Programming :: Build All Project Dependencies On Fedora/RedHat-based Systems?

Sep 17, 2010

On Debian, if I want to compile some package X myself, but I don't want to spend time hunting down and installing its dependencies, I can issue the following command:

apt-get build-dep X

And apt (so long as it knows about package X) will install all the dependencies for me.Does the yum package manager on RedHat-based systems have a similar feature?

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Programming :: Build An Accounts System Database For A Project?

Apr 21, 2010

I have recently trying to build an Accounts system database for a project. When you run the program it goes in the main menu sort of like this.

Accounts System
Add a Customer With a Contract......1
Add a Customer Without a Contract...2
Display all Customers...............3
Find a Customer.....................4
Edit a Customer.....................5
Print a Statement...................6
Print an Invoice....................7
Load File...........................8
Save and Exit.......................9

When you add a customer with a contract, you add name, address, start contract, end contract, payment and email address. Now, is there a code I could write to get back to this menu. To not confuse anyone, all I just saying is supposing I accidentally push number 1 on the keyboard and suppose I didn't want to add a customer. In other words I need a code that can cancel (or stop) adding a customer to go back to the accounts system menu.


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Programming :: Build Chain (make Or Cmake) For *nix_Movemap Project?

Jun 29, 2010

[URL]...Now it works in Windows platform. Some functions rely on win-specific code and need to cross-platform alternatives. Can some one help to build chain(make or cmake) for this awesome project? any one can compile the Linux generator and transfer the project under *nix platform.

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Fedora Servers :: Use Tomcat In 11 - Dynamic Web Project Based On Servlet

Feb 21, 2010

Tomcat6 is built in server with it but i dont know how to use it .I am doing a dynamic web project based on servlet and eclipse galileo is being used as IDE for it.

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Software :: Self Build Rpm Fails With Missing Dependencies On Build Host?

Sep 24, 2009

as I'm advancing in building some nice rpm I finally wanted to install on of my gems also the build was successful the actual install fails with missing dependencies.


$ rpm --root /home/sascha/rpmbuild/ -i ./RPMS/x86_64/memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64 is needed by memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64


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Fedora Installation :: Boot Any Current Kernel Without The Nolapic Flag On ICH8-based Intel T7300 Systems?

Jun 16, 2009

Is there a way to boot any current kernel without the nolapic flag on ICH8-based intel T7300 systems? This system works fine with the last 2.26 kernel from FC8, but due to EOL of the security updates I tried to install FC11 and FC10. The first sign of trouble is that their installation only works with acpi=off or nolapic options. As those options disable either fan-control or the second cpu-core I consider them undesirable. Is there a recent correctly working kernel available? Or do I have to downgrade to a distribution that uses a 2.26 kernel?

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Networking :: Build A Cluster Within Local Network Based On Opensuse And Fedora?

Jun 12, 2011

build a cluster within local network based on opensuse and fedora?

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General :: Getting Based Project For Masters Degree?

Jun 15, 2010

I am doing my work integrated Master's degree. I want to do a project which can be either linux based application or adding a feature to the linux kernel as a kernel extension. Please give me some ideas for this. The duration of project is around 6 months along with my regular office work.

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General :: Build A Fortran Project In Kdevelop?

Apr 20, 2011

I have installed gfortran,cmake,etc,but there is no fortran project to chose.What should I do ?

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Fedora Networking :: Connectivity Between Two Different Live IP Based Systems - Ping Error: "Destination Host Unreachable"

Aug 26, 2009

I have 2 live IP based Linux systems .


Both systems connected in same LAN based network . Both WAN live ips are connected through different modems. Problem is that , no system is able to ping or connect with other system with Live ip , though they are able to connect through LAN ip and both systes are accessable and also able to browse internet (google etc..) Ping error :-- Destination Host Unreachable.

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Debian :: Working On A Project With Unsupported Libraries (don't Ask) And Can Only Build Successfully With G++ 4.1?

Jan 20, 2011

I didn't do enough research beforehand and just discovered that while gcc 4.1 is still packaged, g++ 4.1 is not. I am working on a project with unsupported libraries (don't ask) and can only build successfully with g++ 4.1.*I see that there are packages for Lenny. Is it safe to install these under Squeeze?Being new here I am not sure where else to look for third party packages is, so if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I'd very much prefer not to try to build from source as I'll almost certainly clobber my 4.4 install in the process.

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Software :: Build Ekiga Project In Visual Studio 2008

Apr 15, 2010

I just download source code of ekiga at address [URL]. I want to develop it, I compiled it in ubuntu successful, now I want to develop it in window platform by visual studio 2008 but I don't, can I can make environment for window and import it to visual studio 2008 to debug.

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Software :: Linking In A LKM To User Space In An Eclipse Project Build?

Jun 25, 2009

I have written a PCI LKM device driver that compiles and loads correctly via #insmod libfoo.ko. When # dmesg | less is run I get good results and no errors in the log. The LKM header file is visible in the eclipse do I attach (link) this loaded LKM in a eclipse project so that the LKM driver functions are visable?

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Hardware :: How Do Atom Based Systems Compare

Jun 16, 2010

Does anyone have any experience with the Atom processor line? How do they compare single core to single core, dual core to dual core with other Intel and Amd chips? Do they work well with linux, or are there hardware issues?

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Debian :: Apt-get Build-dep Cannot Find Dependencies?

Jan 18, 2010

So I am trying to build a package from source in scratch box (for a debian based ARM distro) and I ran apt-get build-dep <package name> and it spits back the general E: Build-dependencies could not be satisfied. - is there an extra flag I could add the the apt-get command so it would show me which packages it cannot find so I can hunt them down by hand?

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OpenSUSE :: When Open Project In Code Blocks And Click Build And Run, It Pop Out Debug Report And Exit After That?

Sep 3, 2011

When i open project in code blocks and click build and run, it pop out debug report and exit after that

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Debian :: Obtain Build Dependencies That Are Not In Repositories?

Feb 28, 2010

Lets say that I want to compile a program that is in the unstable repository and I have testing (or also if I am using stable and want to compile something from testing), I know that I have to put the deb-src repository line of the repository from which I want to obtain the build dependencies by ussing apt-get build-dep packagename but my question is: what if it's not in the repositories at all? How does one go about obtaining these dependencies?

I don't know much about this topic but I know how to use dh-make with dh_make --createorig and I also know how to do dpkg-buildpackage but not more than that.

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General :: Installing Dependencies For Mysql-workbench On RedHat 5 Desktop?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to install mysql-workbench on RedHat 5 Desktop - this is what I was given, didn't pick it.I found an appropriate RPM that I downloaded from the MySQL site, but it's asking for several dependencies that I don't know how to track down.

Here's the error message I get:


]# rpm -ivh /home/confluence/Desktop/mysql-workbench-oss-5.1.18a-1fc11.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by mysql-workbench-oss-5.1.18-1fc11.x86_64 is needed by mysql-workbench-oss-5.1.18-1fc11.x86_64


The packages that aren't installed, I'm just not sure what aI should be looking for to install them. how EXACTLY would you suggest I fix this? By exactly I mean, the dependency you are missing is part of the following package, type yum install "packagename" to fix this.

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Slackware :: Slack Build Binary Dependencies In Database

Jul 17, 2011

sbbdep is a program that reads the elf header of dynamic linked files found in the given argument. argument can be

a package file from /var/adm/packages/...
a DESTDIR destination path of make install
a single given binaries/dynamic libraries

as result it prints out, or into a file, the package names the given argument require. sbbdep scans installed packages, extract some information about dynamic linked binaries and libraries and dumps these infos into a sqlite database usually sbbdep works fast. time consuming is only the first where the cache becomes created this takes about ~? (1 - 2) minutes, of cause, duration depends on the number of cpus and speed of disk io on other runs than the first sbbdep syncs the cache, this is usually a fast operation (~1sec), even if some packages where undated/remoed/installed using the cache with a sqlite client some custom queries can be done like what is required by pkg or file, what are the dependencies of file xy,....

current state of sbbdep is 0.0.1, the first public release. of cause I wanted to make some things better, prettier, more documented and o on but before going on holiday, than waiting until Christmas cause work stresses and than an other year comes I place the code now to a public repo. for me it looks stable enough to release it without stress people that will test/use sbbdep to much with problems. but there may be some bugs I did not noticed, or better say there will be some bugs like it is always the case in software. but since sbbdep does not anything critical an can/shall be run as normal user it will not do anything bad.......

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Debian Configuration :: Remove The Packages Installed From Using Build Dependencies

Jun 15, 2011

Does aptitude(or apt-get) have the functionality to remove the packages installed from using build-dep? It just seems convenient if you want to remove a program that was built from source.

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General :: View List Of Updated Packages After Apt-upgrade On Debian-based Systems?

May 15, 2010

I just did an update on my Debian system and it was very long. I'd like to know now, after the upgrades have already been applied, which packages were upgraded and which were not.

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General :: Download Centos Based Rpm But Only Find Redhat Rpm's On The Net?

May 26, 2010

my problem is sinple, I want to download centos based rpm but i can only find redhat rpm's on the net. can I use redhat rpms for centos?

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General :: Build A Simple HTPC Based On Boxee

Mar 8, 2011

I am looking to build a simple HTPC based on boxee, it is a very low power machine (2ghz P4, 1gb RAM, 1gb video card).

At present it has Win7 on it, but I want to run boxee as my media centre software (I love the watch later facility) and I was wondering what it would run best on?

If linux, what distro and why?

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Software :: Use "mknod" Command For Build Root File System Of Project?

Aug 11, 2010

My team member want to use "mknod" command for build root file system of our project...

But, mknod is only excutable by "root".

I don't want to let them know the root password.

I think that "sudo" and "fakeroot" are the way to use mknod...

Except for those command, are there any way to use "mknode" ?


Is there any solution for make "root file system ?"

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General :: How To Build Distribution Based On Ubuntu / Debian / Mint Easily

Aug 26, 2011

Is there a tool or tutorial to build a distro based on mint/ubuntu/debian?Git, scripts, and tools, small compilations for branding are OK. Compiling kernel, x11, gnome, compiz, etc. is BAD unless really required. Specifically, I'm looking for a way to have some applications installed by default, change logos/about boxes, change theme, configure what compiz options are, and add firmware drivers (connect to the Internet to download wireless adapter driver? <- headache, gotta find a lan cable now ...), and still have the liveCD install method. I'd like it to be based on linux mint, but I only want a few tools from it (update manager, software manager, flash, media codecs), so it's ok if it's ubuntu/debian with those mint tools added back in.

I saw some options, too complex, and others too simple. Not looking for a "learning experience" like LFS which gives me a horrible linux build if I don't do something exactly right. Nor any of those tools which are just package pickers and don't do enough. suse studio looked about right(maybe tad too easy), but was RPM based, not deb based.

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Programming :: Programming Languages For Project Euler / Additional Ideas?

Jun 28, 2009

I've been working in the real world for a year making some money to go back and finish my masters, and now I'm coming to the end of my contract and am realising how little i remember and how small my scope has become; i basically do shell scripts and perl these days, and its making me uneasy. So instead of bitching about it , I'm going to endevor to complete Project Euler Using randomly generated programming languages for each problem, selected from

And post the fruits of my attempts at my blog (shameless plug) aswell as opening up my svn repository when I'm done. (altho i need to ask in another thread about svn permissions....)To my shame i havent ever touched C#, JavaScript, Ruby or Python, so all in all its going to be very interesting how much i screw up.Anyone have any additional ideas, or languages I'm missing or such? I was considering TCL or Haskell or Erlang at a strech, but i dont know how useful these three would be.

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Programming :: Kdeveloper Cant See New Project?

Aug 20, 2010

also some options in menues are disable..when i go to the terminal it shows this msge:<unknown program name>(5763)/ KDevelop::allocateRepository: picked duchain directory "/home/forensic/.kdevduchain/{61e2fad9-a888-45c7-91e7-c7098bc67b94}/0"maybe i made mistake in one step of compiling it..

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Programming :: Way To Continue With C++ Project

Apr 26, 2010

I would like to ask your opinion for a new C++ project.I just finished writing a chess engine in a software engineering lecture.I don't see any way to continue with that project and I would like some new ideas.I would prefer to start something on my one but suggestions about small open source projects that are already out there are welcome.

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Programming :: Using GPL Artwork In My Project

Nov 5, 2010

I have project released under GPL. I have found an icon (.png) I want to use in it that also has a GPL license. What do I have to do, if anything, to use it legally? It's "just an icon", and while it represents a significant amount of work on someone's part, it doesn't come with any source code or embedded licenses that I can just copy and include with my project files. I'm sure I can use it because it's GPL and my project is GPL.

That's what GPL was designed for, but I don't want anyone to think I'm claiming I designed it or that I took it without giving proper credit. I just reread the GPL, and it looks like I can do anything I want with it as long as I don't restrict anyone else from doing the same and if I were to modify it, I'd have to put a notice "somewhere" (but where would that be for an icon?) acknowledging that modification. I don't see anything that would make me actually mention it at all in my documentation, etc. as long as I pass it along unmodified.

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Programming :: Fixing A Bug In Opensource Project?

May 12, 2010

I have the joyous task of having to find and fix a bug in a large opensource project for an assignment. Fixing the bug should only take about 4 hours according to the lecturer. I would prefer the source language of the project to be Java, since my C++ is quite rusty.

So, does anyone have some experience in this type of thing, and can you give me advice about which projects would not be nasty to an ignorant student? Also, which tools did you use to make it easier for you? I want to learn how to do this,but I'm just a bit clueless at present.

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