General :: Make Always "show Details" At Booting?

Mar 9, 2010

How to make always "show details" at booting? My box is centos 5.4 x86. As you can see attatch - 1, the "show details" is disabled. But at attach - 2, the "show details" is enabled. I want to know How to make always "show details" at booting.

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Hardware :: Not Able To Show Details

Apr 2, 2010

i have cent os 5.2 64bit

i want to know my hdd details when i type

hdparm -I /dev/sda it shoiwng following error:

/dev/sda: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Invalid argument

whts the meaning behind this error.

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General :: Make Screen's Statusbar Show The Windows Without The - And $ Characters?

Dec 30, 2010

I have the following in my .screenrc file

hardstatus string '%{= kw}[%{r} %d/%m/%Y %C %A %{w}] [%= %{= kw}%-Lw%{= kW}%{r}%n:%t%?%?%{= kw}%?%+Lw%?%?%= ] [ %{r}%l%{w} ]%{w}%{w}'

and the statusbar shows up as

[ 30/12/2010 8:24 PM ] [ 0$ bash 1-$ bash 2:bash ] [ 0.00 0.03 0.04 ]

I want it like this instead:

[ 30/12/2010 8:24 PM ] [ 0:bash 1:bash 2:bash ] [ 0.00 0.03 0.04 ]

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General :: Make Grub Capable Of Booting Two OS?

Apr 8, 2010

I have FC8 on my laptop and then I wanted to test Ubuntu 8 so I installed Ubuntu and it removed the grub loader of Fedora then I repaired fedora with DVD and then it removed Ubuntu Grub. So how can I have two OS in one grub loader.I found grub.conf file in FC but couldnot find it in Ubuntu.

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General :: Make Windows 7 Network Show Samba Share After VM Is Rebooted/restored?

Jan 18, 2010

On Windows 7, I have VirtualBox running Linux (Ubuntu 8.04), with Samba set up so that the Windows host can access it. But if the virtual machine is shut down & restored, or rebooted, the Windows Network no longer shows it. I've tried refreshing many times, restarting Samba, disabling/enabling the virtual network adapter, and running the succession of commands ipconfig /release, ipconfig /flushdns, & ipconfig /renew, but none worked. As a last resort I could restart the host itself, but is there a better way?

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General :: Moved To Ssd - Booting - Won't Make The Root Directory On The Right Disk

May 8, 2011

I have successfully migrated my linux install to a new /, /home, /boot partition on my ssd. Everything works fine, except that it won't make the root directory on the right disk. When I change the root=uuid=<drive id> to my new drive everything is fine, but I can't automate that... in other words I have manually typed the uuid of my root-partition for about 100 times now and I am fed up with that how I can save the uuid of my new drive in the startup parameters?

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General :: Get The Details Of The Last 10 Or 5 Mount Times ?

Jul 29, 2011

How do I get the details of the last 10 or 5 mount times for my linux system. Which also includes the times it was mounted from a foreign system running in ram like puppy linux or by another OS on the same hard disk.

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Ubuntu :: Still Show Booting Screen, Cannot Enter Desktop?

Sep 18, 2010

I have done something fatal with my Ubuntu, that is in terminal I type: sudo apt-get remove gdm, then I delete usr/share/bin/gdm, when I reboot appear message that I must configure graphical manually, then I choose enter x-konsole or terminal, in the x-konsole I type: sudo apt-getinstall gdm, then I reboot use live CD, then Icopy usr/share/bin/gdm from live CD to harddisk. Then when I restart use harddisk, booting screen Ubuntu always continuous display and can not enter desktop.

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General :: Make Taskbar Show Preview Like Windows 7 Taskbar?

Jul 29, 2010

In Windows 7 when you hover over an open application in the taskbar, it shows a small image of that application. Is there a way this can be done in Linux?

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General :: Memory Usage Check In Details?

Dec 18, 2010

I"m unable to find the memory usage however top shows me the following results.

Tasks: 90 total, 2 running, 88 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 21.1%us, 1.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 74.0%id, 2.4%wa, 0.0%hi, 1.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 8313376k total, 7969976k used, 343400k free, 185496k buffers


and free shows the following.

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 8118 7764 354 0 181 7335
-/+ buffers/cache: 247 7870
Swap: 4000 0 4000
Total: 12119 7764 4354

how can i find the usage of memory which is being showed by top and free.

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General :: Get Processor Details Without Using Information From Bios?

Jul 31, 2011

is there a way to retrieve the processor model without taking information from bios? I don't know which processor is really mounted. I want to set up the right processor timing, but I don't know the processor type. Every time I change the timing for the processor in BIOS another processor type is determined (I should be an Athlon XP +1500, I think, but I don't know really).

I think with less /proc/cpuinfo the results depends on the timing that is set in bios. So could you tell me how I can find out which processor is really mounted?

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General :: Details On Piping Information Into Command

Feb 15, 2011

I am sure this has been covered before, however I do not know which terms to sue for searching for this, so I will try and explain it.

I have a program that I run at startup to connect me to my work VPN, specifically the Cisco VPN client. When running the program, it prompts me for my username and password. I would like to be able to automate the login process by piping the username and password into the program everytime it starts up (username and password cannot be passed as arguments to the program)

Something like echo username | echo password | vpn_script

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General :: Get Details Of The Installed Fiber Card?

Jan 18, 2011

I have installed 2 fc cards .I have attached FT-SAn to these cards now when i see miltipath -ll output , it shows some path for the multipath can you bfief from where these paths are taking the value . significance of each digit

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Booting - Show 'unkown Command' & No Grub

May 3, 2010

just tried downloading the latest version of ubuntu and install it on my laptop got an error message at the end of the installation (an I/O error, dev sr0,sector something) now when booting i got grub rescue. the only command working are ls and set. commands such as 'linux' or 'boot' show 'unkown command'

ls (hd0,1) or ls /boot/
results in
unknown filesystem

I tried to reinstall grub using the 3 different methods as in [URL] got no error message while doing so except when typing sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda it told me something about being unable to locate ubuntu or something along those lines - sorry i thought i'd remember .. running out of option is there a possibility to download the latest pre 10.04 stable version?

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General :: Graphics Card - How To Discern Video Details From LiveCD

Apr 17, 2010

I was having trouble getting X.Org to work with the video card in a recently acquired laptop, so I decided to try to probe around the configuration of a Linux Live CD to figure out how to set up my kernel. I chose the Sabayon 5.0 Live DVD because it was the only one that I could find that was the same or newer than the 2.6.32 kernel I have installed on the laptop right now. Of course, the DVD booted right into GNOME without issue, unlike the hangs and crashes that I had been getting. So, I want to figure out what kernel driver this Live DVD is currently using, but I don't know how to. hwinfo doesn't shed any light on the matter, and lspci -vnn doesn't list a driver for my video device, though both methods correctly identify that I have an Intel 855GM video processor. How can I find out this information?

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General :: Log In To Webmin If It Doesn't Accept/I Can't Remember My User Details?

Aug 21, 2011

I installed webmin, and I tried to access it with my account (not root, but able to sudo) and I always got login failed.Now I have Access Denied even to my login page for too many tries. What should I do?

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General :: LaTeX - Document Details (Author / Date) Will Not Display

Aug 16, 2010

The following are the two tex input files written in vi and compiled with pdflatex. In the first case the document details (author, date etc) are displayed as desired but are omitted in the second case. The only difference is the use of maketitle.

Case 1:
Text to be inputted

Case 2:
Text to be inputted

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General :: Read The Kernel Details ( Size, Start And End Location) From Flash?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a linux system which has a NAND flash. The compressed kernel is flashed into the NAND flash. On boot up, the kernel is uncompressed, copied to RAM and runs from RAM. Is it possible for me to read the kernel information from NAND flash such as size, start and end location and version?

I have been looking for this in the net, but did not find any answers so far...

I have tried the following: The compressed kernel lies in the 4MB partition of the flash. So I tried: dd if=/dev/mtdblock1 of=zImage But this copies the complete 4MB partition. I need to copy only the zImage. So I need to know its size.

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General :: Evolution Does Not Show Content Of Inbox Or Sent But Does Show Other Folders

Apr 28, 2011

I configured it to use IMAP to access our exchange 2010 server front end on a LAN connection. Our webmail connection is segregated behind Forefront, so it was not connecting/authing that way. Even though smartphones have no problem. (sidenote, is there an activesync linux mail client ?)

I have many root folders and several folders underneath my inbox. total mailsize in inbox is 3.5 GB without subfolders. The sent is likewise as large. And is likewise empty.

Things I checked already:
View is all
Folder subscription is on and local copy is on

More info:
Thunderbird worky fine.
But thunderbird is missing calender
Tried adding lightening, but it won't add into thunderbird.
Will try finding a diff add on, or if anyone knows how to get lightening into thunderbird 3.1.8 on ubuntu 10 that would be great as well.

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Fedora :: Make A Update But Show Some Error

May 7, 2010

I never used Fedora and triyng to make a update but show some error. I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 in Fedora 12.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Make A USB Drive Show Up The Same Way Everytime?

Jun 18, 2011

I support an application that runs on RHEL 5.X and uses multipath to access a SAN. A Bare Metal Restore backup is done using Storix which needs to write directly to a /dev/sd* device, or at least what you configure it to use.The problem is if the USB drive is plugged in when the system is booted it can be identified as /dev/sdb and the the SAN LUNs are /dev/sdc and up. If the configuration file is then set up to use /dev/sdb and then later the system is booted with the USB drive not plugged in the SAN LUNs use /dev/sdb and up, which is fine because multipathd handles that. But when the USB drive is plugged in and becomes say /dev/sdx and the Storix configuration file is not changed, the Storix backup will still use /dev/sdb and corrupt what is there on the SAN.

I assume a udev rule could be used to make the USB drive appear as the same name, maybe /dev/storixI am looking for some good pointers to how to do this with udev or what ever. The application will soon be running on RHEL 6.X also, so hopefully what ever solution someone points me to will still work on it as well

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Debian :: Make Dpkg-l Show More Info/descriptions?

Jun 18, 2011

Most of the time whenever I run dpkg -l I get cryptic output. For instance


Because I normally use it to see only one file (while multiple files are possible as well), was wondering if there was a way to tell dpkg to show couple of lines as output. I do see that there is a /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg file as well as /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d directory as well. Looking forward to info. on the same.

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Ubuntu :: Make Indicator Applet To Show Real Name?

Mar 31, 2010

i am using lucid beta 1 and indicator applet shows my user name. i know it is also the case for karmic. is there any way to change it so that it shows my full name? because it looks much more formal if it shows my full name instead of my "nickname".

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Networking :: How To Make Outgoing Traffic Show From Different IP Address?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a Linux IPTables firewall on Centos 5.3.It has one physical interface to the internet and 2 internal interfaces to a DMZ and TRUSTED zone respectively.There are 10 virtual interfaces linked to the physical public interface.Emails are being sent from my server in the DMZ out to the internet, but it is being shown as coming from the firewall IP address.It must show as coming from one of the virtual interfaces.

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Debian :: Make Nautilus Show Directories In Text Form?

Jun 1, 2010

When I try to view my home folder (for instance), I press the icon on the left of my name (/home/...) and it doesn't do what I accustomed to which is to show the text form of the directory. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make 2 Mounted Drives Show As A Single Folder

Feb 19, 2010

I have roughly 5Tb of movies spread out on 6 drives in my system. I'd like to create a folder that will display the contents of certain folders without actually moving the data. For example, I have 3 drives with /HDMovies and 3 with /SDMovies. How do I create two new folders /HDMovies and /SDMovies and have the data from the drives be collected?

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Ubuntu :: Make Maxima Show All Steps When Doing Algebraic Stuff?

Feb 23, 2010

Is it possible to make maxima show all steps when doing algebraic stuff such as integration, taking derivatives, finding intercepts, etc?

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Software :: Why Gcc Make Warning Message Don't Show Color Font?

Mar 16, 2009

rencently, i move develop env from one linux machine to another, two linux have same gcc and make version, but at new linux machine make warning/error messages dont show color, when make, there are all white messages, i cant focus on warning and error.

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Debian Multimedia :: Make A Dialog With Zenity Which Would Show An Updating List?

Jan 4, 2011

Is there a way to make a dialog with zenity which would show an updating list? Zenity does it with progress, but I didn't figure out if it's possible to do it with the list. I.e. for example, I want to monitor something, and update the dialog with new list periodically. Is it even possible? zenity can wait for data from stdin, but it just adds stuff to the list. May be there are some control sequences which clear the list in the dialog?

For example:

{ echo "Foo"; sleep 2; echo "Bar"; } | zenity --list --title='Dynamic list?' --text='Some data' --column='values'

How can I instead of adding Bar, replace the Foo with it?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Manually Installed Software Show Up As Package In Synaptic

Oct 19, 2010

When I install something manually it won't show up in synaptic package manager, so how do I fix this?

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