OpenSUSE Install :: Splash Screen Does Not Show Up Anymore After Changing The Boot Up Resolution
Mar 25, 2011
i changed the boot up resolution in the boot up loader to 1366*768 (native res of my monitor) the boot option is still set to quiet splash however, instead of showing the progress bar, it would now always display the complete boot up log ( the list of starting services and such) i then manually changed the boot option from to 1024*768 at boot loader screen, and teh splash would show up, but then on next boot up if i stick with 1366*768, it doesnt work again
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Mar 23, 2011
Is it possible to scale my screen to a bigger size? I have a huge TV as a monitor and at 1920x1080 on linux it is a bit of a strain for my eyes. on windows they have a feature to do this. You can make the text and other items, such as icons, on your screen easier to see by making them larger. You can do this without changing the screen resolution of your monitor or laptop screen. This allows you to increase or decrease the size of text and other items on your screen while keeping your monitor or laptop set to its optimal resolution
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Feb 22, 2010
My friend was showing me how to change the splash screen and used a app called start up manager (SUM).He changed the resolutions for GRUB and something else. The GRUB screen resolutions has changed fine but after that I get a line of text which I cant read as its too quick.
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Jan 18, 2011
I would like to know how to change the boot/startup splash screen in Lubuntu.
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May 19, 2010
I have 11.1 installed on an old G3 system. The PowerPC config has worked well, but after an update I get a black screen at GDM. I think all is well, but the resolution/refresh rate is set too high.How can I get in to change to runlevel, access SAX2 or change the GDM/Gnome resolution settings?I think I've been able to blindly login
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May 7, 2011
I'm fairly new to Ubuntu and I like it a lot. However, there's a graphical error which started to happen after the very first bootup. The startup screen (the purple one with the 5 dots that appear) isn't showing anymore. It is replaced by some console technical guff scrolling down my screen (which isn't a problem, because Ubuntu itself works fine, but it just looks a bit rough). Again, on shutdown, it displays some amalgamated mix of more technical jargon, and a terribly lo-res version of the shutdown screen.
Is there any way I can fix this?
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Sep 2, 2010
I tried to fix splash screen resolution on boot up in 10.04 from instructions I found on the net. I updated lines in grub. Now when I boot I see the dual boot menu but hit linux i just get a black screen. I can't get into my system from there.
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Jan 31, 2010
how to change the boot splash screen in Ubuntu (it's using xsplash) but since openSUSE is most likely a bit different, i would like to find out how i can change it here, on openSUSE 11.2
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Mar 15, 2010
I have never been able to see the splash screen, something that I'd like. I have checked the options on the bootloader and it says "splash=silent" (that's disabled?). I found it confusing, because the ubuntu kernel boots with "splash" but when I try that option on OpenSuSE 11.2 it doesn't.Also when I shut down the laptop the screen goes crazy, only the two top cms shows "something" which are blinking and crazy green and white console words moving from one place to another so fast I can't even been able to read what it actually says.Either way, the laptop shuts down without any problem (?). I think is the normal shutdown process (without splash) but it's a bit perturbing. I've had had a couple of kind of "aesthetics" issues, but far from critical. My overall experience with OpenSuSE after 4 or 5 years being "debianized" have been very nice .
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Jul 14, 2010
I am at a loss trying to figure out the options to not show the scrolling boot messages during the boot-up of Clonezilla. Is there a way to have a loading splash screen or even have a static logo that is displayed during the boot process? I have my automated recovery method all ready to go short this one last feature. I have searched all over and am coming up empty on this one.
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Apr 17, 2011
I noticed that after making my build in suse studio my system freezes immediately after GRUB ( Normal or Failsafe) boot splash screen. I also noticed that this happens only with the specified kernel below. I'm not sure when using Kernel 2.6.37, one had the same problem. I never used it. The original kernel 2.6.34 had no problems such as the one I have described. My systems has no further problems only that it takes several restarts to go past the "Freeze". Below is a list of my system specs:
openSUSE 11.3
Kernel-pae from Kernel Stable.
GRUB 0.97-174.1 from openSUSE 11.4
Upstart 0.6.5-33.1
xorg-x11-server 7.6_1.9.3-142.1 from X11:xorg 11.3 repo.
The GRUB from openSUSE 11.4 has been very stable and non-problematic. I will be buying an Intel core i5-2500K in a few months that's why I need the latest kernel and XOrg-X11-server. What could be causing the freezing?
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Aug 16, 2010
Today I found out how to change theme in OpenSuse 11.3 64 bit. I'm running KDE 4.4. Naturally I went to and trawled it through for eye-candy. I got this HAL-9000 boot splash: HAL-9000
Its a .gz file and uncompressed its called .xpm, I think its just an image, that I should put somewhere, but I don't know where. I tried the bootloader settings through yast, though it didn't tell me anything.
Secondly I got a screensaver, which I'm supposed to compile and install: KCometen4
I tried following these instructions, as best as I could:
KCometen4 also comes with a simple configure script that should work for a generic local install. If it doesn't suit your needs, you will need to edit the cmake settings by hand.
Quick installation steps:
Cmake's equivalent to 'make distclean' is 'rm -rf build'.
If you do a local installation, you might not see KCometen4 in the Screen Saver Settings module. In that case, you will need to do one of two things.
First, you can set the $KDEDIRS environment variable in your X session startup script so it includes your local installation prefix:
Or second, you can set this for all users by adding your local installation prefix to /etc/kde4rc:
After that, you may need to manually refresh the system configuration cache by running 'kbuildsycoca4'. KCometen4 should now appear in Screen Saver Settings.
So I installed kdebase-workspace-devel but I couldn't find libqt-opengl-dev, but it didn't seem to be a problem, according to the console output:
It mentions some Q_WS_WIN, Q_WS_QWS and Q_WS_MAC, that it doesn't find. Could that be the problem.
I tried to see if the new screensaver got into the screensaver menu, it didn't.
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Dec 14, 2009
I am using FC10. how do I change the resolution of the "Boot Up" screen? My monitor is 1024x768 capable but my boot screen is 1280x1024. I don't get anything until it finally loads X Windows. When my machine is booting up I cannot see the screen because my monitor can't handle it. When I hook it up to my other monitor (1280x1024 capable) I can see the boot up screen. I'd like to be able to see the boot screen in case there are any errors I need to se. How do I change it?
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Aug 11, 2011
I have a question regarding to the Graphical Splash Screen. Is their a way to show the text based startup on booting your OS? So. I don't the OpenSuse Background with the loading line. But i want the half transparent black background if possible or just the black background with all the loading texts. The black and white screen.
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Jan 24, 2010
I am testing some boot splash screens but the ones I like most are darker and therefore the black font color during boot, well, shows on dark grey or black background, so I can't see.
I would like to change the font color of the messages, but not the results (green=DONE, red=FAILED, etc., I don't want to change that, only the messages like "doing fast boot", "Loading CPUfreq", and all the ones loading stuff, mounting, etc.).
Apparently I need to edit /lib/lsb/init-functions?
I found a few examples on google, mostly for debian based and the ones I have seen are far more complex than the very simple one opensuse uses. So I am stuck here. 11.2 version.
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Jun 7, 2010
I've got a dual-booting system with Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.2. I had a few other random kernels so I edited /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove them. This was fine after a reboot, then I went to YaST and changed the default boot partition to Windows, because I had edited the MBR and put Windows above the other boot partitions, YaST changed "default" to 0.
Now after a restart the Boot Loader doesn't appear, I just have a flashing cursor. When I try to boot from an OpenSuse installation disc and try repair the Repair Kernel loads but freezes on the OpenSuse splash screen. I've heard this is due to the fact I have an ATI Radeon card, if I hold shift during the CD load to prevent the graphical interface of the CD loading. I can type to boot "rescue" but it freezes on "starting udev...". Essentially I just need to be able to edit menu.lst back to the backup I made or change the "default" value back to 1.
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Aug 4, 2010
Unfortunately my experience in the Unix* based world up to this point has only been using web servers and administrating them, no GUI experience of any kind so I am completely unfamiliar with the setup and entire usage of Xorg or any other Window manager at this point. The issue I am having is with the screen resolutions I am being allowed to chose for my Dell Studio 1535 running Fedora Core 13 and the KDE 4 desktop GUI, thus my issue since I am not really familiar with how to run a Unix* based GUI in the first place.
The basic information, if there is more needed just advise what and what command gathers that info (or what conf/log I should look into in order to find it). Laptop is a Dell Studio 1535 Video is the Mobile Intel GMA X3100 ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics. LCD interface is the LVDS.
So far it seems to give me modes for 1024x768 and on down, nothing above this. I believe I am supposed to use the radeon driver being that is the type of card it is but every time I change the xorg.conf file to use this instead of vesa the system wont get past the loading screen anymore upon reboot and nor can I seem to find a way to bring up a command line so I can hit up the Xorg.0.log to see what is wrong or change the xorg.conf file back to the original driver it had listed.
I am going to assume this is a missing driver or something else it hangs on but without being able to get access back to the system and having to rebuild it again (re-install via live CD) I am basically out of luck at this time. Sorry for the rather poor post but I do hope to receive some basic directions on where to go from here with this issue
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Feb 11, 2010
I just installed kubuntu desktop on my system, now when I boot my system, the kubuntu loading screen comes up (after the grub loading and before the login page). I've tried to change the screen by editing the grub menu list as told in some forum topics but it makes no change. How do I change my splash screen back to that of ubuntu or ant other image.
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Nov 5, 2010
I would like to modify the splash screen that you see when booting up Xubuntu 10.10. I want something light. What dimesions should I have it at like 800X600 1280X768 and etc. I will be using this on many different resolutions. Also where does the splash reside on this build?
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Jan 31, 2010
For anyone reading this I was wondering if there is a way for me to change the dell bios splash screen to another picture, like Tux the penguine or something like that.I've seen alot of people say not to do this due to the editing of the bios and the probability of crashing your system.I was wondering if there was a safe and easy process for doing this???
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May 2, 2010
I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. When I boot up I see this:
in a very low resolution
At the login screen and on the desktop my resolution is 1680 x 1080
Is there a way to make the splash screen that resolution as well?
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Aug 26, 2009
i have a splash screen i want to use while gnome is loading (well it is a pic rather than a splash) rather than black screen till gnome i use ubuntu 9.04 or macbuntu as i call it (is looks exactly like a mac) so can i use a image while gnome is loading ?
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Dec 12, 2010
After the latest kernel update (2.6.32-26), my computer will no longer start up with a screen resolution higher than 800x600. Before this update, my computer would sometimes startup with this problem, but this could usually be fixed with a restart (or two if necessary). At this resolution the panels and a lot of tool-bars will not display properly, so I am limited as to what I can do using the GUI.
my video card is an S3 unichrome (I think. It is built-in to the motherboard so I don't know for certain) my screen is an old ctr one I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on the 2.6.32-26 kernel
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Jul 8, 2010
I boot up after a fresh install and I don't get a boot splash screen. I really cant find a way to fix and some times it does not go to the login screen.
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Jul 26, 2010
So I know now that I reach the login screen, and I know to hit control, alt, f1. However, all attempts to reset the resolution have failed. Here's how it went down. I was working with nvidia driver. Already was frustrated I couldn't get a working wide screen setting for my toshiba hd tv/monitor but that's a seperate issue. I was trying to get the driver to recognize my separate monitor to an hd tv in the living room using the video out. works fine with windows. I got it to recognize, it made me save settings, and then restart. Note resolution settings are set to automatic right now. Then when I restart, I get to ubuntu splash screen, it plays the chime, and shows a blank black screen. Control alt f1 brings me the menu.
I have been told to type (this is just quick type, I used the proper commands in reality)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phighxserver - xorg
xrandr --output lvds --mode 1024x768
I found one article that gave a three step process.
sudo cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf / etc/x11/xorg.conf.custom
sudo sh -c 'md5sum ' etc'/x11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum'
sudo dpk-reconfigure xserver-xorg.
Nothing gave me any of the results I expected from command doesn't exist to completely irrelevant menus. Start me from the beginning to what I should do. Yes I logged in properly with my username and password to. Do the 'etc' in the command need to be filled with something else like a drive letter or something. I'm so lost, should I disconnect my tv? Also I tried running in safe mode and it said something about display not found.
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Jun 30, 2011
I ordered a SuSE 11.4 installation DVD from an online Linux Distro distributer that I've used before with no problems. I did this rather than burn my own DVD from the website. I thought that I might perform a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 on this Dell 1420 Laptop that is currently running Ubuntu 11.04.
Note, this is a completely fresh install, not a side-by-side installation with Ubuntu; I followed the installation sequence that completely repartitions the entire disk for SuSE, and accepted all of the suggested options regarding logon, etc.
Everything goes well ... sort of. The first install didn't reboot correctly, i.e., the set-up that is supposed to run after the initial install never happened and I had to manually power-down the machine and restart from the "safe mode." Needless to say, that didn't work as expected. So, I re-install, from scratch, trying different options: for instance, instead of LVM, I decide to have an un-encrypted partition scheme and accept the "obvious" options ... thinking that the LVM options interacted badly with the install. Eventually I get the installation to proceed correctly, or so it appears: it goes though the entire sequence, including the re-boot, building the default image, etc.
I test this image by removing the DVD, power-cycling the machine, and all looks good, so I begin the process of installing software updates, etc. Being paranoid, I re-boot the machine, and all restarts correctly, etc.
Now here's the annoying thing. The next day, I power the machine on, and it locks at the splash screen. By the way, these are the exact symptoms that I experienced with the bogus/incomplete installations. The boot sequence proceeds up to the splash screen and waits forever.
So, in sum: I spent inordinate amounts of time attempting to install this software, carefully following the instructions provided by the installer. In every instance, after leaving the machine off for a day or so and rebooting, I am met with a splash screen that sits forever. Needless to say, I am extremely reluctant to repeat another day of software installation to only have to re-start with no assurances of success. Either I go back to ugly Ubuntu (which has always worked out of the box, by the way), or I look at other options. I was hoping to use SuSE, but I really don't care which distro is on that machine as long as it works and it provides TeX, R, Emacs, Scheme, and a few other software packages that I'm sure are of no interest to your customer base.
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Nov 5, 2010
New install on Compaq Presario F700 (F756NR)The install went fine. I was able to get the Nvidia drivers working too. The problem I have is when the system boots. I get the OpenSuse splash screen, and the system just hangs.I found that if I press <Esc> and hit <Enter> a few times, the system will eventually boot. I also found if I wiggle the mouse during the splash screen, the progress bar will begin to move, and the system will boot.Seems to be something about detecting hardware during the boot phase, and it seems to be input related.
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Jan 3, 2011
I just installed SUSE 11.2 from a downloaded DVD The installation went correctly but now I boot up the computer and when the login screen appears there will be no box highlighting a user or even a blank box to input user. The restart, suspend and shutdown buttons are not operational. However, if I power down the computer manually and restart the login screen comes up normally.
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Oct 15, 2010
I downloaded some software yesterday from the ubuntu rep. This morning my screen has the bottom part of in black there are the KDE docky ,firefox ,terminal & rhythmbox icons ,so is the taskbar..but the wallpaper is cut up ,4cm off. I have noticed that the splash screens res has changed too. It's sharper (smaller). The browser as a consequence is also half lit & having noscript in the bottom without it being visible is a problem. Why has this happened & how can I fix it. The last working config, well that's somewhere else.
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Apr 21, 2011
The grub splash were you choose which os you want to load. Is there a way to change it and make it look like iuno.... lm5/6 or opensuse? Obviously I'd change the image. I just don't want to just change the image. How can I change it to boot windows by default instead?
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