OpenSUSE Install :: Run Script When Computer Boots

Jan 31, 2010

I have a laptop that runs openSUSE 11.2, KDE 4.3.*. I've connected an external monitor to this laptop. The problem is my laptop screen is broke and I want Linux to use my external monitor as the master output. When ever I boot it's always the laptop screen that's taken as the master and my external monitor always have the resolution of the laptop. What I want to do is disable the laptop screen and change the resolution of my external monitor when the computer boots. The following commands seem to do what I want


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OpenSUSE Install :: Computer Boots Up And Not Asking For Login

Apr 15, 2010

I'm relevant with linux but I don't know how to make it so that when the computer boots up it asks me to login. Right now it just logs my user in.

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Fedora :: Cold Boots Often Take Up To 10 Attempts Before The Computer Successfully Boots?

Oct 29, 2010

my desktop pc is acting very strange. cold boots often take up to 10 attempts before the computer successfully boots. after the 1st successful boot, i can expect 1-3 "glitches". here's what happens:

the first few cold boots fail at various points during the boot process. there appears to be no pattern to it. when it happens, the machine is completely locked up. it responds to nothing, except holding in the power switch for 5 seconds. i'll go through this procedure several times.

finally, it will boot all the way to a desktop. from there, once i log it, i can expect it to lock up completely, usually once or twice. and then, finally, the screen will go blank and it will suddenly be back at the login screen.

usually, once i log in that last time, it's at least usable, although hardly stable. watching flash video seems to cause a complete lockup, with the sound looping. it doesn't matter where the content is coming from (videos or similar) nor does it matter which browser i'm using (firefox or chrome). i've stopped visiting videos-type sites in the meantime.

this installation has always been a tad bit screwy. 99% of the time, firefox fails to shut down properly, resulting in a message letting me know that a crash was detected. earlier today, i was alerted to 3 kernel crashes simultaneously.

right now, i'm using the pc, as normal. the random nature of the problems would lead me to believe it was hardware-related, specifically something like memory (ram). however, i installed memtest86+ and ran it. i walked away for 4+ hours. came back, it was running, no errors were found. i stopped the test and booted, trouble-free.

the pc seems to be stable enough for a backup, but this does have me concerned...obviously. i'm debating wiping the drive clean and installing f13, just as a test. if it's screwy as well, it would have to be hardware-related, wouldn't you think??

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OpenSUSE Install :: When It Boots First See The Welcome Screen, Then The OpenSUSE Installer, Whether Select The Live (GNOME) Option?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a SONY PCG-R505TE laptop with an external CD/DVD, it connects via what I think is a PCMCIA card, the drive came with the laptop and functions fine. I currently have Windows XP running on this laptop, but it's very slow.I downloaded openSUSE-11.3-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso and sucessfully burned it to a CD.I have the laptop bios set to boot from CD, and it appears to be doing that no problem. When it boots I first see the welcome screen, then the openSUSE Installer, whether I select the Live (GNOME) option, or the Installation.. it loads the kernel, and then loads the KIWI boot systemit is on the third event, waiting for CD/DVD dvices to appear... that something seems to fail... I then see Failed to detect CD/DVD or USB drivethen a rebootexception and it reboots in 120 seconds.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 DVD Boots But 11.4 DVD Does Not

Aug 14, 2011

I have run into a problem trying to do a DVD upgrade from 11.2 -> 11.4. My computer is setup correctly to boot from DVD boots successfully from the 10.1, 10.3, 11.2 DVD so I don't think there is an issue w/ the BIOS config.

I have run md5sum on the DVD and the generated sum agrees with the values posted on the 11.4 download page so I don't think my media has been corrupted.

When I put in the 11.4 DVD and reboot the machine I see flashing from the DVD activity light and hear the disk spinup.....then it boots 11.2 from the harddisk. how to troubleshoot this...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded Machine Boots Slower Than New Install?

Mar 19, 2010

recently I have installed a brand new machine with 11.2. Machine boots so incredibly fast so I decided to upgraded another older machine from 11.1 to 11.2. Upgrade went fine but old machine boots significantly slower. On new I see message "doing fastboot" and few seconds later KDE starts loading. Amazing. On old I just experience regular boot, speed is comparable to old 11.1.What am I missing after upgrade? Same kernel, almost same set of services. Both machines are pretty regular PCs/x86_64, however old one have faster/better hardware (more cores, more GHz, more RAM, 2 disks in software raid-0).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boots With No Desktop?

Mar 26, 2010

sometimes it starts but after login (auto login) my wallpaper appears but there in no desktop (taskbar, icons, menu!) and i can't do anything!sometimes if i reboot it goes well sometime not!first time i install openSUSE, i tried to install my VGA driver (Nvidia 9400) but it fails and then i can't boot anymore so i removed and installed openSUSE again!i thinks there is something about graphic and specially Desktop Effects! i don't want to turn it off because it's very nice

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install From Live Usb / Boots But Then Goes Black

Dec 14, 2009

I downloaded the live cd iso and installed it on usb using this command (while it was unmounted):ddif=open SUSE-11.2-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M...I then restarted and it loads into a main openSUSE screen, I choose the "OpenSUSE 11.2" and it starts loading. Then it shows the progress abr under the gecko guy and it starts to load, that moves to a few diff. places on the screen and then it goes black. Any ideas?

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OpenSUSE Install :: VERY Slow Boots And Shutdowns?

Apr 19, 2010

Using 11.2 on self-built pc with AMD 9950 on Asus M3n78 Pro mobo. Boot drive is sata, with an external ntfs 1.5 tb USB/firewire/externalSATA connection (using USB at the moment.) nVidia 9800 GT video card (8300 gt on mobo.)It takes literally hours to boot up and more hours to shutdown this system.e point I am ready to hit hardware reset to continue. This is the 5th cycle with the same problem recurring each time, except sometimes boot occurs in a normal amount of time, but shutdown/reboot always takes hours.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Boots To Command Prompt Not KDE

Aug 16, 2010

Computer: Toshiba Satellite A505D laptop
OS: Suse 11.2, installed from Linux Pro Magazine disc -- was running fine after formatted install (dumped Vista), been running it for a month.

Situation: Saturday, I went to an installfest for help getting my Pantech UM-175 USB aircard to work with my new laptop. One of the guys there got it running, and then we downloaded all of the updates. Following download, I shut down the laptop and hit the road. I got home last night, booted the computer a little while ago, and it came up to a command prompt rather than KDE. I was able to log in on the command prompt.

Cold and warm reboots gave the same results, as did Failsafe boot. I am assuming that something in the updates cut off KDE from starting. We did several cold boots at the installfest and it was working fine after the modem install, but BEFORE downloading the updates.
1) How do I manually launch KDE?
2) How do I get KDE to autoload again?
3) Is there anyone in the Reno, Nevada area who is a Suse guru, or are there install fests near Reno?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Only Boots Into FailSafe Mode?

Mar 22, 2011

So after research decided to go with OpenSuse 11.4 distro.

Installation had no problems but when I try to boot into the normal mode it just gets stuck on the screen that has a loading bar. The loading bar never makes any progress. After having waited for 15min I shut down and booted from failsafe mode. That worked fine twice only and then it prompts me in the command screen for login and password. After I input both it tells me to enjoy but Im still stuck at prompt screen, never loads GUI.

Im now booting windows on my acer Aspire 5633wlmi. It has a Intel Core 2 duo t5500 processor which I understand is 64 bit. So the version of Linux I downloaded was the 64 bit one.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Boots To Grub Instead Of Kernel?

Apr 14, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 on a separate partition and it deleted all of my openSUSE entries in grub. Or the boot menu, whichever is correct. From another thread, I found these commands and tried it:


root (hd0,3)
setup (hd0)

hd0,3 contained one of my openSUSE installs. Everything went well and grub accepted all of these commands except quit. So I used esc and rebooted. The reboot brought up the grub shell again. I could find no way to boot anything. Then I used the 'repair installation' option from the 11.2 dvd and installed a new boot loader for /dev/sda2 which contains 11.2.

This was successful, so I went to the YaST bootloader tool and added /dev/sda3 (Milestone 5) and /dev/sda4 (Fedora) and rebooted. But these two partitions still boot into grub instead of loading the correct kernel.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Boots But Hangs At Desktop

Jul 18, 2010

I upgraded OpenSUSE 11.2 to 11.3 today using Zyyper on my laptop. Everything went fine with no errors whatsoever. At the end, a message was displayed at the terminal asking me if I want to see the notifications. I pressed "Y" and the system hanged there and then. I had to do a hard reboot. After reboot the system booted fine but hanged at the desktop with no response from the keyboard, mouse, touchpad, etc. The situation's same after many reboots. System boots fine but hangs at the desktop. Screen resolution changed to 800x600.Only power button works! I use it to log off and then do a reboot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Failsafe Mode Boots After Upgrade From 11.2 To 11.3

Aug 26, 2010

I have just upgraded from 11.2 to 11.3 using zypper dup (with all the necessary pre steps). After upgrading X does not start with normal boot, only starts with failsafe mode selected. Otherwise the system boots and works in normal mode, only X doesn't start. I have tried to remove and reinstall the radeon driver, but no success. Tried Xorg -configure, with no success.I post my former (11.2) and actual xorg.conf files. Could you help in getting things work normally. If only possible I would like to avoid making a clean install.

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OpenSUSE Install :: VM Based On 11.3 That Boots Into A Console In Run Level 3

Jun 27, 2011

I have a VM based on SUSE 11.3 that boots into a console in run level 3. I am used GNOME so I am trying to get it installed but not having any success. I don't know a lot about the VM as I got it 2nd hand.

So far I have gone into YAST and installed gdm and all the dependencies. I have changed from Run level 3 to 5.

When I run startx I get

xauth: creating new authority file /root/ /serverauth.15072
/etc/x11/xinit/xserverrc: line 56: exec: X: not found
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory (error2): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (error3): Server error.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Boots To Windows 7 Only Unless Installation DVD Is Inserted?

Aug 9, 2011

I have Windows 7 installed, I then installed opensuse 11.4. Everything went fine with the installation, no issues. After I removed the DVD and reboot, it does not load GRUB at all and just loads into Windows 7. However if I put in the installation DVD then select to boot from local disk it loads GRUB. So now I have to load the DVD if I want to get into suse.

Not sure how to fix this. I see some of you request for such information so here it is:
# fdisk -l


Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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OpenSUSE Install :: System Resets And Just Boots Back To The EFI Shell Again

Oct 13, 2010

I am trying to install OpenSuse 11.3 x64 via EFI. I successfully performed a Windows 7 install and I'm trying to do the same thing with OpenSuse now. My system boots into the EFI shell. I can cd into the /efi/boot/ folder and run bootx64.efi. Immediately after I press enter I am presented with an ELILO boot: prompt which either eventually times out and continues or I can press enter and have it continue. Either way my system resets and just boots back to the EFI shell again.

Running bootx64.efi worked for starting the Windows 7 setup but it doesn't appear to be working with OpenSuse. Is this a broken feature or am I doing something wrong?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Boots To Black Screen On Widescreen Monitor

Jun 18, 2011

I am booting XP and Opensuse 11.4 all was ok until I changed my old monitor for a widescreen monitor, Xp works ok but when I select Opensuse from the menu it just boots to a black screen.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Boots Into Terminal?

May 2, 2011

I recently upgraded to 11.04, and after messing around with Unity for awhile decided I'd try out Gnome 3.After rebooting to finish the installation, I noticed that the interface had reverted to what my desktop looked like in 10.10, except the color scheme was different. I also got an error message saying my computer's graphics couldn't handle Gnome 3 (I'm on a netbook). Then I went online to look up instructions on how to switch back to Unity (since the option wasn't available on the login screen). After following the first step, which involved entering a command into the terminal, I left the house for awhile.

When I got back, the screen was black with white text (terminal-esque) asking for my username. After typing it in and pressing enter, it asked for my password, and after entering that it became a "terminal". This screen comes up every time I start my computer now, and I have no idea what to do. I could reinstall Ubuntu from a flash drive, but I want to be able to access my files. Is there any way to get around this, or recover my files without taking out the hard drive? As you can probably tell from my post, I'm very new to Ubuntu and Linux, and the mess I'm now in is the result of acting on uneducated impulse.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Find Out Which Bugs/errors Are Detected By The System When It Boots?

Sep 15, 2010

How do I find out which bugs/errors are detected by the system when it is loaded/booted.have seen the emergence of failed in red text briefly but did not have time to read what it says.Would prefer to send a log(file containing error log) so experienced users can see if I done something wrong or if it appears to be ok. but how do I do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boots Ok In FailSafe Not In Normal ... Get The Hanging Wallpaper On The Screen

Apr 20, 2011

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.4 on a completely blank machine, empty disks, etc. using a Network Install. The install appeared to run OK, but when it rebooted to do the configuration, it hung. I tried a manual reboot a couple of times, then booted in FailSafe mode - came up OK and ran through the auto-config. Now, it still boots up ok in FailSafe, but in normal mode I get the wallpaper on the screen, but it hangs there.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boots To Blank Screen - Byobu Launch Missing

Jun 15, 2011

I've just done a clean install of 11.4 from a Net install CD. I left it unattended while it installed, and came back to find a blank screen with just an xterm. I've rebooted it, and tried both the normal and the failsafe modes, but I just get the same result. The terminal contains the following:


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Fedora Hardware :: Computer Boots And Dies

Mar 30, 2010

My computer starts up and, usually, gets to a desktop (I can login). If I click on a folder to open it, the computer just dies. No power at all. Sometimes it doesnt even make it through the boot up stage, just stopping before getting to grub. This happens in F10 and F13, whether the grub is on the harddrive or a USB key. I'm thinking that I might need a new power supply, but I'm also wondering if I might have fried the CPU, which ran for several days at 50 or so degrees, (for sensor one on the little gnome panel applet). But it did go over 60 a couple of times and die from overheating. These higher temperatures were achieved by running CPU intense software, with the cores in use running at 100% each. The higher temperatures were from running it with all four cores.

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General :: Measure How Fast Computer Boots Up

Jan 5, 2010

I just wanted to glean some sort of a general average and compare my system with everyones. post your computers:boot time of course hardware specifications (processor, HDD, RAM, etc.) distribution if it's a laptop or desktop (or a netbook ) Mine is 43 seconds, running Ubuntu 9.10 on a netbook. My hardware specs: Intel Atom 1.6 GHz 320 GB 7200 rpm HDD 2 GB RAM

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Ubuntu :: Computer No Longer Boots Constant Error

Dec 14, 2010

I have tried to keep away from posting this seeing how many have had the same problem but this is getting to the point of me just selling my computer out of shear frustration. Ive got Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04lts. For a while they all ran fine together till my Windows drive gave out and ever since I tried to remove the drive GRUB recovery has been popping up. I even tried to put the drive back in and the computer still wont boot anything. Ive got 4 different live boots and neither one works, Ive tried to boot with my internal dvd drive and a usb one, there is always a Grub error. When I put in the ls command and find my only non"unknown filesystem" it still says "bad filename". I guess where im getting at is grub wont even let me reformat my computer or boot from anything without saying "no such device: 32d98-e0b3-451b-809b-ae6562ccb701"

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Ubuntu Installation :: No More Grub Menu When Computer Boots

May 5, 2011

i installed ubuntu 10.10 to my external HDD and it works. Recently, i reinstalled windows therefore, there is no more grub menu when my computer boots. I tried to reinstall grub to my external HDD but it doesn't work.

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Hardware :: Computer Turns Off By Itself And Boots To Blank Screen

Jul 23, 2010

My laptop will be fine, then it turns off then immediately boots itself to a blank screen and no hard drive activity. This has happened 3 times today and never before. what ive done so far The first time this happened i tried turning it off and back on, still no screen and no hard drive activity so i took one of the RAM sticks out. Booted fine... To confirm that the RAM was bad i put it back and tried booting again, unfortunately it booted fine... i thought it was a fluke.

Until his happened a second time and instead of taking the RAM out, i waited a half hour and rebooted and it started booting fine, i turned my back for a sec and it was dead again. I have taken that RAM module out and am hoping it will not happen again, but it could well be the other RAM module since i really don't know or even if it is RAM at all.

Question is. Is this a RAM issue or something else? Where can i find a log to see what happened immediately prior to it offing itself? What's the chances it's the heatsync? (the laptop doesn't feel as hot as it sometimes does)

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Server :: Auto Login As Root As Soon When Computer Boots Up

Jan 25, 2010

I would like to be able to auto login to my centOS 5.4 linux machine when it boots up. Is there a intuitive way to do this? I'm running the motif window manager. The problem is that my computer boots up into motif but it asks me to login as root. I would like to eliminate this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Boots Into Grub Command Line

May 16, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 and it erased my Grub bootloader. I followed this tutorial: URL...And now when my computer starts up it goes to the Grub prompt: Code: grub>I guess I did not do the right partition but I'm having a lot of trouble getting it back to how it was where my computer at least loaded the Windows 7 loader.

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Ubuntu :: When Computer Boots Half Of Panel Icon Goes Missing?

Oct 1, 2010

Sometimes when I boot my computer the icons on the panel (pieces of them) are missing. Like half of my wireless just the mail icon from the indicator applet half the trash can or show desktop or just the power button from the indicator applet session. After I log out and log back in either once or twice that usually fixes it. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with gnome 2.30.2.

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