OpenSUSE :: Magnify The Desktop's Appearance?

Apr 12, 2010

I am working on a quite big desk where my computer is located on the left side of it. Sometimes is needed to pull the keyboard and the mouse away from the monitor when for example I want to study some papers.

I do not want to change my monitor's position I just want to be able to increase the way my desktop looks like (font size, MOUSE POINTER size, taskbar and windows size) so to be able to view th e monitor's content from a bigger distance. Of course size should be easily restored back to normal when I decide to work "normally" on my computer.

Do you know if that is possible with opensuse 11.2 and kde 4.3.X version?

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OpenSUSE :: Display - Desktop Appearance And Theme Settings Not Working

Aug 14, 2011

I've been trying to get familiar with this over the past 24 hours or so. I assume I've been somewhat successful in what I'm attempting to do, as I can work my way around a bit now and use some terminal commands. However, there is this display problem I seem to be encountering with certain windows which is extremely putting off. When I click options like 'File' or 'Edit' in a window, this is what I get. Here are the screenshots below.

This is what I get when I click the 'Volume' button in the Panel at the bottom of the screen. I have tried changing the Desktop Appearance Settings, Theme Settings but nothing seems to work. Although this is not a performance issue, it is hampering my vision of the various available options, and I would like to resolve it at once.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 15 Beta - Manage The Appearance Of The Desktop

May 11, 2011

I just installed the F-15 Beta and cannot find a way to manage the appearance of the Desktop. It does have Background and Screen Settings but that's all I can find. I would like to reduce the size of the icons and alter the fonts if that's possible.

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Fedora :: Magnify Tool In 13?

Oct 1, 2010

is there any magnify tool in Fedora 13?

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Default Live CD Desktop Appearance?

Mar 25, 2010

recently I have been trying to create the perfect custom ubuntu .iso to write to a usb drive so i could carry around a live cd version of my current desktop operating system. I have 2 problems...

1: using various tools like Remastersys, Ubuntu Customization Kit, and Ubuntu's own LiveCDCustomization tutorial I have managed to install most of the packages that I want.... Truecrypt is not in the repos and i would very much like it on my custom live cd. while in chroot i tried using wget to download it then extract and install it, but i got a 404 error so it did not seem to be connecting to the place to download it. is there a workaround to getting truecrypt to install into my extracted squashfs? would it be possible to download the packages to my desktop then copy them over to my chroot squashfs to be installed?

2: I have not been able to customize the default appearance of the desktop environment like the background, icons,colors, window border, panels, applets, and so on.... Ubuntu's tutorial states that I need to edit .xmls in /etc/gconf but i do not understand how to edit those to get what I want. LiveCD creates a new user with default settings everytime it is started so its a matter of editing the files that control the settings of a new user.

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OpenSUSE :: Appearance Of Graphical Apps Run As Root ?

Feb 6, 2010

When I run graphical applications as root (on KDE4), they inherit my window decorations setting, and use the default widget style. I know that, obviously, I can configure root's widget style to match mine, but I do like the visual distinction. I just don't like it using my window decorations, because I have that nicely configured to match my widget style (and therefore clash with anything else). Is there any way to tell KWin to decorate root windows differently, or even run a separate window manager for root windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Adjust Notification Appearance Time?

Jan 13, 2011

where the time to display media notifications is stored? When I put a CD or DVD into the player slot, a popup window shows possible actions to take but these old eyes can't read it fast enough to get through the list. Is it possible to get it to display longer and if so how?

When I put an audio CD in the slot, the display says there are six (6) actions possible but I only have time enough to read the first 2 or 3.

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OpenSUSE :: Highlights All The Lines Beyond The First Terminal Appearance - Kill Highlighting?

Aug 3, 2010

I am pretty new to Suse Linux, coming from Sun Solaris. I have an issue with the "more" command. It highlights all the lines beyond the first terminal appearance; anyway I can kill this highlighting?

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OpenSUSE :: Consultation On Gdm - Error (Gnome-properties-Appearance: 18 047): Gtk-WARNING **: Can Not Open Display:

May 4, 2010

Gnome Forum have told me that changing the appearance of gdm I run: sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties but I get this error: (Gnome-properties-Appearance: 18 047): Gtk-WARNING **: can not open display:

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OpenSUSE :: Lost KDE Desktop Effects Settings After Install Gnome Desktop Environment

Jun 6, 2010

I installed Gnome desktop environment recently then ;I' ve lost KDE desktop effects settings. I just can see Compiz Configirator. I cant configure effects independently. There is same settings in gnome and kde. And also I cant change windows appearence.

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Button / Currently Opened Applications And Brings You Back To The Desktop?

May 29, 2009

I am running openSUSE 11.1 + KDE 4.2.I wonder where is the desktop button, which minimized all currently opened applications and brings you back to the desktop?

Please could someone let me know how or what do I need to insert to the control panel?

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OpenSUSE :: Set A Local Html Page As The Desktop As In Active Desktop In Windows?

Feb 4, 2010

is it possible to set a local html page as the desktop as in active desktop in windows.

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSuse 11.1 KDE Different Desktop Background Image For Each Of The 4 Desktop?

Jul 23, 2009

Up until KDE4 I could select a different image for each of the 4 virtual desktops. Now I tried Suse11.1 KDE and it seems like there is no such option. I can change the background image allright, but all 4 desktops have the SAME image.

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OpenSUSE :: Way To Get Icon 'show Desktop' To Desktop?

Jan 30, 2010

is there a way to get an icon "show desktop" to my desktop?

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Mirrored On KDE4 Desktop?

Jan 30, 2011

Turned on my computer this morning only to have my desktop come up as if I was looking in a mirror. The icons and taskbar etc are in the correct places, only everything is a mirror image. This is a per user problem as my wife's account is fine. I have tried deleting all of the plasma files in the ./config directory with no luck. KDE 4.5 on openSUSE 11.3NVidia graphics if that matters

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OpenSUSE :: Display A Different Desktop Background For Each Desktop?

May 23, 2011

How do I get it to display a different desktop background for each desktop? I'm sure I saw this option somewhere, but I can't find it again.

Secondly, it defaults with 4 desktops in a 2X2 grid layout. I changed it to 2, then back to 4 and now it has 4 desktops in a linear layout (1x4). How can I change it back to 2X2?

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Fedora :: Appearance Failing To Open?

Feb 21, 2010

When I go to Administration->Preferences->Appearance, the window pops up for a split second and is then gone. Attempting to open it again yields the same result. I have never had this issue before and haven't changed anything recently that I recall.

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Fedora :: Kde4 Appearance Settings Is Gone?

Mar 2, 2010

I just upgrade kde4 in fedora 12 and the right click option for "appearance settings" is gone!

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General :: Set PuTTY's Appearance In Windows

Feb 26, 2010

Is it possible to configure PuTTY to have me some nice colour scheme like vim's desert?

I'm an PuTTY user under Windows and my login shell is tcsh. The current PuTTY theme setting is a very boring "black background and white character" user interface.

If it is possible, could you illustrate a little bit about how it works?

I've goolged this issue, but it seem both client side and server side settings are involved in changing PuTTY's appearance, which makes me quite confused.

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Ubuntu :: No Appearance Tab In StartUp-Manager?

Mar 29, 2010

I am creating a custom distro of Ubuntu for a company, changing a few things to meet their needs. One of the things I would like to change is the splash screen, but for some reason the "appearance" tab does not appear in StartUp-Manager.

Splashy still has the bug where it can't be installed due to a conflicting package in Ubuntu, so I believe that this is the only way to do it.

Running 9.10 (the system i'm trying to change) on a dual boot configuration with 10.04 as my main OS.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Settings Not Saving / Fix It?

Apr 29, 2010

I've installed Lucid, and so far the only problem I'm having repeatedly is that my appearance settings aren't saving. Every time I reboot I have to change the visual effects from "none" to "normal", whereupon it searches for drivers and changes the settings. Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Window Appearance Broken?

Jun 23, 2010

My window content is really grey and boxy. But the title bars and what not are fine. When I change my theme it doesn't fix it.

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Ubuntu :: Change Appearance Not Working?

Aug 20, 2010

using ubuntu 10.04, the "change appearance" option has just stopped working, don't know why.

this is true when right clicking on desktop (option present but when clicked, new window no longer opens) and,

when going through system / appearance, no new window appears.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Appearance Tab In Preferences?

Dec 6, 2010

I installed audacious and was searching around how to add new themes. I've learned how to do that but the only problem is when i go to file/preferences There is no appearance tab. Anybody know how i can fix this, i really want to add some winamp themes to this thing, or at least be able to change some of the appearance.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Menu Missing?

Feb 8, 2011

I woke up today to find that System>Preferences>Appearance is missing. I navigated to /usr/share/applications and gnome-appearance-properties.desktop is missing. Is there any way to get it back?

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Settings Reverting By Themselves?

Mar 17, 2011

I've got Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit on my Dell laptop, and on my Appearance/visual effects tab I've selected None. But when I reboot, it changes by itself to Normal. How can I make it stay on None?Edit: I just created another user on this pc. After reboot it stays on None for this user, suggesting it's a per-user setting I need to fix, not a system wide one.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Preferences Does Not See All Themes?

Apr 3, 2011

when I go to System - Preferences - Appearance, I get the theme tab, with only nine themes listed:Custom,

Dust Sand,
High Contrast Inverse,
High Contrast Large Print Inverse,


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Software :: Subversion Over Apache2 Appearance

Jun 15, 2010

I have my subversion setup over apache already, so that isn't my question. My question is in regards to the appearance of my repo over the http(s) protocol.

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Debian :: Log In Appearance Had Changed - Restore Back?

Sep 10, 2010

I did a bunch of updates, in sid, no issues. But when I rebooted the next day the log in had chanded. No problems logging in, the appearance had changed, and you now have to use the mouse to click on your name to open the password box, where before you could hit enter and get the same results. It is not much, but I have been trying to to restore it back with out much luck. I've played with gdm and gdm3 and a couple of other things but no luck. I did see a update for log in but have not been able to figure out the next step.

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Debian :: GNOME Appearance Turned More Square?

Nov 24, 2010

I really have no idea why this happened, but when I logged in GNOME the appearance is different. At first it looked like this:


and now it turns into this:


Notice how it's more square. System->Preferences->Appearances doesn't seem to help.

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