Fedora Servers :: Use Tomcat In 11 - Dynamic Web Project Based On Servlet
Feb 21, 2010
Tomcat6 is built in server with it but i dont know how to use it .I am doing a dynamic web project based on servlet and eclipse galileo is being used as IDE for it.
We need to only allow access to a web page only to some ips. We want to do this via Apache but it seems like the standard way of denying all and allowing some ips doesn't work because we mount a webapp using tomcat.
I want to restrict the Visitors to my Webserver whom i want to give access But the persons whom i want to give access. have Dynamic IP. I want to use DynDNS and update IP address of person. Based on the Hostname Pointing to Dynamic address of person.
On Debian, if I want to compile some package X myself, but I don't want to spend time hunting down and installing its dependencies, I can issue the following command:
Code: apt-get build-dep X
And apt (so long as it knows about package X) will install all the dependencies for me.Does the yum package manager on RedHat-based systems have a similar feature?
I'm developing some small application runs on tomcat 6This web application just query data from MySQLBut I'm concern about performanceHow can I check how many request It can serve as well ?I'm thinking about to change the application to runs on httpd (will write in PHP)Normally, how many request httpd can handle for simple database query ?
I am doing my work integrated Master's degree. I want to do a project which can be either linux based application or adding a feature to the linux kernel as a kernel extension. Please give me some ideas for this. The duration of project is around 6 months along with my regular office work.
I am having two domains. for ex: www.example1.com and www.example2.com. These two domains need to be hosted under one ip. Yes by configuring name based virtual host we can do that. But, my question is my first domain(www.example1.com) need to be hosted by Apache web server, and my second domain(www.example2.com) need to be hosted by Tomact. Is it possible to configure name based virtual host for a scenario like this.
For backup and pre-functionality purposes, I need to simulate a VirtualHost in my Fedora (14) machine. I found some interesting links to carry out that process but with an IP fix.So, how can I simulate a VH through a localhost with a dynamic IP?
I just did a clean install of FC12 x86_64 and want to configure tomcat to run behind apache httpd. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? I'm a newbie at server configuration so detailed instructions would be nice
I'd like to start tomcat from eclipse, however, I get several Exceptions preventing tomcat to start. I can however start tomcat from the console, provided I do this as root :
Code: # su - # service tomcat5 start Starting tomcat5: [ OK ] And I do get the page saying that I've setup Tomcat successfully when going to http://localhost:8080 in my browser.
I just installed FC12 x86_64. After a clean install I found that httpd, mysql, svn, svnadmin, etc are already installed. I still need to install and configure tomcat running as a worker behind httpd and configure everything. But my question is about security. What do I need to do to ensure that when I start httpd and mysql that they are secure? Are there default settings that I need to change? Are there security patches I need to apply?
System Config: Fedora Core 12 x86_64 AMD Athlon II X2 250 3.0 GHz dual core GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model F2-8500CL5D-4GBPK
I am new to Linux. I installed JDK and Apache Tomcat recently but the problem is every time I want to work with them, I have to set the environment variables. I want to run tomcat as a service so that I don't have to set those system variables every time.Can it be done in any way? I am using Tomcat 5.5 and my Kernel version is 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7.
The problem is that I have set up a test installation with DHCP server and DNS server on Fedora 14 and want to set up dynamic updates from the DHCPD to the NAMED. The problem is that any attempts to make updates of the DNS server fails with a "SERVFAIL" error. I can not even update it through the NSUPDATE tool. This is NAMED.CONF:
I installed eclipse and tomcat with package manager. Eclipse and tomcat are running but i can't see tomcat in the eclipse. I just see 'Basic' folder. That is a screenshot [URL]
I'm sorry if this has been posted already but I REALLY did look and couldn't find the same issue(s) addressed anywhere. Similar, but not similar enough, in my opinion, to barge in and switch the subject.
Ok, I have Apache httpd set up so I can use a public_html folder inside of my /home/username directory. Now, I'm about to take a web dev course that teaches JSP/Servlets for building web applications and I'd like to set my environment up so that I can execute .jsps from my web root (/home/username/public_html) just like I would a CGI or PHP script. I have a web host that will give me JSP support for a few extra bucks a month, but I'd rather do it locally... and free.
I have Tomcat installed and running wonderfully. The test page and all the examples work fine and execute immediately. But when I try to execute a .jsp file inside of my web root (/home/username/public_html) I just get the raw Java tags and plain-old HTML rendered in my browser. I pretty much knew that wouldn't work; that'd be way too easy. I just wanted to see what would happen.
I looked through all the tomcat ".conf" files I could find to see if it was similar to setting up httpd inside of my home directory, but I didn't have any luck. It's not a file permissions problem... I've been messing with web "scripts" long enough to check that the files are executable. All of the files needed (borrowed from the examples that come with Tomcat) were in their correct paths inside of my web root, as well. Added :8080 to the end of localhost (like you do to see the Tomcat test page(s) instead of the httpd test page) but that didn't help.
I scoured the web for directions but could only find one solution that was Ubuntu-specific (just install tomcat6-user-something-or-another.deb, which doesn't exist in the Fedora repos), then I looked around here, trying every search term that seemed reasonable to me, and I can't find anything.
I realize I can just write the code and put it in a directory that does allow these things to be executed (var/lib/tomcat6/blah-blah-blah/going-by-memory) and run them from there, but I'd like to be able to just keep all of my web files in the same place; a place where I have full permission to do whatever I want... my home directory public_html.
Is this possible (has to be, right?)? Is this a dumb idea to begin with (I'm prone)? What is the best way to develop JSP/Servlets without having to deal with permissions every time I want to put a new script in a directory outside of my home directory that's already set up to allow the execution of said script?
I am new to fedora and I've installed fedora 14, I want to know what are the steps to make my machine act as a transparent (IP-less) bridge? Second, after setting the bridge, I want to make all the packets that passes through the bridge execute a servlet filter (to make some tests and add cookies) is it possible? Is there a simpler way to do those tests on the packets and add cookies?
If any of you have successfully created a video hosting server with Fedora, can you give me any ideas of what software to get and how to configure it and so on? Or, if you have been unsuccessful, can you tell me what doen't work?
I am thinking about writing a script to search through specific folders on a Linux based server (Centos 5) and report any changes made to any file on that server.Like a detailed change log with the date it was changed and the difference in size. Dose anyone know if such a script exist?
I'm trying to access a .jsp page that is located on my apache/tomcat server from the web. I changed the connection port of tomcat to port 80 and changed my doc root from the default "webapps" to my normal web directory. However, whenever I try to visit the page, I only see the code of the page.
If you would like to see what I am talking about, feel free to see it for yourself: [URL]
I need to obtain daily dynamic IP address from my router for remote user. In order to get into the router page, I need to login to it with ID and password.
Can I tell the server to do this every time it started up to login to router and extract the ip address and send out via email?
The router can only access through web interface and below is what I copied from browser.
On my Ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx server edition machine I have an Apache http server listening on port 80 and today I installed the Funambol server which added an Apache Tomcat server listening on port 8080. From within my lan I can reach both servers, but from outside the lan I can only reach the http server on port 80 and not the Funambol server on port 8080. I get a time out message instead.
In my router I have setup port forwarding, such that both ports 80 and 8080 get forwarded to my server machine. Must Tomcat be told to listen to external requests? Is my server listening on port 8080 only for requests inside the lan? Or is there some authorization that fails when I try to visit from outside my lan?
Here is some netstat output, I don't know if the differences between the 80 line and the 8080 line are relevant:
i want to set up an email server both to receive and send emails. I also am on a dynamic ip scheme with my ISP. I do have a dynamic dns account with no-ip.org the Questions are:
-will somebody be able to send emails to me at the <user>@<dyndns_name>.no-ip.org email address?
-will I be able to send emails from the <user>@<dyndns_name>.no-ip.org email address?
I know i'll be able to login to accounts like gmail and yahoo and download emails from there.. but even that i don't know - even macroscopically how its done:
-is it the sendmail deamon that accepts the mail from <me>@gmail.com, <me>@yahoo.com, <me>@<dyndns_name>.no-ip.org?
-is it the sendmail deamon that does the sending of email (as well)?
-can it push emails that I want to send as <me>@gmail.com to the gmail smtp servers (and they in turn will push my email even further)?
-can it push emails from <me>@<dyndns_name>.no-ip.org to receipients? and finally,
-WILL receiving pop/imap servers allow incoming email from my server? or due to the dynamic ip they'll assume I'm a spam server?
So researching how to install Tomcat 6, I ran across a guide that specifically states there are issues with the repository version of Tomcat. Doing some more research it seems like this is reported in multiple places including a disussion on the official mailing list that was inconclusive. So my question is, if this is intended for a production server should I use the repository one or manually install it
I'm trying to get a Tomcat server running using the Java VM -server option on Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 (I'm using the official Karmic AMI on EC2: ami-bb709dd2)
I install Tomcat: Code: sudo apt-get -y install tomcat6
I set up a bit of configuration in /etc/default/tomcat6: Code: JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=384m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"
I can start Tomcat with no problems: Code: sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
However, if I add the -server option into the JAVA_OPTS variable, like so: Code: JAVA_OPTS="-server -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=384m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"
I get this: Code: $ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart * Stopping Tomcat servlet engine tomcat6 ...done. * Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat6 Invalid option -server Cannot parse command line arguments
I have tomcat installed with port forwarding to http port 80. I configure ldap authentication for apache2(/var/www). But I could not configure tomcat for ldap authentication.
I'm really new with Ubuntu and have the following problem:I installed successfully sun-java6-jdk using apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Then set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-"
And then installed successfully tomcat6 using apt-get install tomcat6 apt-get install tomcat6-admin tomcat6-examples tomcat6-docs Everything seem to be right, when I try the browser with http://localhost:8080 return a webpage with "It works !" and other text
But, if I try http://localhost:8080/manager/html then returns 404 error, the error is something like "The required resource (manager/html) is not available" (that is my translation from the spanish text "El recurso requerido (/manager/html) no est disponible")
I'm having some trouble with Tomcat 6 after upgrading to 10.10. During the upgrade process, the installer hung while dealing with Tomcat 6, which required me to kill the upgrade and do some clean up, and then re-run `apt-get upgrade` again to get things going. This left some weirdness (like the MOTD for both 10.10 and 10.04 being shown on login), but otherwise things are OK. The only remaining problem I have is Tomcat; it simply won't start when the server is booted. The information I have:
Tomcat 6 runs normally when started with `sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start`. No errors are thrown, everything works as expected.I used `rcconf` to try removing and reinstalling the rc scripts, this didn't help. I manually deleted all the rc scripts, then used `rcconf` again. The scripts all seem symlinked correctly to `/etc/init.d/tomcat6`, but it's just not coming up on boot. I ran `sudo grep "tomcat" /var/log/*.log` to see if something is appearing in the logs, but nothing of interest is there.
How can I verify that Ubuntu is even trying to start Tomcat? As this is a development box, I am not adverse to a quick + dirty solution if there's some either simple way of getting it started at boot. I'm thinking the next Ubuntu release will see me blow away the server and start it fresh, but right now I'd just like a working box
I needed to create a virtual host for a php project I'm working on. Rather than using command line and text editors, I installed webmin to accomplish this and hopefully perform other server configuration in the future. When I created the virtual host and tried applying the changes Apache wouldn't re-start, and still doesn't restart after complete re-boot. It's getting hung up at the end of apache2.conf, which is trying to include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.
When I look at 000-default from a File Browser, it's a linked file to etc/apache2/sites-available/default I can open both the linked file and actual file in a text editor, and it looks fine. When I view the directory, /etc/apache2/sites-available from shell, the default file isn't visible. It seems this "invisibility" is probably related to the error, which is preventing start-up. Can anyone explain why the file would be visible from the Ubuntu File Browser GUI but not from the terminal, and how I can fix so apache can recognize this on start-up?