Hardware :: Not Able To Show Details

Apr 2, 2010

i have cent os 5.2 64bit

i want to know my hdd details when i type

hdparm -I /dev/sda it shoiwng following error:

/dev/sda: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Invalid argument

whts the meaning behind this error.

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General :: Make Always "show Details" At Booting?

Mar 9, 2010

How to make always "show details" at booting? My box is centos 5.4 x86. As you can see attatch - 1, the "show details" is disabled. But at attach - 2, the "show details" is enabled. I want to know How to make always "show details" at booting.

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Ubuntu :: Update Details In Cli ?

Sep 23, 2010

Is there a way to see details for a packet before updating it?

Like, if you do:

It will give you a list of packets that can be updated, but you don't know to what version and why.

How can I fund out, before updating, what is the version that the new packet will have.

Here I am talking about updates made from the command line.

On a Desktop system, you have that nice list in update manager, and if you click on an item you can see the new version and some details (what will fix, links..)

How can I find these info in cli?

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Debian :: Possible To Determine Details Of Package?

May 15, 2011

Is it possible to see what are build-in, in a package?
In example, freeradius lacks det TLS support, or exactly it lacks the EAP/PEAP support, which is requring TLS.

aptitude show freeradius gives this, and there are some required ssl packages, but is this the way to do it?code...

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Ubuntu :: How To Find Server Details

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to set up my Evolution mail & calendar but I don't know what to put in the server box under Configuration in the setup wizard.

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Ubuntu :: How To Obtain System Details

Jan 1, 2011

I am running UBUNTU / Windows Dual Boot on a HP Pavillion computer. My problem is that on the windows side I have lost sound and internet ( Via Ethernet ). Everything works fine in UBUNTU. So I guess I need to reinstall Ethernet and Sound drivers. Problem is how do I establish what drivers I need - Ethernet card , and Sound card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Conver Mp3 To Ogg With Details?

May 2, 2011

I would like to convert all my mp3 to ogg file. I got a script by googling. Script is

for fic in *.mp3
ffmpeg -i $fic -acodec vorbis -aq 60 ogg/${fic%.mp3}.ogg;
mv $fic mp3/

But the problem is the ogg doesn't contains the details like title artist, album art etc. Ogggconvert help me to do that but there is no cli for that. Is there any script to copy details of mp3 to ogg

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Ubuntu :: Get Details Of A Binary File?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a binary file which display a lot of message when I run that binary. This binary file is statically linked with many files which are unknown to me. Is there any way to know from which file (obj or static lib) does these printf come from?

There is a way to get to know about the source of a symbol, but I am interested about the source of a string.

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General :: Get The Details Of The Last 10 Or 5 Mount Times ?

Jul 29, 2011

How do I get the details of the last 10 or 5 mount times for my linux system. Which also includes the times it was mounted from a foreign system running in ram like puppy linux or by another OS on the same hard disk.

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Security :: Give Some Details For Ssh Passthrough?

Feb 26, 2010

can someone give me some details for ssh passthrough from ssh version1 to ssh version 2. ssh version1 to version1 and version 2 to version 2 works wel, but version 1 to version 2 is asking for a password ...

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Software :: Raid Details For Ibm X Server?

Jul 30, 2010

Using redhat linux 4 update 5 find out the raid details of a server. I have a machine which is a t remote site. i thing all the disk slots are populated but only two disks are used. I can see those two disks presented as a volume to my operating system. I would like to confirm if the other disks are there or not

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Fedora :: Getting Details About Current State Of Battery

Jun 9, 2011


I have just inserted a new battery. However, there is no settings that show the capacity and current charge time, etc.

When I click the battery icon. All I get is the current percentage.

Is there anything that will give me more details about my battery i.e. capacity, charge rate, time to full charge, etc?

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OpenSUSE Network :: When Click On Details A New Window Appear?

Sep 14, 2011

Problem connecting to a software sourceThere was a(possibly temporary) problem connecting to a software source.Please check the detailed error for further detailsWhen i click on Details a new window appear with this messageDownload (curl) error forError code: Connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve proxy 'HTTP_PROXY'Excep this no other warning messages appeared, everything work OK, downloads, updates, torrents, etc.This message do not appear again, until next startup.

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General :: Memory Usage Check In Details?

Dec 18, 2010

I"m unable to find the memory usage however top shows me the following results.

Tasks: 90 total, 2 running, 88 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 21.1%us, 1.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 74.0%id, 2.4%wa, 0.0%hi, 1.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 8313376k total, 7969976k used, 343400k free, 185496k buffers


and free shows the following.

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 8118 7764 354 0 181 7335
-/+ buffers/cache: 247 7870
Swap: 4000 0 4000
Total: 12119 7764 4354

how can i find the usage of memory which is being showed by top and free.

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General :: Get Processor Details Without Using Information From Bios?

Jul 31, 2011

is there a way to retrieve the processor model without taking information from bios? I don't know which processor is really mounted. I want to set up the right processor timing, but I don't know the processor type. Every time I change the timing for the processor in BIOS another processor type is determined (I should be an Athlon XP +1500, I think, but I don't know really).

I think with less /proc/cpuinfo the results depends on the timing that is set in bios. So could you tell me how I can find out which processor is really mounted?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Edit MP3 Song Details?

Jan 6, 2010

i used to edit the mp3 song details such as artist, title, song number details and the album art in windows, i edited the same in UBUNTU using the "easy tag" but the album art is not visible when i transfer the song to my NOKIA phone as well as the artist details are not available when i am playing the songs in windows machine.

program to edit the sing details in UBUNTU so the edited details are visible in phone as well as windows machine.

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General :: Details On Piping Information Into Command

Feb 15, 2011

I am sure this has been covered before, however I do not know which terms to sue for searching for this, so I will try and explain it.

I have a program that I run at startup to connect me to my work VPN, specifically the Cisco VPN client. When running the program, it prompts me for my username and password. I would like to be able to automate the login process by piping the username and password into the program everytime it starts up (username and password cannot be passed as arguments to the program)

Something like echo username | echo password | vpn_script

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General :: Get Details Of The Installed Fiber Card?

Jan 18, 2011

I have installed 2 fc cards .I have attached FT-SAn to these cards now when i see miltipath -ll output , it shows some path for the multipath can you bfief from where these paths are taking the value . significance of each digit

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Fedora :: Setting Authentication Details For A Samba Printer In F15?

Jun 8, 2011

I've been trying to set up my printer that I'm sharing through a desktop running Windows 7 and am having trouble getting the authentication details to stay saved, or even work, for that matter.

No matter whether or not I tell the New Printer program to remember my authentication details, it doesn't. If I tell it to prompt me if it needs details, I get no prompt. So, in order for me to print a document, I have to tell it to print, then go into the print queue and authenticate it from there.

1. IIs there a way, either manually or through GUI, to either save my authentication details or just have it prompt me upon printing to save me from going into the print queue?

2. This isn't exactly on-topic, but it came up while I tried to set up the printer. Has anyone else had their SMB URI come up incorrectly with the spaces incorrectly rendered as "20" instead of "%20:?

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OpenSUSE :: OpenLDAP User - Edit Details And/or Password?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an OpenSuSe 11.0 running openldap (managed by yast) for user authentication on some services.Is there an easy way that I can provide for users to change their own passwords (Preferably a web interface)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Do I Find Out Details About Graphics Chip

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying to get 9.10 to work nicely on a Thinkpad Edge 14".Everything is working fine, except that I have issues with the intel graphics drivers.The monitor's native resolution is 1366x768 and I have Intel HD graphics card on it.I have changed my xorg.conf to use driver = "vesa", but now I get only a resolution of 1024x768.I tried to use xrandr to fix this, by adding a new mode etcetera, but this does not work - I believe because the driver is the issue.Also, doing Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6] gives me a blank screen rather than a console.

How do I find out the details about my graphics chip? Intel Corporation Arrandale Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)Maybe I should go more bleeding edge for my drivers? How do I do that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Incorrect Details Of Samba Shares

Oct 17, 2010

Just set up Ubuntu 10.4 AMD64 on an old machine. We have an existing Ubuntu machine acting as a SAMBA file sharer. The other machines, windows and ubuntu have no problem in accessing files on the server. This machine reports that it can see the server on the network but instead of the expected data we see what is on the local machine. I admit I am out of my depth with SAMBA.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Center - See Details While Installing

Jan 8, 2011

Is there a way in ubuntu software center to see details while installing (like update manager that shows a terminal with apt command output)?

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Server :: Yum Installation And Configuration In Details On Redhat / Centos 5.0?

Feb 21, 2011

yum installation and configuration in details on Redhat / Centos 5.0

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Fedora Installation :: Error It Just Says Check The Log File For More Details And In The /tmp/setupXX.log?

Jan 28, 2009

I am trying to install Fedora-ds on Fedora Core 10 and I am getting a weired error.it just says check the log file for more details and in the /tmp/setupXX.log

[09/01/28:16:01:35] - [Setup] Info Administration port
[09/01/28:16:02:00] - [Setup] Info 9830
[09/01/28:16:02:00] - [Setup] Info The interactive phase is complete. The script will


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OpenSUSE :: File Manager View Properties (in Details Columns)

Mar 1, 2010

I am newbie in openSUSE as still in transition from windows OS. How to display file properties (details other than size, date, permissions, owner, group,type) using file manager applications similar to Dolphin, Konquerer, etc. I have heaps of files ported from windows environment where I used to store descriptive subjects in one of the file properties field. In windows environment, I would have used file manager such as explorer to display the selected file properties field when searching for particular file before opening it. I know openoffice supports the file properties feature but unfortunately it would appear Linux OS currently does not have a file manager application ready to display these information.

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General :: Graphics Card - How To Discern Video Details From LiveCD

Apr 17, 2010

I was having trouble getting X.Org to work with the video card in a recently acquired laptop, so I decided to try to probe around the configuration of a Linux Live CD to figure out how to set up my kernel. I chose the Sabayon 5.0 Live DVD because it was the only one that I could find that was the same or newer than the 2.6.32 kernel I have installed on the laptop right now. Of course, the DVD booted right into GNOME without issue, unlike the hangs and crashes that I had been getting. So, I want to figure out what kernel driver this Live DVD is currently using, but I don't know how to. hwinfo doesn't shed any light on the matter, and lspci -vnn doesn't list a driver for my video device, though both methods correctly identify that I have an Intel 855GM video processor. How can I find out this information?

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General :: Log In To Webmin If It Doesn't Accept/I Can't Remember My User Details?

Aug 21, 2011

I installed webmin, and I tried to access it with my account (not root, but able to sudo) and I always got login failed.Now I have Access Denied even to my login page for too many tries. What should I do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Proxy Settings On 10.04 - No Way To Enter Authentication Details

May 6, 2010

I need to enter credentials for a system wide proxy, on a fresh install of Kubuntu 10.04. Everything hunky dory, but: Network Settings->Proxy->Authorization has 'username:' and 'password' grayed out all the time; even at 'Manually specify ...'. The only 'alternative' (not to chose from) is 'Prompt as needed'. But I don't get any prompt, and so I'm out of luck. To me, this looks like a bug. Because one should be able to enter a username and a password there, for good.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Enter Login Details For Miro?

May 13, 2010

excuse if this is incorrect section, not entirely sure where it would belong. I rarely find myself posting as i rarely have any issues. But this is persistently annoying, tho not a deal-breaker. Currently running latest Ubuntu 10.04, fully updated. Everything works fine, even better than any previous releases. No problems worth mentioning. But this is annoying, so anyway, here I am.

Installed Miro, loads up and runs fine, can download no probs. The section at the top where it says "account", and you sit over it and it drops down a window for your login details (username, password) so as to recall your personal settings, preferences, etc, but it's not working. By this, I mean the drop-down appears, but clicking the mouse in the window on the lines does not seem to register with it, you can't enter anything. Annoying, slightly frustrating. Has anyone had any experience with this,

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