Software :: Unable To Generate Gmon.out For Applications

Jan 15, 2010

i am able to generate gmon.out for small programs but unable to generate gmon.out for applications that run forever until some one terminates them. so please give me steps to generate gmon.out for ever running applications.

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General :: Generate Software License Key For System Based Applications?

Feb 11, 2011

My application is an integration of all the open source components with customized heavily including OS. I would need to know how to generate license keys for my application.
Does any one have any clue?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Generate Square Wave?

Aug 16, 2011

I am trying to modify the sample program pcm.c(which generates a sine wave) from the alsa website to produce a square wave.Square wave = sign(sinusoidal wave)So then why isn't the following code creating a square wave:

int sgn(double d){
if (d>=0) d=1;


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General :: MRTG - Some Devices Unable To Generate Log File And Giving The Error

Jul 9, 2010

I ahve configured MRTG to generate bandwidth utilization graphs of Network devices.

I ahve configured 30 Network device ( Cisco Switches and Routers), For most of the devices MRTG is working fine but for some devices it is not able to generate log file and giving the following error:

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Applications :: Unable To Use The Text2wave

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to use text2wave. I have a .festivalrc file and a voice selected. It works when I play a text file with festival. When I make a text2wave file and play it back with aplay it sounds distorted. I used this command:

cat forerunner-work-sites.txt | text2wave -scale 50 -o test.wav aplay test.wav

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Upgrade Applications In 11.4

Apr 4, 2011

I was anxious to update my Opensuse to 11.4 but was worried about my slow internet connection. However an user of this forum kindly sent me a DVD by mail wich enabled me to do what I wanted. I just finished making a fresh install of Opensuse 11.4. It's wonderful. Almost all applications have improved a lot. But, unhappily some few have acquired new problems now, specially some that are in repos but not in the DVD. Let me number those I have found:

1 - In all versions of Gnome ctrl+alt+arrow (left or right) was the shorcut to switch between workspaces. Now it doesn't work. When I go to keyboard shortcuts in Gnome all options in the section of desktop enviroment are written "unknown action". There is no place to create shortcuts for actions related to the desktop as switching between workspaces. (I also want to use the opportunity to ask how can I create a shortcut to switch between workspaces in KDE too.)

2 - I used Qsynth/Fluidsynth as the default output synth for Rosegarden in Opensuse 11.3. In all versions Fluidsynth recognized bank variations immediatily and automatically as I changed them in Rosegarden. Now I installed the latest versions from Opensuse download site and it doesn't recognize bank variations anymore. It only recognize presets of the first bank of my soundfont. Strangely, in Fluidsynth-dsii I can load presets of any bank. But Qsynth/Fluidsynth doesn't recognize them.

3 - Nvidia proprietary drviers always used to cause some minor problems with compiz. But now they are worst than ever! When I launch applications most of the times windows come maximized but on the screen they are not really maximized at all. I have to click on the window title to bring it to the right size. If I don't do it letters inside that window don't appear correctly. Sometimes I click in close button in a window and it only works after the 2nd or 3rd click. And there are another some minor flaws or slowdowns.

4 - In a terminal I typed su. As superuser I typed nautilus. It didn't launch and gave me back the following message:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

I just can launch nautilus if I login as root.If anyone have tried to connect Opensuse 11.4 to internet using DSL and it complained about one or more missing files and you didn't find those files in neither in DVD nor in 11.4 repos, it really has happenned (at until last week if anyone didn't correct it yet). The workaround is to download them from 11.3 repos and install them manually using Yast. It really works!

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Run Citrix Applications On 12.1?

Aug 24, 2011

Has any one been able to run Citrix applications on OpenSuse 12.1 ? I have installed the ICA client and the required openmotif, but when i try to start an app, it splashes the Citrix Logo then dies and no err.msgs is shown assist if you managed to get this working

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Search For Applications On 11.04?

Jun 5, 2011

When I click on the application button on Ubuntu 11.04, no search results come up when I type in the search box. For example, if I type in "gedit" nothing appears, and no results appear for "text editor" either. I've tried all case variations, too. Gedit is just an example of a program I know I have installed but still won't come up in search. How do I fix this? Unity is quite useless without it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Applications

Aug 3, 2011

I cannot install any packages including the MP3 codecs. When I try to install them I am prompted by a password. But my root password is not accepted. Is there any other password other than the one I provided during the installation..

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Or Download Any New Applications?

Jan 18, 2010

Actually /tmp folder is running out of space and i am unable to install or download any new applications. whenevr i run commands like "make" or "make install" i get error saying not enough space in /tmp. So is there any way by which i can increase the size of this folder or redirect my applications to pther specified folders.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Pin Applications On Netbook Remix 10.10

Oct 11, 2010

I have a Dell Mini 9 with 10.10 Netbook Edition. In the new Unity/Mutter interface, I'm unable to pin any application to the launcher. I want to do this for google chrome. Instead of getting the 'add to launcher' option on the right click menu, I get this (see attached screenshot). Why is it like this? Is there a utility or manual way of adding it to the launcher?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Remove Or Install Any Applications In 10.10?

Mar 5, 2011

I am unable to remove or install any applications using software centre or update manager or thru terminal. I have ubuntu 10.10 installed.This happened after i tried to install crossplatfromUI application for using Reliance Netconnect device. The device is working without this file. I tried to use the janitor and Synaptic but does not work. I tried what was given here. I am adding the text what i have got after trying some commands given in the thread.

sudo apt-get install -f
[sudo] password for murari:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Add Some Applications To The Launcher In Natty

May 13, 2011

I have recently upgraded to Natty. When I try to drag some applications to the Unity launcher, as I move the mouse over the launcher a space appears, but when I drop the icon, it is not added to the launcher. What do I need to look at? This seems to happen with KDE applications such as Akregator. Is it something to do with Desktop files. If so, where do I look?

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Ubuntu :: Unable Notification Area For All Applications In 11.04?

May 20, 2011

Unity lacks a real notification area. I have tried serveral methods to "fix" this. One was this link: Enable notification area for all applications in Ubuntu 11.04 Which did not work for me. Second step was using either cairo-dock or awn. Cairo's notification area doesn't show everything, i.e transmission. So it doesn't have a true "systray".

So I tried awn's. It worked till I rebooted and I got the duplicate systray error. After some reading, I decided to give gnome-panel a try. When gnome-panel launched I noticed that its systray was already active. So I removed it and awn's systray started working. Till I rebooted.

Awn's notification area quit working again with error cannot launch notification area due to one already running. So I tried enabling/disabling it in gnome-panel again. Still will not work in awn.

So I am trying to figure out what exactly is causing the conflict. If Unity doesn't have a systray and Cairo and Gnome's systrays are not active, why will Awn's systray not launch? *Currently I am using the defualt Unity panel, cairo-dock for its applets, awn for its media control applets and gnome-panel for its sytem applets and notification area (systray) Screenshot*

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Applications :: Unable To Stream Netflix On Ubuntu 10.04

Sep 7, 2010

So I want to be able to stream netflix on ubuntu 10.04, but netflix requires M$ silverlight. I am trying to get moonlight to work but it still tells me I don't have the right software for this. I have installed moonlight 3.0, not sure if I got all the plug in for it though.

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Applications :: Unable To Open Some Of The Sites In Firefox ?

Feb 7, 2011

i hv installed firefox 3.6 in fedora 14. From 2 days i m not be able to open some of the sites in firefox like warez-bb, addon.firefox, etc.

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General :: Unable To Have Broadband Connection - How To Add Applications

May 15, 2010

I have no broadband connection and I would like to add applications and update linux. How can I do that. I have a 1 gig pendrive.

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Fedora :: Unable To 'edit' Applications Menu (gnome)?

Dec 19, 2009

I don't know if its a 'bug' of something f* up on my system (Fedora 12).
When I right-click on the 'Applications' menu I don't see the 'edit' ...

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Use Keyboard Layout (us Intl) And KDE Applications?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a problem with keyboard layout and only happens with KDE applications. If I type at Firefox or Eclipse everything works fine. I already tried few stuffs like this How to enable Keyboard Layout on OpenSuSE 11.4 (Updated) but no luck so far. When I type ' + c in KDE applications I got:


I was hoping ç

At Yast2 I tried: Portuguese (Brazil -- US accents) and others. Unfortunately I didnt found anything close to US - intl, US with deadkeys, etc

at console:

setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us -variant intl (nothing)
setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us_intl -variant intl (still nothing)

suse 11.4, kde 4, notebook hp dv7-3085dv

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Applications :: Pidgin In Mint10 - Unable To Use The Program After It Gray Out

Dec 5, 2010

I have Mint 10 installed, and I am using Pidgin with GFire plugin for my messenger. I am having an issue where pidgin will become greyed out, and I am unable to use the program after it greys out. This happens fairly fast after I start up pidgin, maybe 2 or 3 minutes. Screenshot below, cant post links so trying this.

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Fedora :: Unable To View Some Java Applet Applications In 64 Bit Firefox

Nov 1, 2010

i have the machines with both fedora12 and fedora13 installed. i am unable to view some java applet applications in 64 bit i am looking for of installing 32-bit firefox in my machines(after tested and confirmed with one of my rhel-64 bit machines).but i am clueless how to achieve it in fedora12 and 13. i tried yum inastall firefox.i386 then firefox.i586,and then firefox.i686..but dint find any expected results.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To DISABLE Sound Click On Applications

Jul 23, 2010

this morning after a reboot I made a discover. Clicking on tabs, launching applications, and so on, make annoying and stupid sounds from my speakers. CLICK, BOP, BLAP! Who decided to turn these things on? I'm listening MUSIC, I don't wanna those stupid sounds bother me! Anyway, I was suddendly on System -> Preferences -> Sound and I choosed Sound Theme: NO SOUND. But those annoying sounds are already there. And there's no way to disable them! Is this a BUG or what? Is there something to do?

I also discovered another thing: clicking on items that are at RIGHT of my screen, the sound come from RIGHT. Clicking on center, they come from center. Right, right. So I realize that sounds are stereophonic. And really I can't understand why a software developer choosed to waste his time coding a piece of code to do this, instead of solving the hundred millions of bugs we're affected from YEARS.

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Ubuntu :: Icons All Disappear, Unable To Launch Applications, Odd Stuff?

Jan 27, 2011

System: Dell Inspiron 6000 laptopUbuntu version: completely stock Maverick installAfter using my laptop for about half an hour to an hour, the following odd symptoms appear, usually while using Firefox:Firefox is unable to display web pages, displaying a Javascript error.The notification icons all disappear.The icons in the application launcher disappear, but the menus are still accessible - however selecting an application has no effect.The shutdown menu is inaccessible, so the only way to recover is to hard reset.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Drag N' Drop Stuff From Applications Menu In Lucid

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to drag and drop apps from my applications menu and into cairo dock, but the icon won't drag, it did in karmic but i don't think lucid lets me, how do i enable that.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Hear Sound From Any Other Applications (Rhythmbox, Movie Player, Etc)?

Feb 28, 2010

I am having a problem when using Flash. Whenever I am listening to a Flash application (..... primarily), I am unable to hear sound from any other applications (Rhythmbox, movie player, etc).

The converse is also true, if I am using Rhythmbox, and then start ....., the video plays...but with no sound. I have to manually kill the app and web browser (tried multiple...Firefox, Chrome, Swiftfox) to get sounds working correctly. I am my wits end with this problem, and have just putting up with it for several months now.


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Open Software Center And Some Other Applications Like Rhythmbox Music Player?

Jun 24, 2011

I can't open ubuntu software center and some other applications like rhythmbox music player.when i tried to launch ubuntu software center from terminal says "andreah@andreah-laptop:~$ software-center

Inconsistency detected by dl-lookup.c: 859: _dl_setup_hash: Assertion `(bitmask_nwords & (bitmask_nwords - 1)) == 0' failed!"

i don't want to reinstall (again)

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General :: Browse Internet Via Ethernet But Unable 2 Connect Via Wifi - Install Applications

Jun 20, 2010

i'm using redhat enterprise version, i'm facinh problem in wifi. i able to browse internet via ethernet but unable 2 connect via wifi and how to install applications.

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Ubuntu :: Several Applications Click On And It Takes To The Installer How To Remove Those Types Of Applications

Jul 28, 2011

I haven't used Ubuntu for a while, and just reinstalled it. I have one major dislike about the new version, There are several applications I click on and it takes me to the installer.How do I remove those types of applications or just install them all?

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Applications :: "Unable To Create Context Rendering" Error When Run OpenGL App / Solve It?

Apr 4, 2010

I try to run Mesa gears example and I get following error: Code: freeglut (./gears): Unable to create direct context rendering for window 'Gears'
This may hurt performance. though the application runs successfully, but I guess that in future I will have much problems with productivity.

I run Linux CentOS 5 on WMvare 7. Mesa's version is 6.5
Relevant output of lspci -v gives: Code...

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Ubuntu :: 90% Of The Applications Install - Last Release - Do Not Show Up Later On In Applications Menu

Jul 24, 2010

I feel shy asking this question but, 90% of the applications I install in Ubuntu (last release), do not show up later on in the applications menu, so I cant run them. I know it seems silly, but I can't find the way to handle this inconvenience. Is there a place (like Start> All programs in Windows), were I could find and run all the programs I install?

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