Software :: Build Ekiga Project In Visual Studio 2008

Apr 15, 2010

I just download source code of ekiga at address [URL]. I want to develop it, I compiled it in ubuntu successful, now I want to develop it in window platform by visual studio 2008 but I don't, can I can make environment for window and import it to visual studio 2008 to debug.

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Ubuntu :: Visual Studio Equivalent In 10.4?

Sep 23, 2010

i am looking for an alternative to the Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010 in Ubantu 10.4, is there any similar applications available in Ubuntu 10.4,

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General :: Visual Studio Like IDE On Windows Platform

Feb 9, 2010

I have been developing real-time server applications in Visual C++ and C#.Net using Visual Studio IDE on Windows platform. Now due to organizational needs, we are planning to migrate to Linux Platform. provide an alternative IDE for Visual Studio in Linux.

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Software :: Installing Visual Studio 2010 On Ubuntu

Jul 1, 2010

I have just installed ubuntu and need to use visual studio but don't really want to have a dual boot set-up, I know there is something called wine but will it work properly. I was wondering what the best way to go about installing this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Porting A Game Engine From Visual Studio To GCC?

Sep 29, 2010

I am a software developer, presently porting a game engine from Visual Studio to GCC. I'm working on LTS 10.04. The project uses C++ lambdas, and I really would like to keep it this way. Therefore, I need GCC >= 4.5 to compile it.

I wouldn't like to reinstall entire OS, or to have to manually update this single program every time. Is there an option to update it from 10.10 repositories, pointing out, that I need only this package (and it's dependencies)? Or is there any PPA that does the trick for me?

Generally, the entire packaging system of Ubuntu rocks, as long as I can find up-to-date PPAs of all packages I need to have in recent versions (like mono).

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Programming :: How To Edit Kernel Source Code In MS Visual Studio

Apr 27, 2010

I want to edit linux kernel source code in MS Visual Studio. I saw the code and these are c files but there is no project file that i open it and whole project opens up. I can open each individual file but not the whole project.

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General :: Build Front End Using Visual Basics?

Jun 12, 2011

I want to built front end for my database project by using visual basics.

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General :: Build A Fortran Project In Kdevelop?

Apr 20, 2011

I have installed gfortran,cmake,etc,but there is no fortran project to chose.What should I do ?

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Programming :: Build An Accounts System Database For A Project?

Apr 21, 2010

I have recently trying to build an Accounts system database for a project. When you run the program it goes in the main menu sort of like this.

Accounts System
Add a Customer With a Contract......1
Add a Customer Without a Contract...2
Display all Customers...............3
Find a Customer.....................4
Edit a Customer.....................5
Print a Statement...................6
Print an Invoice....................7
Load File...........................8
Save and Exit.......................9

When you add a customer with a contract, you add name, address, start contract, end contract, payment and email address. Now, is there a code I could write to get back to this menu. To not confuse anyone, all I just saying is supposing I accidentally push number 1 on the keyboard and suppose I didn't want to add a customer. In other words I need a code that can cancel (or stop) adding a customer to go back to the accounts system menu.


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 Studio Build Service - Kernel Firmware

May 10, 2011

I'm in the process of making my own build using SUSE Studio build service. I was hoping if someone would kindly tell me about kernel-firmware, what it does and if it is absolutely necessary because I noticed that it is not selected for you by default. Any other useful firmware that I may need. I have already included the b43-firmware, ar9170-firmware, bluez-firmware, and ivtv-firmware in my build based on openSUSE 11.4.

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Debian :: Working On A Project With Unsupported Libraries (don't Ask) And Can Only Build Successfully With G++ 4.1?

Jan 20, 2011

I didn't do enough research beforehand and just discovered that while gcc 4.1 is still packaged, g++ 4.1 is not. I am working on a project with unsupported libraries (don't ask) and can only build successfully with g++ 4.1.*I see that there are packages for Lenny. Is it safe to install these under Squeeze?Being new here I am not sure where else to look for third party packages is, so if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I'd very much prefer not to try to build from source as I'll almost certainly clobber my 4.4 install in the process.

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Software :: Linking In A LKM To User Space In An Eclipse Project Build?

Jun 25, 2009

I have written a PCI LKM device driver that compiles and loads correctly via #insmod libfoo.ko. When # dmesg | less is run I get good results and no errors in the log. The LKM header file is visible in the eclipse do I attach (link) this loaded LKM in a eclipse project so that the LKM driver functions are visable?

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Programming :: Build Chain (make Or Cmake) For *nix_Movemap Project?

Jun 29, 2010

[URL]...Now it works in Windows platform. Some functions rely on win-specific code and need to cross-platform alternatives. Can some one help to build chain(make or cmake) for this awesome project? any one can compile the Linux generator and transfer the project under *nix platform.

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Programming :: Build All Project Dependencies On Fedora/RedHat-based Systems?

Sep 17, 2010

On Debian, if I want to compile some package X myself, but I don't want to spend time hunting down and installing its dependencies, I can issue the following command:

apt-get build-dep X

And apt (so long as it knows about package X) will install all the dependencies for me.Does the yum package manager on RedHat-based systems have a similar feature?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: No Login Screen With 11.4 (Suse Studio Build) With ATi Mobility Radeon HD 4250

May 25, 2011

I finished making a custom build OS of openSUSE 11.4 using suse studio but when I tried running the LIVE DVD in a laptop with an ATi Mobility Radeon HD 4250, I got a black screen. Everything from the word go seemed fine showing everything from the loading Kernel message, but the screen that is supposed to show the user accounts is surprisingly absent and only a black screen in its place.

I have only seen this problem with ATi graphics, Intel graphics work just fine. I haven't tested it on a laptop with nvidia. I'm using the default openSUSE 11.4 Kernel (Kernel-Desktop, Xorg-X11-driver-video-radeonhd 1.3.0_20100512_80ba041-2.1, Mesa 7.10.2-7.3.1, Xorg-X11 7.6-43.44.1. I have listed these few packages contained in the build, but I'm not sure where to look or what I may be missing.

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OpenSUSE :: When Open Project In Code Blocks And Click Build And Run, It Pop Out Debug Report And Exit After That?

Sep 3, 2011

When i open project in code blocks and click build and run, it pop out debug report and exit after that

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Software :: Use "mknod" Command For Build Root File System Of Project?

Aug 11, 2010

My team member want to use "mknod" command for build root file system of our project...

But, mknod is only excutable by "root".

I don't want to let them know the root password.

I think that "sudo" and "fakeroot" are the way to use mknod...

Except for those command, are there any way to use "mknode" ?


Is there any solution for make "root file system ?"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Custom Build From Suse Studio|missing "initrd-" File?

Dec 2, 2010

If you can access Suse Studio here is thlink to the buildLFS Host - SUSE GalleryGoogle hasn't been friendly and neither has a search on these forums, I don't know which man to read so a finger in the right dirrection (preferably not the middle) would be nice as far as that goesRight now the yast live installer trips up at %84 while saving the boot loader configuration and displays a popup that says �An error occurred during initrd creation. /sbin/mkinitrd: illegal optionI then press enter to acknowledge the message and the installation continues without a hitch.

When I go to boot up (no other os installed) grub says it cant find the file initrd- you boot the live cd again you can mount the boot partition and you�ll find a broken symlink called initrd that islooking for the missing file above.Like I said above, if it an obvious fix, all I need is some direction, I don't mind reading. (been doing that all day)If you need more specifics Id be happy to supply, I'm just not sure whats relevant and don't want to bloat the post.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Studio Lucid Directly To Studio Maverick?

Jan 9, 2011

I'm currently using Ubuntu Studio Lucid and would like to use Ubuntu Studio Maverick, but I'm unsure how to go about the upgrade. Should I upgrade to generic ubuntu maverick then upgrade to ubuntu studio? Or install ubuntu studio maverick from a DVD?? Or something else?? I should say that I have a separate /home partition.

[Edited because what I first wrote was confusing:] when I started the process of upgrading with Update Manager it said that quite a lot of things would be removed (it would be upgrading only to generic Ubuntu for one thing)---I aborted that by the way. I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to avoid having to first sort of note everything that I have installed, then do the upgrade to generic Ubuntu, then do an upgrade to Ubuntu Studio, then reinstall all of the apps in their newer versions. Might there be a way to upgrade the OS itself first and then just directly update the apps without having to reinstall them, figuring out what to install all over again too?

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CentOS 5 :: Connect MySQL On C5.6 With SQL Server 2008 On Windows Server 2008 R2?

May 18, 2011

I need to connect a Server CentOS 5.6 with DB MySQL with a DB SQL Server 2008 on Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit, but i don't know how to do this.

So that MySQL DB has to import data from SQL Server on Windows Server.

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Ubuntu :: Ekiga Not Work On 10.04

Jun 7, 2010

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04. The distro seems so much better than that I have before (8.1). Anyway after some days of trying I can say that ekiga doesn't work with 10.04. While I was perfectly able to use ekiga with 8.1, the 10.04 gives me connections problems.... it simply say says "Could not register (Failed)"

how to set a sip account ( with empathy??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add 264 Codec To Ekiga?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying, reeeeally trying to use Ekiga. But the video quality is horrible. So I started messing with the settings, lo-and-behold I find info about h.264 and how fantastic it is. Well, I say to myself, let's try that on for size.

What? No h.264 option in Ekiga. That's weird, especially considering they have supported it since 3.0 and I'm using the version in the Karmic repos, 3.2.5. Not free, ok, I'll just install it then, right?

x264 package didn't do it. A little ffmpeg install as well. libavcodec52, which uninstalled a buttload of other stuff also. Even dl'd and installed libopal3.6.4-plugins-non-free. All to no option for the h.264 codec option in Ekiga.

Oddly enough, the libopal non free plugins DID add the iLBC audio codec into Ekiga as on option. Why not h.264? What am I missing? Also, why is this SO difficult? There is not any decent documentation that I can find out there that goes over this. Google has failed me.

All I have in the video codecs is theora and h261.

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Ubuntu :: Ekiga Doesn't Start / What To Try?

Mar 22, 2010

When I click on the Ekiga menu-item it seems like nothing is happening. So I went into htop and saw the process is running. When I start Ekiga from the command line, nothing happens as well. Then I tried starting Ekiga in debug modus with option -d 5. Still nothing showing up. When I call my VOIP number I can see a call coming in, however there is no ringing sound and no dialogue to pick up the phone.

Then I re-installed by 'aptitude purge ekiga' and then 'aptitude install ekiga'.

I am working on Ubuntu Karmic. The Ekiga version is straight from the repositories: Version: 3.2.5-1ubuntu1.

I hope someone has an idea what to try next.

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Ubuntu :: No Incoming Packets With Ekiga?

Nov 2, 2010

I am using a NanoStation 2 in Router mode.The NS is connected wirelessly to my neighbor's router and a switch is connect via ethernet to the NS for LAN use.

The past few days I'm trying to use a VoIP client software to connect to my VoIP account.I use Ekiga Softphone to do so, which requires UDP ports 3478-3479 and 5000-5100 to be open.

So I have opened these ports both on my neighbor's router and on the NS.The problem that I'm encountering is that although I manage to register to the VoIP service, when I answer an incoming call the caller is able to hear me, but I'm not able to hear the caller.So I used wireshark and figured that there is no incoming traffic on my end.

I have used many linux VoIP clients with PCs connecting straight forward to an ADSL router and worked perfectly.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Add Ekiga Accounts In Empathy

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to set up Empathy to connect to my Ekiga account, so I don't have to have two programs running side by side, but I'm running into some trouble.

In the window for adding accounts in Empathy, there's a drop-down menu for choosing the desired protocol and service. I hear there's supposed to be en "Ekiga" menu option there, but there isn't.

I'm running Empathy 2.30.2 in Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: No Sound Output From Ekiga?

Aug 14, 2011

I am using ekiga 3.2.7 on Natty and I am able to make pc-to-phone calls but I am not getting any sound on my speakers. The person on the other line is able to hear me, but I cannot hear him. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

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OpenSUSE :: Ekiga Don't Re-register Automatically A SIP Account

Aug 11, 2010

After timeout is over a SIP account does not register again automaticaly, manualy can be unregistered and registered again. Changing timeout seconds does not make any difference, re-registering does not happen. Is there is a way ekiga can be forced to re-registered itself automaticaly?

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Ubuntu :: Ekiga Does Not Accept Incoming Calls?

May 14, 2010

After I installed Lucid on my Netbook, I have different problems with ekiga.

First of all, some information about my ekiga account:

In ekiga I created a SIP-Account with a usual landline phone-number, my voip-provider is 1&1 (in Germany). In ekiga the account is named "Standard%limit", because I cannot register my sip-account without the "%limit". If I leave the "%limit" out, I get the message "Could not register (Forbidden)", but here on ubuntuforums (or maybe on launchpad) I read about the "%limit" as a workaround. Maybe it has something to do with my problem, I don't know.

Now, this is my problem:

Ekiga does not accept incoming phone calls after a few minutes after launching ekiga. Well, let me describe it this way: Usually ekiga plays a ringtone and shows a message whenever there is an incoming call. However, ekiga only behaves as described and expected just after launching ekiga. A few minutes later, lets say five or ten minutes, ekiga does not accept incoming calls anymore. I tested it with my mobile phone - when I call myself on the landline with my mobile phone, I expect ekiga to play the ringtone and show a message that there is an incoming call. However, ekiga does not do anything and after a few seconds the call is terminated automatically. But it is not the same as if ekiga is not running because if ekiga is not running I get the message that the subscriber is not available.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ekiga Doesn't Work With 10.04

Jun 9, 2010

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04. After some days of trying I can say that ekiga doesn't work with 10.04. With the same computer I was perfectly able to use ekiga with ubuntu 8.1, the 10.04 gives me connections problems.... it simply say says "Could not register (Failed)".I'm trying to connect with my voip provider ( but it seems that I can't. I have even tried other programs like empathy, Twinkle, QuteCom but with none of them I can connect with my voIP provider. I think there are some connection problems but I really don't know how to face them. We have to configure router in 10.04 for sip connection? Actually I can't phone at all.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mic Not Working In Skype, Ekiga On 10.10?

Oct 20, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One netbook and have tried to enable my microphone without any luck. Surprisingly the Sound Recorder works perfectly but skype and ekiga are not able to transfer my voice. I have tried playing around with gnome ALSA mixer and PulseAudio Volume Control but nothin changes.

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