OpenSUSE :: How To Share Notes Between Two SuSe Installs

Mar 26, 2011

I have two suse installation, in one I placed on the dashboard a "note" (widget) with some notes, how can I share this notes in the other installation? Where can I found the file to make a link?

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OpenSUSE Install :: ATI Driver Installs Have Destroyed SUSE/GNOME Graphics Setup?

May 20, 2011

Caution to all using ati graphics download repository. I have been using SUSE 11.4 after an upgrade from 11.3 through zypper for months. I added ati graphics as a update repository. Software update installed two ati files. I did not notice their names.

Upon installation my graphics was acting funny so I uninstalled the two ati-files figuring I'd be back to where I was. Now I can only get into terminal window after reboot at both runlevel 3 and 5; no graphics at all. I keep getting message re: display 'null' I wish to return to original graphics configuration prior to ati downloads which, I believed used xorg drivers.

I believe I either need to revise xorg.conf file back to original which was overwritten by ati process or reinstall xorg/X11 related files. I have an ati radeon HD 3450 agp card. 32 bit SUSE w/11.4 installed and running. Anyone have a sample xorg.conf that might work or some other ideas of how to get back to where I was.

As a related question, if I do a fresh reinstall of SUSE 11.4 using dvd can I save my /home files and any /filesystem files that my special software created in root directories.

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Fedora :: How To Share Gnote Notes Between Two Computers

Jul 22, 2010

I would like to share gnote notes between two computers. The documentation talks about synchronizing with a server, but there are no synchronization menu options as the manual suggests. Is is possible to either synchronize notes between two computers or at least export notes from one computer and copy to another? This seems incredibly simple and basic but surprisingly I can't find a way to do it.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Release Notes Flash Player 10.2 Release Notes?

Feb 9, 2011

release notes Flash Player 10.2 Release Notes

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Share Folder With Suse 11.2?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a windows machine (in a domain) and I have created 2 Virtual Machines with Suse 11.2 installed on them.Now, I want to share a folder in windows to both Suse images. I am succesfully able to do that.I used: mount -t cifs -o user..... command to mount it at /mnt/win on my linux and succesfully able to work with it.

Now, I want a user in my Linux box (both Linux images)to be able to write to the shared folder in windows (actually both linux images will write to the shared folder but it is based on acquairing locks and releasing them to be able to use the shared folder on windows).

I tried etc fstab and lot other options but my efforts were in vain.Simply put - I need a user in my linux box (suse 11.2) to be able to write to a windows shared folder.

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General :: Open Suse Installs But Not Other Distros

Mar 21, 2010

BACKGROUND: After years of having an idle machine with Linux on it, I want to use it everyday. My preferred distro is Debian Lenny. It is running on a 1999 Compaq that I want to use for testing. So far, configuration has been logical and steady.

PROBLEMS: So far, only Suse will install completely on my newer machine.

Fedora and Knoppix were also tried, and did not work.Where should I look to begin to troubleshoot this? This is not a rush job. I have time to do one or two things per day.

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SUSE / Novell :: Open SUSE 11.1 Mount Samba Share At Boot???

Jul 5, 2009

OK... I tried everything i could think of... but i still cannot get my Open SUSE 11.1 to mount my samba share at boot! I still don't understand the 11.1 boot sequence. can NE one help me... tell me what files to give you output from... Ty guys P.S. My shares originate from a Windows Server 2003 RC2 machine, and it's dns server doesn't work correctly... so my mount command is

mount -t //192.168.x.x/files/ /nET/ -o username=linux,password=xxxxxx
please let me know what other info you need... I don't have the internet, so it will be tommorow b4 i see this again!!! Thanks

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Ubuntu :: Names Tomboy Notes Application Gives To Notebooks And Notes?

Mar 21, 2011

Can anyone tell me what names the tomboy notes application gives to its notebooks and notes? Not the file format (xml) I found that on the web, but the filenames and directory where it stores things.

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Ubuntu One :: Cannot View Notes Via Web And Sync Notes

Mar 14, 2010

I'm getting a "Server Error Something has gone wrong (500)" when i try to access the notes page for several days now. When will it be OK?

Bug report:[URL]

Just now:

Something has gone wrong (500) This is a robot

We've recorded this problem and it will get investigated with the logs. If this problem is urgent, please file a bug report and include this number: OOPS-ID-1534appserver79128

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Ubuntu :: Copy Old Notes From My Old Disk To New Disk - Where Does Tomboy Saves Notes ?

Jan 14, 2010

i have switched disks and i want to copy my old notes from my old disk to new which folder does tomboy saves data so i can copy them over?

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OpenSUSE :: Way To Copy Notes From 11.1 To 11.2?

Jun 3, 2010

I saved my entire home directory of 11.1 before installing 11.2.I am slowly recovering everything, but it seems that Tomboy doesn't use ~/.tomboy anymore.I copy that directory from my saved dir to my new homedir and it ignores it. I then deleted the .tomboy dir from my new homedir and created a new note. It didn't recreate ~/.tomboy.So, is there any way to copy my notes from 11.1 to 11.2?

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OpenSUSE :: Install / Run Lotus Notes 8.5 / 8.5.1 On 11.2

Nov 20, 2009

I am running Lotus Notes on top of openSuSE since 10.3 and version 7 of Lotus Notes. The last packages provided by IBM (8.5 and 8.5.1) provide a smooth and easy way of installing it through rpm packages. Some issues had appear and I solved them (or lived with ), but this time I did a full fresh install of 11.2 64bits. I then install the brand new packages of Notes 8.5.1 and had the following problem : The Notes GUI wasn't able to display some elements of the interface (i.e. small view of calendar, search bar, popups, Notes basic settings in the properties etc...). Searching by big blue, I found out a solution for Ubuntu that I customized for openSuSE 11.2 64bits.

Step one : Install Lotus Notes: Have a copy of the .tar package from IBM. untar it into a new directory. With YaST add the directory to the repositories Install all the packages provided (the ones with Symphony are really optional).


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OpenSUSE :: Basket Notes In Kde4

Apr 22, 2011

I remember installing basket notes in ubuntu and it's in kde4 I tried installing it in 11.4 64bit and it's in kde3. Is there a way to install it dressed up in kde4?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unplug Windows Hard Drive While OpenSUSE Installs?

Jun 14, 2010

I want to dual boot openSUSE 11.2 and Windows 7. I already have Windows 7 installed but I have encountered multiple issues in the past with trying to make dual boots. Usually when I install Linux, GRUB decides it wants to go into world domination mode, and "breaks" my Windows installation. I have reason to believe this is because the distros I use come with legacy GRUB, (v0.97) and for some odd reason it lacks commands such as "update-grub" etc. This means I cannot add Windows 7 to the boot menu without going into extreme complications, which have NEVER, I repeat NEVER succeeded. When I boot the Windows drive directly, I get some error about GRUB not finding the device, and it puts me into a grub rescue command line. Now I am no expert in this field at all, but wouldn't that mean that GRUB wrote itself to the MBR of...oh I don't know, ALL of my hard drives? I really want to install openSUSE 11.2, but from bad experience I am really put off as I know that it ships with legacy GRUB v0.97.I am also running Fedora 13 at the moment, I have quite an experimental dual boot running..been trying to get GRUB 2 for hours now, it is definitely there but no commands work, "upgrade-grub-from-legacy" and "update-grub" return with command not found. I've heard this is just a bug but can anybody confirm that there will definitely be a way for me to "fix" my windows installation after it gets "broken" by GRUB?Second idea, unplug my windows hard drive while openSUSE installs?

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OpenSUSE :: All RPM Installs Do Not Have Icons

Sep 10, 2010

I have a little problem going on with my openSUSE 11.3 // GNOME computer. Whenever I install a RPM package, whether it be from a .rpm in my Downloads, etc. or from the zypper repositories, they never have an icon. I continuously have to go to Google and find an icon for my application and change the launcher's properties in my menu.

why this is happening and how I may be able to fix it? It's getting a little tedious having to do this for everything that I install.

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SUSE :: 11 Enterprise Cannot Write To XP Share / What To Do?

Sep 13, 2010

This has been a problem and desipite my best efforts I am at a loss to explain what is happening.

I am running a Suse 11 box and I will be storing some automated backups on an XP box. The Suse box is hosting a samba domain to which the xp box is a member.

For the moment the share permissions are wide open while I troubleshoot (everyone full access on the xp share) I can mount the share no problem on the Suse box and even read the contents. If I attempt to write to the share though I get permission denied (logged in as root at the moment)

I created the mount point using mkdir -p /media/backup
Then I mounted the share using mount -t cifs // /media/backup -o username=root, -o password=XXXXXXX

share on the XP box is also called backup (just in case there was any confusion regarding the mount command I used)

if I run an ls -l on the mount point afterwords I can see my files already in the share no problem. I would be very greatful if anyone can point out what I have done wrong so I can get this fixed once and for all. Thank you in advance.

I should probably also mention that both systems are on the same lan and at the moment firewalls are down until this is fixed.

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OpenSUSE :: After Installing Lotus Notes 8.5 - Couldn't Find Any Shortcut To Run It

Feb 22, 2010

I tried to install Lotus Notes 8.5 client on my opensuse 11.2 machine, the installation process goes smoothly but i couldn't find any short cut to run the software !!! nor in the desktop neither in the Recently Installed sub menu !!

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OpenSUSE :: Remotely Controll And Fix Other Opensuse Installs

Aug 13, 2011

Over the past couple of years i have been converting other users (family members that I have to provide technical support to ) from windows to opensuse.Needless to say, my job is much easier now. Is there some application that I can install on the supported computers where I can remotely log in and control, make configuration changes, update, and fix dumb problems... when they come up?

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OpenSUSE :: Update 2 11.2 Installs With Dial-up?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a Pentium3 & P4 with fresh 11.2 installs. Can I capture the update files from one to be used on the other? These boxes aren't connected together, but each has an unused LAN card if that would help. Each box has a 56K modem that runs about 40K! I haven't started the update process yet, so I don't know if there any new options to the SW Management tools in 11.2.

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SUSE :: Mount A Nfs4 Share On Sles 10 Sp2?

Jun 23, 2010

Attempts to do a mount -t nfs4 servername:/share /mnt hang. Performing an strace of the mount shows that the mount command is attempting to find /sbin/mount.nfs4 The nfs server, client, and util packages are installled. Did ps -ef | grep idmapd; ps -ef | grep gssd to check client side daemons and things look good. Not using gssd right now tho. Just want to get the thing to mount. Firewalls are not running. Doing a showmount -e servername reports the shares as being offered. I can mount it using nfs v3 protocol.

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SUSE / Novell :: Path To A Share Folder?

Feb 25, 2010

im linux newbie and im trying to build a small cluster using suse 11 and run in parallel fortran by using MPI. I ve made all the preperation (network communication, ssh, sharing using samba etc). I can access the pc's through network, either with their IP's or their hostnames.Now i have to define in one pc (master node) a path to a shared folder where all other clusters will have full access. Usually in windows we can do this by using something like \hostnamesharefolder_name. This haven't work in linuxWhen i access the folder from another pc i.e through nautilus the path is smp:/hostname/sharefolder but i can't use such a path because i think don't recognize the smp:/ . Is there any way to define universal paths where the clusters will look for them in the network

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 Upgrade To KDE 4.3.5 Says Failed - But Installs Just Fine?

Feb 15, 2010

OpenSuse and rpm. Been using Debian for 7 years, so be gentle. I upgrade KDE 4.3.1 to 4.3.5 through the one-click install. After confirming some actions due to dependencies the install runs and in the end it said it failed to install a bunch of packages. These packages installed just fine and everything works as it should.

I was wondering if this happens more often, as it makes me kinda nervous if the installer warns me? Perhaps even more if it warns about things that aren't correct.

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OpenSUSE :: Remove KDM And KDEBase Extraneous Installs?

Jan 21, 2011

Following some advice here elsewhere about changing a login screen which actually declared that extra KDE stuff did not get installed when installing KDM I found exactly the opposite to be the case when I tried! installed KDM via the yast installer which seemed to be a small 4MB install. However lots and lots of other KDE stuff DID get installed alongside it. 187 MB in fact! 187 MB that's 183 MB I never asked to be installed!

The bad thing is that removing KDM and the KDEBase package does not remove all these components which are now firmly embedded in the system including Oxygen Firefox theme and all sorts of other KDE branding. Could anyone advise how short of reinstalling 11.3 from scratch I can get rid of all this guff the KDM install has introduced into the system by apparently exploiting some bug or other in the installer.... Uninstalling KDM and KDEBase has only uninstalled the 4MB I thought I had chosen. The other 183 MB it glued to my system seems to be invisible to the Yast installer although there are many lines in the history file /var/log/zypp

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sax2 Didn't Come With 11.3 32 Or 64 Bit Installs?

Jul 30, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot my graphics card and the Graphic Card Theory article makes much use of sax2.

sax2 didn't get installed for either my 32bit or 64bit installations. I have intel graphics.

nor is there a Sax2.

Is this something new for 11.3?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Trying Internet Installs But Hangs?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to install opensuse using the internet install feature. After the loading linux kernel screen, I see a black screen with a lot of commands/steps. It keeps hanging at the line: [2.202543] [<c0804db73>] kernel_thread_helper+0x7/0x10And at the same time, caps-lock and scroll lock lights on my keyboard are blinking. What does this mean? what i see is this:

[2.121594] VFS: cannot open root device "<null>" or unknown-block (3,1)
[2.121873] please append a correct "root"= boot option; here are the available options:


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Networking :: Unable To Share Files In SUSE 11.3 + Samba

Dec 10, 2010

My server info:
SUSE 11.3 , authenticated against LDAP, I am able to log in using LDAP credentials.
I did run smbpasswd -w password

After I configured the smb.conf file, I try to do this on the Terminal to make sure it will work in Windows machines but I got this error:

user@mybox:~> smbclient -L
Enter user's password: (I enter the user password here)
Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

so I went to /var/log/samba.log to check the error file, I got this :

Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!
[2010/12/10 18:08:50.919813, 1] lib/smbldap.c:1330(another_ldap_try)
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 2 try!
[2010/12/10 18:08:52.133624, 1] lib/smbldap.c:1330(another_ldap_try)
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 3 try!

and it kept going on and on until I stop it.

Here is my smb.conf file, please take a look to see what I've done wrong here. I tried to to take out WORKGROUP in GLOBAL but there were error like " Work group name is too long, so I put in WORKGROUP = etc.

workgroup = mybox
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
ldap suffix = dc=my domain,dc=com
name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
ldap admin dn = "cn=sambaLabs2,ou=roles,dc=domain name,dc=com"
ldap ssl = start tls
server string = "my File Server"
security = user
log file = /var/log/samba.log
log level = 1
Max log size = 50
wins support = yes
wins server = my wins servers here
winbind enum users = no
winbind enum groups = no
unix extensions = no
wide links = yes
hosts deny = ALL
hosts allow = 192.168.
interfaces = lo eth0
bind interfaces only = true
browseable = No
read only = No
usershare allow guests = No

load printers = yes
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
printcap cache time = 750
cups options = raw
map to guest = Bad User

comment = home directories
browseable = No
valid users = %S
read only = No
writable = yes
create mask = 0660
directory mask = 0770
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = yes

path = /sharefolder
valid users = @users,%S
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = yes

path = /var/spool/samba
browsable = no
public = yes

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /etc/samba/drivers
browsable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = yes
write list = root
force group = ntadmin
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775

Thank you in advance.

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General :: Unable To Mount Windows Share To SUSE 11.3

Aug 13, 2010

I'm pretty new to using Linux and I installed SUSE 11.3 on Sun Virtual Box to play around with it. I am trying to mount one of my Windows shares to my SUSE system and I'm getting an error "Mount error(13): Permission denied". I have made sure my Windows permissions are open, in fact I used a test share and added everyone and gave full control. Below is the command I tried to use to mount it.

mount -t cifs -o username=Nick //computername/share /mnt/temp

I pre-created the temp folder under mnt and I tried both my PC name and my ip address in the above command with the same error each time. I also tried using my pc name in my username string as well "username=pcname/Nick" and that did not work either. Can someone advise me why this error is occuring?

Kernel version: 2.6.34-12



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OpenSUSE :: Software Installs / System Updates Failed

Mar 3, 2010

Cannot access installation media [URL] (Medium1). Check whether the server is accessible File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium '[URL]'. This has been happening whenever I try to update the system, install new packages from or from Software Management. I installed openSUSE to test while I repaired another system, I'm more familiar with Debian. I've been checking any offered additional repositories when I install software, this is probably my problem. How do I remove the "Death_Knight" profile from my repros and do I need to install another in it's place?

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OpenSUSE :: Zypper Installs Conflicting Package Without Complaint?

Apr 20, 2010

I created an rpm that attempts to install the file /etc/rsyslog.conf (which on my system is already installed and owned by the rsyslog package). When I install this through rpm, I get the appropriate error. However, when I install the rpm through zypper, I get no complaints, and in the end two packages end up owning the file.

Is this the expected behavior? Does zypper force install rpms despite errors? I looked through all the config files, but couldn't find any setting dealing with this case. Is this something that is controlled by a config somewhere? I'm running openSUSE 11.2-0


linux:/usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64 # rpm -i testfile-2.0.1-0.x86_64.rpm
file /etc/rsyslog.conf from install of testfile-2.0.1-0.x86_64 conflicts with file from package rsyslog-4.4.1-3.1.x86_64


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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade / Single Package Installs

Dec 2, 2009

I'm currently on opensuse 11.1 and I was looking at the upgrade to 11.2 because it has the DeviceKit package I was wanting But being as the 11.2 uses the ext4 instead of ext3 it may be just a little more than I would like can I, instead, just install the package from the 11.2 into my 11.1 system or is that ext4/ext3 thing gonna hork that up ?just kinda liking the whole " my system works just fine " thing and not really wanting to reload the box..

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