Ubuntu Installation :: Can't See Partitions During Installation?

Jul 12, 2010

There's this guy, his English isn't that good, he posted a thread reporting his problem in Arabic and sadly he's a total beginner (maybe even worse). Anyhow, he has 5 partitions, all in NTFS. During installation the Ubuntu installer can't see the partitions, he used to use a 3rd party program to create/delete the partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Recognize Partitions - Error Message Saying Partitions Over Sized

Mar 22, 2011

I used Ubuntu before, without problems but since the 10.04 version it won't recognize my partitions. I formated my laptop and partitioned it, installed Windows 7 64bit, which I need for my work, and wanted now to install Ubuntu 10.04/10. I then used GParted to check my Harddisk and it is having troubles to recognize my partitions, too while Windows finds them. GParted is giving me an error message saying my partitions are oversized. I am still in the beginning of my Linux experiences and so I don't know what to do. I have two 250GB harddisks (how Windows recognizes them),


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Ubuntu Installation :: CD Doesn't Detect Partitions But No Apparent Overlapping Partitions?

Mar 3, 2010

Xubuntu 9.04 installation CD not detecting any of the current partitions. This all started when I reinstalled windows XP a few days ago.After, the computer wouldn't boot into GRUB and would boot directly into windows.Other threads have dealt with a similar issue, that of overlapping partitions causing libparted/parted/gparted to detect the whole drive as unallocated space. The problem in these threads seemed to be a corrupted partition table, in which the partitions overlapped with each other. So of course I checked the output of fdisk -l for overlapping partitions, but I don't see any obvious overlapping partitions. I've noticed that the partition that used to be linux swap isn't showing up in the partition table at all. I might just be missing something simple here and would like another set of eyes to help me figure this one out. Does the problem have anything to do with the partition table being out of order (ie. not in order of what regions they cover on the drive)? From the liveCD I've run


sudo fdisk -lu
sudo sfdisk -d
sudo parted /dev/sda print

and have received the following output:


ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo fdisk -lu
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Sync The Partitions In REFItSuspect There Was An Error With Installation

Sep 27, 2010

Please bear with me as I'm incredibly new to Linux and shell scripting and all that good stuff. This will be a fairly lengthy post, as I don't really know which information is pertinent to the problem at hand and which is irrelevant. I installed Ubuntu on my Macbook following the instructions on this page: [URL].. At step 7, /dev/sda3 was not in the dropdown menu of options, so I picked...I can't remember. Either /dev/sda or /dev/sda2. I think this may be the beginning of the root of my problems. Step 8 is where it all falls apart. I get the following error message: "Status: MBR partition table is invalid, partitions overlap. Status: GPT partition of type 'Unknown' found, will not touch this disk."

Sooo since I can't sync the partitions, I can't get Linux to load unless I'm loading it from the LiveCD. I've tried steps 1-10 on this page:[URL].. However, under step 4, I could either "Save" the file randomly, without actually saving it to /mnt/root, or I could just open it and run the installer. I think I went into FF preferences and changed it to let me pick where each download would be saved, but when I actually clicked on the download link and then "Save", after finding the folder and clicking the final button (Which I think actually said "Open" instead of "Save"), nothing happened. I tried running the rest of the steps after just opening the installer on its own, but of course just got error messages. I hate not being able to troubleshoot this on my own!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Can't Find Partitions And XP-installation

Mar 15, 2010

The instaler doesnt find my partitions and the XP that is installed too! For some reasons i cannot delete the whole hdd... if i format the partition, where (i want to install ubuntu) with fat, the pc crashes during the installing process after the tastaturlayout question! if i try some other formats, the installer tells me, that there are no Operating Systems installed and the hdd is unpartitioned!

if i start ubuntu live from the cd, the system finds all partitions, but if i run cfdisk in a terminal, i get a fatal error (cannot open disk space)... My machine is a acer aspire 1694 WLMi (pretty old, but should be no problem), bios is up to date, Windows is XP home edition with SP3.

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Debian Installation :: Can't Boot After Installation Due To Video Card / Partitions?

Dec 22, 2014

After a fresh install of 7.7.0 (amd64), I'm unable to boot into Debian. I get the following error constantly when booting in recovery mode:

(snip) [drm] nouveau (snip) PMC - unhandled INTR 0x44000000

A bit of Googling seems to indicate that this is due to my video card (Geforce GTX 750Ti). Unfortunately, my motherboard doesn't have any monitor ports, so I'm forced to use a video card in order to use a monitor. Something I didn't foresee being an issue, but what can you do. How should I resolve this? Is there an ISO that has the (presumably non-free) drivers included? A way I can add the drivers during boot (I am able to boot into my Windows partition by changing the boot order, don't know if I can do anything useful from here)? Or do I have to do something crazy like buy/borrow an older video card just so I can properly boot into Debian, and then install the drivers?

I've got a secondary problem: GRUB has my Debian install as the only option, even though I had Windows 8.1 installed first. I don't know if this is related to the problem above, or it's a known problem with newer versions of Debian and/or Windows (and I have to update the menu.lst or whatever myself), or if it's due to the way I set up partitions. My current setup is:

- Windows boot partition
- Windows main partition
- Debian / partition
- Debian swap partition
- Debian EFI partition
- Debian /home partition
- Unallocated space (will eventually be a NTFS partition for shared storage)

This is the first time I'm using a motherboard with EFI/UEFI. It's also the first time I have an OS taking up partitions on multiple physical devices. I don't know if either is the cause of GRUB not detecting Windows.

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Installation :: Installation - PC Freezes - Before Or After Creating The Partitions

Oct 30, 2010

My problem is that every time I try to install a version of Linux, my PC freezes(before or after creating the partitions) and just stops installing. I can't move the mouse cursor and that's it. This problem occured in trying to install Ubuntu and Fedora from cd and usb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Set Up Partitions

Oct 14, 2010

I made 2 partitions in windows xp (40gigs for xp, the other 200gigs or so for linx)I've tried installing linux numerous times, but can never get it to find the partition to install to. Is there a special way you have to set up a partition so you can install linux on it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: More Than 4 Primary Partitions Cant Be Done?

Jan 28, 2010

I am having a 250 GB hard disk in my Acer Laptop.
C: - a 65 Gb partition with Win7.
D: - a 150 GB partition with general data.
and 2 partitions by default - a 13 GB and a 3.5 GB one( I guess backup and recovery by Acer or sumthn)
I shrank the D: partition to 135 GB and had made the 15 GB unallocated space to install Ubuntu. Everytime I checked I got the free space shows as 'unusable' in the Ubuntu partitioner. I tried shrinking again with EPM, Win Disk Management and also Ubuntu partitioner. Each time the free space which showed up said Unusable. A friend of mine advised me to defragment and use 'GParted' through the live cd. I did so and when click on the unallocated space to format it said "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CREATE MORE THAN 4 PRIMARY PARTITIONS. If you want more partitions you should first create an extended partition. Such a partition can contain other partitions. Because an extended partition is also a primary partition it might be necessary to remove a primary partition first."

I didnt know all of my partitions were primary! And I dont even want D: to be primary. It just is there to hold some data.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install 9.10 To Many Partitions

Mar 25, 2010

I want to install ubuntu 9.10 on my HP nx9420. I left 48GB of unallocated space in between of windows and hp recovery partition. I attached screenshot of GParted. I need to make /dev/sda7 the home partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Partitions When Trying To Install?

May 11, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my Desktop and I am unable to see any partitions when trying to install I also checked to see if the partition manager would be able to see them and no luck there either.I already have windows xp and OpenSuse installed on the hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Partitions Are Visible?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a machine (Asus P4PE + 120GB SATA HDD) which has been running Karmic very successfully for a long time. I recently made the decision to upgrade to Lucid via the Update Manager. The upgrade seemed to go OK - no obvious errors - but the resulting version of Lucid had some weird problems: desktop messed-up, printers wouldnt work any more, etc. So I concluded I had been unlucky - the upgrade had gone wrong and I tried to install Lucid afresh from a CD.

Every time I try this, the install gets to the page to specify partitions but this page is blank. No partitions are visible. The buttons to create a partition, etc. are all greyed-out. I have tried various boot options like removing quiet splash, setting noapic/nolapic, etc. but nothing seems to work. I can happily run Lucid from the CD, no problem. I have also checked I have not got RAID accidentally installed, as mentioned elsewhere on this forum.

I am able to reinstall Karmic so I know theres a filesystem there but the Lucid installer cannot see it. Any suggestions on how to proceed very welcome!

At the moment my only option seems to be to regress to Karmic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: SD Partitions And Performance?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm doing a fresh install on my netbook and have purchased an 8GB SD card to expand storage space. I'm curious as to which directories can be mounted on the SD card without affecting performance as the write times and such are much lower on the card. I know that /home and /tmp can be mounted there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sees One HDD Instead Of Two Partitions

Oct 19, 2010

I decided to go and install ubuntu 10.10 today. I have two partitions on my HDD. Ubuntu only sees one HDD, and not the two partitions. I get no option to dual boot vista and ubuntu at all. It is only format and use the entire disk, or install manually. I go into gparted and all ubuntu sees is one unformatted HDD. But vista sees two partitions. I have all of my media on one partition. I REALLY don't want to go and format the entire drive to lose my things. Is there a work around for this? I have no access to any other PC.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Create More Than 4 Partitions

Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying to install Zorin OS to my computer, but I can't create a partition on my HD to get it to work. This is my first attempt at having multiple OSs on my computer, and my first delve into anything Linux, so I'm sorry in advance. My problem is that my computer (running Windows 7) already has 4 partitions, so creating another for Zorin won't work. I'm attaching a screenshot so you guys can see the partitions I have at the moment.I really hope to figure this out tonight so I can start to explore the OS asap!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Not Getting Recognized At All

Dec 26, 2010

The thing is I want to install Ubuntu alongside my Win 7 32-bit OS on its own partition. I have four partitions:
System Reserved (made automatically by Win 7),
System (where Win 7 is installed),
Ubuntu (which is a partition I made during the installation of Win 7 that is empty) and
Data (where all my documents, music and such is at).

The problem is that when I get to the point in the installation of Ubuntu where you choose where to install it, Ubuntu doesn't recognize any partitions at all! So to install Ubuntu I would have to erase everything which I would very much like to avoid - moreover I read it was better to begin with installing Win 7. If I choose to 'Try Ubuntu' and thereafter open GParted this is what it looks like:

The weird thing is that when I open 'Computer' I can see the different partitions and even open the partitions and files on them. It seems to work the way it should. When I open a drive it creates a shortcut on the desktop. So when I've entered all of them it looks like this:
This is how the partitions look like in Win 7:

The reason why the Ubuntu drive is FAT32 is because I tried formatting the drive while in 'Try Ubuntu'-mode. It didn't work with NTFS either. The harddisk is a Samsung HM251JJ ATA. Why can't the Ubuntu installation read my partitions? There's even a partition ready for it. And as I wrote I have looked at a great deal of threads but can't find out what to do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Does Not See Any Partitions

Feb 14, 2011

I try to install Ubuntu 10.10 on HP notebook G62 (Intel-i3, 64-bit). It have a 320GB hdd with my laptop which now consists of:

1) SYSTEM volume
2) (C: ) volume with windows 7
3) RECOVERY (D: ) volume
4) HP_TOOLS volume

1 to 4 are originally there. And now I shrink (C: ) by 50GB to get a unallocated space in which I decide to install ubuntu: First I try to shrink by Windows7 tools, but installer did not see unallocated space (but shows list of my volumes). Then I install Acronis disk director and made 50GB unallocated space by Acronis. After this Ubuntu installer does not see any volumes on my HDD Windows7 boots had works normally. I try to restore ALL from image by HP TOOLS but without result - installer doesn't see any volumes. I try boot from CD, remove dmraid and all raid package and try run installer - no result.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Upgrade OS With Three Partitions

Mar 19, 2011

I've read that it can be advantageous to partition three spaces when installing Ubuntu: / /home /swap.It's been said that reinstalling or upgrading the OS is made easier because you only interact with the / partition and don't touch your home data. Does anybody do this that can explain its advantages and what to expect?Also, what about applications that I installed after a fresh install? For example, Rhythmbox comes standard. But what if I uninstalled Rhythmbox and instead installed Exaile and run that. Would a new install on / wipe out Exaile and reinstall Rhythmbox as the music player?

The primary reason I am looking to do this is because it will be for a laptop and I would like to encrypt the /home and /swap partitions but leave the / partition unencrypted to accommodate use of an SSD's "garbage collection" utilities.

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Installation :: Ubuntu Install Not Seeing Partitions / Get That?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to duel boot win 7 and ubuntu 10.10. I have been dealing with this all day and cant figure out what's is going on. I create the partitions in windows and then reboot using a CD but when I go to select a oartition ubuntu do sent see any partitions its a totally blank drive. I have even wiped the drive totally and tried fresh install of windows and then creating partitions', even booted into the live CD area and it still dosent see any partitions just a blank drive. What am I doing wrong, or what is going wrong to cause this?

Running windows 7 x64 trying to install 10.10 x64

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Resize Partitions

Jun 13, 2011

I'm dual booting Ubuntu with Windows7. Instructions I've found on how to resize partitions tell me to open gparted and shrink things from there. However, I can't seem to do this because:

-I can't expand the windows partition because i first need to shrink the linux partition
-I can't shrink the linux partition because it is mounted
-I can't unmount the linux partition because it is being used.

So how exactly do I expand my Windows partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up The HDD Partitions

Jul 2, 2011

I want to install Kubuntu on my computer alongside W7. from what I have read Kubuntu requires around 4 different partitions. Do I make these partitions using Windows partitions tool before installation? So that when I install they are partitioned? Or do I just use the Kubuntu installer partition tool?

My setup is like this:

HD 1
Drive C: Windows 7 - 33GB of 326 GB free
Drive E: ( 9GB Factory Partition I deleted - want to Install boot for Kubuntu here )

Do I format in Windows or just leave the space unallocated?

HD 2
Drive D: Docs, Videos - 40GB of 335GB free
Drive G: Docs, Videos - 77GB of 590GB free

Hard Drive 3 has around 70 GB free that I can use for the other partitions, do I do these partitions in Windows? Or using the Kubuntu CD? When installing I get 2 Guided options.

1 - To install Kubuntu on Drive: G wiping out the whole HD.

2 - To install Kubuntu on Drive: G using 45GB or 10% of space.

If I do option #2 will it erase the docs and videos currently on the HD? Will it be just 1 partion or several? I wanted to ( using Manual partition )install the boot, and system files on HD 1 Drive: E, and the swap and /home partition on HD 3 Drive: G.

If I make new partitions and re-size partitions using the Kubuntu CD will I erase any video, and doc files currently on my HDs? Or should I make these partitions in Windows and then install the respective Kubuntu partitions where I want them to go?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Make Partitions

Aug 2, 2011

I'm new to the linux just few days ago, tried my slef to install Ubuntu on my laptop then I have help of friend to install Opensuse for me in my laptop I face problems with Opensuse and couldn't solve it so my friend install the Ubuntu in the free partition which was 120Gb, and the rest of the 320Gb was dedecated to the OpenSuse, I see no use of having OS with problems in my laptop so I wonder how can I install Ubuntu once again in my laptop and give it the entire 320Gb at least to be usable in storage data
my laptop is dell xps it seem work fine with ubuntu
Model M1330
RAM is 4 Gb I think of upgrade it to 8 if it work with it
HHD is 320Gb 7200rpm
I'll be thankful to show me how I can use the maximum HHD size for Ubuntu
I'll use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: Where Does Grub Exist On Partitions

Jan 20, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my internal hard disk I experienced a problem with Grub and I just formatted all the Ubuntu Partitions and convert their format to NTFS to restore my windows (I have a backup) but now despite of I format all the Ubuntu's partitions but in the boot time, the grub exist and the grub apear I want to know where does grub exist? I installed ubuntu on the dual booter situation and it was ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Not Detect Partitions Or Windows

Feb 11, 2010

I've installed the last year ubuntu 8.10 on dual boot with winodows XP, but then I had to format the XP so I lost the dual boot and access to ubuntu and I used only XP...Now, I downloaded Xubuntu 9.10, when I was trying to install it, when preparing the disks a message tell me that the PC has no operating system, then when I choose to manually partion the disk, xubuntu does not read the different partition I'm having and just display the hole disk as free space

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.04.4 LTS - Prepare Partitions Did Not Detect Anything

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to install the Ubuntu Desktop 8.04.4 LTS on GiGABYTE motherboard with SATA Cable, unfortunately when it go to step 4 which is the Prepare partitions it didn't detect anything, although the My HD is 500GB. I tried to install windows XP it installed smoothly. Although the CD is the Original from the Ubuntu Company.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Partitions Listed During 9.10 Install

Feb 24, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on a Asus P5KPL-VM mainboard. However the installation doesn't recognize my partitions. If I just boot Ubuntu the partitions are recognized with GParted and by just mounting them and browsing in file explorer. I'm using a SATA disk. I've tried boot option pci=nommconf irqpoll as found in this thread [URL] with no success.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Write On New Partitions?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.04 on a Sony Vaio. Because when I installed it I was new in Linux, I messed up with the partitions and I have lots of unused logical partitions in my extended one.

I have used Gparted to delete a number of partitions and create a new, bigger one (ext3, logical), within the Linux extended partition I have

well, first of all I do not understand why it created partitions that are not mounted, that is I can only access them typing my password and they got automatically unmounted as I restart the computer

but the worse is that I cannot write on it! I completely deleted the previous partitions but, when I open it, there is still a folder "lost and found" that I am not allowed to open (+_+) and when I drag anything into the window it says "error" that is I cannot write anything on an empty partition...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding Partitions To The Grub

Apr 21, 2010

I've using win7 and 9.10 for a few months now. Today I decided to install yet another OS, but during installation a new grub was written to the mbr. Result: I can no longer boot Ubuntu.This is what my menu.lst looks like


timeout 10
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
gfxmenu (hd0,4)/boot/gfxmenu
default 0


I can see and mount my 9.10 partition just fine from the new OS, it's located on dev/sda6.And I'd still very much like to keep using Ubuntu. So, how do I go about editing this file to make it work?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitions Not Detected During 10.04 Install?

May 2, 2010

trying to install 10.04, once i reach the dialog where i'm supposed to select partitions for mount/install, the installer reports my HDD is empty. it wants to create a partition table and proceed from there.in fact, my 1TB disk is 50% full and contains 10 partitions, including /boot /home, swap (which i wanna reuse) and 2 other OS partitions. these partitions do show up when running nautilus in 10.04 live, also "fdisk -l" shows them - the installer does not.

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