OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Boot To Failsafe Mode In Suse 10.3

Oct 27, 2010

Running Suse 10.3, desktop box, Asus M2NPV-VM, Athlon 64 3800+, two HDD RAID 1 config. I was getting 'bad block' errors when logging into Root, ran a search for fsck to try and fix the problem. Found out not a good idea to run while the system is mounted, tried to boot from install DVD, could not boot to a command prompt, tried to open the Repair tool, got a 'repair failed' message. Rebooted again to the HDD, but now it hangs, tried to go to Failsafe mode, same thing.

Was able to boot to Recovery mode, but not sure where to go from here. I also noted when booting to the HDD in 'verbose' mode it was showing a lot of 'irrecoverable error's on the boot logs concerning the HDD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Try To Boot But The Screen Goes Off - Works With Failsafe Mode?

May 2, 2011

I've got this really huge problem, which I really want to solve, because otherwise I might even switch back to ubuntu. So here we go. Yesterday, I had a problem with mounting nfts hard drives and solved (you guys solved it actually) it by adding ntfs to the /etc/filesystems file. (I doubt, that it has anything to with that, but it might, so I will just tell you everything I did) I added an ATI driver repository as well, which is probably the key to this problem.(or at least something with drivers) --> not sure if I installed anything

So however, the problem is now, that the screen tells me, the signal would die just before the log in screen appears. ("No signal" --> screen goes to standby --> can't wake it up again--> no opensuse for me) I'm now running the system in some sort of safe mode and it works, but I think, that it is using my on board graphic card and not the actual "radeon hd 5600", which provides much better quality. just looked it up, yes it is using the crappy one (on board) So here's the question: First of all why does this error occur(worked fine before) and secondly how can I fix it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 2 Only Boots In Failsafe Mode Not In Normal Mode

Jan 2, 2010

I played with the graphics in kde4 and seem to have losy my installation. i have tried the rescue system option, recover system options and in desperation (i was just about to reinstall) tried booting in failsafe mode, and it worked!

where do i go to find out what the problem is regarding the normal boot mode? i think my pc is starting to resent the continual use of the reset button!

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Only Boots Into FailSafe Mode?

Mar 22, 2011

So after research decided to go with OpenSuse 11.4 distro.

Installation had no problems but when I try to boot into the normal mode it just gets stuck on the screen that has a loading bar. The loading bar never makes any progress. After having waited for 15min I shut down and booted from failsafe mode. That worked fine twice only and then it prompts me in the command screen for login and password. After I input both it tells me to enjoy but Im still stuck at prompt screen, never loads GUI.

Im now booting windows on my acer Aspire 5633wlmi. It has a Intel Core 2 duo t5500 processor which I understand is 64 bit. So the version of Linux I downloaded was the 64 bit one.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Failsafe Mode Boots After Upgrade From 11.2 To 11.3

Aug 26, 2010

I have just upgraded from 11.2 to 11.3 using zypper dup (with all the necessary pre steps). After upgrading X does not start with normal boot, only starts with failsafe mode selected. Otherwise the system boots and works in normal mode, only X doesn't start. I have tried to remove and reinstall the radeon driver, but no success. Tried Xorg -configure, with no success.I post my former (11.2) and actual xorg.conf files. Could you help in getting things work normally. If only possible I would like to avoid making a clean install.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Normal Boot Vs Failsafe

Aug 24, 2010

I've installed on my workstation the opensuse 11.2! After the reboot when I enter the username/password, nothing occurs... On the other hand, it's running well with the failsave, why??

title openSUSE 11.2 -
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-etc... root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-etc...
splash=silent quiet showopts vga=0x317
initrd /boot/initrd-

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can Only Boot Failsafe Gnome Mode 9.10?

Mar 9, 2010

last week I did an update and it may or may not be tied to the fact that now I can only login to Failsafe Gnome mode. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 - Karmic Koala. I've had Ubuntu for a year but I'm not that familiar with it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Normal Boot Works - Failsafe Doesn't

Jul 6, 2011

In summary, after updating from 11.2 through 11.3 to 11.4, normal boot works fine, failsafe mode hangs with two fatal errors - "Module atiixp not found" and "Module ide-pci-generic not found". i would like to fix this a) so I have a recovery position b) so I learn a little more. As 11.2 has gone out of support I decided to embark on the upgrades to 11.3 then 11.4 using the zypper method described on this site. I think failsafe boot worked ok with the original 11.2 install, but I never had to use it in anger, so I can't be 100% sure. I did not test failsafe in 11.3, just checked that the typical cd set of applications seemed ok before proceeding with the upgrade to 11.4.

I have an AMD processor, chip set and an ATI 3800 series graphics card, so I added the ATI repositories for 11.3 and 11.4 as i worked through the upgrades. At 11.4 there were some graphics glitches during normal and failsafe boot which were successfully fixed by adding "nomodeset" to both boot options. Normal boot works fine but failsafe boot hangs with the error messages above. Searching for failsafe boot errors is unhelpful since, in all cases I have checked, normal boot fails too. I did try removing "Xfailsafe" from the failsafe options which produced no change.

I am guessing that, in failsafe mode, the ATI drivers are not loaded into the kernel and the idea is to default to some safer drivers which, in my case, are not present for some reason. However, there seems to be little information on the origin or purposes of atiixp so I don't know how to go about fixing this. I have not really researched the generic pci driver issue, but I am guessing that this is a fall back when the expected atiixp is missing.

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Ubuntu :: Failsafe Graphics Option In Recovery Mode Boot Fine

Nov 24, 2010

This started a few days ago and I checked back through recently installed packages and nothing looks related. If I boot into ubuntu normally, plymouth looks a mess, but then things boot fine but while the mouse is showing and ubuntu goes about with connecting to networks and so on, but it doesn't register the and input from the mouse or keyboard. It will sleep if you press the power button, but its no more responsive after waking up.

If I boot into recovery mode, and use the failsafe graphics option then everything runs fine. Apart from 3D graphics being pretty slow, which I can kind of understand. I get the same behaviour on all of the last three kernels. I'm running the latest maverick on an HP 6715b. i386 version although the processor is 64 bit compatible. 2Gb RAM.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: No Wireless In Normal Mode But In Failsafe

Dec 30, 2009

I have a problem with my computer since it's behaving good in failsafe but is bad in normal mode for example I get no wireless in normal mode.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get Two Added Options In Boot Loader With Identical Names Like Failsafe And Normal?

Nov 1, 2010

I am new to Linux. When I installed some applications and something through package manager,Now I get two added options in boot loader with identical names like failsafe and normal. what is that?multiple kernel?

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Freezes After GRUB (Normal Or Failsafe) Boot Splash Screen

Apr 17, 2011

I noticed that after making my build in suse studio my system freezes immediately after GRUB ( Normal or Failsafe) boot splash screen. I also noticed that this happens only with the specified kernel below. I'm not sure when using Kernel 2.6.37, one had the same problem. I never used it. The original kernel 2.6.34 had no problems such as the one I have described. My systems has no further problems only that it takes several restarts to go past the "Freeze". Below is a list of my system specs:

openSUSE 11.3
Kernel-pae from Kernel Stable.
GRUB 0.97-174.1 from openSUSE 11.4
Upstart 0.6.5-33.1
xorg-x11-server 7.6_1.9.3-142.1 from X11:xorg 11.3 repo.

The GRUB from openSUSE 11.4 has been very stable and non-problematic. I will be buying an Intel core i5-2500K in a few months that's why I need the latest kernel and XOrg-X11-server. What could be causing the freezing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install, Unresponsive On Normal Boot, Ok In Failsafe?

Nov 26, 2010

Last week I successfully installed Ubuntu/Gnome onto a 3 year old Toshiba Vista laptop which worked mostly brilliantly. Today I am trying to install it onto a 4 year old Toshiba XP laptop, but am having problems.

Laptop specs: Intel 1.50GHz 488MB RAM 60GB HDD, partitioned by Ubuntu on install into 30GB/30GB, both partitions over 75% free space The laptop, though old, still functions in XP, and the main reason we're switching it to Linux is that it has issues managing wireless, plus it's fun to do so - learning experience and all. The other laptop has better specs - multiply everything by 2 but Windows was much less reliable as, after all, it is Vista, and switching to Linux there was a necessity.

The Ubuntu is 10.10 and it's the same live cd I used to install it onto the other laptop. It's installed alongside Windows XP and the install proceeded without issue. However when booting in normal mode it becomes unresponsive very quickly - sometimes as soon as the five pips on the loading screen become orange, the last time it lasted a whole 2 minutes before becoming unresponsive.

In failsafe graphics boot it runs without issue. The update manager tells me it's up to date, and I have installed Wine through SPM while typing this. It's behaving as I'd expect it to, with tiny lags on scrolling sometimes (perhaps related to being in failsafe graphics).

Is there some setting (graphics?) I should change to allow it to cope in normal mode? I'm aware 488MB RAM is slightly under the recommended amount, but it evidently can cope in failsafe so would appear to be enough to function?

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Ubuntu :: Is Possible Booting Directly Into Failsafe Mode

Nov 26, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a machine with a dodgey graphics card. This machine will break on normal graphics mode but run fine in failsafe graphics mode. I need this machine to be able to be controlled remotely and this is where the problem comes in.

If this machine is being controlled remotely, it may need to be rebooted remotely. Rebooting it into failsafe mode at the moment consists of two prompts: one to put it into failsafe, and the other to "keep it for one session". Does anyone know how to reconfigure Grub or whatever else so it will automatically go into Failsafe Graphics mode without any user interaction? (BTW, where it asked me to "keep for one session" or "reconfigure now", I clicked reconfigure and it didn't do anything. So I need to do it manually)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Into SuSE (Dual Boot With Win7)?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to dual-boot Windows 7 with openSuSE 11.4, i was told that i should install SuSE after windows 7 as it takes care of the boot-loader and automatically detects my windows installation and not vice-versa,
But that is not true in my case.

So i had 2 hard disks one had windows 7 installed and one was empty so i decided that i should get openSuSE 11.4 on the empty hard disk and dual-boot it with windows 7 (that i already had installed). Downloaded the DVD, put it on a USB and installed SuSE on the other hard disk normally, it detected my windows installation on my main hard disk but i didn't touch that, only formatted my other hard disk to ext4

After the installation it booted automatically into SuSE, but now every time on a fresh restart the system boots automatically into windows. Methods i have already tried to resolve this and it didn't work:

1. Booted from the DVD and selected an "Upgrade" not "New Installation" so i could boot again into my SuSE installation which did work, checked my "Boot Loader" options from YaST and checked the "Boot from MBR" option instead of the "Boot from root partition" option, That Did NOT work.

2. Used the same method to Boot into SuSE with the "Upgrade" Option opened up the terminal and tried to install grub manually again using this link


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OpenSUSE Install :: Corrupted Graphics On Anything But Failsafe

Jun 27, 2010

I just installed 11.3 RC1, but I can only run in failsafe mode. Installation went fine and I'm not having any problems except that when my computer gets ready to launch my login screen it just display garbled graphics. I have tried multiple resolutions and the x11failsafe option, all with a no-go. I did see this error message pop up at the time of garbled graphics on one login: [GPU LOCKUP, switching to software fbcom]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Failsafe 11.3 After Installing Ubuntu10.04

Jul 24, 2010

new bought cheap PC, with pleasure installed 11.3 and then I tried to install Ubuntu 10.04... on grub startmenu see I now only SuSE Failsafe. I want my trusted SuSE ro seen, can not find an handy solution on forums.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Log As Failsafe After Installing ATI Drivers?

Sep 11, 2010

I've installed my the ATI drivers as per this link: SDB:ATI drivers - openSUSEHowever when trying to reboot on normal mode the OS opens only tty1 (terminal 1?), you know, the one with green theme background. Fortunately I was able to reboot and log with failsafe. Any ideas why this is happening and how I can fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Working In Failsafe Mode Only

Oct 8, 2010

Whatever settings I use in the power manager, (Ubuntu default Gnome Power Manager) nothing appears to change. Screen brightness does not change when moving the slider, but is reduced after 5 or 10 minutes (haven't timed it. Probably whatever is default) of inactivity, even though the reduce screen brightness checkbox is unchecked. The latter is pretty annoying when watching online TV streams, especially since the video also exits full screen mode when the screen brightness is reduced.

The weird thing is, as the title implies, that when booting in recovery mode with FailsafeX the power settings seems to work. At least the screen brightness varies as the slider is moved I should probably mention that it is possible even in normal mode to adjust the screen brightness by using the buttons for adjusting screen brightness on my laptop (Fn + arrow up/down)

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OpenSUSE Install :: VGA Mode Is Changing During Boot?

Dec 14, 2010

my linux pc is connected to a lcd monitor with native resolution 1280x1024.The font at the textconsoles is too small for me.

I changed the entry "vga=..."in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst to "vga=0x0314".During the first few seconds the screen-resolution matches the setting of the vga-mode, but after then the vga-mode automatically switches to 1280x1024 (only at the textconsoles).The x-server is configured to 800x600 which is the resolution I want.I also tried vga=normal and vga=788. In older suse-version 10 and lower never had this problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Won't Boot Up In The Normal Mode

Mar 10, 2011

Just a little disappointed. I downloaded the 11.4 Gnome by about midnight, checked the CD for integrity,and started the Live CD, and it worked quite well. Installed it, but troubles started. OpenSuse 11.4 won't boot up in the normal mode, but would boot up in the safe mode only. I am now writing from the safe mode, but would like to boot up normally. It get stuck after the first verbose page. And not a move from there. The laptop is Lenovo T400, Core2Duo with 4GB RAM, screen 1440x900. No problem with any other distros up to now.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Re-install Suse On A Dual Boot System

Oct 22, 2010

Gnome is falling apart and I've had a lot of nagging problems that I couldn't overcome.I'm thinking of wiping the OpenSuse partitions and doing a clean install without wiping the windows partition.I initially setup using the 11.0/XP dual boot FAQ in the How To forum.I have my Home directory backed up on an external HD. Might try KDE next go-round or KDE & Gnome as separate users. I have 11.2 i586 installation DVD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Lost Boot For Suse

Jan 24, 2011

I had mounted the pen drive then dismounted. I found out that by putting the pendrive into my sat receiver recorder with Ext3 mad the machine go crazy and I have had to sort that out before this! To say my wife was mad as hell is an understatement, but this was what I was told to do on AVForum.But now this leaves me in a predicament. I have no OpenSues booting. It goes through all the loading and then it asks me for the password with all the script showing and not the desktop. It says repair boot after this. Is there a simple way to resolve it? I think it was looking for the pendrive. Well I had to reformat that back to FAT.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Turning Off During Boot When In Battery Mode

Aug 8, 2010

I started having this issue two days after installing openSUSE. When I try to boot it on battery (that is, without a energy plug) the laptop just turn off right at the beginning. I have other OS's installed and they are working properly and booting when in battery mode. I haven't got a clue of what I need to check to fix this, can anyone help me out? My laptop is a vostro V13.

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OpenSUSE Install :: New 11.2 Install Displays Only In Failsafe

Mar 1, 2010

I installed 11.2/Gnome on Compac Presario laptop - 1.6 gHz AMD processor, 1.25 GB ram and ATI graphics. 74 GB hard drive newly partitioned with Win XP on 55 GB and Suse 11.2 on remainder. Had to fix grub and it now boots into Win ok. On openSUSE boot it stays in console and I can't get a GUI. After login/password I get "Error accessing systemtap module preloadtrace: operation not permitted" I get a GUI and access to yast, system and other stuff if I boot in Failsafe mode. I did a search here but didn't come up with anything - TIA - d

ps Above in boot sequence it says "gdm[1443]: WARNING: Gdm display: display lasted 0.073955 seconds" This was repeated twice with different values then "WARNING: GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maximum number of X display failures reached: check X server log for errors"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Suse On My PC - Boot From CD-rom Does Not Work

May 23, 2010

I have just downloaded a mirror copy of SUse 11.2 and formatted my hard drive, so i can install the linux OP. But it seems like that it is not readable or better to say the boot from CD-rom does not work! Am i on the right track here? How do i go by installing a Linux on a fresh hard drive?

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SUSE / Novell :: Upgrade To 11.2 From 11.1 - No Sound No Scsi To Scanner Printers And Kde Only Using Failsafe

Feb 4, 2010

Everything went wrong no sound, no scsi to scanner, printers, and kde only using failsafe. So, did a new install and still probskde stops half way through saying it there is no file in /lib/modules/2.6.31-5-0.1-desktop

Fixed prob by creating a copy of 2.6.31-8.0-desktop
kde only starts with x11failsafe
On failsafe boot (from GRUB) load of messages daying can not find disks then mess Doing Fastboot
At least I've got sound though printer still a prob
Any ideas how to fix the kde start up?

ASUS M4A78-E, AMD xenon III 550, 4GB mem
SUSE 11.2 standard KDE, network install

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OpenSUSE Install :: Failsafe Displays Full Screen - Normal Doesn't?

May 12, 2010

I have 11.2 installed on my laptop but have a bit of an issue. When I boot it normally, it will not use my full screen, instead it only uses about a 5"x5" box in the center and displays there, but when i boot into failsafe, it uses the full screen.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Crashing While Startup (Graphics Maybe) But Working Fine In Failsafe

Mar 12, 2011

I am big fan of SUSE.. waited like anything for 11.4 release .. but i am in trouble now .. installed 11.4 on Acer 4820TG (switchabe graphics with ATI mobility radeon 5650).. after booting it fails with the attached error while works fine in failsafe mode. Let me know if u need any of the details i am available online for some 5 hours.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boots Ok In FailSafe Not In Normal ... Get The Hanging Wallpaper On The Screen

Apr 20, 2011

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.4 on a completely blank machine, empty disks, etc. using a Network Install. The install appeared to run OK, but when it rebooted to do the configuration, it hung. I tried a manual reboot a couple of times, then booted in FailSafe mode - came up OK and ran through the auto-config. Now, it still boots up ok in FailSafe, but in normal mode I get the wallpaper on the screen, but it hangs there.

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