I want to search a file for a particular pattern and if pattern found replace the line with new text. i am using awk 'match($0,"pattern") != 0 {print $0} ' filename to check if the pattern exists.how do i get the line number of the pattern and delete that line and replace the line with my new text?
I would like to insert prior to the word "three" all items from this second file with the following contents:
four three two one
Now my issue is, and I have been using both sed and awk currently, that after the second line of the new file is read there will of course now be 2 copies of the word "three" but I would like to only insert the final 2 words, ie "two" and "one" prior to only the first occurrence of the word "three" so final file will look like:
one two four
So here there is now only one of each word from the second file joined to make the new file. For simple code I have tried something like the following:
while read line do awk -v n=$line '!f && /three/{print n;f++}1' file1 > tmp_file mv tmp_file file1 done < file2
Now this works but seems very clumsy to me. There is obviously a better sed and / or awk out there.
I want to read from the file and check for the pattern, if the line has some word like <string>: then string should be copied into buffer. Afterwards, I want to insert the same <string> with some word in the next line of the file. use sed command to perform the above mentioned operations?
i trying to add text messge in textarea and i got error in connection and i don't know if it correct syntax. and i wonder when i was install xamp server it no password required. but i dont know what password that i input in my php connection.?
I am trying to create a shell script, on taking a input file as parameter, which need to do 3 things
1) create a copy of existing file.
2) add a new line to the copied file.
3) strip off all the absolute paths inside the copied file
The first 2 points are straight forward. but i am finding it difficult to acheive the 3rd point. myself not very good with awk and sed. but gave it a shot in vain. For example, the input script consists of below,
As indicated in the subject, I want to search a text. If the text is present I want to replace it. But if the text is not present, I want to insert it after first line and before last line.
I have to enhance the behaviour of a backup script written in perl. I don't need to change it, what I need to do is to create a bash script that does some checks like file name and file size, execute the backup script then check if the backup files match the original files.Here's how I try to do it:
- read the files from the original files folder - store them in an array - search in the array the files that have a specific file extension - store the file names that match the search pattern (I know the backup script skips some files so I can hardcode the search pattern) - run the backup script - read the files from the backup folder - store them in an array - compare the original files name and size stored in an array with those from the backup folder - send a report email
I want to cut out part of the 'uptime' output so all it displays is the load average. In the end I want to cut out everything before the word 'load'. I am a total sed newbie and could really use some examples or links. I've googled and haven't found anything useful yet.##edit###I used the 'cut' command- The code was Code:uptime |cut -d, -f 2,3,4,5 |cut 13-
I need to search for a string "teststring" in all *.java files coming under /home/user1/ (including subfolders). How can I do it in linux via shell command.
Are there some good tutorials or reference materials on how do pattern matching and text manipulation in Linux?I have a few simple tasks I'd like taken care of...like formatting numbers in file names, stripping some text from directory names, etc
Environment: vim 7.3.154, Debian wheezy/sid I copy code snippet from the internet, trying to test some concepts for practice. However, there are digital number preceded, as below:
1. 2. 3.
I try the following regular expression in vim, but that doesn't work as vim replies `Pattern not found.'
It seems that the alternation symbol does not work. What is the right symbol for alternation? Or the right syntax to remove digital number preceded?
Just using shell scripting, how can I insert text into the middle of a file name. The file has a predictable pattern, let's say 3 letters and 3 numbers and I want to insert text in the middle of those 2 patterns. Say ABC123 is the file name. As a result, the file name should be ABC.blah.123
I need a lightweight GUI text editor on my Ubuntu Lucid system which lets me specify a Unicode code point (e.g. U+1234), and inserts that character to a UTF-8 text document. I know that gedit can't do it (not even with the Character Map plugin).
I'm not interested in solutions involving any kind of emacs or vi. I'm also not interested in text editors running in the terminal (such as joe, which has this functionality). I need the absolute simplest, smallest and fastest plain text editor for Linux which lets me type a few letters, insert a few characters by their code, type some more letters, and then save the .txt file as UTF-8-encoded.
then the string "some textstring " will be APPENDED to logfile.txt Is there a redirect way that in stead of appended, the string will be INSERTED at the top of the logfile.txt file ? If this cannot be done by redirecting, what would be the best way to insert the test-string at the top of the logfile ?
I have requirement to delete some log files from a directory if a string"deletethisfile" is found.Then restart the application servers.1. Search for the string ?deletethisfile? in server.log file under a directory, If found 2. Stop that particular server.3. Delete the log file 4. Restart the server.
Is there some kind of universally recognized pragma that one can insert at the beginning of a text document to designate it to be UTF-8 encoded (or any other encoding)? I've seen certain editors insert encoding comments, and one or two compilers that have an encoding pragma. But I was wondering if anyone has tried to establish some kind of universal tag format for text documents.
i try do modify BASHRC and ENVIRONMENT files on directory ETCthen all the command don't work, such as:SUDO, GEDIT, NAUTILUS, NANO and some others!now i want to edit the 2 files and delete the insert lines
I installed openSUSE 11.3 on my iMac along with "Mac Snow Leopard, Windows 7" to make it a "Triple Boot". But after installing the "GRUB/LILO", it does not chain with the boot loader "REFIT" that I use. Each time I try to boot into "Windows/openSUSE", it shows a message: no boot device found, insert boot disc". So why isn't the "GRUB/LILO" working?
I need to add some text using sed before and after the matching pattern. Does any one have any clue?e.g.cat /my/file | sed -e "s/first pattern/New Pattern/g" . /my/file.bakNow I need a result like New Pattern
if the given pattern exists in the file with the very next line starting and endingwith the same pattern , delete the line that starts and ends with the given pattern.So upon running on this file
hai people<PATTERN> we had <PATTERN>a lot of fun<PATTERN> writing scripts
I'm working on a backup script which takes the following input:
Code: RevBackup.sh <options> <source> <target>
The problem I'm having is that the source and target might contain spaces in the path. ie. /home/eRJe/My Documents
I would like the script to ignore " " (backslash-space) as being a delimiter. how could I do this without stopping a normal space from being a delimiter?
I could do this with IFS. But so far I have only found info about setting a delimiter and not to "ignore" one