I'm trying to install a language-pack for my OpenOffice, but there seems to be a dependency-problem. Maybe someone has a suggestion. FC12, x64 OOo.x64 3.1.1
I have an nfs share that mounts automatically when kde starts.
wendy@DellNB:~$ cat .kde/Autostart/mountNAS.sh #!/bin/bash mount ~/TestShare #echo "NAS Mounted"
Gimp works fine editing and saving photos from/to the nfs share. kWrite can do its thing and read/create files on the NAS. Files I create with vim are visible and editable under windows. OpenOffice however, when I try an open a file I get "file is locked by unknown user." I open as copy and try saving to the share with a different name... No Dice, error saving to share the file is created on the share but it is empty. I did some reading and found a post that said to comment a line from a file called soffice, which I cannot find.
i've updated to oo 3.2.1 in 11.2 (64 bit) by deleting all previous oo packages and installing new. exporting (for example from draw) only gives the option of pdf. no jpeg etc.something's obviously missing but i can't find it. this has been posted back in 2009.
I recently installed OpenSUSE 11.3 x86_64 on my dual core AMD box. Everything seems to run great except for OpenOffice Spreadsheet. Whenever I attempt to open a spreadsheet it crashes on me.
11.3 install with gnome desktop on old PC (it's not near me, can give spec later if needed). If one goes to start open office suite, writer, calc, etc. You get the open office splash screen with suse and the meter gets almost completely loaded (probable 99%) then it just stalls. Within a minute or two the screen disappears and no open office. Any ideas It was a fresh install and I haven't added anything other than multimedia packages and KDE base/apps. All other apps. load fine. Should I remove OOO and then add it again?
My system: openSUSE 11.2 Linux x86_64 KDE: 4.4.4 "release 3"
My problem: I just did a "zypper dup" to upgrade to KDE 4.4.4 from 4.3.5. All seem to have went well aside from that openoffice won't start anymore. I do get the initial splash and it goes away but then nothing else happens. I have tried both by clicking an .odt document and by starting it from Kickstart menu, same negative result. All other programs seem to be running fine as before. The current version of OO is now
What I've tried: I tried to swith all packages to OpenOffice community repository,restarted pc but the result is still the same. I also did an unconditional update, restarted but the result is still the same.
I de-crappified a new laptop last week for a friend and set him up with OpenOffice.I had earlier salvaged files from his old PC HD, saved them to my Box. Most of his office files were actually the dreaded M$ Works (.wps)But I tried them and OpenOffice had no trouble, least in Linux that is.I burned his files to a DVD-RW and copied them to his new Laptop. OpenOffice for windows wouldn't have anything to do with the .wps filesStrange or what !
I just realized my Thesaurus function is inactive. Ctrl F7 does nothing, and on the pull down menu Tools>Language the Thesaurus option is greyed out.
I went to Tools>Options>Writing Aids and under the Language Modules, Thesaurus is listed but no dictionary box to click. No sub module listed under Thesaurus.
There a spell check dictionary listed and marked -- Hunspell Checker.
When I go to the OOo extension page I see no Thesaurus files to download?
How can I get the Thesaurus working as without it Writer is going to be pretty useless. I am using the GB dictionary.
I tried upgrading to OOo 3.1 but that hasn't helped either.
Open two different instances of OpenOffice Writer (two separate entries on the task bar). In one of them type the word test and highlight it and leave it that way. Now using the mouse pointer try switching between these two different OpenOffice Writers on the task bar. There shouldn't be much of a switching delay if any, going either way.
Now go to the OpenOffice Writer with "test" highlighted. Hit the <ctrl>C (copy) key about five times rapidly, then immediately click the mouse on the other OpenOffice Writer on the task bar. I am seeing up to a 5 second dead time delay between switching. There is no "busy" indication from the mouse pointer. The mouse pointer moves, but any clicks will not take effect during the 5 second delay, then any mouse clicks quickly take effect in a cascade after the delay is over.
Sometimes Klipper looses the <ctrl>C (copy) "test" text (Klipper still displays it its history) and refuses to <ctrl>V (paste) "test" any longer. When Klipper reaches this state a single <ctrl>C (copy) of "test" will cause the up to 5 second delay when switching.
The delay is only noticeable if you immediately switch on the task bar. If I do the copies and simply wait at least 5 seconds before switching, there is no delay. So, the switching itself isn't the cause.
I have reproduced this on PCs in a 32 bit 11.2 install and a 64 bit 11.2 install. Both installs are KDE 4.3.3 release 3 repos. Either this long delay shouldn't be happening or the mouse should at least do its busy indication thing and not act like everything is normal when it isn't.
I am doing a usability test on OpenSUSE 11.2 for a novice user. I am trying to establish if usability has an effect on why some students do not use GNU/Linux for general desktop computing. How easy and how many steps does a novice need to do the following tasks?
Note: Novice is someone who has no experience in working with OpenSUSE?
Task1: This task involves making two slides of a course presentation using OpenOffice Impress.Org Task2: Involves changing the screen resolution and desktop background. Task3: This task involves organizing files in folders Task4: Involves copying music from an audio CD in to mp3 format using K3B
Every couple of hours OOo Base crashes - just closes the program of its' own accord.
Annoying enough in itself, but at least it usually recovers up to the last point I saved my work. The last time it happened though it didn't even recover to my last save point - it recovered to an old save point! So I have lost 30 minutes' work.
I am using OpenOffice 3.2.1 and Opensuse 11.3 with KDE 4.4.4. When I use the KDE4 integration and the oxygen icon set, I'am getting a mixture of oxygen (KDE4) icons and crystal (KDE3) icons in the symbol panel (I hope this is the correct word in english). E.g. the icons for "bold", "italic" or underlined are crystal icons instead of oxygen. I had the same "problem" with Opensuee 11.2 and older OpenOffice versions.
Interestingly, when I start OpenOffice in my root account, OpenOffice shows all icons correctly as oxygen icons. When creating a new user account (a test account), OpenOffice use the icon mixture. Also transferring the ".oo3" folder of root to my user account didn't solve the "problem". Of course, this is not a real problem with OpenOffice, it's more a desing error (but I like to solve it ). Who else has a mixture of oxygen and crystal icons?
Recently OpenOffice has started crashing on me when loading the program. The splash screen will appear for a moment then the KDE crash handler comes up. Here's what I get when launching from the console:
I've tried deleting the .ooo3 directory in my home directory but that doesn't seem to help. Also, I'm running with Sun's JDK in case that makes any difference. I know that OpenOffice was working fine for me immediately after my fresh install of 11.3. I only use OpenOffice once every couple of weeks so I'm not sure if there was a specific update or anything that broke things for me.
When I've installed openSUSE 11.3, OpenOffice was asking me to install JRE, and I did it. However, next time i run it, it crashed without any error log. When I run it again, it sad a couple of time that JRE is defective, and asked me to reinstall it again. Eons passed, but my patience was rewarded. OpenOffice.org Impress was up. but just for a few seconds. Then it crashed again, and left no signs of life. I've repeated the same cycle few times... Then I decided to search for a solution, and read topics where similar problems were discussed. One solution was to expand my swap memory, and the another one was to install an older version of OO. I wasn't very eager to install an older version of OO, so I tried to expand swap memory by cutting memory from the other partitions. I found reference that swap memory should be twice bigger than RAM. Since i have 512 + 256 MB RAM, I've typed 1536 MB as a new value for swap memory. Error appeared that value of swap memory must be between 42MB and 684MB. I'm not sure about the second number, but it was between 600 and 700... I must get OpenOffice.org working as soon as possible, because it's very important for my work. I'm running 64bit openSUSE 11.3 on AMD Sempron 2800+ with 768MB RAM using OpenOffice and java-1_6_0-sun
I found the stable repository for LibreOffice is ready. So, I want to change OpenOffice to LibreOffice on my system. I want to know if need to uninstall OpenOffice firstly and which packages of LibreOffice must be installed?
I have OpenSuse 11.3/64 with OpenOffice and want to use some additional (ttf) fonts. They install fine in KDE (configur desktop / fonts ) and are available in progs like Gimp. But Open Office doesn't recognize the new installed fonts. What am I missing here?
why openSuSE chose to switch the default Office from openOffice to LibreOffice?First, I at least looked at libre, looks ok.Then, I went to the 'site' found NO support, forum etc. was directed to opendesktop and again, No forum, not way to comment other than irc and that is way to easy to be 'band from' if they don't like what one has to say...
I, as of this post, have not read anything overwhelming about libreoffice.. this switch is, at this point, not as bad a the fools over at KDE deciding without the use of a normal brain, to switch default file manager from konqueror to dolphin.. my Uncle Art ('unky') used to say, 'for free, take. to buy, shop around'... and Dad said, 'if it's free you can't *****, especially if you contributed nothing'....
I'm using openSUSE 11.2 x86_64 and I've installed OpenOffice.org 3.2.0 from Index of /repositories/OpenOffice.org:/STABLE/openSUSE_11.2 . However, the menu option Tools->Macros->Record Macro is missing (it is present in the official build of OpenOffice.org for windows and the one distributed in archlinux). Is this a bug? I've searched the Novell bugzilla for resolved and open bugs for this, but I've found nothing.
I have installed OpenSUSE 11.2 with KDE as my default DA I have installed KDE4 style "Polyester" from Yast > Install Software.
Now the problem is when I activate "Polyester" theme than all OpenOffice app will be broken. All OpenOffice application will start but closed immediately with crash. Also it will work perfectly with other KDE4 theme. Is this a bug or I need to setup something? I like the "Polyester" theme and I want to use it.
Since when I upgraded OpenSuse from 10.2 to 11.3 (big jump, I know!), I can no longer use OpenOffice. When Java is Active, the OO applications crash after a few operations. Most of times they don't even start.
When run in a terminal, OO answers with errors like this:
Code: Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 24 bytes for CHeapObj-new. Out of swap space? #
Running openSuse 11.3 32 bit clean default KDE install.
When opening documents(Write, Calc, Impress?) in OpenOffice 3.2.1 there is a 7 to 10 second pause between when the document is displayed on screen and when any mouse action takes effect. This is not a document size issue, these are small documents with minimal formatting; one or two pages. Also, the system has ample horsepower and is not resource constrained.
Clicking on a writer.odt file, from within Dolphin, results in the following events: Open Office.Org(ooo) splash screen displays with progress bar zipping across for a couple of seconds. The document appears on screen. For the next 7 - 10 seconds, clicking in the document or clicking ooo menu items or anything else results in nothing happening. Actions outside of ooo work fine. ooo simply freezes for the 7 or so seconds and then everything returns to normal operation.
As a test I tried opening Writer with the default blank document. I started typing immediately after the blank document was displayed. I typed Te and then it froze for several seconds before displaying the final two characters st As before, once past this first few seconds, everything is fine.
Ever since 11.3 Open Office was performing "badly" to say the least. It loaded slow, with a few documents open "save-as" and selecting a different folder took up to a minute and so on. Anyway I had the suspicion that there maybe not enough memory allocated. Nothing within the OO settings worked.
Then I looked into yast=>/etc/sysconfig=>System=>Limits... found "HARDLOCKLIMIT" set to "@256" changed to "@512"......OK finished.
Ran a test with 10 documents open a) Startup was much faster b) Saveas instantly c) PDF instantly d) Selecting new folder instantly Preliminary conclusion : Java(sun) and OO needs more memory
I have OO.o installed on my SuSE 11.2 system. (It came with it.)I've tried connecting to my older OO.o address book database and it seems to have connected (I get no error messages) but when I try to open the database source from within Writer, or any other OO.o tool (either by pressing F4 or going to View > Data Sources) OpenOffice crashes. I can open my database as an .ods or a .dbf or .odb.When I open it as an .odb, I end up with some sort of form wizard designer. All looks ok, the table is there (and it looks good!) but then what? If I close that wizard, the table then closes with it.
I've also used File > Templates > Address Book Source. After using that, if I hit F4, OOo crashes.My main problem is that OO.o crashes when I try to view the database source from within a document.P.S. I do have Java (Sun's version of Java 1.6.0) installed and OO.o seems to know it's there and is registered.
I had a opensuse 11.1 X86_64 system with openoffice. This has been replaced by an opensuse 11.3 X86_64 system with openoffice I have many pps files and these worked complete with sound on the 11.1 system but there is no sound on the 11.3 system. The 11.1 system has gone and was overwritten by Windows 7 so I can't verify the build. I know I made lots of changes to the 11.1 system in order to fix various problems and openoffice could well have come from a factory repo.
What I need to know is what is needed to make impress play pps presentations as it did on 11.1 and does on windows 7. I searched on the internet and it appears that the novell version of ooo may use gstreamer. I have loaded many gstreamer packages from packman including plugin-good but still get no sound. Starting impress from a command line does not produce any error messages.Does the novell openoffice use gstreamer or java multimedia? I have not yet tried the java option I could try downloading the novell openoffice source and try to work out what it is using. I am not sure that I have the time to go searching through the source and probably trying to compare it to the ooo source
OpenOffice can not follow URLs and complains that it can not find the default browser. Konqueror is set as the default browser in the 'systemsettings' and no other application (so far) has complained about this.