Server :: How To Permanently Set Shmmax

Jun 10, 2010

For Oracle installation, I need to set kernel.shmmax parameter to 8416559104

According to the manual I did the following:


when I check the value

It looks OK, but after reboot there is the default value 3294967296 again.

The system is 64-bit SLES11.

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Debian :: Edit The File Shmmax In Proc/sys/kernel?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to edit the file shmmax in proc/sys/kernel/. I want to increase the value. I am using vim to edit it. But when I try to write and close the file I get the following error: "shmmax" E667: Fsync failed Press ENTER or type command to continue

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General :: Change SHMMAX Variable For Performance Tuning?

Feb 2, 2011

I am using Ubuntu-10.4 and postgresql-8.4.Now I have to change my SHMMAX variable for performance tuning.I have 16 GB.change it permanently and what is the suitable value for the DATABASE Server.

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Debian :: E667: Fsync Failed - Edit The File Shmmax In Proc/sys/kernel/?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to edit the file shmmax in proc/sys/kernel/. I want to increase the value. I am using vim to edit it. But when I try to write and close the file I get the following error:

"shmmax" E667: Fsync failed
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I have read that this can be cause by a full disk. I checked with df and have plenty of space available.

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General :: Disable Ssh Server Permanently?

Mar 7, 2011

Now i want to disable my ssh server "permanently",which means it won't run unless i start it after i login.that is,it is disabled at boot time by default.
i have asked a similar question before,but i still have some confusions.
Say that now the ssh server is system is ubuntu 10.04. code...

The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future.
the shell gives me a warning:do not match LSB Default-Start values,this API is not stable and ...
what does this mean? still it can't disable the server "permanently",ethier.
what on earth should i do to solve this?

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Server :: How To Permanently Remove A Module From Kernel

Apr 11, 2010

I got this problem where my USB ports don't work. So if I do the command:

modprobe -r ehci_hcd

it fixes it. I can put it in the /etc/rc.local so that it runs every time when the server reboots. But, I want the ehci module removed without ever being loaded because sometimes the server goes through an fsck and the module is loaded and therefore I cannot use my IPMI to access the server.

I believe that my kernel has it within it because blacklisting the module does not work. I've tried remaking the initrd with this:

add module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
mkinitrd -f /boot/initrd-$(uname-r).img $(uname -r)

and that didn't work. I've searched on how to do it but nothing is really clear. I would like to know what the command would be to do this. I use Fedora 8.

I would like the ehci_hcd module to not be loaded so that if the server goes through an fsck, the module is still not loaded.

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Server :: Set PATH For All The Users Permanently On Fedora 8?

Apr 15, 2011

I am failing to set PATH for all the users on a linux box(Fedora 8), permanently. Basically, I have installed two different versions of python(2.5 & 2.7) Python2.5 path is /usr/bin and it is set by default for all users(not by me, also i don't know how ) and it is working fine.

Python2.7 path is /usr/bin/Python27/bin, so tried this:


And it worked only for that particular session and for only root, as I set path from root user. So, i need this to be set for all the users on the linux box, including root, more importantly as permanent. So if any user types "python27" at the command prompt, it should give python2.7 prompt.

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Server :: Permanently Block Access To Email From Japan?

Oct 30, 2010

I run my own home server using OpenSuse 11.1, everything is setup using apache, php, etc etc, and it all works perfect, but now I need to use my own email server for the use of Dolphin social networking software, so that when someone registers, the email server sends out registration confirmation emails, so I set up postfix, yeah right!!!, even though I followed all instructions to set postfix as a closed relay, a test done at mxtoolbox site still said it was an open relay, but while I was trying to set up postfix, my access to the server slowed down, and my servers drive light was constantly active,,, so when I look at the mail queue, I saw 4000+ emails, all from japan, (, so I promptly shut down postfix and use postsuper -d ALL in the command console to delete the queue, but no matter how I try, I couldn't configure postfix as a closed relay,,, so I uninstalled it and installed sendmail, and using webmin, I could use a spam list and block the domain, now, sendmail's test at mxtools show as a closed relay, I can't even send out a test email using smtp auth, but disabling auth, I can, but now my IP is blocked at spam cop, and spamhaus,,, gmail server say my IP is not authorized to send to their servers, but to use my ISP relay instead,,, but my ISP doesn't have a relay,,hence the need to run my own email server.

My home server uses double layer firewall, a hardware firewall between the internet and the server, and a software firewall on the server, and I only allow the ports I need, IE, 80 = http, 443 = https, 20/21 = ftp, 25 = smtp, 110 = pop3. and that's all, but any other internal access from my workstation to the server, using ssh, I only open the ports on the server firewall. If someone here has a great deal of knowledge on sendmail, and can set up a an M4 ( config file for me, it would be much appreciated. What I would like my email server to do, is to only allow the sending of emails from inside it's own server system,, ie, when a php script sends an email to the server, then the email server would let it through, but anything else, outside the local network is ignored.

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Server :: Mount Samba Share On Windows Permanently?

Jul 7, 2010

Client OS :- Windows XP
Server OS :- Centos 5.4
Service :- samba or smb

Actually i want to take a back of windows xp's users data which on d: or etc and that backup i want to store in samba share which i made on my centos 5.4 . To do this we need to mount samba share as local drive then any script or any software can detect that share easily in that drive.

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Server :: Unable To Permanently Mount Samba Share

Nov 13, 2010

my samba server is working properly but i want to mount it permanently on linux (red hat) client.i have tried /etc/fstab and also autofs service but both are not working for me.

1. /etc/fstab i made the following entry in it // /temp smbfs credentials=/root/pass 0 0 and when i use comman mount -a it shows "unknown filesystem smbfs" why this is so?

2. using autofs

my auto.master file is shown below

# $Id: auto.master,v 1.4 2005/01/04 14:36:54 raven Exp $
# Sample auto.master file


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CentOS 5 Server :: Set Ulimit Open Files Permanently?

May 4, 2011

Newbie here! Our website CMS is a Tomcat webapp, which runs on a CentOS 5.6 release (Final). The webapp needs a permanent increase of the max. open files value. Currently, the site is "crashing" frequently due to continuous "Too many open files" exceptions that eventually will occur when traffic increases.

This is what I've done to try to increase the max. open files value code...

But still, when I log in (as any user, incl. root), ulimit -n shows 1024, not 16384. Am I missing something here? And, more importantly; Will Tomcat be able to open > 1024 files after my changes mentioned above?

(PS: I also tried rebooting, but no difference.)

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Set Alsamixer Permanently

Jun 24, 2010

I set alsamixer every time after login. I also did alsactl store but it doesn't work.

How to get rid of that?

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Disable A Key?

Apr 2, 2010

So I just installed Ubuntu on my second laptop, however I ran into a problem. The F9 key is going crazy. I'm not exactly sure what is causing it (I've already popped off and cleaned the keys) but if I could find a way to just disable it I'd be very happy.

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Software :: Permanently BAN Grub2 ?

Jan 12, 2011

So grub2 snuck into my upload list.

Is there a way to force APT to never, never, ever, never, ever, even in the slightest EVER consider even thinking about possibly touching the satanic filth that is grub2?

I'm growing weary of the same loop... grub gets flagged for upgrade to grub2, I don't notice it, system breaks, boot rescue disc, remove grub2, restore original grub, move on with life.

I thought by purging grub2 and setting grub to manual maintain (apt-get install grub after it is already installed) would be enough, but apparently not so. So is there a way to ban this package? Seriously I'd rather start using Windows again than use grub2. To this day I have never successfully booted anything with it and it just sends me into a rage when I see the crap grub_rescue pop up after it sneaks in an update.

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Debian :: Rc.d Permanently Stopping Processes ?

Feb 21, 2011

I will be switching to Debian soon and have been forming a large script with a vbox test system to automate my system configuration when I switch.

When I install lamp (Or basically it's equivalent packages) apache and mysql start up automatically.

I could just use update-rc.d to remove the autostart but whenever there's a security or feature update for the package the files get replaced.

In addition, for some reason the system thinks it's a good idea to autostart half a dozen apache2 processes at the same time, sucking up a good 150Mb ram when not doing anything. (Anyone know why?)

How would I stop my system from doing this? Could I "chmod 000" the /etc/init.d files?

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Fedora :: How To Permanently Disable Selinux

Jul 14, 2009

I came across the following method of how to permanently disabling selinux and it's notifications. Although changing enforcement from the gui into permissive mode does most of the job, the notifications still pop-up when some applications are started.

So to disable it do the following:

open terminal as root and execute:


And then change the SELINUX line to SELINUX=disabled


This is it. Now reboot the system and selinux will never bother you again.

If you are not a Fedora user and you are using this forum just because we are cooler here then you will not find the /etc/selinux/config as in the fedora releases. What you need to do is to edit the kernel boot line and add selinux=0 at the end:


Reboot the system

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Fedora :: Permanently Enabling Repos ?

Feb 4, 2010

I have various repos in my yum.repos.d including rawhide, google, and various others which I can enable on specific yum commands with --enablerepo=reponame.

Question is, how come these aren't enabled by default? When I do a yum repolist they don't show up, which effectively leaves orphan programs.

I can see why you might not want rawhide enabled by default for obvious update reasons, but I might want others to be enabled by default, like google for one.

So how is the default repo anabling/disabling controlled?

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Fedora :: Permanently Getting Rid Of Unneeded Updates?

Oct 2, 2010

the "Japanese character set input library" keeps showing up on the list of updates. I have no need for japanese character input and have cleaned extraneous languages off the system with bleachbit. how can i make it so this update does not appear anymore?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change The Timezone Permanently

Jan 3, 2010

So, here's my problem. Every time I'm trying to change my timezone, it last until I'm restarting my comp again, it seems like it doesn't save the changes permanently.I'm using Ubuntu v9.10 installed through Wubi. My timezone is set currently via BIOS.

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Add A Location To $PATH

Jan 14, 2010

How do I permanently add a location to my $PATH so it is always there when I open terminal?

Also is there a GUI for this?

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Ubuntu :: How To Permanently Mount Drives

Jan 21, 2010

i used to mount my drives in ubuntu..How to mount all the drives permanently?

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Ubuntu :: How To Permanently Alias Command

Mar 6, 2010

My current alias'd commands are:

alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

I'd like to change 'ls' and add a few more, is there a command to permanently do that, or a config file I need to edit somewhere?

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Ubuntu :: Why Does 'xset R 133' Not Work Permanently

Jun 11, 2010

I use 'xset r 133' to set autorepeat for the 'Windows key'.

But somehow after a while autorepeat does not work any longer and I have to redo the 'xset r 133'. I don't log out or so.

Ubuntu 10.04, gnome, compiz

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Ubuntu :: Disable Service Permanently Using GUI?

Jun 14, 2010

I have upgraded to ubuntu 10.4 i have some issues with it, first how to disable service permanently using GUI, second how can i change root passwd i tried sudo passwd root does not work, third i have network shared driver i want to mount permanently and create short cut to desktop.

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Ubuntu :: How To Permanently Disable A Touchpad

Nov 30, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 on Lenovo Thinkpad, and I have tree pointing devices:
- touchpad
- trackpoint
- mouse, that is connected only when I am home, so for around 50% of time.

I have downloaded a package "Pointing Devices" and tried to disable a touchpad, which annoys me. Sometimes new settings works, but each time I connect/disconnect mouse, the default settings (everything on) restores. It's even worse, because right now the touchpad works and annoys me, while it's written that it's disabled in "Pointing devices", so either the package is outdated, or it's a BUG.

How to permanently disable a touchpad?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Permanently Disable Fn Key

Feb 20, 2011

I've tried all three options here to permanently disable the fn key (so that when I press F1 it'll bring up help and when I press fn+F1, it'll dim the screen, etc.).

These methods work upon reboot, but once the computer is put to sleep (i.e. I close my lid), the settings are reverted back to default and I must use fn+ for everything again.

How can I keep the fn key disabled?

And on another note, why use gksudo instead of just sudo?

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Ubuntu :: How To Automount A Drive Permanently

Apr 23, 2011

I would like to mount a (ext4) drive permanently.I don like to use any additional packages to automount. Can anyone say me the manual way of entering the partition information into the fstab entry?Output: fdisk -l

karthick@karthick:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for karthick:


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Ubuntu :: Me Menu Permanently Offline ?

May 4, 2011

What do I have to do to get some love from the Me Menu? It says "Offline". If I click "Available", then Empathy starts up, and I get Twitter/Gwibber notifications, but the Me Menu still says "Offline". If I click "Offline" (even though it's already selected), then Empathy disconnects. While I am connected to a chat room via Empathy, the little envelope thingy will turn blue or green if I have a new message. Basically, all seems normal except that Me Menu permanently says I'm Offline.

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn On Swap Permanently

Jul 3, 2011

I created the swap partition, but the problem is, that i have to turn on swaf every time when i turn on my computer. How to turn swap on permanently?

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Unmount A Drive?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm running both Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows XP Home Edition. I have my hard drive partitioned with 90 GB for Windows and 60 GB for Ubuntu. Here's the problem: When I booted up Ubuntu for the first time, the Windows file system appeared as a second HDD. My dad told me that I need to make it so that drive doesn't appear or be read only or else he will be uninstalling Ubuntu because of the risk that some program will write to the Windows file system. I personally am not worried about that happening, but he clearly is. Remember, I'm brand new to Linux so please make things simple for me to under stand!

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