OpenSUSE :: Transparent-embedded Gnome-terminal With Devilspie?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a working trans.ds file and installed devilspie.It runs great, but the stickler is that if I "click off" or change application focus, I no longer can get the focus back to the terminal.The terminal window is responsive other than that.I can open a new tab, but I get no focus there either.Here's the trans.ds code

; generated_rule trans
( if


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General :: Make Linux Terminal Transparent With Terminal Command?

May 10, 2010

Is it possible to make terminal (xfce4-terminal) transparent from bash script?

Maybe by enabling compostion?

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Debian :: Gedit: Colours Of Embedded Terminal?

Aug 23, 2010

I searched the menu-bar of gedit, i searched the web, i searched the help of gedit.(try a search on "change background to black for gedit" and similar and you know what i have gone through).If i use the embedded terminal in gedit (the only reason i use gedit at all) its background color is set to white.I barely can read it and it is useless.This is not a gnome-installation. Perhaps i miss a package needed ?

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Software :: GUI Dialog Box With Embedded Terminal Window?

Jun 22, 2011

I've been doing some work with BASH over the past few months, building scripts and config files, and quite happy with BASH for the purpose of building and installing distros and packages.

Now though, I'd like to go a little further than gTerm, and have a terminal window within a dialog box so I can click on buttons and set config parameters with a mouse, and watch the progress and send status messages from the script running in BASH in the terminal window back to the dialog box.

Quite a few GUI packages seem to offer the choice to open a terminal window to watch the progress. I am probably working in reverse, in wanting a terminal window to open a containing dialog box, but I'm sure it can be done if I want to go back and adapt my old MS-DOS 286 C skills to Linux.

What I'd prefer is a quick and easy way: to just find a tool like whiptail or zenity or dialog, setup a couple of buttons and a message / progress bar, and dump my BASH script terminal output into a window inside the dialog box.

Can anybody suggest offhand which of these mentioned dialog packages (ie. whiptail dialog zenity) or any others, provide an option to open a terminal window inside a dialog box? Then pass fairly simple variables between the two?

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Fedora :: Get A Transparent Terminal Window?

Sep 9, 2010

if there was an easy way to get a transparent terminal window. I am running Fedora Core 11 in Gnome desktop. I am sort of a newby and i am really getting into Linux but i want to know some of the cool features too.

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Ubuntu :: 'set' Command In Terminal Has Shell Scripts Embedded Inside?

May 3, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 for some development. I was trying to set some environment variables are noticed that when I hit 'set' inside a terminal (to dump environment vars) I get the usual first few variables but then I see a whole lot of script code ....




I've installed a lot of tools (NetBeans, Ruby, Java, build-essentials etc) but essentially I installed Ubuntu today - so it shouldn't have rotted out this quickly. is this hijacking of environment vars to embed script code intentional with Ubuntu 10.04?

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Debian :: Set Terminal's Background Completely Transparent

Apr 14, 2011

i want to know a couple of things

1) how can i set my terminal's background completely transparent like opensuse and not just show desktop wallpaper.

2) how can i set its default height and width from 80x24 to 80x38.

debain 6.0 gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Transparent Terminal In Some Themes?

Jul 4, 2010

On some themes (like dust sand) the terminal goes transparent. I checked the profile, and it has a solid color settings, so this must have been changed from somewhere else and I can't get rid of the stupid transparency.

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Fedora :: Possible To Have A Terminal Window Be Transparent On KDE Desktop?

Jun 15, 2010

Is it possible to have a terminal window be transparent on the KDE desktop? The operating system is the Fedora Core 13 distro.

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General :: Dynamic Transparent Terminal Needed

Feb 4, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to make my terminal emulator dynamically transparent ( see through to the action below that window - Browser, video et cettera and not just the default wallpaper) . I figured out how to make transparent but not "dynamic". I have seen people mentioned you need to enable compositing but I am unsure how to do that in Gnome. I recall from a prior use of XFCE this was an option in that WM but I can't find in Gnome or compiz (if needed)

I am running Gnome on Debian Squeeze and have installed compiz. Any direction would be appreciated. I find reading web tutorials through the terminal to be very helpful so I can practice the command line or even practice commands while watching a good video .

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Ubuntu :: Make Background Image In Terminal Non-transparent

Jun 6, 2011

Does anyone know how to set the background of a terminal to be an image, and not have it slightly transparent? I've set an image as my Terminal background, but now when I open a terminal over other applications I can see those applications through my Terminal background. Is there any way to stop this from happening?

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Virtual - Can See Text Under Semi-transparent Terminal

Jan 4, 2010

I have just installed 9.1 and I like to use a semi-transparent terminal so i can see text under it, but on Karmic, it shows the desktop background underneath.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-ppp Icons Are Not Transparent / Why Is So?

Jul 7, 2010

I don't know why but every icon you put to be appearing in tray for the gnome-ppp status (/usr/share/gnome-ppp/*.png) are not transparent when displayed in tray (even if they're .png w/ transparent background).
Somebody knows why?

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General :: Transparent Windows In Gnome?

Oct 21, 2010

ive recently switched from kde to gnome and am now using fedora 13. i really like some of the desktop features in kde where it had highlighted windows, transparent windows etc

with the latest versions of kde it was very easy as i just clicked "add themes" or "add splash screens" etc and it was all automated. im having a little more difficulty now that im a linux gnome noob.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Terminal Not Working?

Jan 23, 2011

When i log in to my suse server enterprice editions (virtual) it doesnt show gnome terminal also there's no a button to go tot computer .

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Terminal At Kde Start?

Apr 26, 2011

I installed gnome 3.0 through the one installer, and now every time I start kde I get a gnome terminal that says

** (orca:4321): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowState' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (orca:4321): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowActions' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (orca:4321): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowMoveResizeMask' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'

It keeps shrinking everytime I try to expand it a bit, I had to edit > select all and copy to be able to read it. And it sounds like it's trying to play a sound that sounds like welcome, but it gets cut off, it also makes a sound when closing it. I'm assuming this was supposed to be a first time run thing for gnome but it keeps showing up in kde.

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Ubuntu :: Make Gnome Panel Grabber Transparent?

Jun 1, 2010

My gnome panel currently looks like this:

The panel is not expanded and the autohide buttons are not checked. As you can see I've set the background to transparent and removed the shadow via ccsm. The only thing that doesn't look nice are the "grabbers" to move the panel arround. Can they be modified to be transparent too? Maybe editing the theme?

I cannot set the panel to expand because I use a dock which would be partly covered by the panel.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Terminal: How To Get The Bash Shell

Mar 17, 2010

i've finally got a NIX environment...yipee! Installed opensuse 11.2 in a dual boot with windoze with no problem whatsoever. unfortunately, my NIX skills are sadly dated or maybe things have changed or both. in any case, i have a rather trivial problem that i have not been able to figure out.

i go to gnome terminal to get to the bash shell, no problem except when i do things like cat, less and so on. the commands do what they do then when done the last line output is "some text" and "(END)" - at the completion of the command it does not return to the bash shell. i've tried ctrl-everything, enter, escape, actually all keystrokes i can think of to get back to the bash luck. man and docs have not been helpful or i simply missed the answer (i'm a little saturated at this point).the only thing i've been able to do to solve my dilema is close the terminal an start a new instance, not elegant but works.

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OpenSUSE :: Start A Gnome-terminal From Firefox Url?

Aug 14, 2011

Does anyone knows how to start a gnome-terminal from firefox url? With a protocol or something? Is this possible? Or any other command line.

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Ubuntu :: Transparent Gnome Tray Icons Have White Background?

Mar 12, 2010

This is how my Firestarter and Pidgin icons appear in the tray against a panel using an image background, even though the icons are transparent. What can be done to fix this? According to this five year old thread, GTK libraries didn't support transparency in the tray area back then, but surely this must've been fixed by now? There are even some links to bugfixes in that very thread, but I'm hesitant to apply something that old. What to do?

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OpenSUSE :: Terminal For Updating Gnome - Can't Write Password

Jun 25, 2010

I want to update my gnome to the latest version (2.30) because I have 2.28 so I go to terminal and enter the command "apt-get" or try "zypper dup" which both ask for root so I just add "sudo" before the commands and when it ask for the password it doesnt let me write it.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - Setting Gnome Terminal Window Size

Feb 5, 2011

I'm using the Gnome desktop in openSUSE 11.3. I've set the "Command" to gnome-terminal --geometry=80x58 for the Gnome terminal in its Launcher Properties. This opens a terminal of the size I want every time I click it. However, when I right-click the desktop and click "open in terminal" it opens a terminal of a much smaller size and I can't figure out how to correct this. The same thing happens when I click:
File->Open Terminal from a terminal window, and also when
I click File->Open in Terminal from from the File Browser.
Why am I getting a much smaller window and how to fix?

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME - Font In The Terminal Window Appears Very Blocky And Some Of The Letters Run Into Each Other

Feb 23, 2011

I've just installed openSUSE 11.3 on a workstation in my office and am having trouble with the font in the terminal window. It appears very blocky and some of the letters run into each other, regardless of font chosen. Here is a pic of the issue: Has anyone any ideas as to what is going wrong? I've gone through the 'Preferences' on the terminal window but nothing I change helps.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome-terminal Glitch Causes Upper Left Of Screen Freeze

Apr 14, 2011

When it launches, sometimes a few mins later, the upper left of the screen (where gnome-terminal sits) freezes and becomes unresponsive. The cursor always stays as the 'text entry' cursor when in the region. If I alt-drag the window and close, nothing changes.It only goes away when I right click the area (even if I have moved/closed the terminal window) I have terminal options so I select 'close' then the screen resumes.

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Ubuntu :: Configuring Terminator And DevilsPie Sorted

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying (well aiming) to customize my desktop so that on login Terminator is on workspace 3 (split 3 ways and running lynx, irssi and top. I'm using gdevilspie to configure it but I understand and can use the normal config files. When I use gdevilspie to make a terminal background it works but when i try to do stuff with terminator it doesn't.

Here's my terminator config so far:
( if
( begin
( is ( window_class ) "terminator" )
( begin
( undecorate )
( spawn_sync "top" )
( set_workspace 3 )
( maximize_horizontally )
( center )
( below )
( set_viewport 3 )
( println "match" )
) )

Once I do get devilspie sorted I also want to make Terminator automatically split and run the correct commands.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Any Substancial Difference Between Gnome Terminal Or Hitting 'c' To Bring Up Command Line

Feb 25, 2010

so the safest way to go about this is to assume I know nothing. I mean, I have a rough Idea of what a kernel is, no idea what a shell is, etc. I do consider myself computer savvy, but know NOTHING about linux and thats why I'm Diving in, hopefully not too much, this is just to give you an idea of what we're working with here.

After several install attempts I kept getting a blank screen. Whether it be black,white, or the default gnome desktop (without any icons, and simple things like ctrl+alt+backspace just doesn't work, or anything else for that matter) I was ending up with a blank screen. Driver for moniter....maybe....but I did succesfully install it once, and it worked like a charm...shutdown properly, and the next day after work...Boom, same thing after I started from scratch and re-installed....samething, until I hit the power button, went from the dvd(iso) and did a fail safe, now my resolution is much better than it was the first time..Actual questions.....what did I do to fix it when failsafe never worked before?

Is there a way to save these settings, so I don't run into the problem again, because I don't even want to turn of my computer at this point?If i'm trying to dive in and learn the command line actions, is there any substancial difference between gnome terminal or hitting "c" to bring up the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Tsclient Settings Trumping Devilspie Config?

Jun 27, 2011

I have 2 1680x1050 monitors at work set in Twinview. What I'd like to do is have tsclient open a full screen on one of the monitors leaving the other screen free for local apps (IM, Chrome, email etc).If I set tsclient t "Operate in full Screen Mode" it takes over both monitors and there is no 1680x1050 option under "Use Specified Screen Size"I've used Devilspie in the past to do similar things, so I installed it and built the following config (Ok, I used gdevilspie ):

( if
( begin


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Software :: Devilspie And Compiz Viewports On Multiple Rows?

Feb 4, 2011

I installed gDevilspie and am using that to configure it, and I have Compiz running with a 2x2 viewport layout (2 horizontal and 2 vertical viewports).I have Devilspie working beautifully for any application that is assigned to either viewport 1 or 2. However, if I try to set them to viewports 3 or 4, the viewports on the bottom, Devilspie does not do anything.Devilspie does not give me any errors when I run it from the terminal. What I've noticed is that it only seems to work with horizontal viewports. I changed the viewport layout from 2x2 to 4x1 (so they were all on a single row), and then setting viewports 3 and 4 worked beautifully. However, with a 2x2 layout, I can only use viewports 1 and 2.

Furthermore, I noticed that if I had an application set to, say, viewport 1 (e.g., Firefox), then it would open in viewport 3 if I was currently viewing viewport 4. In other words, it's treating my viewports as if I have two sets of viewport 1 and viewport 2; one set on the top row, and the second on the bottom row.I'm not sure what's causing this, or if there's some sort of trickery that needs to be done to make the bottom row of viewports work, but any help would be appreciated.In case it's needed, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, devilspie 0.22, gdevilspie 0.5, and compiz 0.8.6. Pasted below is one of the problem scripts (note that if I were to set it to viewport 1 or 2, it would work fine).

; generated_rule XChat
( if


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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-terminal Does Not Read Terminal Sizes From Gconf

Jan 24, 2011

gnome-terminal from the Debian squeeze does not use the 'default_size_columns' and 'default_size_rows' from the /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/ folder of gconf.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Broken, Lost Functionality In Terminal (gnome-terminal)?

Dec 10, 2010

Linux-goers. I did some research on this, but I am still fairly new to Linux. In Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), I accidentally overwrote my "/bin/bash" file. Dude, using "sudo" with a small typo can work disasters. Bash is now broken in the Terminal (gnome-terminal). Terminal itself still works fine, technically, but bash is still hosed/broken. Here is what I did to try to fix it: Booted from Ubuntu 10.10 live CD. Mounted my Ubuntu partition and manually copied the good/fresh "bash" file onto my hard drive. Verified copy was successful. Didn't help, as you see. Reinstalled "gnome-terminal" using synaptic package manager. Tried to reinstall bash via synaptic, it failed with error, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/bash_4.1-2ubuntu4_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"

In Terminal, all basic commands work as far as I can tell. ("ls", "pwd", navigation, etc.) Here are some problems:My "username@computername" does not display in the prompt; only the $ sign. Bash keyboard shortcuts such as uparrow and tab do not work. Instead, each inserts a key code. I can't even move the cursor left/right. Aliases (a function of bash and .bashrc) are broken, of course. My sanity level decreases when I use Terminal now. For what it's worth, even with "sudo" I get a "permission denied" error when trying to run Google Chrome! I read something about a ".bashrc" file being a possible problem, but I don't know how to make it work, or the file's proper locations in Ubuntu 10.10. Is there something I can do with a "make" or "apt-get install" command or something?? Could this simply be a permissions problem? Is the link to "/bin/bash", "/bin/sh", or a ".bashrc" file broken? Guide me, oh Linux gurus.

P.S. I always wondered what exactly bash was and how it was different from the basic terminal. LoL, this is an excellent way to demonstrate the difference, and I WANT IT BACK!

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