OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4, 64-bit Locked, Can't Revoke?

Aug 18, 2011

openSUSE 11.4, 64-bit locked, can't revokeLast night I kept the computer on since some downloads was in progress. I kept the screen locked and the monitor power off (turned off using the power button inbuilt in the monitor). Not many applications were running, it was only Opera browser as I remember.This morning, it didn't wake up when I turned on the monitor. Shouldn't it show up the login screen? I saw only a black screen with white mouse pointer init.I tried clicking, moving the mouse and tried to type the password. Anything didn't work. Finally I did CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE twice and got back to the login screen.

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OpenSUSE :: Install / Remove Software Locked?

Sep 25, 2010

I am unable to update/install and uninstall software because something locked up on me. I'm using Suse 10.3 When i click on install/remove software or try to use updates I get the following error.

System management is locked by the application with pid 2970 (/usr/sbin/packagekitd). Close this application before trying again. Rebooting has no effect and i could probably try opening packagekitd, but still unsure of what to do with it if I did.

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OpenSUSE Install :: User Locked Out After Multiple Passwords?

Dec 5, 2009

I am having a problem with some users who get locked out after more than 3 failed attempts at login. This is exactly what I want to see - they will eventually remember those stronger passwords (maybe?) - but how do I re-enable their access? I haven't tried this on a live box but I can easily recreate the situation via vnc to the server in question and I assume the result would be the same. I like the policy that leads to this but I do need to let them back in - eventually. Where is the blacklist kept and how do I edit/reset it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Storage Subsystem Locked By Application (Y2base)

May 27, 2010

I'm looking forward to using OpenSuse shortly, and hopefully the install is still being performed. I downloaded the GNOME iso and burnt to disc. It was partitioning my win7 drive and creating new partitions. I went to move the YAST screen and that led me to shaking the window (not knowing the screen would disappear).

Now I'm afraid something bad happened. Please tell me I didn't fry my hard drive! At the moment it appears I am running off the cd. I tried to run the Live installer again and got:
The storage subsystem is locked by the application "y2base" (3620).
You must quit that application before you can continue. I cannot tell if the partitioning/installation is still happening.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Management Locked By The Application With Pid 5084

Mar 3, 2011

i am running openSUSE on virtual box bt when i try to install applications i got

system management locked by the application with pid 5084

i have try to kill the process with kill and process id command but when i try to install appn again i got the same prob,

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OpenSUSE :: Package Management Locked / What To Do?

Feb 28, 2010

When I run zypper dup I get this message :
System management is locked by the application with pid 3787 (/usr/sbin/packagekitd).
Close this application before trying again.

How do I do this?

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OpenSUSE :: Playonlinux Dvd Locked To Unlock?

Jul 19, 2011

I used playonlinux for a manual install of a game that needs more than one cd. I can't eject to install the next cd in line. How do I unlock the drive? I'm now in the middle of installing.

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OpenSUSE :: Unlocking The LibreOffice Locked Files?

Jul 14, 2011

Whenever I save a text file edited with LibreOffice, I get a new, locked file which can be identified with its "~.lock" file prefix. This locked file prevents access (probably for security reasons) to the original file. However, this is a serious impediment as it forbids any further editing of the original file or document so long as the locked file has not been removed. Though erasing this locked file (which can be made visible with "Ctrl-H" if hidden) should free the original, this in fact is not the case. how to unlock these locked files?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows Logon Account Locked Out?

Jan 11, 2010

I've installed oS11.2 on a test box and joined it to our office domain without a problem. It's presently using winblows domain for authentication.

I can login normally, but when I attempt to unlock the screensaver using my windows credentials I am told that my account is "locked out, contact admin..."

A quick look at AD shows that my account is indeed being locked out, presumably when the 11.2 locks the screen.

what's causing this and how I can correct it?

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Ubuntu :: CUPS Locked Up During Update Now Can't Uninstall Or Re-install?

Nov 9, 2010

Installed the latest updates on 10.10 and the update froze during cups. So after leaving a couple of hours while did something else I had to abort the updates.

This of course borked the updater so had to use the command sudo dpkg --configure -a

Then I tried sudo apt-get install -f

Which again broke at trying to install cups.

I then tried a forced uninstall but this complained about missing dependences. I corrected those but it still hangs on removing cups.

If you try an re-install the same the problem hangs.

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OpenSUSE :: Yast2 Partitioner: Storage Is Locked By An Unknown Application

Feb 28, 2010

I get the follwing error, since I added a new S-ATA HDD to my server, if trying to open the Yast2 Partitioner:

Das Speichersubsystem wird durch eine unbekannte Anwendung gesperrt.
Sie m�ssen diese Anwendung beenden, bevor Sie fortfahren k�nnen.

In Englist this means: Error The storagesubsystem is locked by an unknown application. You have to exit this application before you proceed. Here is the output of /var/log/Yast2/y2log:

2010-02-28 16:01:19 <1> hostname(12907) [Interpreter] clients/disk_worker.ycp:50 Calling YaST client disk_worker
2010-02-28 16:01:19 <2> hostname(12907) [Interpreter] Encoding.ycp:30 Scripting agent sweeping


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OpenSUSE :: "some Input Files Cannot Be Read (locked Or Corrupted)"

Jun 5, 2010

just installed Peazip 3.1 from the repositories, and whenever i try to compress any file, i get a "some input files cannot be read (locked or corrupted)"

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OpenSUSE :: Error Message "System Management Is Locked By The Application With Pid 3249" Installing KDE 4.4 & 4.3.5

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to install KDE 4,4 on my Netbook, Asus Eee PC 1201n. I've just done a clean install, instlaled my graphics drivers and now trying to upgrade to KDE 4.4. This is the message I get when trying to use the 1Click installer from the OpenSuse site. "System Management is locked by the application with pid 3249"

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OpenSUSE :: Migrate To 11.3 From 11.1 Firefox "locked"

Aug 14, 2010

I am statring with a clean install of 11.3 I deleted the default folder from .mozzila and dropped in the default folder from my /backup drive with all my cookies, booklmarks, history,extensions. Now Firefox will not start. It says it's locked. I went and found the lock file in the folder. It still will not open and says it's locked.

The UID has been changed to so the ownership of the file is correct.

I hope I am not stuck on 11.1 for ever if I want to keep my Firefox and years worth of thunderbird email due to some stupid branding issues

Using a really old Mandriva install to access the internet.

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Ubuntu :: Locked Myself Out Of SSH

Jul 14, 2011

Now I find myself locked out of SSH! I have another SSH user and I logged in on him but he doesn't have permission to chown the file back! I also tried using su root -c but it is rejecting my root password as if it is invalid, but I know it is valid! I have 2 root accounts on the system and both return "invalid passwords" ever since I chowned the damn file..Does anyone know what I can do? I am very far from the server I must be able to do it remotely. Maybe a server reboot will help?

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Ubuntu :: Data Locked On Second HD?

Nov 8, 2010

I recently had CentOS installed, but felt that I didn't need the whole server thing, so I picked ubuntu as my OS as I have used it in the past and quite liked it. I formated my first hard drive and installed Ubuntu 10.10. My second drive is a ext3 data drive only. After installing Ubuntu, I can see the drive on the desktop, telling me that it is mounted...i think? But when I goto the drive all the folders are protected. I tried to chown with root to see the stuff but to no avail. I can't seem to change permissions on the drive either or the files.

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Ubuntu :: Locked Out Of Laptop By 10.10?

Feb 10, 2011

Was able to use a dual boot (Windows 7 and Ubuntu Maverick Desktop version) with only minor microphone couldn't be accessed issue. Had the system lockup completely, even power on and power off or Magic AltSysRq combinations does not help. This happened once before but after parking the laptop for a day, it restarted without issue.

Just prior to my shutting the laptop down, response went to a crawl, the system took much longer to shut down but did. Upon restart (and since) the machine just hangs. I do not see the machine on my network.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To 11.04 Has Locked Out?

Jun 2, 2011

2.After a year on Lucid 10.04 I installed all updates and did an online upgrade to 10.10 Great!3.Enthusiasm got the better of me and I clicked the upgrade to 11.04. Big mistake.4.I get the 11.04 desktop, but it has no response to mouse clicks. I'm locked out - can't click to log in to my private files.Is all lost? The cursor moves OK and the keyboard works (They are wireless and I guess I'll put on wired ones to eliminate any problem there as I fix stuff.)5.I have never done my own installation or partition work.6.There are a few things I did not back-up, and I'll miss them. Some bookmarks in Firefox may be impossible to ever find again.I really need the Evolution e-mailI dual boot with XP and am now booting up from an old 9.04 disk that I found.I thought I was doing a minor upgrade to Natty 11.04, but the screen tells me I have 2.6.32-32-generic kernel Is there any going back?

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General :: Locked Out Ssh Because Of Low Memory

Mar 26, 2010

I am using a machine I SSH into to do some processing over very large files, but I am now unable to access it through ssh.The shell I had opened is not responsive, and when I try to connect again, it hangs even before asking for the password.I suspect this to be a memory problem as a couple of processes need to load a lot of the data to process it.Is there an emergency way of going back into this machine, or killing some processes to free the memory up ? I tried ssh ... 'kill -9 pid' but it is not even able to do this.Do you reckon the processing is still happening or is the machine completely idle ? How would you advise me to go back to it ? It's for my final year project, and I'm starting to stress !

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Hardware :: Ibm Bladecenter Locked Up

May 27, 2009

Not sure if this is hardware or maybe a configuration somewhere.We recently had an IBM bladecenter blade lock up. When I accessed the server via the remote console(could ping but not ssh) I saw the attached screen shot.The first line is the only thing that makes any sense to me(kmem_cache_alloc) Does this mean I have a program that is leaking memory or maybe a setting somewhere saying Im allocating too much/not enough memory?

I was reading that kmalloc should be at 128KB, does this mean the 145 for kmem_cache should be at 128? Im not really sure what all that means or how I would change it. The server has 8GB of memory plus 12GBs of swap.
I didnt see anything of note in /var/log/messages prior to the lock up, except when rebooted the time was 4 hours off. Which may be another problem with how I have ntp set up.

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Software :: /dev/ttyUSB - Is Getting Locked

Feb 7, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10.When ever i tri minicom i am getting error message as


I searched in /var/lock/ file. Nothing in that.


Then i searched /var/tmp/. No file related to ttyUSB*.


I searched in /tmp/ also. I didnt found any thing related to ttyUSB*


Sometimes it is working but after sometime it is getting locked.

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Red Hat :: Home Directory Being Locked?

Jan 9, 2011

i have rhe5.4 ,in my system the user ac is not working while iam login in to root not able to login as a user and in root it shows the (X)mark not able to open this also ..

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Just Locked Up While Using

Aug 1, 2010

I was using my laptop and mozilla only to read a few posts and the laptop just locked up. I looked i the /var/log/messages files and I dont see anything there. I was also looking at the /etc/log/kern.log and saw a few things. so my question is how can i tell if this is a hardware issue or a software issue?

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Debian :: Num Lock Locked After Login

Jun 26, 2015

I have Debian 7 with LXDE installed on a msi-based-notebook. Immediately after i make the login (in graphics mode), the LED of "num lock key" turns on and lock,making the keyboard impossible to type properly.

I've tried to reconfigure keyboard,but it had no effect. And yes,i have tried to use the "Fn key + num lock" combination, but had no effect too.

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Debian :: Recover A Locked File ?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm having one of those days, and managed to delete some virtualbox disk images. But the virtual machines are still up and running just fine. So the deleted disk images still exist somewhere.

Is it possible to recover these files? Since they are in use and locked by Virtualbox I guess they still are completely intact and fine on the disk, but that they will be permanently deleted once VirtualBox stops.

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Ubuntu Security :: Locked Out From Sudoers

Jun 5, 2010

A few minutes ago I accepted a suggestion from update-manager for restarting my system, such that some security updates could be effective. After restarting and login in as usual, I discovered that I could not use my adminstrative rights as a sudoer. To recover them I booted again, as root, and added my username in the "admin" group. Rebooting, all seemed well again. As an extra check I installed and ran 'chkrootkit' and nothing suspect was found.What could have hapenned? Just a glitch in the system? Can a user disappear from a group for nothing?What further checks can I make to be sure that my system is safe?I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty Jakalope amd64, with kernell 2.6.28-15-generic.

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Ubuntu :: Locked Out Of Nautilus And System?

Sep 1, 2010

Dual boot sys with ubuntu lucid lynx 10.04 on Windows 7 host.I created a dot directory (.rams) yesterday and decided to do a chmod on it. Stupidly,(you can call me a moron) I used the asterisk as a shortcut notation and in effect chmod-ed all the dirs starting with a dot. So when I tried to login, this AM,an error mesg appeared that advised me to change the permissions but I could not get into a console or the desktop. After trying several things on Windows, I simply moved the exisitng ubuntu install into another folder, ran uninstall and re-installed. But is there any way that I can access the sys to undo my stupidity? I have a ton of docs on this install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Locked Out, Can't Boot?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a rather frustrating issue here that's been giving me hell since about 5:00AM this morning. I just got a new laptop (a Compaq CQ42-138TU) and was hoping to dual boot between Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit).So, I partitioned the HDD (leaving the HP/Compaq restore partition and other partitions alone) and resized the partition that held the bundled copy of Windows 7 (32-bit). I resized it into two parts, installed Windows 7 Ultimate on one, and Ubuntu on the other. That's where the problems began.Selecting "Windows 7 (loader)" in Grub presented me with the first few second of the bootscreen, then a BSOD for less than a second. After that, the machine immediately rebooted and got back to Grub. Ubuntu still booted fine, but I wanted to get access to Windows back, soI attempted to fix this by running:

bootec.exe /fixmbr
through CMD.exe on my Windows install disk. Now Grub is gone, and I'm stuck with Windows that still won't


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Login From Locked Screen?

Nov 4, 2010

I can't log in from a locked screen anymore, such as when returning fromeep or hibernation. I can, however, work around the problem by clicking "switch user" and logging in from the GDM greeting screen. Logging in from a terminal also works.I recently had a problem where /etc/passwd, /etc/groups and some other files were deleted. But I have restored them - otherwise I couldn't log in at all.

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Ubuntu :: How To Delete Locked Files

Nov 10, 2010

I have a few files on my desktop that have a lock on the top right corner of the Icon like this..

How do i delete it? it tells me that i do not have sufficient permission to delete this file..

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