate Online Reports From MYSQL Database?

May 6, 2010

I work for a not for profit research organisation that works in the clinical sector. Currently I create summary reports for each of our studies that are then made available through our website. These reports are generated from data that is stored in a MYSQL database residing on a RHL Enterprise server. The data analysis however is performed using Microsoft Excel and then I use excel to create the final report pages, which are finally PDF'd.

This approach has served me well however I am currently working to port the data analysis to R and have the analysis performed on the server side. Now I have to consider how to generate reports. Here is my question. Could anyone recommend software that I could use to prepare and review reports generated directly from the data residing in the MYSQL database? I have no experience with this area as my background is in microbiology.

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Programming :: DataBase In Python - Compile .py Files Into A .exe File

Jun 20, 2011

i am new to python programing and i have a couple of ?'s

1- what would i do if i needed to find the closest, bigger number, from a list of numbers when the user types a number in.

2- (windows) i need a program that can compile .py files into a .exe file so that it works on a machine without python it also needs to work with python 3.2.

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Programming :: Translate Data From A CSV File To A MySQL Database?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a CSV called source1 with data like:

Date12:00:00 AM12:30:00 AM01:00:00 AM01:30:00 AM02:00:00 AM02:30:00 AM03:00:00 AM ...
07/31/1051.5252.4852.6452.863.3663.8445.6 ...
08/01/1049.4449.9261.2860.1652.6449.1247.52 ...
08/02/1049.1248.9648.9650.7260.1658.0851.04 ...
08/03/1060.3260.6459.260.9637.9233.2832.8 ...


Also, the CSV file is updates every few hours and I need to load any new data from the file to the database without creating duplicates of data that has already been loaded to the database.

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Programming :: Save File From Deletion In C Code?

Apr 26, 2011

I create the file mytest.txt. Since this process is using this file. if I run this code in background and simply run "rm -rf mytest.txt" than file gets delete.Please help me how to save this file from other process.Here is my code

int main()
FILE *fp;


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Programming :: Take A Screen Capture And Save It To A File?

Dec 9, 2010

Is there any simple example on how to take a screen cap and save it to a file?

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Programming :: C - User To Input The Name Of A File As An Argument

Aug 5, 2010

Write a program that requires the user to input the name of a file as an argument. If the user fails to include one argument it should make use of a thread that handles a signal. The signal handler should tells the user Incorrect number of arguments and then calls the terminate signal on the process.

If the numbers of arguments are correct then the program should allocate memory space to the file (5MB) and create a child process that requests the user for a character that it should send to the parent. The child should keep request for data until the user keys in the character O. During each request it should pause for 10 seconds, send the character to the parent and then requesting again for another character.

The parent should get the character from the child. Do not make the parent wait for the child to finish requesting for data. Make use of pipes to facilitate communication between the parent and the child. A second child should be created to read and display data from the file. Make use of any appropriate Inter Process Communication technique to ensure that the second child and the parent do not access the file simultaneously (Mutual exclusion).

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Programming :: Read Each Line Of A File As Input?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm writing a program which now accepts user input:

echo "Enter a date in the format YYYY MM DD hh mm ss."

read gregyr gregmo gregdy greghr gregmn gregsc This lets the user input a date and time, such as 2011 06 21 15 12 45, and have each number assigned to their corresponding variable. Later in the program, these variables are put into an equation, and then the terminal spits out the answer. Now I have to have the program read all of the lines from a text file, which is in this format, assign the variables.

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Ubuntu :: Crawling Online Database And Placing Specific Data Into A Table?

Jun 12, 2010

I want to download some specific information(age of the building, value, square feet, etc.) from a county auditor's website:[url]

For every property in the county and ultimately match it to a .dbf file I already have containing geographic information for each parcel.

The website only displays information for a single address at a time in response to a query form asking for either the parcel ID# or street address. I have a table of all the county's parcel ID#'s and valid addresses-about 350,000 or so of them.

I imagine there must be some way to automatically crawl the website inputting the information from my tables into the form and gathering specific information in some sort of format that could then be matched to corresponding information in my .dbf file.

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Programming :: Bash: Handling Input From File And Keyboard?

Jan 20, 2009

I have this little shell script which copies file names taken from inputfile:

while read line; do
cp -i $line something


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Programming :: Graycode To Hexadecimal Converter From Input File?

Aug 25, 2010

Design, debug and test a C program that uses Gray Code for decoding information stored in a binary file. Gray Code G(A)of any value A can be easily produced from unsigned binary B(A) using the expression: G(A) = B(A) ^ ( B(A) >> 1 ) (1) The formula may be used to generate coding tables. For example for 4-bit codes:

Table 1. Coding table

Hex Value Binary Gray

0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0011


If the first option is selected, your program shall prompt the user to enter the file name and open the specified file. In this assignment you can presume that the file size is always limited to 64 bytes. If the file is not found, the program shall display a message: File not found and display the menu, so the user can enter file name correctly or exit the program.

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Programming :: Store Data In Text File And Be Able To Modify It And Save As Well Using C++?

Jan 25, 2010

I wanna learn how to store data in text file and be able to modify it and save as well using C++.

Note: im using Turbo C++ 3.0

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Programming :: Save The Results Of A Fortran Loop In A Text File?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to store the results of my code to a separate text file.But the problem is, as my results comes from a loop, my text file shows only the last result, not all of them.Like if the loop runs 5 time the text file shows the result for the 5th step.But i need to store all of them (1 to 5).Can I use awk to print the output field and store to another file and creat a new line so that the next output field goes to a new line?(just an idea, dont know).

for (( i=1; i<=5; i++))
./file.exe > output.txt

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Programming :: Bash: Feeding Input To A Script From A Text File?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a script which checks on my jobs that run on some cluster.The script, "", takes as an input the job-id for the job to be checked. Sometimes I have 100s of jobs and I want to check them all (for successful completion.) I could put these job-ids into a text file, "job-id.txt", each id in its own line.For each job-id, the script would ask me few questions (with a yes or no answers) to see if I want to do some other checks for each job-id.I want to know how may I direct my job-ids from this text file into the script one job-id at a time.

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Programming :: Using Piped Data As Input - Cannot Stat '-': No Such File Or Directory

Nov 6, 2010

Code: stuart@stuart:~/$cat showthread.php.html | grep -o [URL][^"< ]*" | uniq | head -n3 | plowdown - cannot stat '-': No such file or directory Code: stuart@stuart:~/$ awk NR==$x Musiclist.txt | cut -d/ -f6 | basename $1 .mp3 .mp3 Here's some system info on the bash i'm using:


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Programming :: Write A Program Which Will Read Input From A Text File

Apr 7, 2010

i am trying to write a program which will read input from a text file, check if each line contains any alphabets and then display a message imforming me if there is an alphabet in each line. My text file is formatted in this way...


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Debian Programming :: Check If Files Exists By Read Input From A File

Jul 27, 2013

I need a script that dose the following checks if files exists by read input from a file then compares them to the files listed in the directory if they don’t exists the script would report back which file dose not exists. I also need to format the output so that files are grouped in different groups, group A, B, and C and etc based on file name. I would like the output of that do not exists files to be sorted based on second number in the file name than group according. I understand some of the basics of bash scripting something along of the lines of a loop and if statements might do the trick. Below is what I have so far. I don’t car so much about the script reporting back the file exists I prefer to only know if the file is missing and is less than 3 days old. Problem is if a file dose not exists in the reports file the test compares against the wrong file.

Group A


Group B


Group C


Code] ....

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Programming :: Bash Scripting - Taking User Input And Adding It To A Particular Area Of A File?

Jan 12, 2010

in bash scripting...say I want to take the input from a user via a question...I would do this:



echo "How large do you want this partition to be in GB (enter only the number)?" read PART_SIZE echo "You want your partition to be $PART_SIZE GB" But I don't want to echo it back to the screen, I want to add it to the content of /etc/fstab. I have been mucking around with sed to find the tmpfs partition in /etc/fstab and add the partition size attribute (this is to use the onboard RAM as a volatile partition)...but am not having any luck...

The portion of /etc/fstab that uses /dev/shm for the tmpfs partition is:

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

So, if a user says "24" GB to the answer (from above), how do I get it to automatically add that value to the tmpfs partition line in /etc/fstab? So it would look like:

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs size=24g,defaults 0 0

I understand that I would also have to come up with a way to put "size=XXg", which I could do with a copied over generic file before this action...then the script would have to find "XX" and replace it with the user's figure...

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OpenSUSE :: Recover Data Form Old 5.25 Floppies - ERROR: Cannot Read `/dev/fd0' (Input/output Error)

Mar 15, 2010

I don't know the format of these old floppie disks, ive tried


PC8-248suse:~ # file -s /dev/fd0
/dev/fd0: ERROR: cannot read `/dev/fd0' (Input/output error)

how i can go about reading this data?

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