Installation :: Installation - PC Freezes - Before Or After Creating The Partitions

Oct 30, 2010

My problem is that every time I try to install a version of Linux, my PC freezes(before or after creating the partitions) and just stops installing. I can't move the mouse cursor and that's it. This problem occured in trying to install Ubuntu and Fedora from cd and usb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating Partitions Using Fdisk?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a dell poweredge 2950 server which had red hat on it. I have installed ubuntu on top of it. I have replaced master boot record during the installation of ubuntu as I dont want use red hat anymore. During the installation it asked me for the space I wanted to give for Ubuntu and I provided 10GB. Now I can use only 10GB of my harddrive until I mount other partitions correct?

So when I type sudo fdisk -l I get the below printed:

Disk /dev/sda: 146.2 GB, 146163105792 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 17769 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating 4KB Aligned Partitions During 10.04 Install?

May 1, 2010

I'm currently running a Ubuntu 9.10 64bit machine with one of those 2TB WD disks that does have 4KB blocks.Unfortunately the current partition layout is misaligned, so I plan to back up my home directory and start fresh with a 10.04 install, trying to make the partitions aligned as suggested here:what I'm wondering is, does the 10.04 partitioning program take care of the alignment today or I have to resort doing manual partitioning with a separate tool?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes After The Partitions Specification?

Mar 19, 2011

I wanted to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook Samsung N150 but the installation from the pendrive freezes after the partition table specification, both in the case of the manual specification and in the case of the automatic path. I (think correctly..) specified 35 GB of ext4 journ (but I tried also with ext3 journ) and 1GB of swap but when I confirm these specs the installation freeze yet at the "Searching for the file system" (I use a localized lang but I think this is a quite literal translation), when I'm asked for the time zone

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Install Freezes While Creating Ext4 File System?

Nov 1, 2010

I have tried 4 times now to install but it keeps freezing. I wiped my hdd with a tool from UBCD and im starting fresh with a full install of Ubuntu 10.10.I'm installing from a LiveCD. Should I format the hdd in some way before install?

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Fedora Installation :: Program Freezes After Loading Components / Mounting Partitions

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to install Fedora 12 x64 on my 27" iMac 10,1. I have tried both the installation dvd and the gnome live cd (both x64 i did not try the x86). On the installation dvd I get as far as the menu giving me the boot/install options - I have tried to install both with a basic video driver and the regular install/upgrade option - both times it begins loading components for the installer program (/sbin/loader) etc. After it loads sbin/loader and mounts the partitions it freezes with half the screen being the terminal txt beforehand and the other half being just a standard fedora logo w/blue background. It is not much different when I try the live-cd the only different is it does the exact same thing when the timer for automatic login is done. Any possible command line arguments that I could use to stop the graphical corruption?

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Ubuntu Installation :: LiveCD Crashed On "Try", Install Freezes On Creating Ext4 Fs, 11.04 Sux0r?

May 5, 2011

I burned my liveCD very slowly and checked it for integrity. It works fine on, for example, my dell inspiron 1012 netbook.

I am able to create the partitions etc and am shooting for a win7 dual boot. Don't want wubi or the like.

I am unable to boot the liveCD or even install the OS as it hangs on clicking "Try" and the install hangs on "Creating ext4 fs on / "

Also the 11.04 CD seems to have a lot of issues based on my browsing the top few pages of the forum.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Recognize Partitions - Error Message Saying Partitions Over Sized

Mar 22, 2011

I used Ubuntu before, without problems but since the 10.04 version it won't recognize my partitions. I formated my laptop and partitioned it, installed Windows 7 64bit, which I need for my work, and wanted now to install Ubuntu 10.04/10. I then used GParted to check my Harddisk and it is having troubles to recognize my partitions, too while Windows finds them. GParted is giving me an error message saying my partitions are oversized. I am still in the beginning of my Linux experiences and so I don't know what to do. I have two 250GB harddisks (how Windows recognizes them),


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Ubuntu Installation :: CD Doesn't Detect Partitions But No Apparent Overlapping Partitions?

Mar 3, 2010

Xubuntu 9.04 installation CD not detecting any of the current partitions. This all started when I reinstalled windows XP a few days ago.After, the computer wouldn't boot into GRUB and would boot directly into windows.Other threads have dealt with a similar issue, that of overlapping partitions causing libparted/parted/gparted to detect the whole drive as unallocated space. The problem in these threads seemed to be a corrupted partition table, in which the partitions overlapped with each other. So of course I checked the output of fdisk -l for overlapping partitions, but I don't see any obvious overlapping partitions. I've noticed that the partition that used to be linux swap isn't showing up in the partition table at all. I might just be missing something simple here and would like another set of eyes to help me figure this one out. Does the problem have anything to do with the partition table being out of order (ie. not in order of what regions they cover on the drive)? From the liveCD I've run


sudo fdisk -lu
sudo sfdisk -d
sudo parted /dev/sda print

and have received the following output:


ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo fdisk -lu
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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Fedora Installation :: Creating Local Repository At Installation Time

Feb 26, 2011

I am preparing an installation for a network with small subnetworks across the country.As such, I am setting up a central repository, but would like the installation of some machines to turn themselves into mirrors at installation time (at least for their own rpms) to save bandwidth for the rest of the machines in their own sub network.Is it somehow possible to set up a local mirror at installation time?I was watching how anaconda is installing from a repository and saw that it erases each downloaded rpm as soon as it is installed, but thought maybe someone here would have an idea.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An ISO From Custom USB Flash Installation ?

May 3, 2010

I've created a USB startup disk under Ubuntu 10.04 lucid (Live CD), Ive selected the option to save system settings to the flashdrive with about 200MB usage, now that ive configured and customized the opperating system (on the flashdrive) I want to create a ISO from that flashdrive installation.

Once the ISO is created, I want to burn it, boot off the CD then create another startup disk but this time setting "Discard on shutdown" so no settings or files can be saved to the flashdrive, but my custom setup remains. "its for an internet cafe setup".

How do i recreate an ISO from the USB startup disk?

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Debian Installation :: Can't Boot After Installation Due To Video Card / Partitions?

Dec 22, 2014

After a fresh install of 7.7.0 (amd64), I'm unable to boot into Debian. I get the following error constantly when booting in recovery mode:

(snip) [drm] nouveau (snip) PMC - unhandled INTR 0x44000000

A bit of Googling seems to indicate that this is due to my video card (Geforce GTX 750Ti). Unfortunately, my motherboard doesn't have any monitor ports, so I'm forced to use a video card in order to use a monitor. Something I didn't foresee being an issue, but what can you do. How should I resolve this? Is there an ISO that has the (presumably non-free) drivers included? A way I can add the drivers during boot (I am able to boot into my Windows partition by changing the boot order, don't know if I can do anything useful from here)? Or do I have to do something crazy like buy/borrow an older video card just so I can properly boot into Debian, and then install the drivers?

I've got a secondary problem: GRUB has my Debian install as the only option, even though I had Windows 8.1 installed first. I don't know if this is related to the problem above, or it's a known problem with newer versions of Debian and/or Windows (and I have to update the menu.lst or whatever myself), or if it's due to the way I set up partitions. My current setup is:

- Windows boot partition
- Windows main partition
- Debian / partition
- Debian swap partition
- Debian EFI partition
- Debian /home partition
- Unallocated space (will eventually be a NTFS partition for shared storage)

This is the first time I'm using a motherboard with EFI/UEFI. It's also the first time I have an OS taking up partitions on multiple physical devices. I don't know if either is the cause of GRUB not detecting Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Sync The Partitions In REFItSuspect There Was An Error With Installation

Sep 27, 2010

Please bear with me as I'm incredibly new to Linux and shell scripting and all that good stuff. This will be a fairly lengthy post, as I don't really know which information is pertinent to the problem at hand and which is irrelevant. I installed Ubuntu on my Macbook following the instructions on this page: [URL].. At step 7, /dev/sda3 was not in the dropdown menu of options, so I picked...I can't remember. Either /dev/sda or /dev/sda2. I think this may be the beginning of the root of my problems. Step 8 is where it all falls apart. I get the following error message: "Status: MBR partition table is invalid, partitions overlap. Status: GPT partition of type 'Unknown' found, will not touch this disk."

Sooo since I can't sync the partitions, I can't get Linux to load unless I'm loading it from the LiveCD. I've tried steps 1-10 on this page:[URL].. However, under step 4, I could either "Save" the file randomly, without actually saving it to /mnt/root, or I could just open it and run the installer. I think I went into FF preferences and changed it to let me pick where each download would be saved, but when I actually clicked on the download link and then "Save", after finding the folder and clicking the final button (Which I think actually said "Open" instead of "Save"), nothing happened. I tried running the rest of the steps after just opening the installer on its own, but of course just got error messages. I hate not being able to troubleshoot this on my own!

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Installation On Dell Vostro - Starts For Few Seconds And Freezes There

Dec 10, 2010

I have Dell Vostro laptop with Core2 processor 1.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM. I want to install Fedora. I tried to install it with Fedora_14_ 32 bit and Fedora_14_ 64 bit. After booting by DVD or USB, I get initial blue screen in which I select Install and it starts for few seconds and freezes there, it does not move ahead. I got Fedora 32 bit DVD from Fedora so it should have come with checksum checked. So IMO DVD is ok, it is something else with regard to hardware detection, stopping installation to go ahead. I tried 3 times, but do not go ahead.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 On HP ML350 G6 - Installation Process Get The Screen That Shows The Files Copied - Freezes ?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm trying to install on HP ML 350 F13 G6 with standard array controller and 3 drives in raid 5. Well, when the installation process get the screen that shows the files copied (all copied...) , it freezes and does not advance more. Perhaps groped a firmware update? Other distributions are installed correctly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Network Clock Freezes On Installation?

Jun 8, 2010

I am a brand new ubuntu user, heard lots of good things about it so thought I would give it a go on my laptop. However, I have tried installations of Ubuntu 10.04 (notebook version) and Xubuntu. Yet on both attempts to install the OS it has stalled at the "Setting up the clock" dialogue box, it just sits at 0% and remains frozen (mouse still moves etc but nothing happens).

I really want to give Ubuntu / Xubuntu a go and my forum trawling has brought nothing to light so far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Can't Find Partitions And XP-installation

Mar 15, 2010

The instaler doesnt find my partitions and the XP that is installed too! For some reasons i cannot delete the whole hdd... if i format the partition, where (i want to install ubuntu) with fat, the pc crashes during the installing process after the tastaturlayout question! if i try some other formats, the installer tells me, that there are no Operating Systems installed and the hdd is unpartitioned!

if i start ubuntu live from the cd, the system finds all partitions, but if i run cfdisk in a terminal, i get a fatal error (cannot open disk space)... My machine is a acer aspire 1694 WLMi (pretty old, but should be no problem), bios is up to date, Windows is XP home edition with SP3.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Installation Freezes At Partitioning

Nov 8, 2011

I'm new to the Debian, but not to Linux. I've previously used Ubuntu for a few years, so I know something about how a successful installation should look like. I'm currently using Windows 7.

I downloaded the debian-6.0.3-amd64-gnome-netinst.iso from [URL] ...., and then made a USB pendrive using the Windows version of Unetbootin. The MD5 sum for the .iso-file was the correct one, b663727d7f5b572c329cea8e2ff5e29c.

I used the usual non-graphical setup, without any special options. The installation process went without hiccups until the "Starting up the partitioner" -screen freezes at "Scanning disks...". The bar stops at 50%. It never progresses any farther, even after an hour. It doesn't give any errors either. After I pressed Alt+F4, the last lines were:

Code: Select allpartman:   No matching physical volumes found
partman:   No volume groups found
partman:   Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
partman-lvm:   No volumegroups found

Exactly the same happens with firmware-6.0.3-amd64-netinst.iso too, or any of the live versions I tried. The result of graphical installation was also nothing. The USB pendrive created by LinuxLive USB Creator was nonoperative in exactly the same way.

The computer is brand new, without any previous OS installations. My desktop computer has the following parts:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T, AM3, 2.8 GHz (HDT55TFBGRBOX)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3, AM3+, AMD 970, DDR3, ATX
Videocard: Gigabyte GT 430
Memory: Kingston 2x2 GB, DDR3 1066MHz, CL7 (KVR1066D3N7K2/4G)
Harddrive: Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ
Powersupply: OCZ 600W ModXstream, ATX 2.2, (OCZ600MXSP-EU)

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Freezes Due To Nouveau Driver

Nov 30, 2009

As I mentioned before, I has having freezes while installing F12 (x86_64) with a GeForce 8600 GT. I was able to complete the installation by doing it with the "basic" video driver. However, I was still getting frequent freezes. I installed the testing Nvidia drivers, and the freezes went away. When it froze, it was a hard freeze -- it wouldn't respond to CTRL-ALT-DEL or SysRq (I did enable SysRq first). I had to do a hard reset.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Freezes At File Copy?

Oct 8, 2010

I am having difficulty installing Ubuntu on a new PC. Hardware is thus:MB: ASUS M4N68T-MCPU AMD Phenom II 3.2 GHzMem: Kingston 2GB DDR3-1800HDD: Seagate Barracuda 80 GB SATAvideo is on-board, cannot find the details regarding chipset.I have tried both 7.10 and 10.10 (would prefer to use 7.10) but both versions hang at the same point during installation.Live mode works fine on both versions.Tried burning 7.10 to CD at 4x write speed.Set MB bios "Plug and Play OS" to yes.When it hangs, the mouse freezes, then the video wigs out (think Van Gogh on acid) and only a hard power down will un-freeze it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Partitioner Freezes On Installation?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm a complete noob trying to install Ubuntu Server 10.10 on my first build for use as a file/media server.When I get to the step to partition the drives, the installation freezes. The screen says "Starting disk partitioner" and the progress bar stops at 45%. It has done this three times now, and the longest I waited for it before rebooting was over an hour.I am installing from a flash drive containing the .iso file, and I have the following hardware (in case that matters): asus p7h55-m pro mobo, core i3-540 CPU, 2x4GB ram, WD caviar green 1.5TB, WD caviar green 1TB, and Kingston 8GB SSD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes On Startup After Installation

May 13, 2010

I dual booted my windows 7 with Ubunto 10.04 and it said it successfully installed. I booted the ubuntu and it freezes on th Ubuntu image with the message( i didn't copy the message). i rebooted and freezes again on an image after the Ubuntu Image.So itried recovery mode and it worked. i always use recovery mode to use ubuntu.

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General :: Creating Image Of Drive Partitions

Jan 6, 2011

I have what I thought was a simple task of creating ISO images of my Windows 7 system partion and boot partiton (the C drive) on my physical hard drive that I could use to load Windows 7 onto a virtual machine. Anyway, I'm running Ubuntu off the CD drive and I can see my drive partions (checked using the fdisk -l command). I have tried many iterations of the mkisofs command, but no matter what I do I get the error message: unable to open disk image file 'dev/sdb/win7sys.iso'. I don't understand why it's trying to open an ISO file it is supposed to be creating. The -o FILE option sets the output file name, so the message makes no sense to me. Below is an example of a simple and longer version with more options that I have tried to create an image of my sytem partiton (sda1) and save it on an external drive (sdb) with the file name: win7sys.iso (the next step I think would be to create or merge both partition images as one iso file for the VM). But I can't get past this error.

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

sudo mkisofs -o dev/sdb/win7sys.iso /dev/sda1

sudo sudo mkisofs -input-charset iso8859-1 -V win7sys -o dev/sdb/win7sys.iso /dev/sda1

* Note that the output after the -o parameter is the desired destination /dev/sdb (my external drive) for the image file and /dev/sda1 is my Windows 7 system or boot partition (sda2 is what Windows sees as the C drive).

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Slackware :: Creating Partitions On New Lenovo Notebook?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to create some Linux partitions to install Slackware on my Lenovo W510 notebook and I'm getting some partition "errors" when using fdisk or cfdisk during the Slackware install. I have a feeling this is due to the hidden system restore partition and was wondering how others have dealt with this.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Creating Ghost Images Of Partitions?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been using GHOST for quite a few years to back up my Windoze partitions from NTFS to a series of images on a fat32 partition. I usually boot off a DOS7 bootable CD and simply ghost over to the fat32 partition.

I am rebuilding my laptops and desktops to dual boot Windows7 and Suse 11.2

My goal is to create restore images from my NTFS and ext3 partitions into directories on the fat32 partition for a restoration to my "gold baseline" build after any corruption.

My partition layout is below. This is output from gdisk.exe in DOS7. It's an 80gig drive.

1 = Windows-7
2 = /boot
3 = swap
5 = /
6 = /fat32


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Ubuntu :: Creating A Disk Image / Archive Of Old Partitions?

Jun 30, 2010

I am installing Linux on some spare space I left over from my previous two Windows installations.

From within Linux, what's the most risk-free way of imaging these two partitions and saving them to a single image file or archive? I want to preserve the entire partition because I have no idea what I may have forgotten to copy. What is the most suitable program that can do this?

Is there any way to run the partition in a virtual machine at a later date?

After this is done, I want to delete those old partitions and extend my Linux ones.

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Server :: Creating A System Less Reliant On NFS Served Partitions

Feb 8, 2011

My chief file server (Dell PE R300) died last week with a disk error, and because it serves the /usr/local and /home partitions via NFS to my ~60 desktops, nobody could do any work until I managed to rig up another server and pull data off the backups. I'm using RHEL 4.To avoid this in future my plan is to knock up a dual server solution with DRDB and Heartbeat.In the meantime, is there a better way to allow desktop users to carry on working as normal, without relying on the file server too much? i.e. something better than NFS but not LDAP (I don't want to implement this just yet as the organisation as a whole may do this in the future)? My users need to be able to access the same home area on any linux desktop managed by me.Also, to implement DRDB/Heartbeat, it might be best to have the home areas on an external array, is that right? Can anybody recommend some hardware?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't See Partitions During Installation?

Jul 12, 2010

There's this guy, his English isn't that good, he posted a thread reporting his problem in Arabic and sadly he's a total beginner (maybe even worse). Anyhow, he has 5 partitions, all in NTFS. During installation the Ubuntu installer can't see the partitions, he used to use a 3rd party program to create/delete the partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Freezes / What To Do?

Jul 6, 2011

I have an old laptop (BTW, it uses Plop Boot Manager to boot from the USB, is that important?) and I installed Lubuntu perfectly. With the same USB, it won't work on my new one. It always freezes after I come to this screen (although it says Lubuntu, not Ubuntu):

I have tried two methods of burning a Live USB (copy/paste ISO files and UNETBootin).

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