Programming :: Avi On Website - Giving Black Screen

Mar 29, 2010

ok not done this b4, so i google away, and get this! [URL]... from here [URL]... all it seems to do is give me a black screen. i would like some simple code for now, just to play the video. I can make a still for the link. I do't care if it's js, html, anything that works.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Is Giving BSOD (Black Screen Of Doom)

Nov 3, 2010

i'm running 11.3 kde 4.4, with a Broadcom 4318. since installing 11.3 a few days ago, whenever i'm connected via wireless, one of two things always happen: when trying to play video (hulu, ....., etc.) in firefox, within a minute or so i will get the BSOD--that is, my screen will go black, and my cap/num lock lights will flash on and off. also, when regularly browsing the internet...not long after opening firefox, it will stop working like i have no connection, and then i will get a frozen screen and system within a minute or two after seeing a variation of this communication message:

"Message from syslogd@sbkra at Nov 2 21:09:53 kernel: [956.784417] process irq/11-b43 (pid: 1974, ti=debee000 task=dd291170 task.ti=debee000 Message from syslogd@sbkra at Nov 2 21:09:53 kernel: [956.784424] Stack: Message from syslog@sbkra at Nov 2 21:09:53 kernel: [956.784458] Call Trace: "a couple times, i've gotten this message and the following freeze when running video in firefox.

strangely, i have no problems running streaming audio through smplayer. and i have no problems playing saved video files through smplayer. and i have absolutely no problems whatsoever browsing or playing online video while connected via ethernet.

i've also searched through the various forum sections to try to address the issue, but nothing i've tried has worked. nor has anyone had a problem identical or even similar to this. relation to "broadcom", yast tells me that i have "b43-firmware" and "b43-fwcutter" installed. nothing else. i do not have "ndiswrapper" installed, because this gave me problems in 11.2, and this problem mentioned here was happening in 11.3 before i uninstalled "ndiswrapper". and the repos i have are: Packman, OSS, Non-OSS, and Update.

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Fedora Hardware :: Black Screen \ Can Force A Shutdown, Login And Get The Same Black Screen?

Mar 6, 2010

I was messing around with the screen orientation and thought it would be funny to orient it sideways. Big mistake The screen went black.I can force a shutdown, login and I get the same black screen. I tried hooking up an external monitor and the monitor showed no input so I'm guessing my laptop doesn't have that capability with Fedora.This is my main computer.

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General :: Acer A0A 110 Has A Black Screen During Boot Up Along With A Black Cursor?

Dec 8, 2010

I turned on my Acer laptop and during bootup it seemed normal. After it passed the blue Acer logo, all I could see is a black screen and a black cursor outlined in white in the shape of an X. Thinking it would be a one time thing, I turned it off still was a black screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot 10.04 Disc - Boots To A Purple Screen Then It Goes To A Black Screen With A Load Of Writing Nothing Else Happens After Screen

May 12, 2010

I can't seem to get Ubuntu to run on my old Dell Dimension 2300. It boots to a purple screen then it goes to a black screen with a load of writing nothing else happens after this screen. [URL] Could someone advise how I can get it to work?

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Ubuntu :: Foobar2000 Giving A Blank Screen After Upgrade?

Dec 22, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 32 Bit
Wine 1.3.9

Alright so this happens to me after every time wine updates from the wine PPA. Foobar2000 works fine till Wine updates, after it updates it pops up a full sized window and instead of it looking like it should it.... looks like whatever was on the screen when the window opens. It's non functional. I tried using the portable version of wine this time and the same thing happens after a update. This is... sad for me because I use it for transcoding.

Bellow is what was spat at me when I ran it thru a terminal.


grammatrain@tprb:~$ wine /home/grammatrain/Desktop/foobar2000/foobar2000.exe -opengl
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
fixme:win:RegisterShellHookWindow (0x10066): stub
grammatrain@tprb:~$ wine /home/grammatrain/Desktop/foobar2000/foobar2000.exe
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
err:alsa:ALSA_CheckSetVolume Could not find 'PCM Playback Volume' element
fixme:win:RegisterShellHookWindow (0x10066): stub

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Live Cd Immediately Giving A Blank Screen?

Mar 3, 2011

I've used Mint a couple times to try to recover my old computers, but I only worked with it as long as I needed to. Now, I'm going to give Ubuntu a try so I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and burned it to a DVD. When I try to boot it up with the DVD in, it does the startup screen that I'm used to before it loads the actual OS, and then it just gives me a blank screen. The only way to exit is to shut down the computer

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General :: Ubuntu Not Loading - Freezesand Giving Blank Screen

May 14, 2010

i have installed ubuntu 10.4 on my compaq 615 system successfully but when i restart the system it freezes, jus giving me a blank screen... i already have windows 7 home premium on the system then i partitioned sum space for the ubuntu but it still dosent work...

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Programming :: Atoi() Not Giving Correct Answer?

Jun 20, 2010

i m using atoi() to convert char value to int. and then passing that int as a swtich variable.switch goes in a case and exectuing that particualr function but returning 0 value....for example: i am finding no of process() and system up time().when switch program goes in system up time it gives right values means correct no of days, hrs , min and sec but when it goes in no of process() it gives 0 answer.

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Programming :: Giving Output Of A Command As The Input To Another

Sep 7, 2010

While making a shell ,there is the following problem Im facing:

I am expecting the user to enter commands in the following format :

I am to separate these and the output of ls -l should be given as input to grep and the output of both to more.

But I am allowed (by our instructor) to use dup/dup2 or any other command(but not pipe or tees).

How to connect the file descriptors after successful execution of each command?

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Programming ::make AWK Do *something* Without Giving It Any Stdin Nor Inputfile?

Oct 10, 2010


I've given the output from `df` on AWK's stdin. But what I wonder is if there's a way to get AWK to run `df` itself, produce the same output, and exit? Doesn't seem to be that simple. Here's some examples: Works for some reason, and I think only in Bash (nothing is required in the $()


does AWK absolutely need *something* on stdin, before it begins to process the data? Can it be made to open a file or stream internally, act upon that as though it were the stdin, and exit?

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Programming :: Program Giving Segmentation Fault?

Dec 25, 2010

My program is to find the values of variables using matrices and in matrices using GAUSS ELIMINATION method. It gives segmentation fault then I input the values of coefficients of the variables.

void main()
int n;
int i,j,l;
float m;


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Programming :: Create A Link List Is Giving An Error

Sep 23, 2010

I wrote a program to create a link list

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Obnoxious Bar In Smplayer - Full Screen Isn't Full Screen And There Are Black Edges On Both Sides Of The Screen

Jan 25, 2011

This obnoxious bar has just appeared in Smplayer at the top of the screen. It stays there even when I go full screen. Now full screen isn't full screen and there are black edges on both sides of the screen. I have not be able to figure out how to hide it. I do not need or want this onscreen display. How can I configure Smplayer to make this go away? How can I get my 16:9 full screen aspect ratio back? I have done nothing to mplayer or smplayer as far as editing any or changing any configuration files. I tried several videos and it displays on all of them. It was not there last time I used Smplayer.

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Programming :: Myproject Not Use Able - Giving Span Sort Of Code Of Project

Mar 18, 2011

I am making online Myproject using java in which you can make your porject online or with your team, my problem is that when i drag one component from one page it disappear from another frame & i am unable to solve the problem that if the user don't have install java than myproject in not useable i am giving a span sort of code of my project:


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Programming :: Bash Script Giving Unexpected End Of File - Syntax Error

Apr 12, 2010

I have a bash script giving me the following error:


When I run it I am getting: ./svnup: line 61: syntax error: unexpected end of file Can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong. It's a script to export the latest revision from SVN to the web root folder and archive the previous version, basically.

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OpenSUSE :: Dual Monitor - Nvidia Driver With X Screen - Shows A Black Screen

Feb 5, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.3 with an nvidia card connected with two monitors. In the past I used xinerama which was ok, but now I need to have two separate desktops, one on each screen. I set the nvidia driver with x screen, and now one screen works perfect and the other only shows a black screen. When I move the mouse over the black screen, the mouse pointer turns into an X, but moves correctly, which seems to me that the problem is that I need to set the second desktop to that screen. I looked on forums on how to do so, and no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Enable A Black Screen Screensaver While The Machine Is Sitting At The Login Screen

Oct 1, 2010

Alright guys. I need to find a way to enable a black screen screensaver (or turn off the monitor, or something to avoid burn in) while the machine is sitting at the login screen and completely turn off the ability for the computer to sleep. how I can accomplish that?

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen And Mouse Arrow After Long Screen Saver Shutdown?

Jun 25, 2011

I have recently installed 11.04 natty on Intel Core i3-2100 3.1 GHZ using its own graphic accelerator. When the screen is idle for a long time, more than 1 hour, I get a black screen with the mouse arrow but nothing else. the mouse moves the cursor and Ctl+Alt+F1 does work. How to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck On Black Screen With (mouse) Cursor After Grub And A Purple Screen?

Jul 21, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 today as the main OS on my laptop.I had deleted my XP partition, and repartitioned it according to a guide I had found. (http:url)......Basically it was setup like this: 500mb ext2 primary partition, has the grub folder, I believe this is either the '/' partition, or the '/boot' partition 2gb swap space logical partition

10gb ext4 logical partition -- this is either the '/' or the '/boot', it contains the 'bin,boot,cdrom,dev' etc folders 243gb (the rest of my hard drive, with the exception of a partition that contains documents and files from my XP OS, formatted to NTFS) ext4, this is the one that has all my desktop/documents/etc folders.After Ubuntu was done installing, I had some message pop up about installing an ATI proprietary driver for my ATI graphics card (an ATI Radeon HD 4330, I believe, I may have messed that number up). I installed it and rebooted, no problem.

Next, I had another update window pop up with 198 items checked and ready to download and install. I went through all of this, and rebooted, again, no problem.Next thing I did was install some apps that were essential for me to have to use for my work (an ide, chat programs, etc). No problem with any of that.Last thing to install was the OSE Virtualbox, and then I installed WindowsXP Pro and Windows Vista Business, then installed the guest addition addon for VB. This all worked without any issues whatsoever.

Time goes on, and I notice my computer is heating up much more than (seemingly) normal. I begin to wonder if its my graphics card. So I shut down the computer and let it cool down. Reboot, and no problem, still working fine.Then I opened a couple of apps and tried a simple game (can't remember the name) I believe it was a simple 3d topdown, as I wanted to test my graphics card. This is where things seemed to start to go wrong. My laptop began hanging, not even allowing me to access the terminal via ctrl+alt+f2. The screen flashed and I saw the blue/green/grey fuzz that I get when the graphics card is starting to heat up too much. Then everything hangs and I can't do anything at all, including move the mouse. I did a hard reboot (I believe this is what you call pulling the plug/pressing the power button, correct me if I'm wrong). I then rebooted, saw a chkdisk, then it booted seemingly normal, but it hung right after the purple screen after the grub screen.

This is pretty much where I'm at right now. I strongly suspect the fault is with the ATI drivers, but have been completely unsuccessful in my attempts to fix it. I've googled just about everything I could think of, along with searching these forums. I've tried just about everything listed in the forums, but to no avail.I've tried the commands that are supposed to purge the ati drivers, but all I get are errors that say they can't remove the 'virtual drivers'.

Right now I'm booting off a live cd, so I know the computer still works fine, just not my actual installed OS. I'd really like to get the issue resolved without having to reinstall, as it took quite awhile just to get it usable in the first place, but this has already taken so much time, I may just resort to that if we can't solve it any other way. Got too much work to catch up on as it is.As a re-instated note, perhaps if you have any tips, but not particularly about fixing the OS, my laptop (I'm strongly guessing my graphics card) is heating up much more than normal, compared to that when XP was installed. Is this more than likely just a driver issue, as is the rest of it? Also, I did have Compiz installed, though I didn't choose for it to be installed, I believe it came pre-installed. I've heard it could cause some issues, though I have no idea as to the validity or relation to this particular issue.

I just remembered while searching for a solution, I found a post somewhere that said something about the information not being sent to the monitor from the graphics card properly, thus no desktop. I'm guessing that'd still fall under the driver issues, but again, I'm unsure. I would think that wouldn't be entirely true anyway, since I can still see my mouse fine, just no desktop, only a black screen.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Not Booting - Getting Black Screen With Copyright Notice Stays At Screen Forever

Nov 3, 2010

I downloaded Fedora-14-i686-Live-Desktop.iso and used the Fedora liveusb-creator to put this on a 2GB USB stick. Everything seemed to have gone well and it said complete; however, when I try to boot from the USB stick, I get a black screen with a linux copyright notice at the top and it just stays at that screen forever. I tried this on two computers with the same results.

I'd previously tried with Ubuntu and had a similar issue, it would go to a purple (if I remember correctly) Ubuntu screen and it sat that forever.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Black Screen On Exiting Full Screen Games?

Jul 18, 2010

OpenSuse 11.3 with nVidia drivers.I have the screen working fine though it only runs in 1600x1200@75 using the nVidia driver (GTX260 card).When I play a game in full screen mode all seems OK but when I exit the game then I just get the mouse pointer on a black screen.There must be something present since the cursor changes as I move it, normal pointer -> hand over a link etc. It's just that black on black isn't very readable.

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Ubuntu :: Crashing - No Reason Monitor Will Go Black Then On The Screen It Will Be At A Terminal Screen

Nov 30, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 running kernel .26 installed on my Dell Dimension 2350 with 512mb of memory. The problem I have been having is, When I am using the computer mostly Internet stuff for no reason the monitor will go black then on the screen it will be at a terminal screen, kind of like when you start up the computer, I don't remember what is all on it but the last thing in the list was: checking battery state: OK after that the screen will flash in multiple colors and then it goes into a loop of just black screen than a colorful flash and back over to a black screen. the only way I can fix that is by holding down the power button. this will happen mostly on face-book on the games and just on the profile page, but it does happen just checking my gmail or play solitaire it does this around 4-8 times a day.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login \ Entered Password Then Redirected To A Black Screen And Then To The Same Screen Again?

May 16, 2011

I've a problem with my ubuntu 10.04 suddenly when I opened my laptop and after I've entered my password then I redirected to a black screen and then to the same screen again and so on what I can do

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General :: 10.10 Booting To Terminal - Black Screen Instead Of The Normal Purple Screen

Dec 8, 2010

i am fairly new to Ubuntu. i was using it fine for a month, but today, when i booted my computer up, it came up with a black screen instead of the normal purple ubuntu screen. the black screen had white text on it, and asked for my username and password. from there, it was a terminal prompt. i have been google searching for a while, and have tried typing "startx", "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", "sudo gdm", and i have also tryed uninstalling xorg, and reinstalling, and none of these things wanted to do anything for me.

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Ubuntu :: Suspend/hibernate Commands Freeze / Screen Turn To A Black Screen Without Shutting Down?

Jul 4, 2010

out of no where it seems ubuntu no longer wants to cooperate when suspending/hibernating. the screen will just turn to a black screen without shutting down. each time i have to maually power down my laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot From Cd \ Purple Screen With A Couple Symbols At The Bottom, And Then The Screen Goes Black?

May 27, 2011

'm trying to duel boot windows 7 and ubuntu 11.04 on an Acer Aspire 5736, but when I try to boot from the cd (which I burned with InfraRecorder) it first goes to a black screen with a blinking under score in the corner, then to a purple screen with a couple symbols at the bottom, and then the screen goes black and nothing else ever happens

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Hardware :: HP W1907 19" Flat Screen Slackware 12.1 Black Screen After Lilo Prompt?

Feb 27, 2010

I just went out and bought a 19" flat screen LCD monitor. Plugged it in and it is not working correctly. When I start the computer the bios info will show up on the screen, then it goes to the screen that let's you choose an O/S if you were to dual boot. After clicking "enter" it will show the first line of the boot then it goes off into horizontal colors then goes black. I have search many different posts and googled but nothing is giving me a hint at this.I changed the xorg.conf to match the refresh rates to match the monitor but that did not work, and did not really think it would considering the point this monitor goes out on me. running: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller:

Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 315PRO PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot / Hangs On Black Screen With A Flashing White Dot In Top Left Corner Of Screen?

Jun 1, 2010

After succesfully installing Ubuntu 10.4 x32 and rebooting pc hangs on black screen with a flashing white dot in the top left corner of my screen, i've tried installing it twice with the same results.

my setup is: Asus p5q-e,
4 gig of corsair dual ram,
ati 4850 graphics,
onboard audio.
ahci mode
win 7 installed on intel ssd, and xp on a samsung 320 gb sata 2,
i had this configuration running fine for 2 months without boot loaders,
on pc start up i choose from which hdd to boot from.

i installed ubuntu on the samsung drive where it was recognised fine, wiped it all and installed automatically.

pls let me know if there is anything i missed, and advice if possible in what to do.


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Debian Installation :: Black Screen After Grub Loading Screen?

Feb 22, 2011

another post about this. I just don't know how to handle this, as I'm pretty nsee the grub loading menu, but screen just freezes after, no way I can reboot, or open a console. In recovery mode I can log as root in console, though.I run Debian 6, 64 bits. I have an intel q6600 and a nvidia geforce 9800GX2.

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