OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD Shows Up As Two Entries - Can't Eject - KNotify Crash
Nov 26, 2010
I have a relatively stock OpenSuse 11.3 install with only the Packman and VLC additional repositories enabled. When I insert a DVD into the DVD drive, it shows up as TWO identical entries in the notifier applet and in Dolphin. I am unable to eject the DVD; as soon as it opens it immediately closes. Once the drive closes again,KNotify crashes with the following stack trace:Application: KNotify (knotify4), signal: Segmentation fault [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f05cb8e1760 (LWP 4197))]
Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f05bc2ff710 (LWP 4198)):
#0 0x00007f05c8b686b3 in poll () from /lib64/
#1 0x00007f05c611ffd4 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
#2 0x00007f05c6120510 in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib64/
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Mar 6, 2010
Right clicking on the desktop CD icon eventually ejects it. But it still can't be ejected using the button.
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Nov 18, 2010
So my grub menu is showing several selections for each of my OS's. In Ubuntu, my OS of choice for now, how can I access the grub and edit it.
I would like to know the steps for console, but also I hope somebody can show me how to use Super Grub to do it.
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Jan 12, 2010
When i insert a cd or memory stick and try to eject it i see the message:"Cannot eject the disk. One or more files on this disk are open within an application."And of course i can't eject it. To eject the cd i must reboot my PC.I have tested to insert a cd without open something from it with no results.Always shows the same message.I also want to notice that except dolphin i use nautilus which is necessary for Dropbox.
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Jan 8, 2010
I'm encountering a strange problem. I need to open and forward all UDP and TCP ports related to VoIPtelephony (5000:32000) in the Suse 11.1 server that's acting as router/firewall in our setup. The ports must redirect to a Asterisk server in the local network. (This server has the IP adress've opened ports in Yast (Firewall>Ports>Advanced) and putted in some masquerading rulesirewall>Masquerading):0/0,,tcp,5000:31000,5000:310000/0,,udp,5000:31000,5000:31000when I do a nmap localhost I get:Starting Nmap 4.75 at 2010-01-08 16:52 CETInteresting ports on localhost (
Not shown: 991 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
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Dec 16, 2010
if there were any alternatives to knotify. in running xfce and i was hoping to get gnotify(thats what ubuntu uses right??) or any other alternative works.
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Feb 3, 2010
I did a fresh install of 11.2 (giving OpenSUSE a try after being on Ubuntu for years). I then enabled the community and packman repos. Now, I have noticed that the eject button that normally appears on the Device Notifier plasmoid is gone. I can still click on where that button should be and the device (CD in this case) will still eject. It's just that the button is "invisible."
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Feb 24, 2010
The only way I can eject a cd from either of my drivers is to restart my pc. The buttons don't work and neither does the eject control withing the device widget in my panel. It says the device is in use even though I am done with it. This is stupid. Everything else in this operating system is beautiful and works great (except the version of Audacity had to be replaced with one that is actually usable.) Other than that everything is great , way better than windows - but I can't do something as SIMPLE as eject a cd??? How stupid is that?? I am actually angry - being angry at a computer is something that happens when using windows computers - should not happen whilst using OpenSuse.
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Jun 23, 2010
It happens regardless of which DVD I put in the tray.
Initially, openSUSE recognizes that the DVD is, in fact, there. I go to any one media player, play the DVD, and exit when I'm done.
And then the DVD is gone. As far as openSUSE is concerned, anyway. I cannot eject the tray to remove the DVD, which prompts a total reboot.
Is there any way to dispose of this problem?
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Apr 7, 2011
I have started to use K3b for ripping my CDs to flac files in order to put them on a NAS but have a few niggles with how it works.
I used to use Grip and in many ways preferred the interface and flexibility but had to change because I didn't know how to increase the number of attempts made by cdparanoia to rip difficult tracks and Grip fell down on one particular brand new CD opera set.
After posting queries here Asunder was suggested, among others and although (I understand,) Asunder also rips using cdparanoia, it succeeded on a CD where Grip failed. It also had a reasonable interface and it was easy to adjust tagging before ripping. Unfortunately Asunder has recently failed on another CD so I decided to try K3b.
K3b allows me to adjust the number of retries and this has been sufficient to enable me to overcome the most recalcitrant CDs. Great, but in many other respects K3b is a pain to use. I cannot find how to get it to eject the CD once ripping has been completed. Even after the CD has been ejected the track tags remain in the display until a new CD is loaded and the tagging interface is limited.
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May 24, 2011
Apart from KsCD and CD Player, (both of which are pretty good, but very basic), I have found it impossible to eject any music CD or DVD on any of the following:
Media Kaffeine
MPlayer and
there does not seem to be any button, command or whatever to get the CD or DVD out of the drive, so now find that only way, is to stop player and then to open CD Player and use the eject button there.
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Sep 29, 2010
This is my first post on the forums. Recently I decided to partition my computer to have dual boot into windows and ubuntu. Everything has been working fine but I have a very confusing doubt. When the Grub menu shows up during boot I can see the expected partitions for windows (the OS and a memory test utility installed by DELL) but also not one but two entries for Ubuntu that only differ in name (plus the corresponding recovery mode entry). One says Linux 2.6.32-24 and the other 2.6.32-25. Both of them seem to boot into the same place as far as I can tell when I try either of the entries. I went into the edit mode to see if I spotted any differences and got this:
insmod ext2
set root= '(hd0,5)'
search --no-floppy--fs -vvid --set 166a9c40-077a-4dda-83f9-83755a73ca3f
There's no problem as is, just that boot menu looks kind of crowded and I'm wondering if I can delete any of the ubuntu entries without killing the computer's boot sequence. Also, if anyone can tell me how the duplication came about I'll also be very grateful so I don't do it again. The only thing I've actually done by myself through the command line so far was an attempt to update the ALSA mixer that I cancelled once the download had started.
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Oct 23, 2009
I like using kopete, but I want to use it in GNOME. When doing so, I have 2 problems:
1) When I login to my computer, kopete starts up, and kde wallet asks fro my password for the wallet, in order for kopete to login to my accounts. This is very annoying. I find it inefficient to have to enter my password twice when turning on my computer.
2) Everytime a buddy signs on/off, a notification (or sometimes numerous notifications) run down the center of my screen and cover all my active windows.I want to disable knotify and kdewallet to alleviate these problems.
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Mar 29, 2011
openSuse 11.4 64bit fresh install, KDE 4.6.0. Now I am probably being obtuse, but If I click on the wonderfully named "My Computer" I get, among other things, a display of Disk Information; hard drive partitions and any DVDs or CDs. If I let my mouse cursor alight on any of these, I get a message "Press the right mouse button for more options (such as Mount or Eject)" But if I press the right mouse button, I don't get those options; I get a message "Open in new window, Open in new tab, Open with ..., Create file project with K3b, and Compress ...".
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Oct 13, 2010
I am working on Red Hat Linux since last six months and learning it steps by steps. like configurating ftp server,NSF ,DNS and then email server. I want to learn squid server but technically before going into it what you suggest me that may I first learn to configure Linux as a router,Firewall machine or do IP masquerading on a server. Because all these things are directly or indirectly involve in squid.So guide me because going to start squid i may understand Linux IP table ,how to add entries in it,how to delete entries ,I think you understand my point which i want to ask for guidence.
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Sep 23, 2010
For some reason, Skype starts up in two instances. How can remove one of them in KDE (4.4.4)?
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm setting up a logging script to track utilization on our deployed systems. I'm running it every minute using cron. Each time it runs, I get an entry in /var/log/messages telling me it ran. That is a lot of useless information. Is there a way to prevent the creation of these log entries?
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Oct 15, 2010
I have to hide Unix partitions to succeed in installing Linux and the winner is Ubuntu 10.10! I had to remove whole partitions entries. DOS based primary/logical partitions are now called (hd0,msdos1), (hd0,msdos2), etc. And BSD slices would have been (hd0, bsd1) (hd0,bsd2). I guess I saw those names during installation. update-grub failed in three attempts in a row on 2 machines (32 and 64 bit). Everything went fine after I removed the Unix partitions (which are going to be restored by openSUSE legacy Grub)
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May 5, 2011
Since I updated from 11.2 to 11.4 an annoying bug seems to have crept into the shell.
If I type the following and hit tab I get:
cd ~/.kde
.kde/ .kde// .kde4/ .kde4//
i.e. each directory has a / and // version for some reason. I have to enter a / and hit tab again to proceed.
If however I type the following and hit tab I get:
cd /home/tux/.kde
.kde/ .kde4/
i.e. correct as expected.
The ls command does not do this.
This seems like a bug.
GNU bash, version 4.1.10(1)-release (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu)
openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64)
VERSION = 11.4
CODENAME = Celadon
Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-02-21 10:34:10 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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Jul 21, 2010
Can one do something like ls|wc on a ftp-server? The ftp command set does not include wc.
I have uploaded lot's of stuff to a net drive and I would like to check the completeness of the files uploaded without counting them by hand.
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Aug 1, 2010
been searching google and forums for about 5 hours now, and can't figure this one out, I have a server running opensuse 11.2 sharing various NFS directories, I have one laptop that is running 11.2 and I have no problem getting my NFS shares from the server.On my other laptop that is running 11.3, I had the shares working at one point, but changed things around and added a new HD to the server, now I can NOT get this thing to work, I have tried everything I could find to read on it. Started and stopped the NFS server and exportfs -a, and checked /var/logs/messages on server and nothing about this laptop ( suse 11.3) trying to connect.On this laptop, I have deleted all the shares, and tried to re-add them but still get this error everytime.on server /etc/export:
/home/kryptic/ *(rw,no_subtree_check,sync)
/backup/Media/ *(rw,no_subtree_check,sync)
/backup/Dales_Backup/ *(fsid=0,crossmnt,ro,root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
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Feb 28, 2010
I just installed kde 4.4 and I noted that a filter I had built before does not work as before. The filter classified incoming mail into a "unknown" folder if the "From" and "To" fields matched "is not in address book". Some messages go to the unknown folder that did not before. Has anybody seen anything related to this? I has a look a kde bugs but could not find this described. The addresses are present in kaddressbook, it seems that kmail does not see them?
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Mar 13, 2011
As every time when a new OpenSuse Version arrives, I tried to install 11.4 (I have 11.2 ans 11.3 on separate partitions, + a Windows 7 that already was there when I bought my computer). Previous versions always recognized existing installations and added them to the Grub list, 11.4 doesen't... it merely recognizes the Windows. This is blocking me from testing it before adopting, as I always do, as I don't know how to add these entries manually; I'm too afraid not to be able to add the entries once installed, and not being able to use my older versions in case I have troubles. What went wrong in this release that developers forgot this important part? How I could manually add my entries for 11.2 and 11.3?
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Jan 17, 2010
I am getting this error when trying to mount my client on the directory I exported in Yast2 NFS Server
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Jul 22, 2010
I've recently switched over to gnome desktop environment with gnome-shell preview as my compositing manager.Everything is good except for this process xfce4-notifyd which autostarts somehow..
The problem with this process is it acts as the default notification daemon over-riding gnome-shell's built-in notification support and tends to display balloon popups on the top right corner....If i kill this process everything is good.... But on restart it autostarts again somehow..I looked through the items in gnome-session-properties and also in these places:
But couldn't find any entries related to xfce4-notifyd.
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Apr 1, 2011
I just started using Kontact and have imported all my contact details from Thunderbird.This worked OK, but I find that when I start a new email and begin to type the recipient's name, the email address is not automatically pulled from the contact list as I would expect.I also noticed that there doesn't appear to be a 'Send Email' option in the Contact screen once an entry has been selected.Kmail seems to be collecting email addresses from any emails I send, and if I start typing one of these, then it does auto-complete
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May 26, 2011
The only MS program I need on my computer is Word 2007 for the equation editor to write/edit files from work. So after installing Wine I installed MSOffice2007. Excel worked OK (although I don't need it - I am perfectly happy with the Libre Office spreadsheet). Word however froze each time so I tried to uninstall and reinstall it. However I always got an error message when trying to uninstall with Wine. So I followed the advice of some strands in this forum and deleted the Program Files folder from the directory. However the menus are still in Wine/Programs/Microsoft Office even though they lead to nowhere. I tried to reinstall but still I nothing happened. I presume the old entries still lead to the position where previously the .exe files were located. Now my question is either how can I remove these menu entries and try installing again - or even better - is there a Linux programme that can read/edit the equations written in Word 2007?
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Mar 4, 2011
This continues a thread started in the applications forum:mc hangs temporarily when network is downmc (Midnight Commander) hangs on my desktop but not on my laptop. When I compared desktop and laptop configurations, I found the following differences:
/etc/hosts files:
Laptop:, linux-4xt8
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Jul 29, 2011
After installing 11.4 my fstab entries for CD and DVD drives as well as floppy generate errors when I try to mount them automatically or via Nautilus when inserting CD or DVD. The icons and CD/DVD name show up ok but will not mount. Manually mounting via terminal command works. Here are the relevant lines from fstab
In /dev scd0 and scd1 are symlinks pointing to sr0 and sr1 respectively. The above error message was generated after attempting to load a CD in scd0 i.e. my laptop internal CD/DVD drive. Lines 10,11 and 12 are the fstab lines quoted above.
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May 2, 2010
My connection manager shows wired connections and shows wireless as being disabled. here is some terminal info getting wireless going?
Here is a bunch of things I have tried and the results.
nixon@nixon-desktop:~$ sudo ifup wlan0
Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.
nixon@nixon-desktop:~$ sudo ifdown wlan0
ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured
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