hp laptop running vista, disc failure hp no help microsoft no help. linux ubuntu v10. laptop not mine but partners. she loves chrome / videos. videos videos only play in firefox. adobe site says add in already in chrome. how do i get flash working in chromium?
I was using Chromium Chrome 5.0.337.0 and Flash was working properly. Today I updated to Chromium 5.0.342.0(With "zypper update") and the Flash is not working anymore. I also installed Google Chrome from Google and it has Flash working.
I updated flashplugin-nonfree to 10.2 today and now there is no sound in Chromium when playing e.g. ..... videos. The sound does work in Opera on the same videos. Aboutlugins shows "Shockwave Flash 10.2 r152" in both browsers.
I have got a problem with Adobe Flash. Flash is freezing firefox or chromium (I installed it just for test) until I kill plugin-container (in firefox).
I tested intensively and I can say that it freezes when Flash is going to reproduce a sound.
After updating to Natty Narwhal, Chromium began to occasionally crash, with the screen going black except for the mouse,which would freeze seconds later. Any sound playing will loop the last second or so, and no keyboard commands have any effect. As far as I can tell only a hard restart works.
The exact same thing happens with Firefox as well, except that Firefox freezes with the screen image, not blackness.
It is not consistent, but has been getting more frequent, and I have noticed a pattern of the crashes being associated with paying Flash video, and is almost certain with such.
I have tried updating Flash, Chromium, and running the Update manager roughly daily for a while now.
I can follow instructions well and usually actually understand what you're talking about.
I recently upgrade to Jessie and instead of installing Chrome from the google site I decided it was best to install Chromium from the Debian contrib and/or non-free repositories. After installing I then found that i had to install the pepperflash plugin. I find that viewing flash content ( I wanted to watch the SpaceX launch from the NASA website this morning) is almost impossible. The sound comes through okay, but the video comes through at about one frame per second. Fortunately I had Iceweasel as a backup.
Since Chromium does not support the NPAPI flash plugin, that is used by Iceweasel, are there other options? I can delete Chromium and install Chrome but I have heard there are issues with Chrome and Jessie. Perhaps I should just give up on Chrome/Chromium altogether, even though I think the web page presentation is much better with Chrome.
Things I have tried: Uninstall and reinstall the pepperflash plugin Changed flash settings
By the way, I don't have problems with Youtube because I receive HTML5 content from there. Maybe I should contact NASA and get them to broadcast HTML5.
I've tried to search for how to install the dev builds of Chromium on Debian Squeeze, but the only information I find is on the google-chrome-unstable package. I tried to install the deb file with "dpkg -i google-chrome-unstable_i386.deb" but it told me there was an error and aborted. Is there any way to install the latest nightly builds of Chromium on Squeeze? On Ubuntu it was as easy as adding the lines: deb-src [URL] karmic main
I installed Chromium via a repo generously maintained by Tom "Spot" Callaway. Since it's his repo I thought I'd contact him, but I don't really know how - so I'm brining my issue to the forum to see if anyone has a possible solution.I've been using Tom's Chromium fine for the past couple months. After a "yum update", Flash no longer works in Chromium. It works in Firefox. If I try to play any Flash videos it's just a blank box.
I've recently switched from Firefox to Chromium for my browsing and am satisfied other than a persistent issue I have with Flash content. Almost all flash animation and video flickers and "stumbles" (especially when scrolling) in the Chromium and Google Chrome browsers. This issue is not at all present in Firefox. Chromium reports it's using libflashplugin.so which I believe is the "system plugin" and not the built-in plug-in.
Currently I'm using the Chromium build available in the Lucid repository, the adobe-flashplugin and ATI proprietary drivers installed. I have tried the Chromium daily build and the issue still persisted. I've considered trying Lightspark but have read that it's not a very "complete" plug-in.I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Flash plug-in available from Synaptic and even updated it directly from Adobe's website.
I like Chrome and Chromium seems really nice on ubuntu. In Preferences -> Under the Hood -> Content Settings -> Javascript, I have selected no javascript. I then go to Exceptions to enter file:///* or similar but the input control doesn't accept this. It seems to want to a domain name and doesn't like forward slashes.
I've looked in the Preferences file but after adding a dummy exception I see no details of that exception. Anyone know where these exceptions are so I can try to manually edit?
By a fifty fifty chance chromium doesn't open embedded flash elements. Audio works but the embedded flash element shows just black.
Refreshing the page fix this again by %50 chance.
But there's no problem with Firefox because I think it uses the Adobe Flash Player (the one in the repo) but Chromium uses the an built-in flash player.
Is there a way to fix this problem? Or a way to disable Chromium's built-in flash player and use the Adobe's flash player?
after running an upgrade chromium browser shockwave flash plugin crashed! if you have the same problem i have a workaround. firstly open firefox goto a website that uses flash (not videos) i used bbc iplayer, then right click and click on "settings..." the left most tab shows the "enable hardware acceleration" tickbox. untick it
then close and reopen chromium and go back to a flash site e.g. videos and test it is working. the reason this worked for me is that there is a bug in either googles chromium or the unix/x11 build of shockwave flash or my graphics card drivers. there seems to sevral bug reports regarding this on the net [url]. flash could be a little slower now it doesn't have the hardware accelerating it. so maybe the setting could be re-enabled in the future?
past few weeks i have been getting shock wave flash crashes in Chromium 10.0.648.133 (77742) Ubuntu 10.10,Now it crashes constantly, Ive tried reinstall of flash-and updates
I've installed chromium on Linux from a custom binary on the net. When I try to get to gmail or any other site that uses flash, chromium warns me that the version of flash that is shipped with the browser is stale and that I should be using the latest version and pointing to an adobe site.the adobe site gives me 3 options
1) yum 2) RPM 3) tar.gz 4) APT for ubuntu
since I'm on redhat, I can use either yum or RPM.Which one should I use and what is the command to install it so that chromium can use it.
I'm running Fedora 12 x86_64, Chromium 5.0.382.0, and flash-plugin- I'm having a problem getting Flash to work. I noticed that when I do a "locate libflashplayer", I get numerous flavors of the .so file to choose from.
I've installed Chromium 10 and flash works in ..... but not as embedded videos in many websites. What would cause the videos not to work, yet flash is working. Any clues to solving this problem?
I often use the option in Chromium to create 'application shortcuts'. These are instances of Chromium that make a website look more like an app by not including most of Chromium's toolbars. I use it for gmail and google docs and spreadsheets and calendar. In 11.04 I have set up Desktop launchers and copied them across to the Launcher (what an odd way to add something to the launcher, why no right-click 'add launcher' option?)
The problem is that the launcher thinks all these apps are chromium (which they are really, but I would like them to be seen as separate apps). If I minimize my gmail window, a little triangle appears next to the chromium icon, not the gmail icon. To get the window back, I have to click on the Chromium icon. Clicking on the gmail icon launches a new instance of it (also tied to the Chromium icon).
if i run chromium with --enable-gpu-rendering flag chromium's display looks like it's shattered into thousands of pieces and I can't understand a thing. This doesn't happens if I have a previous instance of chromium opened in the usual way, without any flag. In this case if I open another chromium window with the --enable-gpu-rendering flag it's display looks ok, but I can't figure out what's the problem and how could this be fixed if there's solution for it of course.
I've got Chromium set up for nightly build updating on my Ubuntu 10.04 and I do run Update Manager daily. Lately, I get the message "The Flash plug-in was blocked because it is out of date." It gives me the option to "Run this time" or "Update plug-in." Is this a Chromium nightly build "to be expected" problem, or should I truly try to update Flash? If it's Flash that needs updating, what should I add to my Software Sources to get this newer Flash that I'm not getting normally?
I've been going through the Comprehensive multimedia and video howto a couple of times and never get streaming going. When testing on the Apple trailers site and this here I don't get it to work. I tried both streaming options set in the thread, (a) Gecko Media Player and (b) MPlayer Plug-in (removing the other one in between) and am getting very annoyed. Currently have option (a) installed.
I made a shortcut with chromium browser to listen.grooveshark.com. This is great as it's almost like the grooveshark VIP desktop application like this. However AWN dock groups it with other chromium windows like this:Kuvakaappaus.jpg
Is it possible to force AWN to group this specific chromium window under the Grooveshark launcher that I have in the dock? Turning off grouping does not solve this either, as it just shows grooveshark as another chromium window.