OpenSUSE Network :: Xen - Rdp - Windows ?

Apr 29, 2011

I have server, there xen, on xen 3 virtual machines - there are windows. I have ssh access. So, I need access to rdp from the Internet to one of virtual machine. How do I do?

Conclusion ifconfig:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows 7 And Windows LiveID Sign-In Assistant Working With SAMBA?

Dec 10, 2010

I have 3 computers. One running openSuse 11.3 with SAMBA and the other 2 are Windows 7 Professional boxes. I have the same user name and passwords for all three boxes.

From the Linux box I can access one of the Windows 7 boxes but the other won't accept my user name and password. The one that won't accept has Windows LiveID Sign-In Assistant installed. Apparantly that's an automatic install now.

I've read that there is a bug with the SAMBA libsmbclient [URL].

I tried updating via YAST but still end up with version 3.5.4-5.1.2 and this doesn't work.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Virtual On Windows Host - Bad Network

Mar 9, 2010

I just intalled OpenSuse 11.2 on VmWare Server 2.0.2, the network is configured as Bridged and is sucefully configured a fixed IP in my network. Ok... The problem is... I can ping / trace all addresses from OpenSuse console. But I Can't wget all of them... It's a random thing. the same address that trace's ok, don't work for HTTP.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba And Windows Vista

May 25, 2009

I am having problems with samba, I went to the yast samba setup and thought I configured it but now I am stuck. I just want to really set up sharing my printer and one folder. any help will be appriciated I have a linksys router, windows vista home 32 on a laptop, opensuse 11.1 64 with windows xp home 32bit running in seemless mode on a virtualbox.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Authentication In Windows Domain ?

Jul 12, 2009

I'm trying in the company where I work to persuade my co-partners to move slowly into the world of linux, but because everything are set up on Windows is quite difficult. Though I can install at least in one PC openSuse or Ubuntu (I prefer openSuse), but the problem is that I have to find a way to make the authentication to a Windows Domain, which is running Windows Server 2003.

How is this possible? Is this procedure painless or I have to read a lot of staffs in order to make it work? I would be obliged if you could give me some steps on how to do it. I can't stand windows any more

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows XP Bcmwl5 Use Only The Wifi?

Jan 5, 2010

I have an HP notebook DV9760ed but I have no idea what I should use wlan driver. and I am a layman with Linux.

I tried with ndiswrapper and the driver of Windows XP bcmwl5 use only the wifi still not working.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Offline Rpm Configuration Using Windows?

Jan 6, 2010

Look I have just installed suse 11.2 KDE at 32 bit. Now I need to get all the drivers and codecs to work properly. So I can download using yast and a bunch of repository urls. If Im wrong please correct me. My internet connection is one of those 3g HSDPA connections so I usually connect a usb modem to my computer (Huawei e220). I've googled around and from my understanding, I need to download an application called kinternet. However kinternet has naturally got dependencies and those dependencies also have dependencies and so on... I'm assuming this tree is pretty massive given the fact that I installed via live CD, the question thatbeckons is how do I download kinternet along with all known dependencies...wait for it.... in WINDOWS??? is it possible or do I have to hunt down every single dependency?? the idea is to get these rpms install them manually on my PC in order to get my modem working on the freshly installed system and perform any future updating using yast on that system with my 3g modem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Join A Machine To A Windows AD?

Mar 11, 2010

I am starting a MCSE course and part of it is to create and configure a domain etc etc I have done this and all my windows XP and 7 machines on my LAN are now functioning as part of the domain just great.

Unfortuntely, I have several Open suse machines which are currently not part of the domain yet (they are in a basic Workgroup).

get these computers onto the domain so that a user can log on using their domain credentials and I can apply security policies and what not?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba - Windows Share - SVN

Oct 10, 2010

System: openSUSE 11.3, Gnome

In the Windows network, there are 2 or more shares as follows:

I can access both shares in nautilus e.g. "smb:// $". The shares are mounted then in "home/user/.gvfs/". ok.

In one of shares, is a file-based repo, which I can access easily with svn.

Unfortunately when I try to checkout any normal folder from a share (as in MS$ with Tortoise), I fail...

What's more in the file-based repo, external references exist to other shares in the network, the name is as "file:///X:/folder/file.txt". SVN gives error messages about such references and does not access files (where "X:/" is also mounted, but as a "test$ to smb://$" in "home/user/.gvfs/ ").

My questions:
- what is the best solution to mount shares, so I can access all the SVN repos?
- How can I access normal files and folders from a share with svn?
- How can the problem with external file references in a file-based SVN repo can be solved? without to checkout/commit files "manually"...
- Some checkouted scripts (Perl, etc.) use libs from shares:
"Use lib qw(r:/tools/perl/lib/). how to get around this as well?
- How can I change mount-names: "test$ on smb://$" to something like "share-test$?
- How can I change the mount location? in "home/user/SAMBA/" instead of "/home/user/.gvfs/"..

I had tried to use "fuse-smb": installed, created config, but when I run "fusesmb /home/user/SHARES/", i get an error message: smb.conf is missing.. Where can I get this config?

And one last question: Can someone recommend me a svn-gui? i have tried tried rabbitcvs, esvn and some others .. but all either do not work or crash.

I'm not sure, but maybe I can use svn and tortoise in wine, and checkout/commit the necessary files from/to "home/user/project/"? there raises the questions whether it is possible to install tortoise in wine and how to mount the shares on the wine? How to manage the hard-coded lib-names in some scripts...

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows 7 Wont Connect With VNC

Nov 2, 2010

I upgraded to opensuse 11.3. I try to connect to my opensuse 11.3 desktop with my Windows 7 notebook, but I keep getting a wrong password error, I have re-entered the password many times, even tried different passwords on my opensuse desktop. I keep getting a wrong password error. I have tried tightvnc and realvnc both on my Windows 7 notebook, and still can't get it past the login screen.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Hardware TO GF's Windows 7?

Nov 19, 2010

I am running openSUSE 11.3 KDE on my computer, which I have the printer and scanner attached to, all in working order;I would like to know how I can get my girlfriend's Windows 7 Laptop to be able to access that hardware on her computer (without having the need to change to USB plugs back and forth) - both our computers are on the SAME router so I am hoping that we can 'network'(?) the two computers despite the OSes are quite different.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Join Windows Domain

Nov 19, 2010

Where can I find information about how to get OpenSUSE 11.3 to join a Windows Domain that uses Kerberos?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Set Up Ethernet Connection With Windows XP

Jan 26, 2011

I've connected my openSUSE laptop with a Windows XP computer using an Ethernet cable that supports two-way traffic.

LAN settings on Windows XP
IP address:
Gateway and first DNS server:
LAN settings on openSUSE

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OpenSUSE Network :: Folder Sharing To A Windows 7 Pc?

Mar 26, 2011

I have an opensuse machine - 11.4, running KDE as my desktop. My wifes computer is a Windows 7 PC.

I have installed SAMBA and have configured it to load at each boot. I have set the domain name to WORKGROUP as this is domain name my wife has on her pc. I have shared the video folder within Dolphin in KDE. I'm uncertain about the meaning of the netbios setting (despite reading Chapter29.Samba) and whether I should adjust this setting. Basically, I'm able to see my wife's computer name within Linux, though within Windows, I'm unable to see my linux network. Is it due to the settings that I currently have on my linux pc. The documentation that I'm reading so far is confusing for me.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Print To Windows Xp Printer?

Apr 10, 2011

Using openSUSE 11.4 and winXP pro sp3I am a complete noob to linux.I went into YAST2 and added a printer--none were found. I used the connection wizard and selected Print Via Print Server Machine>>Windows or Samba.i entered the winxp info

server: daddy
Printer Share Name: HP4200
Workgroup: MSHOME


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OpenSUSE Network :: Cant Get Wobbly Windows To Work?

May 11, 2011

Just installed 11.4 love the the look and layout moving from ubuntu and windows vista ultimate..Got everything installed ok BUT? Got red x were network interfaces were at. Worked fine on the live cd run, but on the install its red x there?/?? Funny thing is i still have internet access.What do i need to do to set this up right used to debian ways not rpm? Plus how to nvidia driver to work right says it is on but cant get my wobbly windows to work???

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Scan Windows server

Jul 10, 2011

I tried to decipher the info on the opensuse site about networked scanners but it's not clear to me and I don't see anything in the forum here that addresses the question, so here goes. My PC is an opensuse 11.3 box. My Epson CX9400 is attached to a Windows 7 PC at the other end of the house.

The PC's can talk and can access shared files nicely. It will print perfectly from the Windows box or the Linux box. It will scan perfectly from the Windows box. BUT I cannot scan documents from the Linux box. Have installed XSane and Image! Scan for Linux and neither one seem to find the scanner. I tried adding it manually in YaST and it doesn't seem to find it either.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Tweaking Up Networking 11.4 & Windows Xp

Aug 31, 2011

I followed this article How To Network openSUSE 11.4 And Windows to network wired (ethernet) windows xp and wireless opensuse 11.4 and everything is working great. i can see windows from opensuse and opensuse from windows but have a few questions.

First, when i got to the section to Open firefox or Konqueror and in the address bar type localhost:901 and press the Enter key in articles photo it shows i should have, home-globals-shares-printers-wizard-status-view but i only have home-status-view-password in my firefox when i typed localhost:901, is that all i should have?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Does Not See Windows Workgroup / Resolve This?

Aug 15, 2009

After installing Samba as per procedure, Samba does not see Windows "workgroup".

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows Logon Account Locked Out?

Jan 11, 2010

I've installed oS11.2 on a test box and joined it to our office domain without a problem. It's presently using winblows domain for authentication.

I can login normally, but when I attempt to unlock the screensaver using my windows credentials I am told that my account is "locked out, contact admin..."

A quick look at AD shows that my account is indeed being locked out, presumably when the 11.2 locks the screen.

what's causing this and how I can correct it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Access Files On Windows Server

Jan 19, 2010

i work in an office with individual p/c's (all with windows xp) connected to a windows server. i have installed opensuse 11.2 on my work's p/c (as a dual boot) but have no idea what to do so that i can access files on the windows server. can some kind person point me in the right direction.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Remote Assistance Another Country - Windows Xp

Jan 24, 2010

i am suing SUSE 10.00 and i need remote assistance from friend in another country. I think this can be done in windows xp using "remote assistance". How can i do this using linux suse?

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OpenSUSE Network :: File Transfer Suse To Windows?

Jan 30, 2010

I am currently running Windows Xp with service pack 3 and OpenSuse 11.0 (i586) on the same machine on separate hard drives. here are the specs on the machine. (Note: it is only a single core machine. I have no idea why both Suse and Windows say it is dual core as the processor was bought and installed months before dual cores went on the market.)

OS Information
OS: Linux i686
Current user: telknor@linux-l3e2
System: openSUSE 11.0 (i586)
KDE: 4.0.4 (KDE 4.0.4 >= 20080505) "release 15.4"


Now on to my problem. About a year ago I had to wipe my Windows drive and backed up about 32 GB of stuff from it to my OpenSuse drive. I did this from the Suse OS using Dolphin. In fact I can see, open, change, delete, modify layout, and move stuff around on the Windows drive all day long from Suse. I can as I said pull stuff over to the Suse drive from Windows drive while in Suse and save to Suse drive. Now I have need of the stuff that was moved but Windows does not see the Suse drive for what it is. Just says 'unknown partion type' gives size in GB and ignores it otherwise. From Suse if I try to move stuff back to the Windows drive it starts to transfer then stops and tells me it does not have permission to access the destination drive, folder, or location depending on how I tried to save it to the Windows drive. Adding new hard drives to the system does not help and the external 1 TB drive we have Suse can see it but will not do anything with it. The thumb drives on the other hand Suse does not have a problem with. It will open, read, and write to them all day long. Suse will not access the network to dump files to the network file server and it does not see any other systems on the network not even the ones running the same OS. I want to do the following:

1. Move the Windows files from the Suse drive to the Windows drive in same machine or to the network file server (also a windows machine)

2. Move all the Suse files to another machine running same Suse OS.

3. Wipe the Suse drive in this Machine so that Windows can use it.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Remote Desktop To SUSE From Windows

Feb 26, 2010

I have been reading up around the internet that although it is possible to use MSTSC.exe under Windows XP to connect back to a Suse machine running XRDP (I believe).I had been working fine with Suse 11.0 until today. I had not made any changes to my local network but now whenever I try to connect in, I am told that I can not start the session as the sesman logon fails!

I tail'ed /var/log/messages but there is nothing written to that log when I try (interestingly enough, I do get the logon prompt that requests username, password and session type - I usually select KDE3 but have tried all options - and get the error after clicking OK).

My questions:-
1. Is XRDP under 11.1 any better (more stable as when it worked, I use to get kicked out a lot under 11.0)
2. What log file should I be trying to tail so I can see what is happening?

I must use Linux as the back end, I don't want to use a hacked copy of XP anymore and don't want to pay �� for a real version when Linux is free and should by now be able to grant me access to my network from a remote location!VNC is not an option as I will be wanting to log on more than one user at the same time.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows Remote Desktop Over OPENVPN?

Feb 27, 2010

I have OpenVPN 2.0.8 installed configured to Ethernet Bridge BR0. All windows outside machines can "see" and mount remote inside firewalled machines (i.e. \machine1 or [URL]). However I can't access to inside windows machines with windows Remote Desktop

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Windows Domain Membership?

Mar 9, 2010

I have sucessfully joined my machine to Windows Active Directory (it wasn't all that complicated ). I was wondering where the uid information for users that login is located and managed? The reason I ask is because we are going to set up a separate NFS server and NFS relies on the uids of the users. I know there are numerous ways I can view the uid for a user (through the use of the id <username> command, do an ls on the /home directory displaying the uid instead of the translated name, etc), but is there a way to have this readily available (almost as the /etc/passwd file is)?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Can Find Windows 7 PC Can't Access

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to connect to a Windows 7 PC through Samba, and while samba can find the Windows 7 PC, it cannot access it, asking for a username and password instead. However, I can access the another Windows XP share perfectly fine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Figure Out Why It Is Working With Machines And Not With Windows?

Mar 27, 2010

I used to have my print server with cups in openSUSE 11.1 and it used to work perfect. I was able to print from both linux machines and windows. But since I Installed openSUSE 11.2, I'm only able to print from linux machines. In windows XP I'am able to find the printer and install the drivers, and everything seems to work, but when I send the print command, it creates an error. I have three XP pcs that were running perfectly, and now neither one of them print, so I know is a problem with the server itself. I have all the samba and cups services activated, and the firewall is set correctly, but can't figure out why it is working with linux machines and not with windows.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Add Windows AD Group SUDO Rights OS 11.2

Mar 30, 2010

I have joined the domain (server 2003) and can log in consistently now. Now I would like to give all the windows users in on specific group (domain power users) SUDO rights on the machines in question. I have found one way to add users on a pr. user basis, but adding 30 users will take some time.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Printing To Shared Windows Printer

Apr 7, 2010

I want to print from my linux box to my win7 pc that has a shared printer. I have cups installed and tried to add pritner using samba, but was unsuccesful, gave me an error when trying to add. The guide i followed is: Yet another Linux to Windows printing tip -- Debian Admin The printer model is a dell 2330d laser printer, it is not in cups, so i added the ppd file i got off the dell support site. I am aware that there is a native suse driver, but i want to print to the windows printer.If possible I would like to know how to do this via command line instead of the GUI.

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