Hardware :: Is It Possible For A System Lock To Physically Kill Disk?

Aug 15, 2010

I had an aftermarket cpu cooler, and one of the mounts broke, causing poor contact with the cpu and the system hung. I've been running the system through paces after replacing the cooler and everything seems fine. I have two disks, one had muliple distros installed and the first one had one slackware installation. I decided a good test would be to reinstall an OS and since I wasn't booting into the old slackware install I decided to reformat the entire first disk which contained lilo and reinstall a newer version of slack. I had repeated boot failures, I've reinstalled, obtained a new ISO and reburned, I've installed Ubuntu and GRUB..Nothing I do will yield a successful boot off the first disk, although no live cd or install has given any errors and the installs on the second disk boot fine. I'm confused as to what is causing this.

Is it possible that the disk itself is damaged somehow even though checking for bad blocks, reformatting, repartitioning,etc show no errors, and a boot loader works fine from the disk, or is it more likely that something is maybe wrong with the motherboard?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: System Lock-up During Excessive Disk I/O

Aug 17, 2011

At times, the disk I/O will go through the roof and cause the system to slow to a crawl. X becomes really slow and can go completely unresponsive, dropping all keyboard input, preventing me from restarting X. Sometimes I will switch to a virtual terminal to log in and run iotop to check what is using all the I/O, but it will be so I/O bound that the login times out. Sometimes I do manage to get in and can run iotop and then it is a matter of waiting 10 minutes or so for python to load up. Usually by this time, whatever was causing the slowdown has finished and so I don't even know what the problem is. Other times it never recovers (I once left it over night, since it was at the end of my work day and just went home)

This is my work computer so it is very inconvenient to have to wait for this I/O blockage or lose all my work rebooting. I thought it was due to swapping, so I disabled swap, but that hasn't helped. I'm running the cfq I/O scheduler, but I've tried both deadline and noop.

Also, is there a way to disable the login timeout so I can at least get logged in to the box from the console when this happens?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Able To Vnc Into The Computer Without Having Logged Into The System Physically

Nov 6, 2010

I've used linux systems before, but the last time I actually set up a server was when fedora core 4 came out, which was, to say the least, quite a while ago. here's my core dilemma: atm, I have fedora 13 set up, and i'm looking to be able to vnc into it WITHOUT already having logged on as a user. I've tried various things and I'm having little to no luck. I uninstalled tigervnc and installed the original vnc package (With server) from realvnc.com. I've also installed xinetd and tried to get it to incorporate vncserver as a startup service, to no avail.

I have not been able to connect to the vncserver regardless of how I try. I AM able to connect to the base remote desktop functionality provided by fedora (Also vnc based). However, as soon as I disable that, I am not able to vnc into it at all. Long story short, here are the current goals:

1) be able to vnc into the computer without having logged into the system physically
2) have those logins be un / passworded. i.e., be able to login as whatever user
3) complete disable the normal graphical startup that fedora provides, since I don't think there's ever going to be a person physically at the computer and I'd like to maximize system resources

Also, if VNC is NOT the easiest way to do something like this, please let me know, I'm completely amenable to taking another route. In short, I'd like non-physical per-user graphical access to the server. I'd also like it to be more than one single vnc session, as I may have it open from either multiple locations or multiple users.

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Ubuntu :: Internal Disk In A Running System Usb-booted System Does Not Result In The System Detecting The Disk

Feb 27, 2011

My system decided to crash on me, hard. It was humming along happily for about 2 months and now doesn't boot. If I boot from hard-disk, I get grub. Launching the first kernel choice hangs. I thought maybe the install was corrupt, so I booted from usb install disk. The usb hdd didn't boot; something about an error trying to access /dev/sda . Unplugging the internal disk and plugging in the usb install disk does result in the system booting. Plugging in the internal disk in a running system usb-booted system does not result in the system detecting the disk.

How do I know if the disk is physically broken? This seems unlikely since it does manage to launch grub consistently. Or is this still possible? How can I try to mount whatever is left? The usb install disk doesn't even list the /dev/sd*. Any pointers on how to reformat the drive if it's not being mounted?

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Ubuntu :: Lock Folder Od Shared Disk

Sep 22, 2010

I need a folder on my network disk, which will be locked with password, and must be entered on all platforms from where the user come (Ubuntu, Win).

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Programming :: Kill More Than One Process In System?

Apr 27, 2010

I wanted to know how to kill more than one process in unix??
e.g- I have problem statement as
"Write a shell script to Kill all processes started from your login "

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Fedora :: Getting A HDD Lock Screen Or Disk Controller Failure At Boot Up?

May 31, 2010

I'm getting a HDD Lock screen or Disk Controller Failure at boot up. (Compaq Armada) The HDD stops the system dead. The controller failure will allow me to boot Fedora or Puppy from the CD drive.

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Ubuntu :: Kill Doesn't Kill, Killall Is Powerless?

Oct 21, 2010

Today I run OpenOffice.org extensions update and it freezed fter showing me that everything was successful.When i xkilled it it refused tolaunch without any problem indication.killall soffice.bin didn't report "No process found" after 1,2,3...20 times.So I tried killall soffice.bin -i

$ sudo killall soffice.bin -i
Kill soffice.bin(3319) ? (y/N) y


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Software :: Unable To Kill Process With Kill -9

Jan 13, 2011

the process is mcelog. When I do as root kill -9 2323 which is pid of mcelog the process is not killed. I tried doing the same from top, press K and enter pid of mcelog. doing ps auwx | grep mcelog I see there are several results. I tried killing all of them like kill -9 2355 2341 3425 2345. But re-running the above commands still shows them as running. How else would I troubleshoot this to avoid restarting of the box.

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CentOS 5 :: Why Did X Lock Up The System

Sep 11, 2009

I had a system lock up recently, running RHEL4, and had no choice other than to powercycle as I could not log on at the console or remotely.

When booted, the machine ran, I could log on remotely and apache started up, but the system locked up again when I logged on to the console with X.

I suspect that the X configuration and/or the NVIDIA monitor driver was messing things up and I took the opportunity to migrate to CentOS 5.3.

How can I determine what happened? I still have the /var/log files when the system locked up including messages, boot.log, Xorg.0.log, etc.

I _SUSPECT_ that what messed up X and thus the system was the NVIDIA driver that I downloaded to get X to work on the console monitor, a SUN AI24PO. X would not work with this monitor and any of the default drivers that came with my RHEL4 disks.

I really hesitate to use connect this same SUN AI24PO monitor again but still, I only have a suspicion that the monitor/NVIDIA driver were the reason the system locked up.

The graphics card is a GeFORCE FX5200

Were the lockup problems a result of the monitor/NVIDIA driver?

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Ubuntu :: System Lock On Networking Use?

Mar 25, 2010

I am running most recent version of Ubuntu (cannot remember exact xx.yy-zz). Anytime I use any bit of the networking devices, within the slightest amount of actual traffic the entire system dies. NumLock key light drops, entire system is unresponsive, only fix is a hard power off via power button (aka 5 sec hold in).

If there is anyway to produce an error log or record the commands as they happen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Non-system Disk Or Disk Error With Manual Partitions

Apr 9, 2010

This is the third 9.10 install to do this on two different laptops, so wondering what's up...

In both cases, the goal was to leave a large chunk of unpartitioned disk after the Ubuntu partitions, for a second OS install or a filesystem Ubuntu cannot create like NTFS.

When I install with manual partitions, the system can't boot and asks for me to insert a system disk and press any key. When I reinstall telling Ubuntu to "use the entire disk" it then works.

First laptop, first try:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

First laptop, second try without the /boot partition:

Remainder of the 500GB disk is free space.

Fails to boot, "insert system disk".

"use entire disk" works perfectly.

Second laptop, first try:

Same thing, non-system disk or disk error, insert system disk.

Second try "use entire disk" is currently in progress but I expect the same to happen.

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Software :: Install GRUB In The MBR Of The Only Bootable Disk In The System, But Load Configuration And Images From Another Disk?

Apr 29, 2011

Is it possible to install GRUB in the MBR of the only bootable disk in the system, but load configuration and images from another disk?Basically I want to install GRUB on /dev/sda, but menu and images will be under /dev/sdb2.Note: /dev/sdb is not bootable.

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General :: Physically Adjust Position Of Dashboard?

May 29, 2011

I'm new to the Linux OS, and this is also my first post on this form. My question is Can you physically adjust the position of the dashboard? I'm familiar with Mac OS X where you could "Physically" adjust to the top, left, right or originally at the bottom. Is it possible and if it is, can someone explain to me the process on going about that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrate Working Single Disk System To Existing RAID Array Using Disk UUIDs

Aug 1, 2010

I had done a new lucid install to a 1 TB RAID 1 array using the alternate CD a few weeks back. I messed up that system trying to some hardware working that lucid doesn't have drivers for yet, so I gave up on it and reinstalled to a single 80 GB disk that I now want to move over to the RAID array.

I moved all of the existing files on the array to a single folder, then copied all of the folders from the 80 GB disk over to the array with permissions and symlinks (minus the contents of /proc and /sys, which I created empty).

These are the commands I used:


p -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /b*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /d*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /e*
cp -a -d -R -v -t /media/raid_array /h*


I tried to change fstab to use the 689a... for root, but when I try to boot, it's still trying to open /dev/disk/by-uuid/412d...

So then I booted from the single disk again and chrooted into the array, then ran update-initramfs -u. I got 3 "grep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory" errors, and "cat: /proc/cmdline: No such file or directory"- so I created directory /proc/modules, created an empty file /proc/cmdline, and ran the initramfs update again. Then I tried to shut down, which hung (probably because I was doing all of this from a terminal window in Gnome), so I killed the power after a couple of minutes.

It's still trying to use /dev/disk/by-uuid/412d... to boot.

What am I missing? I assume I just have to change the UUID to mount as root, but I don't know how.

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Debian Installation :: Non-system Disk Or Disk Error ?

Jan 22, 2011

After installation of debian, using the squeeze net-installer, on a HP elitebook 6930P, i get the following error. "non-system disk or disk error"

It is right after boot process, and just when it should load grub. Grub is installed in the MBR. Windows7, is installed as well, and is not an option to remove. (Should not be the problem though).

/ is set with the bootable flag.

The installation went without any issues, and I have actually tried to install twice with the exact same thing.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Disk Seen When Booting The Disk In Another System?

Jan 2, 2010

My dual proc, dual core Opteron MSI Master2FAR motherboard failed, and I try to boot a disk, used on this board as boot disk, on an Intel based Gigabyte GA-965-DS3. Both systems are x86_64 architecture.

The OS is on both systems is openSUSE 11.1.

On booting the disk on the Gigabyte, the disk is seen correctly by the BIOS, but not by the OS, and there is no /dev/sdX; no /dev/disk/... either. I am taken to a login shell from the ramdisk.

When I just mount this disk on the Gigabyte (booted with the Gigabyte's original boot disk) everything seems fine. No suprise to me, since the disk was fine, and was unmounted gracefully and physically taken off the MSI before the board failed.

I think that the cause lies in the fact that the harddisk controller on the Gigabyte is different from the MSI, and the driver for that controller is not available at boot time.

I have two questions:

- is my assumption correct, or is something else going on?

- if I am right, is there a way to get this disk booting on the Gigabyte (or on another system, for that matter)?

You might want to ask why I want to boot this disk on the Gigabyte in the first place, since I can mount it and see all data on it. I have a reason for that, but telling that story would make this topic too long, and it's too off-topic. Most certainly I will get to that in another topic.

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Fedora :: Moved Desktop (physically) And Now Gnome 3 Won't Start

May 24, 2011

Our office moved yesterday. I shut down the computer cleanly and physically moved it to the new location. On startup, the wallpaper shows on both monitors, and the login screen. But, when I log in, I get failed to load session "gnome"

I am using Fedora Core 15. The only hardware that changed is I swapped out my cordless usb mouse for a corded one because I left the dongle at home. How I can I troubleshoot the problem and get my computer up and running again?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Online Upgrade From 10.3 To 11.3 - Can't Access Physically

Jan 13, 2011

my server is still running on 10.3 and I want to upgrade it to 11.3. I can't access it physically so it has to be an online upgrade. I have already learned that it is possible to upgrade from 11.x to 11.3 using Zypper from this nice german tutorial (Upgrade). But does it also work from 10.3? Should I upgrade all at once or every single version for itself?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Partitioning Bug - Install Without Physically Taking Out 2nd Hdd?

Jul 27, 2010


i want to install ubuntu on hdd 1 - 26G partition now when i start the installer in partitions it shows me serial ata RAID pdc_cbac (stripe) ... 498G. i cant chose from dropdown any of the 2 hdd. when i enter manual partitioning it shows me the partition as i listed them, in a raid volume dev mapper pdc_cbac...

now i disabled 1 hdd in bios (2 one); i checked that is disabled trough a dos boot loader... it is... now when i enter install partition, the disabled hdd its still there and the raid volume same, unchanged.

why is this happening? why cant i see my 2 hdd in partitioner drop down menu? how can i install without physically taking out 2-nd hdd? see the picture; the freespace at the mouse pinter is in fact a ntfs partition on hdd2, hdd that is disabled in bios [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Best Way To Physically Backup One's Gmail And Hotmail Inbox

Oct 17, 2010

What is the best way to physically backup one's gmail and hotmail inbox on ubuntu?I have tried Evolution but it does not seem to store locally the mail which it accesses through gmail. Is there anyway to have it store locally a backup?

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Ubuntu :: How I Could Get System To Free Keyboard And Mouse When Get Lock-up

Jul 15, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.4 and using Virtualbox very intensively to develop under windows. This is the perfect combination: Virtualbox is excellent and gives great speed, functionality and connectability. However, I keep getting a keyboard and mouse 'lock-up' and find that I have to power-down my PC in order to get things working again. The strange thing here is that Ubuntu seems to continue working fine: for example audio keeps playing and the system once successfully finished burning a CD even though keyboard and mouse were frozen.

This happens only very sporadically but is a serious problem because I can't have things freezing when I am in the middle of development or am demoing functionality to a client.At first I thought it was Ubuntu but it only seems to happen when VirtualBox is running so I am wondering whether there is a problem with the keyboard and mouse capture for Virtualbox and that this is causing the problem.I have de-installed and re-installed Virtualbox but this didn't help.So does anyone have a idea how I could either fix this problem or how I could get the system to free the keyboard and mouse when I get a lock-up.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video In VLC Causing System Lock Up?

Apr 18, 2011

I have an intermittent and very irritating problem. I have a desktop PC with Ubuntu Lucid installed that I use primarily for watching films using VLC. Every so often (seemingly at random) around half way through the film the whole thing locks up - the video freezes, the audio skips (like a stuck record) and the system is unresponsive - the only cure is a full restart with the power button. Im at a loss as to how to try and diagnose this issue. Is there a log somewhere that might have the info after I reboot?

Usefull info on the system:

- AMD processor - 64 capable but running 32 as I wanted to avoid issues.

- grpahics is via an NVIDIA Geforce FX5500 (PCI interface NOT AGP)

- Restricted NVIDIA drivers installed and working

- Also useful to note that this problem occured when using an AGP ATI Radeon 9200 (using the standard open source drivers of course). In fact the problem was worse with the ATI - the frequency of lock ups is less with the new set up.

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Fedora :: Limit User Access (bash And Physically At Machine)

Nov 24, 2010

I'm trying to determine how to limit a specific user so that they are confined within their home. I'm also trying to figure out how to prevent a specific user from walking up to the computer and allowing them to log in, but still allow SSH. Basically I'm trying to provide an account with very limited access to the machine.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Close My Lid Or Physically Click To Hibernate - Screen Goes Black

May 4, 2010

When I updated from 9.10 to 10.04, the only thing I noticed immediately was that the Application menu and the things next to (Similar to window's Start button). That's still gone. I also am having problems with my hibernate. Whether I close my lid or physically click to hibernate, all that happens is my screen goes black but doesn't shut off all the way and the power button does nothing.

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Fedora :: Blinking Keyboard And System Hangs With Caps Lock On

Nov 20, 2009

When I running fedora the caps lock & shift LEDs blinking continuously and system was hang.

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OpenSUSE Network :: New Kernek-Desktop Causes System Lock With WIFI

Jan 8, 2010

I'm running opensuse 11.2 on my Asus 1000H, today I found the new kernel Kernek-Desktop will cause system lock down when I try to connect to any wifi assess point. I updated to from Opensuse-11.2-update days ago and today it's my 1st time to try to connect to wifi with this new kernel.

Downgrade to will solve this problem.

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General :: Reboot(LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART) - Lock Up The System And Does Not Return From The Call?

Jul 8, 2011

I am running an embedded Linux Release 2.4.19-uc0.

I have code in several places that calls


successfully. I need to put it into a new place in a application running on the system. When I do, it seems to just lock up the system and does not return from the call nor leave me able to Telnet in or Ping or anything. I've tried puttingtrace code in to write info out to a file, but that too is not working (as it never returns from the reboot() call.I don't get any error from reboot(), it just does not return and does not appear to restart the system.

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Slackware :: Prevent File System Corruption On Hard Lock-up?

Apr 5, 2010

I've recently had my file system irrecoverably corrupted after a hard lock-up. This has happened to me before, a couple weeks ago, and both times I've had to reinstall. I don't know what is causing the lock-ups (possibly the binary nvidia driver..), but I would like my file system to be intact or at least recoverable next time it happens.What is the "safest" way to mount things?

I'll be using ext3 with data=journal, but I've read that disk write caching combined with a kernel crash or power loss can still screw things up. Supposedly, mounting with barrier=1 helps some, but doesn't work with LVM? Would it be wise to turn off disk write caching completely? I understand there's a performance penalty, but if it helps keep the file system consistent in case of disaster.

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CentOS 5 :: Lock Screen After System Resume From Suspend / Hibernation?

Mar 21, 2009

For the sake of security, I want the screen to be locked after the system is resumed from suspend or hibernation. Now the only way I can do this is to check the options "Lock screen when screen saver is active." in the screensaver preference. But this method is annoying since I have to type the password to quit the screensaver. Is there other way to do this? Thanks.

By the way, I use CentOS 5.2 x86_64.


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