OpenSUSE :: Unable To Run Citrix Applications On 12.1?

Aug 24, 2011

Has any one been able to run Citrix applications on OpenSuse 12.1 ? I have installed the ICA client and the required openmotif, but when i try to start an app, it splashes the Citrix Logo then dies and no err.msgs is shown assist if you managed to get this working

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Fedora :: 11 - Installed Citrix Ica Client From The Citrix Website Does Not Seem To Be Working

Jul 16, 2009

I have fedora 11, and installed citrix ica client from the citrix website, but it does not seem to be working. Basically nothing happens instead of launching. I have also installed "terminal server client" (which does work except for the citrix ica connection part of it). In this program when you go to the option "Add connection", then there is an option that says "Citrix ICA connection". It used to be greyed out before I installed the citrix client from the citrix website. Now it is not greyed out but nothing happens when you click on it (also no error messages). I also tried going on the hard drive to '/usr/lib/ICAClient/wfica' and also to "/usr/lib/ICAClient/wfcmgr" and manually trying to launch those executable files but nothing happens there as well.

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Server :: Unable To Publish Application On Citrix Xenapp 4.0 (Unix Version )?

Apr 28, 2011

i have installed solaris 10, on solaris i have deploy citrix xennapp 4.0 (Unix Version). installation complete successfully,but now i want to publish an application on citrix for publishing application on citrix there is command #ctxappcfg when i run above command in terminal below error showingctxappcfg: not foundso anyone has publish application on citrix plz let me know how to deal with above error tried searching google but there is no much information on citrix.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Upgrade Applications In 11.4

Apr 4, 2011

I was anxious to update my Opensuse to 11.4 but was worried about my slow internet connection. However an user of this forum kindly sent me a DVD by mail wich enabled me to do what I wanted. I just finished making a fresh install of Opensuse 11.4. It's wonderful. Almost all applications have improved a lot. But, unhappily some few have acquired new problems now, specially some that are in repos but not in the DVD. Let me number those I have found:

1 - In all versions of Gnome ctrl+alt+arrow (left or right) was the shorcut to switch between workspaces. Now it doesn't work. When I go to keyboard shortcuts in Gnome all options in the section of desktop enviroment are written "unknown action". There is no place to create shortcuts for actions related to the desktop as switching between workspaces. (I also want to use the opportunity to ask how can I create a shortcut to switch between workspaces in KDE too.)

2 - I used Qsynth/Fluidsynth as the default output synth for Rosegarden in Opensuse 11.3. In all versions Fluidsynth recognized bank variations immediatily and automatically as I changed them in Rosegarden. Now I installed the latest versions from Opensuse download site and it doesn't recognize bank variations anymore. It only recognize presets of the first bank of my soundfont. Strangely, in Fluidsynth-dsii I can load presets of any bank. But Qsynth/Fluidsynth doesn't recognize them.

3 - Nvidia proprietary drviers always used to cause some minor problems with compiz. But now they are worst than ever! When I launch applications most of the times windows come maximized but on the screen they are not really maximized at all. I have to click on the window title to bring it to the right size. If I don't do it letters inside that window don't appear correctly. Sometimes I click in close button in a window and it only works after the 2nd or 3rd click. And there are another some minor flaws or slowdowns.

4 - In a terminal I typed su. As superuser I typed nautilus. It didn't launch and gave me back the following message:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

I just can launch nautilus if I login as root.If anyone have tried to connect Opensuse 11.4 to internet using DSL and it complained about one or more missing files and you didn't find those files in neither in DVD nor in 11.4 repos, it really has happenned (at until last week if anyone didn't correct it yet). The workaround is to download them from 11.3 repos and install them manually using Yast. It really works!

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Use Keyboard Layout (us Intl) And KDE Applications?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a problem with keyboard layout and only happens with KDE applications. If I type at Firefox or Eclipse everything works fine. I already tried few stuffs like this How to enable Keyboard Layout on OpenSuSE 11.4 (Updated) but no luck so far. When I type ' + c in KDE applications I got:


I was hoping ç

At Yast2 I tried: Portuguese (Brazil -- US accents) and others. Unfortunately I didnt found anything close to US - intl, US with deadkeys, etc

at console:

setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us -variant intl (nothing)
setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us_intl -variant intl (still nothing)

suse 11.4, kde 4, notebook hp dv7-3085dv

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Ubuntu :: How To Use A Citrix Xen App

May 12, 2011

I am trying to access my work website and I have to use a citrix xen app to get there. I found the linux version of the app, but when I hit the inside.healthsouth logo, I get a client error message.

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Ubuntu :: Install Citrix In 10.10?

Nov 13, 2010

Everytime I install citrix deb client and log in to the citrix address on Firefox, it wouldnt let me in and gives me this full error message in a pop up box.

You have not chosen to trust "GlobalSign Domain Validation CA", the issuer of the server's certificate (SSL error 61)

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Citrix

Nov 30, 2010

I am struggling to install Citrix and I cant understand the Howto in ubuntuforums. I get this long as seen on the print screen

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Software :: OSS Citrix Clone Available?

Apr 15, 2011

Does anyone out there know of a Open Source, Free, Linux solution that would mimic the Citrix server/thin client model? I have an office of 20 laptops, that I would like to put a thin client on, and offer 20 windows desktops to them through it. Can anyone think of a way to accomplish this?

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General :: Alternatives To Citrix GoToAssist?

Jun 3, 2010

What's the best Remote Desktop Application? Citrix GoToAssist is a really nifty little web application for customer support that allows you to take control of someones OSX, or Windows machine. Essentially, it works likes this:

You log in to your management console You get a code You give them a code, and a website ( They go there and enter in the code They accept the browser applet which installs a program on their computer You have control of their desktop

You can see their desktop, configure applications, etc. They can also see when you disconnect. It is really rather nifty, but it doesn't support Linux and it is rather expensive (660$ a year). Does anyone know of any alternatives to this? I'm looking for a solution as simple on the user as this one, that doesn't require firewall configuration or setting up ssh/vnc/rdesktop etc.

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Ubuntu :: Citrix Certificates - SSL Error 61

May 28, 2010

I just installed Citrix to my computer but when I try to use it I get an error message saying:
"You have not chosen to trust "Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1", the issuer of the server's security certificate (SSL error 61)."

So I downloaded the certificates to allow me to use it but I am unable to copy them to the /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/ directory, I cant download them straight to that folder either. I have administrative privileges but still I cant do anything with the files in those folders other than look at them. How to put files in those folders?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Not Working With Citrix?

Sep 1, 2011

I have been using citrix to log into work for quite some time now. Recently I ran into a problem where the keyboard stops working after some time. The link below from a citirx forum describes the issue.The work-round is to edit the file config/module.ini below the client's installation directory (usually /usr/lib/ICAClient)ind the line "UseLocalIM=True" and change the value to "False".My issue is that this a root file and I don't want to compromise my system.So my question is should I try this and if so could somebody lead me by the hand as to how; using the sudo and I believe chmod command

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Applications :: Unable To Use The Text2wave

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to use text2wave. I have a .festivalrc file and a voice selected. It works when I play a text file with festival. When I make a text2wave file and play it back with aplay it sounds distorted. I used this command:

cat forerunner-work-sites.txt | text2wave -scale 50 -o test.wav aplay test.wav

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Debian :: Install Citrix ICA Client Under Lenny?

Jan 26, 2011

Which is the best way to install citrix ICA client under Lenny?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Citrix ICA Xen App On 64bit Lucid

May 4, 2010

How to go about in this situation with a 64-bit version of Lucid, and XenApp? Citrix only has 32-bit packages available on their web, and previously with Karmic, you just added some 32-bit libs, and it would work. But now the "GDebi Pack*ager Installer" refuses to do the install, since this is a 32-bit package, and throws you this error: "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'". Anyone out there that has managed to find a workaround to install this?

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Ubuntu :: Citrix 11 .deb Ica Client Not Installing On Atom 64?

Mar 23, 2011

I get a wrong architecture error when I try to install the .deb .A fully 32 bit enabled install of Ubuntu 10.10 86-64 on a D525 Atom based system does not seem to work at all. It will not install with gdebi or the new Ubuntu software centre.I have the 32 bit required OpenMotif libs installed...and all the other stuff that is i386 arch works perfect. I really want to run the 64 bit os but perhaps I can dual boot it with Fedora 32. There is nothing in the asus bios of the board that says emulate i386 like with AMD 64 chips...I thought that the D525 atom was fine as it will run 32 bit XP or any 32 bit linux.

So what might be the trouble with running 32 bit software on Ubuntu 10.10 64 on this machine? Why does the Ubuntu hacked gdebi software install system insist that i386 software is the wrong arch for this intel atom?This is really maddening as my wife's work demands this citrix client, and the last thing that I want to do is run out and buy an oem of Windows 7.been there done that with 98, XP, and Vista I am looking to ditch her noisy POS vacuum cleaner vista machine..but I cannot do it until I have the linux citrix client installed and working.

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Debian :: Install Citrix Client Automatically?

Mar 1, 2011

Howto install citrix client from:


automatically, without asking for anything?

If I try:

# dpkg -i icaclient_11.100_i386.patched.deb
then I get a window with the LICENSE AGREEMENT.

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Networking :: Network Bonding Citrix Xenserver

Apr 16, 2010

As Xen is based on LINUX I'm hoping that someone out there could help me. I'm struggling with 802.3ad on a cisco switch (LACP). I'm going to be using this for my storage network on a dedicated cisco switch talking to a teamed pair of intel NIC's ISCSI storage. From the intel side I can set them to Link aggregated one team 2GB this is fine and my config shows active active on the NICs. How would I go about doing this from a LINUX box. In order to remove any bottle necks it needs to be active active from Xen. If I do a pif-forget uuid= on a XEN server I'm in complete control using Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Search For Applications On 11.04?

Jun 5, 2011

When I click on the application button on Ubuntu 11.04, no search results come up when I type in the search box. For example, if I type in "gedit" nothing appears, and no results appear for "text editor" either. I've tried all case variations, too. Gedit is just an example of a program I know I have installed but still won't come up in search. How do I fix this? Unity is quite useless without it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Applications

Aug 3, 2011

I cannot install any packages including the MP3 codecs. When I try to install them I am prompted by a password. But my root password is not accepted. Is there any other password other than the one I provided during the installation..

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Or Download Any New Applications?

Jan 18, 2010

Actually /tmp folder is running out of space and i am unable to install or download any new applications. whenevr i run commands like "make" or "make install" i get error saying not enough space in /tmp. So is there any way by which i can increase the size of this folder or redirect my applications to pther specified folders.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Pin Applications On Netbook Remix 10.10

Oct 11, 2010

I have a Dell Mini 9 with 10.10 Netbook Edition. In the new Unity/Mutter interface, I'm unable to pin any application to the launcher. I want to do this for google chrome. Instead of getting the 'add to launcher' option on the right click menu, I get this (see attached screenshot). Why is it like this? Is there a utility or manual way of adding it to the launcher?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Remove Or Install Any Applications In 10.10?

Mar 5, 2011

I am unable to remove or install any applications using software centre or update manager or thru terminal. I have ubuntu 10.10 installed.This happened after i tried to install crossplatfromUI application for using Reliance Netconnect device. The device is working without this file. I tried to use the janitor and Synaptic but does not work. I tried what was given here. I am adding the text what i have got after trying some commands given in the thread.

sudo apt-get install -f
[sudo] password for murari:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Add Some Applications To The Launcher In Natty

May 13, 2011

I have recently upgraded to Natty. When I try to drag some applications to the Unity launcher, as I move the mouse over the launcher a space appears, but when I drop the icon, it is not added to the launcher. What do I need to look at? This seems to happen with KDE applications such as Akregator. Is it something to do with Desktop files. If so, where do I look?

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Ubuntu :: Unable Notification Area For All Applications In 11.04?

May 20, 2011

Unity lacks a real notification area. I have tried serveral methods to "fix" this. One was this link: Enable notification area for all applications in Ubuntu 11.04 Which did not work for me. Second step was using either cairo-dock or awn. Cairo's notification area doesn't show everything, i.e transmission. So it doesn't have a true "systray".

So I tried awn's. It worked till I rebooted and I got the duplicate systray error. After some reading, I decided to give gnome-panel a try. When gnome-panel launched I noticed that its systray was already active. So I removed it and awn's systray started working. Till I rebooted.

Awn's notification area quit working again with error cannot launch notification area due to one already running. So I tried enabling/disabling it in gnome-panel again. Still will not work in awn.

So I am trying to figure out what exactly is causing the conflict. If Unity doesn't have a systray and Cairo and Gnome's systrays are not active, why will Awn's systray not launch? *Currently I am using the defualt Unity panel, cairo-dock for its applets, awn for its media control applets and gnome-panel for its sytem applets and notification area (systray) Screenshot*

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Applications :: Unable To Stream Netflix On Ubuntu 10.04

Sep 7, 2010

So I want to be able to stream netflix on ubuntu 10.04, but netflix requires M$ silverlight. I am trying to get moonlight to work but it still tells me I don't have the right software for this. I have installed moonlight 3.0, not sure if I got all the plug in for it though.

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Applications :: Unable To Open Some Of The Sites In Firefox ?

Feb 7, 2011

i hv installed firefox 3.6 in fedora 14. From 2 days i m not be able to open some of the sites in firefox like warez-bb, addon.firefox, etc.

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General :: Unable To Have Broadband Connection - How To Add Applications

May 15, 2010

I have no broadband connection and I would like to add applications and update linux. How can I do that. I have a 1 gig pendrive.

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Software :: Unable To Generate Gmon.out For Applications

Jan 15, 2010

i am able to generate gmon.out for small programs but unable to generate gmon.out for applications that run forever until some one terminates them. so please give me steps to generate gmon.out for ever running applications.

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Fedora Servers :: Creation Of Diskless Workstation As A Citrix Client?

May 22, 2009

I am currently working on a Diskless Fedora10 based PXE image that should auto login and then launch the ICA client without launching the desktop (so normal autostart will not cut it)I have got the image up and running, the clients boot correctly, autologin etc, but still launch KDE, and I was hoping replace the desktop with the ICA Client.

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