OpenSUSE Install :: Changing The Boot To LVM?

Mar 30, 2010

I have following problem. I have HDD with SUSE with boot partition. I want to add another HDD with LVM move system there switch boot and format the first disk and add it to LVM. I tried to figure out how to configure GRUB (with yast2 bootloader) to boot from MBR and read kernel from LVM, but without any luck. It still boots from firts disk's boot partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: VGA Mode Is Changing During Boot?

Dec 14, 2010

my linux pc is connected to a lcd monitor with native resolution 1280x1024.The font at the textconsoles is too small for me.

I changed the entry "vga=..."in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst to "vga=0x0314".During the first few seconds the screen-resolution matches the setting of the vga-mode, but after then the vga-mode automatically switches to 1280x1024 (only at the textconsoles).The x-server is configured to 800x600 which is the resolution I want.I also tried vga=normal and vga=788. In older suse-version 10 and lower never had this problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Default Boot Option?

Jan 4, 2010

I have openSuse 11.2 along with Windows, I get an option on boot to choose between the two OS, but the default is suse. How can I change the default load to Windows

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Boot Resolution On A PPC Apple G3 System?

May 19, 2010

I have 11.1 installed on an old G3 system. The PowerPC config has worked well, but after an update I get a black screen at GDM. I think all is well, but the resolution/refresh rate is set too high.How can I get in to change to runlevel, access SAX2 or change the GDM/Gnome resolution settings?I think I've been able to blindly login

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Font Color During Boot Screen - Not GRUB - Not KDM

Jan 24, 2010

I am testing some boot splash screens but the ones I like most are darker and therefore the black font color during boot, well, shows on dark grey or black background, so I can't see.

I would like to change the font color of the messages, but not the results (green=DONE, red=FAILED, etc., I don't want to change that, only the messages like "doing fast boot", "Loading CPUfreq", and all the ones loading stuff, mounting, etc.).

Apparently I need to edit /lib/lsb/init-functions?

I found a few examples on google, mostly for debian based and the ones I have seen are far more complex than the very simple one opensuse uses. So I am stuck here. 11.2 version.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Splash Screen Does Not Show Up Anymore After Changing The Boot Up Resolution

Mar 25, 2011

i changed the boot up resolution in the boot up loader to 1366*768 (native res of my monitor) the boot option is still set to quiet splash however, instead of showing the progress bar, it would now always display the complete boot up log ( the list of starting services and such) i then manually changed the boot option from to 1024*768 at boot loader screen, and teh splash would show up, but then on next boot up if i stick with 1366*768, it doesnt work again

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Hardware :: Can't Install After Changing Boot Order

Jul 2, 2010

I may be in the wrong section here (hardware) but I do believe this is a hardware issue. If indeed it is not, I welcome any admins to move this post to the correct section. That said, here's the issue:After years of frustration and problems with Windows XP, my parents finally asked me to install a Linux distro onto their machine. Taking their needs and lack of experience outside Windows in mind, I suggested Ubuntu and Linux Mint to them (as I do to pretty much anyone who wants an easy and beginner-friendly distro). Running first Mint's live session and then Ubuntu's on my own machine to give them an idea of how their new desktop would look, they picked Ubuntu and I grabbed the disk, my external hard drive, and proceeded to back up all their pics, music, docs, etc onto the external.

Once finished, I popped Ubuntu (10.04 LTS) into their machine for a reboot. Realizing when the Windows XP logo came up that the boot order is set to boot from the hard drive first, I went into BIOS and changed the boot order to check the appropriate DVD drive first (they have two DVD drives, both can and have burned onto DVDs without issue), and then the hard drive. Saving my changes and exiting, I did another reboot.I got as far as the splash screen where the dots under the Ubuntu logo lit up as normal, and then after a bit of a wait on my part, suddenly exits to a screen with a prompt telling me a boot device could not be found. Trying again with Linux Mint proved similar.Next I tried simply letting it boot into Windows as normal where I could then use Wubi to install Ubuntu beside Windows but again, the screen got as far as the Windows logo with the blue "loading bar" underneath and then would simply reboot. Having to focus my attention elsewhere for a couple minutes I found out upon return that the system was stuck in an endless loop of rebooting, asking to select between a safe mode, normal boot and last known configuration for Windows, then to the logo and starting over again.I went back into the BIOS and returned the settings to booting from the hard drive first as before (nothing else had been changed), and attempted another reboot. Same loop.I had made a boot "stick" for Ubuntu some time ago, and I've used it once when installing Ubuntu on a friend's laptop which had a broken CD drive. After it wouldn't boot from the USB device I looked in BIOS and selected "look for other devices to boot from" as there was not option to boot from USB in the standard option list (just hard drive, DC/DVD, and disabled). Still no luck.

Calling up my self-proclaimed computer expert uncle, he assured me that returning the BIOS to its default settings would allow it to boot normally back into Windows, probably after performing a disk check.Taking his advice I returned the BIOS to its default settings and reboot. No change, same loop! Frustrated I called him up again, and he said he'd have a look at it when he next gets a chance. heh. That may not be for a while as he is known for taking on projects he can't (or won't) finish.Anyway, tired and now uncertain, I thought perhaps it's something to do with a live disk. I tried an openSUSE installation disk and ended up with "please insert disk 1 into drive" prompt after selecting "install" from the first menu on the disk.

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OpenSUSE :: Changing GRUB Boot Splash And Installing Screensaver ?

Aug 16, 2010

Today I found out how to change theme in OpenSuse 11.3 64 bit. I'm running KDE 4.4. Naturally I went to and trawled it through for eye-candy. I got this HAL-9000 boot splash: HAL-9000

Its a .gz file and uncompressed its called .xpm, I think its just an image, that I should put somewhere, but I don't know where. I tried the bootloader settings through yast, though it didn't tell me anything.

Secondly I got a screensaver, which I'm supposed to compile and install: KCometen4

I tried following these instructions, as best as I could:


KCometen4 also comes with a simple configure script that should work for a generic local install. If it doesn't suit your needs, you will need to edit the cmake settings by hand.

Quick installation steps:

Cmake's equivalent to 'make distclean' is 'rm -rf build'.

If you do a local installation, you might not see KCometen4 in the Screen Saver Settings module. In that case, you will need to do one of two things.

First, you can set the $KDEDIRS environment variable in your X session startup script so it includes your local installation prefix:

Or second, you can set this for all users by adding your local installation prefix to /etc/kde4rc:

After that, you may need to manually refresh the system configuration cache by running 'kbuildsycoca4'. KCometen4 should now appear in Screen Saver Settings.

So I installed kdebase-workspace-devel but I couldn't find libqt-opengl-dev, but it didn't seem to be a problem, according to the console output:


It mentions some Q_WS_WIN, Q_WS_QWS and Q_WS_MAC, that it doesn't find. Could that be the problem.

I tried to see if the new screensaver got into the screensaver menu, it didn't.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing From 11.3 32 Bit To 11.4 64 Bit?

Feb 27, 2011

I have 11.3 32 bit running on a machine capable of 64 bit function.With 11.4 coming up, I would like to install the 64 bit version but keep my settings, documents, installed programmes etc.

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OpenSUSE Install :: /dev/null Changing Permissions At 2:20 AM

Jan 19, 2011

At 2:20AM /dev/null's permissions are changing to a restrictive setting that allows root access but not normal user access.

I am not seeing anything obvious in cron or /etc/permissions* or /etc/udev. And

# udevadm info --path=/dev/null
device path not found

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing The Login Theme?

Mar 20, 2011

to change the login theme. I go to 'Configure Desktop' then 'Login Screen' and change it but when i log out it is still the default screen. Even if i reset the computer it is still the Default... is there something else i need todo? I am using opensuse 11.4 with KDE as default but i have Gnome installed too.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing The Framebuffer/CLI Ressolution?

Apr 14, 2011

I use the CLI a lot (the C+S+F1-F6 terminals), but i have a really tiny resolution on the framebuffer. How do i increase the framebuffer/CLI resolution in suse (that is opensuse 11.4)??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Not Changing?

May 2, 2011

I am running opensuse 11.4 on my Lenovo G450. The probem is that the login theme is not changing. Its the same default one. I am sure that I am following the way it should be to assign the new theme but no result. What could it be?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing From GNOME To LXDE.?

May 26, 2011

Just out of curiosity, what are the dangers(if any) or complications of changing from GNOME to LXDE desktop environment? And what would be the pro's and con's to such a change?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing KDM4 Theme ?

Jun 6, 2011

In OpenSUSE 11.4, I changed my KDM4 theme to KStarboard. All works well except the fact that the background on the login screen is broken into vertical lines just like the original OpenSUSE KDM theme. Is this hardcoded somehow or just a consequence of problems with resolution? My resolution is 1366x768.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Bootloader Location ?

Aug 6, 2011

Because I had Windows installed first, the bootloader was located in that drives master boot record and the openSUSE drive was slaved to it. Now that Windows is gone and the Linux drive is bigger and faster (although the same Ide (pata) ata rating. There are no sata devices in my system.) I want to reverse the master slave relationship between those two drives and put the bootloader on the openSUSE drive.

At the moment a single instance of openSUSE 11.4 is the only operating system installed on the computer I'm talking about.

What procedure should follow to accomplish that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Password User That Is Not Logged In?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm looking for a user-friendly way to change the password of a user that is *not* currently logged into the machine. We have a machine that is used by a number of users with a low level of tech savvy. The machine gets logged in as a generic user which works for most purposes, but due to a management requirement, we need Firefox to be run under an account set up for the individual user. I've gotten that bit to work fine, but what I can't figure out is a friendly (GUI) way to allow users to change their own password while the machine is logged in as the generic user. I would like to use gnome-passwd, but I've been unable to figure out how to get it to run for a user other than the logged-in generic user.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Directory Cd - Cant Get To The Download Folder

Apr 17, 2010

I cant get to the download folder:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub - Not Changing Anything From Default - Error 22

Feb 11, 2011

I'm dual-booting Windows 7 and Suse 11.3, installing suse second on a seperate 80GB drive. After a ridiculous amount of faffing around due to my dvd writer essentially not working, finally get suse installed, messing with GRUB settings in an attempt to preserve Windows' boot manager, restart; GRUB error 22.

Go through the whole process again, this time accepting the use of grub and not changing anything from default - exactly the same response. None of the tens of boot disks/utilities I've tried will allow me into suse to have a look at the grub config. There are no applications for windows that will allow me to write to ext3.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Admin Password After Upgrade?

Mar 21, 2011

I did an upgrade install. So, I didn't get the prompt to make one. How to change the admin password? I think I know how I can change my username and password.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Scaling Screen Not Changing Resolution?

Mar 23, 2011

Is it possible to scale my screen to a bigger size? I have a huge TV as a monitor and at 1920x1080 on linux it is a bit of a strain for my eyes. on windows they have a feature to do this. You can make the text and other items, such as icons, on your screen easier to see by making them larger. You can do this without changing the screen resolution of your monitor or laptop screen. This allows you to increase or decrease the size of text and other items on your screen while keeping your monitor or laptop set to its optimal resolution

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Default Keyboard Mapping On Grub?

Nov 30, 2009

I have installed 11.2 with English as default language. During the installation, I tried to change the default keyboard mapping to Spanish, but right now, when the system boots it uses an English mapping. I've seen there is an option to change that on the grub menu and I would like it to default to Spanish. Is it possible? I haven't found much info on the web, but my guess is that changing the DEFAULT_APPEND in /etc/sysconfig/bootloader with an unknown-keyboard-related option will solve it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Keyboard Settings From Qwerty To Azerty?

Apr 14, 2010

Finally installed my openSUSE system. How do I change the keyboard setting? Is it in the file xorg.conf? Where is it located?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Distro - Moving My Home Folder ?

Jun 29, 2010

From what I have understood, trying out different Linux distros is one of those things that a Linux user just needs to do now and again.

So what is the "best" way of keeping your home folder intact? Should I just copy the whole home folder to a separate storage space, install a new distro (I'm thinking going from Ubuntu to Suse) and then just past it in the newly installed distro? Or are there some other, more "refined" methods?

I thought one's home folder contains a lot of config and settings files, but they would surely just be applicable to the original distro!?

I know I can try out several distros via live CDs, which I have done, but when you've taken that next step and actually want to install another distro as your main Linux operating system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Lost GRUB Background Picture After Changing Menu.lst?

Jan 10, 2009

I added an entry to grub's menu.lst and reran grub (grub-install hd0) and now my background is gone and the entries just show up like on a normal console.

I searched the forums and I couldn't find anything. Does anybody know why this happened and how to fix it?

I have not changed anything in menu.lst except for adding the new OS.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Edit User - Changing Back To The Previous Username

May 25, 2010

I went to YaST>Security and Users>User and Group Management and changed my username. Now I can't do anything (open home directory, start application, login, etc). I tried changing back the username by going to YaST at init 3 and changing back to the previous username.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Partition Size / Redistributing The Space Between The Two Partitions?

Aug 14, 2010

My laptop has a 60GB hard drive, which my ex-husband set up with a 20GB partition for Windows XP and a 40GB partition with Suse 11, which suited me fine at the time. However, I'm now finding that I need to install a whole bunch of extra Windows programs relating to my work, and the 20GB partition is no longer sufficient, while I'm hardly using any space at all under Linux.

how I might go about redistributing the space between the two partitions (any other solutions to my lack of space problem also welcome)? Please bear in mind that I'm pretty clueless when it comes to this kind of thing!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting SUSE After Changing Disk Order In BIOS

Feb 24, 2011

I had to change disk order in bios and now I am unable to boot SUSE. My sda is now sdc(disk ID is still the same in fstab). Should I reinstall GRUB to MBR of hd0 or I will need to do something more.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Mount Root Filesystem After Changing Graphics Card

Jun 12, 2011

I have opensuse 11.3 installed, and my motherboard has the intel i845 chipset,
one day windows had enough of the intel graphics chip and would not let me have anything but 640x480 pixels, well you cant do much with that so I put an ati card in and disabled the intenal graphics. windows was happy enough but suse could not boot - more specifically could not mount the root filesystem, saying it had errors (did a very quick fsck), could not find the journal, and I had a bad superblock. the "failsafe kernel" was no better. If I take the ati card out suse boots fine. however I do swap frequently between windows and linux and changing graphics cards between boots is somewhat irritating.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing The Font Characteristics (size, Colour) On Initial Login Screen (list Of Users)?

Nov 30, 2010

I'd like to change the font characteristics (size, colour) on initial login screen (list of users) however I cannot find the configuration options.

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