OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Mythgamenot Detecting Pc Game Scripts?

Jul 19, 2010

i'm trying to get mythgame 0.23 working on opensuse 11.3. i followed the steps in Configuring_MythGame but when i scan for games nothing is detected.

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Slackware :: After Rebooting The Game Works, But On Ending The Game Several Notification Boxes Remain?

Jun 1, 2010

This game is Java based. After rebooting the game works, but on ending the game several notification boxes remain. If these boxes are not closed in the reverse order that the game opened them, it is no longer possible to close them. Only by killing the Java processes can these notifications be made to close. Also after playing the game, even if all these notifications are closed it is many times necessary to kill the Java process(es) in order to get the game to load again at a later time. I am currently using Slackware 1.30, but a similar problem has existed in several of the past releases.

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Programming :: Game Engines Or Game Studios?

May 6, 2011

Do you know any game engines or game studios that can make adventure games, for instance in the style of Myst (1st person) or in the style of old Sierra games (3rd person), like King's Quest, Space Quest, etc.?I've seen AGI Studio, but it is too old, I'd like to use more modern graphics (although there is no need for 3D).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any 3d Game Making Software?

Nov 3, 2010

I want to make... Or at least try to make a game for ubuntu.. Is there any software that will suit me?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In A Downloaded Game?

Nov 29, 2010

i have downloaded a game called YSFlight but there is no sound on it. I previously played this game on Windows so i know it does have sound. i HAVE installed "YSFlight for Linux" so i know that isn't the problem, and i have also checked all of the sound settings. Every other 'sound' that is with Ubuntu Linux works fine (music, video, error/notifications).

I am using Ubuntu Linux 10.10 with a Dell Inspiron 1525 which previously had Windows Vista Basic 32 bit. I have never had a sound problem with this laptop. Does anyone have any ideas of what is wrong? I am currently running Ubuntu Linux via a disk (the "Try It" option), to test programs that i like, and this is where i found the problem *

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In Braid Game / Need That

Dec 15, 2010

I just downloaded the game Braid for Linux as part of the Humble Indie Bundle #2, but the main two problems I have with it are that it lags noticeably on my fairly new computer [HP Pavillion dv7], and there is no sound at all. I have the speakers turned up to maximum volume, but I still don't hear anything. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Audio From A Game?

Feb 28, 2011

I want to record audio from a sdl game which uses alsa as output (pulseaudio is purged). I tried gtk-recordmydesktop to no avail. Can I make the game output to jack? If not how can I record the alsa output of the game?

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Debian Multimedia :: Game Crashes When I Try To Play With Sound / Fix It?

Jan 22, 2011

I have been trying to play this game and it immediately crashes whenever I try to play sounds. The only other sound in this system I have are the sounds for the bash/dash terminal.

So my questions are:-

a. How do I test if the sound system is working alright.
b. Do I need to increase some kind of priorty/niceness to sound systems to make sure they get the available resources (cpu, memory ) whatever it needs ?

On the same topic, while I was searching on the Net I got this link .

I know this is actually for people who want to make sounds/music but can some of these ideas/instructions be useful for me as well ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Best Way To Record Minecraft? (Java Game)

Apr 7, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu and I don't lag none the less at all. Is there a goood video tool that can help me record minecraft with little to no lag at all? Or some trick because I think I set my java priority higher than usual. I have only 2GB of RAM

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lucid Not Detecting USB Mic

Aug 10, 2010

Well I have this really shweet Samson C01U usb studio condenser mic. When it is plugged in before I boot my machine, everything works like a charm, and I can sound like a rockstar recording my stuffs in UbuntuStudio 10.04 x64.But when I'm not being a rockstar, I'm using my normal Lucid distro to go about my everyday tasks. So when I decide to call someone on skype, I plug the mic in, and nothing happens. The sound config window does not show the device? I do not want to reboot every time to use the mic (and that's all that works), and I do not want to leave it standing on my desk either.

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Debian Multimedia :: Alter Audio Volume Whilst Playing A Game?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Dell laptop and have multi-media buttons, some of which control the audio volume. But once a game is running like Sauerbraten, I cannot control the volume. The controls within the game are relative to the master volume, so if the volume is too low, I have to exit the game to adjust it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: XBMC And Blender Game Engine Crashing After Upgrade To 10.10?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm having trouble using Blender and XBMC after upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10. Whenever I start the Game Engine mode in Blender (by pressing 'P'), Blender crashes. This happens both in the repository version (2.49.2) and with the newest version (2.54 beta).

For some reason, xbmc actually starts without problems now, but earlier the console output was somewhat similar to that of Blender. The output from Blender seems to indicate that there is something wrong with either libc6 or the NVIDIA drivers. The xbmc output (which now works ok) mentioned something about /lib/nvidia-current/, if I remember correctly.

The output at crash is as follows:

Blender 2.54:

./blenderfound bundled python: /pathtoblender2.54/2.54/python
Detected GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Detected GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Detected GL_ARB_multitexture
Detected GL_ARB_shader_objects


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Not Detecting Displayport Connection?

Apr 23, 2011

I have an 27" iMac which I wish to use as display for my Ubuntu machine using it's mini Displayport as perTo that end I bought a new Intel DH67GD motherboard and 2600k CPU and a Displayport->Mini Displayport cable.However it seems that X doesn't detect the displayport connection correctly. When I boot the Ubuntu machine the iMac correctly switches to that input and Intel motherboard screen appears on the display followed by the grub interface.However it seems that when X should start it doesn't recognise the Displayport connection. The iMac goes back to displaying it's own screen and the X logs don't seem to recognise the connection

[ 32.854] (==) intel(0): video overlay key set to 0x101fe
[ 32.854] (II) intel(0): Output VGA1 using monitor section Configured Monitor


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OpenSUSE :: All Application Turns Into TrackBall Game?

Oct 19, 2010

i installed the eclipse and QQ, but when i clicked them, TrackBall Game came out, how could this happened

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OpenSUSE :: Black Desktop After Exit Of Game?

Oct 28, 2010

I installed 11.3 32 bit KDE on my system I had been running 11.0 32 for over a year.nVidia card, AMD quad, 4 gig RAM.Blender runs fine, fast and clean, when I exit, it takes a couple of seconds before I get control back.If I play a game, ArmagetronIOQuake, FrozenBubble - when I exit I get my mouse pointer back in a few seconds, you see a couple of the windows open on the desktop for a brief second but all goes black. When you move the mouse pointer around the screen it changes as if it is going over an icon or window but it does not recover.

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OpenSUSE :: Executables Try To Install Thunderball Game?

May 10, 2011

After getting 11.4 up and running, I wanted to install some of the programmes I use.when ever I click on the executable file it tries to down load the thunderball game, and when i try Code:./setup it denies permission even as su.this happens on two different applications i am trying to install. (only two i have tried)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ALSA Not Detecting Soundcard On Reboot?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm having a rather peculiar problem with sound in Ubuntu 10.04. Specifically, every time I reboot I run through a cycle of sorts:

A). Sound is working fine. Reboot

B). No sound. "aplay -l" returns "no card found". Additionally, the hibernate and suspend buttons are missing from the shutdown menu and restart acts as log out, immediately returning me to the log in screen (sudo reboot in console works). I try to fix the problem by the following commands:


$sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils
$sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils
$sudo reboot

C). After rebooting sound works normally again and I get the following:


aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: VT1828S Analog [VT1828S Analog]
Subdevices: 2/2


I have "linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic" installed. I have been experiencing problems with audio since I bought this M/B, but with 9.10 things were stable and with my previous 10.04 installation bearable. Now, however, I practically can't work. I have to run the aforementioned routine every time I reboot. Additionally, I don't if it is relevant, but the problems started after I installed the audio drivers in Windows (another royal mess, but at least now it's stable and it works)

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OpenSUSE :: Create A Shortcut Either On Desktop Or In The Game Menu?

Mar 11, 2010

newbie here..loving suse...but a question on package management...I have to run the etracer command in a shell to launch the program "extreme tux racer" for my son. it does not show up in a menu do i create a shortcut either on desktop or in the game menu?

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OpenSUSE :: Skype Not Detecting Webcam?

Aug 14, 2010

Skype does not detect my webcam, despite other programs such as aMSN and Kopete being able to detect my webcam.The 'lsusb' command says the following regarding my webcam.Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:08ac Logitech, Inc. QuickCam CoolI'm using Skype version beta which is the latest version.I'm running Opensuse version 11.3 the 64 bit version

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Xp CD Is Not Detecting

Jul 14, 2011

I have Dell 1530 laptop which comes with windows vista. i just want to run windows xp on that but i am unable to install then what i did is just installed OpenSuse over windows vista(erased) only suse is there now i want to install xp on it but i am getting problems (windows xp CD is not detecting by suse).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia-settings GPU Scaling Detecting Wrong Resolution?

Jan 21, 2010

in my media pc i have a geforce 8400, attached to a 32" 720p lcd using a dvi to vga adapter, and it is miss detecting the resolution it detects the resolution as 1080p, so when i try to enable full gpu scaling it gets the resolution wrong resulting no image on the screen. how do i manualy set the "back end resolution"

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Is Not Detecting Windows 7?

Jan 26, 2010

i just installed openSUSE on my machine which had windows 7 in other partition as primary partition. Now after rebooting i see the green screen showing only 2 options

-Desktop -- openSUSE 11.2 -***
-Failsafe -- openSUSE 11.2 -***

how do i get my windows 7 in the list.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Partitioner Not Detecting All Drives?

Feb 22, 2011

I just got OpenSuSe 11.3 installed in a machine with two 160GB drives. I took all defaults at installation, works fine. Going to YaST expecting to detect and partition it. Not there. System Information, however 'sees' both disks. How do I partition and attach this disk?

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Debian Multimedia :: Radeon Stopped Detecting Proper Resolution In Testing-Wheezy?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a LMDE (Mint Linux Edition based on testing, now Wheezy) i386 that I just did a dist-upgrade on and now it isn't properly detecting my monitor resolution. I have two 1680x1050 monitors, one attached to the DVI and another to a VGA video switch. When I rebooted to the new 2.6.38-2-686 kernel both monitors were giving me 1024x768. I futzed around for a while and could then get the the DVI monitor to correctly identify the proper resolution, but the VGA monitor resolutely refused to see more than 1024x768.

I was able to get the proper resolution by entering these commands:


Should I file a bug report, and if so, with whom? I have to say, the Debian bug report process is not too newbie (or even not-so-newbie) friendly, but I'd like to help if it doesn't require me to hand-configure a MUA.

Also, I suppose I shouldn't mention it in a single post, but my mouse is behaving rather unpredictably now (click speed, selecting), and trying to reboot dismounts the file system and then starts up again giving me my display manager (in my case KDM), without restarting the system (both from "sudo reboot" and trying to restart with KDM or the Gnome widget). If I really want to restart the system I have to halt it first and hit the power button.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Detecting WWID Number Of HBA On SLES11

Jul 2, 2010

I have SLES11 installed on server. I have attached 2 SAS cables which are connected to External storage device. I have connected 3 machines to external storage device. It shows total 6 ID�s. I want to know which 2 are from which machine. I would like to find out the WWID number of HBA�s on SLES 11 machine.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 - Detecting Reason Of Internet Disconnections

Jan 26, 2011

Ruptures the connection Internet happen is unpredictable, sometimes in 2-3 hours, sometimes in 2-3 minutes. Prompt where in system logs SUSE 11.3 it is possible to define the reason of ruptures. There is data from logs of player XINE, often used by me for review of video of translations c url = [URL]. I apply log of an engine of player XINE in pictures. It is ready to present adjustments, configurations, logs.

2:21:40 PM: Loaded configuration from file '/home/workuser/.config/gxine/config'
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.audio_cd.cddb_cachedir specifies in a nonexistent location/home/workuser/.xine/cddbcache
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.capture.save_dir specifies in a nonexistent location
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.dvb.channels_conf specifies in a nonexistent location/home/workuser/.xine/channels.conf
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.dvd.raw_device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/rdvd
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.dvd.css_cache_path specifies in a nonexistent location/home/workuser/.dvdcss/
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.video4linux.radio_device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/radio0
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.video4linux.video_device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/video0
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter media.wintv_pvr.device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/video0
2:21:40 PM: the warning: the configuration parameter subtitles.separate.font_freetype specifies in a nonexistent location
2:21:41 PM: xine: found input plugin: file input plugin
2:21:41 PM: xine: found demuxer plugin: image demux plugin
The warning: the configuration parameter media.audio_cd.cddb_cachedir specifies in a nonexistent location/home/workuser/.xine/cddbcache
The warning: the configuration parameter media.capture.save_dir specifies in a nonexistent location
The warning: the configuration parameter media.dvb.channels_conf specifies in a nonexistent location/home/workuser/.xine/channels.conf
The warning: the configuration parameter media.dvd.raw_device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/rdvd
The warning: the configuration parameter media.dvd.css_cache_path specifies in a nonexistent location/home/workuser/.dvdcss/
The warning: the configuration parameter media.video4linux.radio_device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/radio0
The warning: the configuration parameter media.video4linux.video_device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/video0
The warning: the configuration parameter media.wintv_pvr.device specifies in a nonexistent location/dev/video0
The warning: the configuration parameter subtitles.separate.font_freetype specifies in a nonexistent location it is impossible to open the divided object file: There is no such file or the directory.
lirc: it is impossible to initialize - remote control is disconnected
lirc: probably, lircd it is not launched or you can't be connected to a socket?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Suddenly Stop Detecting Memorystick Being Plugged In - Error About Accessing HAL

Oct 29, 2010

suddenly it stop detecting a memorystick being plugged in. I connect but nothing happens. At this time i can plug in any memorystick and it want detect it. Then i need to reboot to get it to work and then after avail it stop working again. I also have problems with unmounting (Safely remove device) in the GUI-tool. It works in terminal with "umount". In Dolphin i get error about problem accessing HAL or something like that. This problem is resisting even after reboot. Is there a bug?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Install Multi-Disc Game - Unable To Eject CD-RW / DVD RW Drive DBus Error

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to install The Sims 2 (which I'm aware currently does not run properly in wine anyway), using the multi-CD version. The installation goes normally, up until it comes time to switch from disc 1 to disc 2. The installer prompts me to insert disc 2, but it seems that Ubuntu still believes that the installer doesn't want me to open the drive, because, when I try to open it, it doesn't open, and a window pops up with the following message: Unable to eject CD-RW/DVD RW Drive DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Manager Not Detecting Wireless Device?

Sep 25, 2010

Having a hard time getting NM to detect wireless usb device: Linksys model WUSB600N. Here are a few commands I do know about.

lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
irda0 no wireless extensions.


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Debian :: Install Just A Game From Kde 4.5?

Mar 2, 2011

I read about a game called kajongg at [URL].I don't see it available in the debian testing repositories, I guess because its part of kde 4.5 which is not yet in use by testing. Is there some way to install this game in debian testing?

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