OpenSUSE :: Embedded Videos Not Working In Chromium?
Dec 21, 2010
I've installed Chromium 10 and flash works in ..... but not as embedded videos in many websites. What would cause the videos not to work, yet flash is working. Any clues to solving this problem?
i've had ubuntu 10.04 for almost 2 months and when i first installed all the media codecs and used chromium everything worked fine and I was able to watch videos on [URL] but for past 2 weeks I haven't...there's been no change to my files, justed updated Chromium. I can view .mov video's in the media players or if I have the direct address but not embedded.
By a fifty fifty chance chromium doesn't open embedded flash elements. Audio works but the embedded flash element shows just black.
Refreshing the page fix this again by %50 chance.
But there's no problem with Firefox because I think it uses the Adobe Flash Player (the one in the repo) but Chromium uses the an built-in flash player.
Is there a way to fix this problem? Or a way to disable Chromium's built-in flash player and use the Adobe's flash player?
It seems that watching an embedded video crashes my system every once in a while. Is there any way to figure out what is causing the crashes or fix it?
Some extra info - The cpu usage jumps to 45-50 percent when a embedded video is playing.
I'm currently working on a presentation using the Beamer Latex class and I would like to embed a video in the presentation. The problem is that I cannot seem to find a PDF viewer that allows me to play these videos. Does anyone have any suggestions for a PDF viewer that does let me play videos, ideally within the PDF? I've tried using Evince and Acrobat Reader 9, but I've had issues with both. Evince doesn't allow you to play embedded videos in the PDF, but it does allow you to open an external media player by clicking a link. However, this doesn't work in presentation mode, which sort of defeats what I'm trying to do. I know a bug report has been filed on Launchpad for this problem, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
Acrobat 9 also doesn't allow me to play embedded videos. It *does* allow me to open an external player in fullscreen mode, but the video always opens up behind the presentation, which means I have to alt-tab to the video.Kind of unprofessional. I've heard some people have had success with Okular. I'd rather not have to install all the KDE dependencies only to find Okular doesn't work Alternatively, does anyone know of any workarounds for either the issues in Acrobat or in Evince?
Iceweasel, Konqueror, makes no difference. Embedded flash videos make them crash every time. I had to install Flash Control on Iceweasel just to make it usable.
[pid 9417] --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL, si_value={int=1851877730, ptr=0x6e616962}} --- [pid 9520] <... close resumed> ) = ? <unavailable> [pid 9446] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++ [pid 9444] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++ [pid 9520] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++ [pid 9447] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++ +++ killed by SIGALRM +++
The kicker is I can't recall ever installing flash support in the first place.
I'm bitterly regretting the upgrade to 8.2. It's just one damn thing after another.
I'm running apache2 on Hardy and Karmic machines. I converted some .flv's to .wmv's using VLC and embedded them in my index.html file. Now, when I go to view them from Vista machines (32 or 64, IE or Firefox), they look compressed or skinny like this: [URL] When viewed on other Ubuntu or XP machines, they look fine.
Chromium is not playing any sounds with video (....., etc.) Sound output on my system is working fine and working fine with firefox embedded videos. I have uninstalled and installed and tried changing other settings with no resolution.
streaming videos i sometime want to save them, after watching. generally they're saved as flash videos or mpeg-4 video, which is all fine.however periodically they're split-up and saved in smaller chunks with names like data_1, data_2, data_3 etc. these range from 14.0 - 44.0 MB. the file in question (currently i'm trying to save from the cache) was from divxden, or possibly either way i think it used the totem, my question is: does anyone know if these files can be stuck back together, or if this feature can be changed so streamed files are kept intact?
I've been playing around with the latest RC of 11.4. Overall, it works great, but just have 1 issue. No flash videos have audio. Video works just fine. I've tried installing both the flash-player package so that it loads the official 32-bit plugin through ndiswrapper, and tried downloading the Adobe Square 64-bit plugin and installing it. Doesn't make a difference, either way I have working video but not audio. Audio itself on the laptop works with no issues, I listen to Amarok all the time on it. Laptop in question is a Dell Latitude E5500. I've also had Debian Wheezy and Kubuntu 10.10 on here, both had no issues.
hp laptop running vista, disc failure hp no help microsoft no help. linux ubuntu v10. laptop not mine but partners. she loves chrome / videos. videos videos only play in firefox. adobe site says add in already in chrome. how do i get flash working in chromium?
I'm running Fedora 12 x86_64, Chromium 5.0.382.0, and flash-plugin- I'm having a problem getting Flash to work. I noticed that when I do a "locate libflashplayer", I get numerous flavors of the .so file to choose from.
I often use the option in Chromium to create 'application shortcuts'. These are instances of Chromium that make a website look more like an app by not including most of Chromium's toolbars. I use it for gmail and google docs and spreadsheets and calendar. In 11.04 I have set up Desktop launchers and copied them across to the Launcher (what an odd way to add something to the launcher, why no right-click 'add launcher' option?)
The problem is that the launcher thinks all these apps are chromium (which they are really, but I would like them to be seen as separate apps). If I minimize my gmail window, a little triangle appears next to the chromium icon, not the gmail icon. To get the window back, I have to click on the Chromium icon. Clicking on the gmail icon launches a new instance of it (also tied to the Chromium icon).
if i run chromium with --enable-gpu-rendering flag chromium's display looks like it's shattered into thousands of pieces and I can't understand a thing. This doesn't happens if I have a previous instance of chromium opened in the usual way, without any flag. In this case if I open another chromium window with the --enable-gpu-rendering flag it's display looks ok, but I can't figure out what's the problem and how could this be fixed if there's solution for it of course.
I've been going through the Comprehensive multimedia and video howto a couple of times and never get streaming going. When testing on the Apple trailers site and this here I don't get it to work. I tried both streaming options set in the thread, (a) Gecko Media Player and (b) MPlayer Plug-in (removing the other one in between) and am getting very annoyed. Currently have option (a) installed.
The document WNIOSEK O WPIS DO KRS has a CORS logo as an embedded graphic in row 2. The document opens in OpenOffice Writer but the logo is visible at the natural size only; as soon as I enlarge/reduce the picture, either by changing the view resolution or resizing the picture, it just disappears. It happens both in Edit mode and in Print PreviewI tried to export the graphic to a separate image but it did not work. There is a command Save graphics in the context-sensitive menu; it is undocumented either in the Customisation dialogue I used that command and the resulting image was blank. Copy/paste to GIMP via the X Clipboard gives the same blank result.
I use OpenSUSE 11.3+KDE and I set Konqueror as my file manager, since I got used to it for some years.My problem is that I cannot use the embedded image viewing feature of Konqueror as I could previously (KDE 3.5). Now i left click on an image and ok, it appears properly, but then I move to the next image. First I have to navigate back and then click onto the next image, which is quite inconvenient.
I have a working trans.ds file and installed devilspie.It runs great, but the stickler is that if I "click off" or change application focus, I no longer can get the focus back to the terminal.The terminal window is responsive other than that.I can open a new tab, but I get no focus there either.Here's the trans.ds code
i recently updated a machine from 4.5 to 4.6 Factory and the Embedded Text Editor function for editing text files inside Konqueror seems to be broken (viewing file is fine, but no editing). Doing research i found that it had been reported, but ignored as an "opensuse problem": Bug 259338 - I cannot edit text files when I preview them in konqueror by using "Embedded Advanced Text Editor" which is not a case in 4.5 seems like i remember that it was a kate plugin or katepart functionality, but others would know was apparently reported in the RC days and disregarded, perhaps someone has more info about it?it doesn't seem to be a config file problem since a new user is in the same boat.for me it is oft-used and would be sorely missed.
I made a shortcut with chromium browser to This is great as it's almost like the grooveshark VIP desktop application like this. However AWN dock groups it with other chromium windows like this:Kuvakaappaus.jpg
Is it possible to force AWN to group this specific chromium window under the Grooveshark launcher that I have in the dock? Turning off grouping does not solve this either, as it just shows grooveshark as another chromium window.
I was wondering if anyone else ran into and issue with 11.3 with an IBM x3650 server using the embedded graphics card. As a reference this exact machine was working under 11.2. I am aware that there were significant changed in how video works in 11.3.
While installing and during the initial start of the operating system I can see graphical output, OPEN SUSE logo and such.
During the boot process the screen goes blank. The server is still running and I am able to ssh to the machine, but there is no access to the console.
Below is a segment of the /var/log/boot.msg that shows some errors. I can provide more logs if that would assist in tracking this down.
I did a quick google search on ES1000 and i2c and saw the same errors reported with Ubuntu version but nothing for OPENSUSE. There seemed to be a bug that was fixed in that kernel.
<6>[ 2.277737] [drm] radeon: cp idle (0x00008080) <6>[ 2.277767] [drm] Loading R100 Microcode <6>[ 2.277770] platform radeon_cp.0: firmware: requesting radeon/R100_cp.bin <6>[ 2.279454] [drm] radeon: ring at 0x00000000B0000000 <6>[ 2.279476] [drm] ring test succeeded in 1 usecs code....
This is a new install and the machine is not yet in production so I have the option to experiment with it a bit.
In [URL] I can right-click on a flash video and have the option to access "local settings" under "Settings" to specify configuration for webcam, mic, etc. But in Facebook I need to adjust a setting and the "Setting" option for local config is gray-ed out, I can't access it.
I'm running OpenSUSE 11.4, and I've seen this in GNOME and KDE within Firefox.
I just built a new system and installed Kubuntu. I'm having some sound problems, but they are very strange.First sound worked fine out of the box, played a DVD fine, flash video, fine. The only trouble I was having was some static/interference which I assume is from the onboard sound not being the bestThen I went to play a flash video, and I got no sound, just some slight static (from the onboard sound?)ayed a DVD - no soundRestarted, Kubuntu played its opening tune, I heard it, but STILL no DVD sound or flash video sound.Emptying recycle bin sound ok.I played an mp3, music plays fine.
So I figured I'd figure it out later and went to go do something else. Later in the day I opened a flash game, and THERE WAS SOUND. Weird. Opened a DVD, sound. Flash video,sound.Yay! It fixed itself!Later on, I go to play another flash video (after not using anything with sound at all for a bit) and I don't get any sound again! Opened DVD,no soundBut I opened a song and I have sound there still. Kubuntu still plays a sound when loading KDE and emptying the recycle bin.It hasn't moved itself from the no sound stage again yet. I installed about 24 hours ago.
So i just got a sansa fuze and it works great with ubuntu lucid. the fuze however only plays mp4 videos. i have a video thats in avi and im trying to convert it to mp4 and came across fuzemux in the software center which is supposed to do just that. my problem is that is says in synaptic and the software center that its installed. but its nowhere to be found.