OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Rpm Package Description

Aug 7, 2010

What the right place to report errors in package descriptions ? There are more than two dozens categories mentioned on the openSUSE "reporting a bug" web page but none of them seem to fit. The packager of the concerned rpm is, no email printed out when launching rpm -qpi <package name>.

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Software :: Slackware Package Description In Install Directory Not Read By Pkgtool?

May 28, 2011

When i create a slackware package, with the tool makepkg, the resulting package doesnt show the description of the package in the pkgtool program.

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Slackware :: Install/slack-desc Never "shows" And Gives The Package Description?

Jul 29, 2010

I always have just one issue making a slackware pkg using makepkg the darn install/slack-desc never "shows" and gives the package description when doing installpkg/upgradepkg on the finished package Example A I make a package today from "ranger" cli file manager heres the slack-desc

# The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line
# up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' on
# the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must make
# exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also customary to
# leave one space after the


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General :: Displays ONLY The Description Text For The RPM Package

Jun 1, 2011

Displays ONLY the description text for the RPM package

how can you do it , ive read online that

"# rpm -qi " gets you all the information how can i just get description ?

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Slackware :: Tango-icon-theme-extras PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Error?

May 29, 2010

PACKAGE NAME: tango-icon-theme-extras-0.1.0-noarch-1.txz
PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware/l
PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 64 K


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OpenSUSE Install :: Blank Screen On Card With VGA/DVI Out / Error "Please Enter A Description"?

Feb 26, 2010

While installing OpenSUSE 11.2 on system with videocard with VGA/DVI outs in most cases work only DVI out. VGA out not work. Need choise what VGA or DVI out must work while installing the system.

I tried to create future request, but a have trouble with that again

At url After describing the problem (entering description) and doing request. Site give me an error "Please enter a description"

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OpenSUSE Install :: After A Fresh Install Of 11.4 X-system Comes Up With The Wrong Screensize

Mar 15, 2011

After a fresh install of Suse 11.4 X-system comes up with the wrong screensize 1680X1200.
Instead I need 1600x1200. How can i set permanently the screensize I need ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: First Crash Can't See Anything Wrong

Jun 22, 2011

The crash happened when I was reading a web page and the screen went black and the mouse pinterr dropped to the middle of the bottom of the screen and froze. I had to do a warm reboot to get going again. I'm using 11.4 with KDE.This is the section of the /var/log/messages from around the time of the crash at 16.42/16.44.

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Slackware :: Rethinking The Description During Install?

Mar 16, 2011

Back in the days of slow machines, displaying the package description during an install provided for some reading to break up the boredom (if one was inspired to sit there and watch it do the install). Now days, the descriptions just fly by, several a second most of the time (unless doing things manually). Do we really need this anymore? It's unreadable.

I'd rather see a list of packages being installed scroll by, one package name per line (with size info). Even that might get hard to read during the buzz of small packages being installed causing rapid scrolls.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bash Initialization Gone Wrong

Jun 23, 2010

The /etc/profile said that i should do that in /etc/profile.local.I create /etc/profile.local, set the aliases, then i reboot.Now i've got a broken bash enviroment. Prompt has gone, ls colors gone, useful aliases (md=mkdir) gone.I've got this prompt: 'bash-4.0$' instead of the 'username@hostname:actual dir'.The root account has got the same errors, so i think i broke something system-wide.I removed the profile.local but the problem stays.What should i do to regain the standard bash enviroment?

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OpenSUSE Install :: MBR Booting From Wrong Partition

Feb 9, 2011

I'm just using a plop boot does what I need, boot from hdc 2. or (hd2,1) I'm having an issue, because Im not sure how to change the mbr so when I boot the computer from the third hdd, it just works...where is the MBR, and how do I edit it, or better, is there a GUI interface I can use?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Version Wrote

Sep 4, 2011

I wrote a few minutes ago open Suse 11.04 instead 11.4, I got confused with Ubuntu's last version.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Change Computer Description (Hostname)

Mar 14, 2011

When browsing in WinXP Windows Explorer to view an OpenSUSE computer, the displayed name is:
Samba 3.5.4-5.3.1-2489-SUSE-SL11.3 (*hostname*)

Other Windows computers display as:
[computer description]([hostname])

How can I change the "computer description" within OpenSUSE?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Display Size On Resume - 11.2

Aug 25, 2010

I installed opensuse 11.2 on ASUS R2E nicely It have a 7" touchscreen and works nice. The screen is correctly settled to 800x480 on boot however after a S2RAM it is reinitialized as 800x600. I made an xorg.conf with only one fixed mode on 800x480 but daesn't seems to be considered on resume. After cold boot sax2 get the right size (800x480) and after resume 800x600 The video chipset is intel 945 GM.

May this be related to hardware reinitialization ? How to re-initialize X on resume ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Keymap - Now Root Can't Login ?

Dec 30, 2010

I just happened to lock myself out of ssh access on my xen virtual server since I changed the ssh port but forgot to open it in the firewall. No problem, I just access it through VNC in VM manager, I thought, however I have some special chars in my root password and the keymap through VNC seems to have changed somehow. So I cant login as root, nor do su or sudo. I can login as user. I need the sign " but can't figure out how.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Fresh Install Hostname Wrong

Nov 17, 2010

Just completed a fresh netinstall of OpenSUSE. This machine previously had a Ubuntu install on it, but I was having all sorts of issues and decided I required a fresh start. The install itself went acceptably, although I ended up manually fixing GRUB.Now the system is running, I've got a ridiculous problem, in that I'm still seeing the old hostname- It used to be ubuntu-server, but should now be unimatrix-001.Checked both the obvious places (/etc/HOSTNAME & YaST), but the correct hostname is in both of them.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error 11.3: Wrong JPEG Library Version

Aug 10, 2010

Just installed OpenSUSE 11.3 64-bit. I have a program that uses libjpeg, so I installed libjpeg and the dev modules. It has both version 6 and 8 installed. When I run my prog and try to access the lib I get this error: Wrong JPEG library version: library is 80, caller expects 62 This seems a common problem elsewhere. Anyone know how to fix it in 11.3 ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Digest Errors Using Packman Repo?

Oct 20, 2010

Trying to clean up my system having removed some factory repos so now I have the standard 4, update, oss, non-oss & packman. When updating and switchine to packman I get many Wrong Digest errors and when downloading many NO KEY messages.

What is the significance of the no key message. How can I renew keys from repo sites and what should I do about the Wrong Digest warnings?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Wrong Display Size Under VMware Server

Mar 20, 2011

Is there some better way of getting my display size set to 1280x960 when I launch openSUSE 11.4 under VMware Server? Here's what I've done so far: I am running Windows 7 on an AMD Phenom II system (motherboard: Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H). I installed VMware Server (version 2.0.2) so that I can run openSUSE 11.4. The initial install went pretty smoothly. However, the display size was set to 800x500. I attempted to set it to 1280x960 by changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-monitor.conf file as follows:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Default Monitor"
## If your monitor doesn't support DDC you may override the
## defaults here
# HorizSync 28-85
# VertRefresh 50-100
HorizSync 1-10000
VertRefresh 1-10000
## Add your mode lines here, use e.g the cvt tool
Option "PreferredMode" "1280x960_60.00"
# 1280x960 59.94 Hz (CVT 1.23M3) hsync: 59.70 kHz; pclk: 101.25 MHz
Modeline "1280x960_60.00" 101.25 1280 1360 1488 1696 960 963 967 996 -hsync +vsync

This resulted in a display size of 1734x1342 (or something close to that). I noted from the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file that the vmwlegacy driver is being used instead of the vmware svga driver. There is a note that the vmwlegacy driver does not support the "PreferredMode" setting in the monitor section of the xorg.conf files. For the time being, I have set my horizontal and vertical rates to 60kHz and 60Hz, respectively. This does limit the maximum display size to 1280x960, but for all the wrong reasons. How do I set up my system to get the correct display size?

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Ubuntu :: Deleted The Wrong Package?

Jul 20, 2010

If you're a fallible creature like myself you will sometimes uninstall packages using apt-get commands and then scratch your head when a dependency is missing and something that normally worked on your computer no longer does. So... I wrote this bash script that I think a lot of you will find more than useful. Execute this script before using any apt-get command and any package that is removed will be logged appropriately in ~/.oops .If you later find that something no longer works you can reinstall those packages . Just remember the "oops" script will continue to run until you turn it off. This can be done by pressing Ctrl+C while in your terminal.



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Ubuntu :: DEB Package Version Comes Out Wrong

Oct 6, 2010

While trying to get a new revision of ntfs-3g packaged for my OS (2010.10.02) i've run into an odd issue. I pulled the ntfs-3g sources, and got the package sources for the ntfs3g debs (apt-get source ntfs3g).I pulled the <src dir>/debian directory into the new sources, went into <new src dir>/debian/<package names>/DEBIAN and altered the versions in the control files to reflect the current version. However, during dpkg-build, the versions revert to the original package version which is 2010.03.06. When these debs get installed, apt-get update thinks that despite both the version of the installed package, and the version of the upstream package being the same, that it should replace the one i made with the upstream.

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OpenSUSE :: Get Zypper To Show The Full Description Of Packages Rather Than A Truncated Summary?

Jan 10, 2011

How can I get Zypper to show the full description of packages rather than a truncated summary? When I use zypper to list installed packages or search for packages from the command line I would like to see the full detailed description of the packages that are returned in the results. Currently zypper only shows me a truncated summary description.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Update: No Home, Wrong Keyboard Layout, OpenOffice?

Dec 3, 2009

I updated from 11.1 to 11.2. Before some intelligent person says, I should never update but do a new install: a new install isn't better, then I have other problems to tackle. And I really would like updates to work.Well, I have the following problems and I hope you don't mind me listing them all in one post *it's difficult for me to type on this keyboard layout):1. home isn't found or set up. I have modified fstab to mount /dev/sda6, which is home, but it won't mount it at startup, and also not when it's just using the disk/by-id line that had been put in.

2. the keyboard layout is american, while the system language is set to German (I'm German and would like also my keyboard to know that). I had no chance to change that, even a loadkeys de-latin1 doesn't help3. OpenOffice drives me crazy. It just doesn't start properly, or at all. It doesn't open a number of documents, but it doesn't also give any error message. Sometimes soffice.bin is in the list of processes, but OOo is nowhere seen. After killing the process (or terminating it), I can start it, but have only the opening screen and cannot really open a document.4. printing doesn't seem to work, either.Needless to say that everything worked fine before the update

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OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Linux Kernel Version Reported By Uname -a

Jan 6, 2010

I am an openSuSE user for many years. My current installation is openSuSE 11.2. However, my first was SuSE 6.4 and I have been _constantly_ upgrading since then until reaching the current openSuSE 11.2. The technical issue I have been facing lately is with the kernel version of my current system: although it should be, as this is the one I have chosen via the online update mechanism and the yast2 system boot-loader procedure, grub shows it as preselected, the boot procedure in the end greets me mentioning this very kernel version, _but_ when I issue the command: uname -a in a command prompt, I am informed of using linux kernel version: #1 SMP PREEMPT

I am really quite puzzled, since I _cannot_ find any such vmlinuz file under /boot/ ! Could it be that my system properly runs with the expected kernel version, but uname mistakes it with a different one? Is there a way to determine the actual version of the linux kernel that my system currently runs with? If it's a problem with uname, have you got any suggestions that could potentially shed some light towards the origin/cause of the reported issue?

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OpenSUSE Install :: UName -a Reports Wrong Kernel Version After Upgrade

Jan 6, 2011

I did apply the updates on 11.1 32bit and upgraded the kernel from to

> uname -a
Linux myhost #1 SMP 2010-12-01 16:57:58 +0100 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> cat /proc/version
Linux version (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291] (SUSE Linux) ) #1 SMP 2010-12-01 16:57:58 +0100

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OpenSUSE Install :: Flashdrive Boot - Installation Media Check Md5sum Wrong

Feb 16, 2011

Used to run Gentoo, years ago, getting back on the linux train. Anyways, got a new media pc and am having some troubles getting it to function. I am using ImageWriter, an OCZ Rally 4gb flash drive and have tried both HTTP and BitTorrent downloaded copies of 11.3 with the same md5sum check wrong error. What am I doing wrong? Is it because it thinks it is a CD or am I getting bad copies of the ISO? I am so out of practice I can't remember anything about installation anymore and am at a loss.

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Debian :: UName -r Reports Wrong Kernel Package

Jul 29, 2010

I am having issues trying to compile the alsa-linuxtant module and I am getting errors about not being able to find some files and the source needing to be reconfigured. Anyway the developers told me to try compiling on a pristine source to see if I could compile that way. When I went looking at I did not find a 2.6.32-5 version. So I did some checking and to see just what version I have.

$ uname -r
$ dpkg --list | grep linux-image

ii linux-image-2.6-amd 64 2.6.32+27 Linux 2.6 for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)
ii linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 2.6.26-24 Linux 2.6.26 image on AMD64
ii linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 2.6.32-15 Linux 2.6.32 for 64-bit PCs

So the actual package that is installed is 2.6.32-15 but uname -r reports 2.6.32-5 as the kernel version.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Blinking LXDE And Gnome - Fresh Install - Graphics Resolution Is Wrong?

Apr 7, 2011

I've borrowed a copy of 11.4 DVD install disc from someone at work, everything went fine install wise. Except Grub taking control, which I didn't ask it to, but easy fix with yast, problem is firstly my graphics resolution is wrong, but I'm trying to work that one out myself as it always seems to be happening with distros I use on my machine. The weird thing is my desktop blinks! Every 10secs or so the whole screen goes blank and then reappears? I thought it might be the wrong refresh rate, but that's at 60Hz which is correct, would it be the resolution problem?

My hardware:-
P4 2.8
1Gb ram
Geforce FX 5500
Dell 1703FP monitor

I was trying to running diagnostic's from Opensuse, but the blinking was getting on my nerves and I'm not familiar with a non Debian based OS......yet! I've got compiz and all running on the hardware in my Ubuntu install after editing the xorg.conf, could I simply copy that to my Opensuse install?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Suse 10.3 Assigning Wrong Drivers To Ethernet Ports (e1000, E1000e)?

Aug 23, 2010

I have loaded Suse 10.3 on a system that has 4 Ethernet ports, all Intel chipsets. 2 ports have the 82571 chipset, 1 port has the 82573 chipset and the last one has the 82567. The 82567 chipset can use the e1000 driver and the 8257x chipsets require the e1000e driver. We are only actually using the 82571 ports.

When the system is booted, the 82567 seems to get bound to the e1000 driver and the 82573 gets bound to the e1000e driver. Doing an "lsmod" I see both drivers loaded. It appears the 82571 drivers are getting bound to the e1000 driver which is a major problem. They work for a while but eventually they lock up with enormous error counts according to "ifconfig". How I know the e1000 driver is bound to the 82571 ports is that when I remove it(modprobe -r e1000) and then try to use one of them, I get a "network unreachable". When e1000 is loaded these ports seem to work fine. I tried modding the file in /etc/sysconfig/hardware that corresponds to the PCI address of these ports(i.e., hwcfg-bus-pci-0000:08:00.0) to force the module to e1000e, but no luck there either.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Install The Package Mesa-32bit From Repository?

Dec 16, 2010

Im not able to install the package mesa-32bit from this repository: Index of /repositories/X11:/XOrg/openSUSE_11.3. It tells me to make a huge change on architecture on many packages, plus downgrading mesa to 7.8.2 from 7.9 !

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