Hardware :: Board Is Not Recognized By Driver?

Feb 7, 2010

trying to get hauppauge 1250 working with Linux Dont think its compatible yet with Linux

Just bought 1 month ago
followed instructions for driver install
but no /dev/video /dvb
and still get dmesg
Board is not recognized by driver

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Hardware :: USB Generic Serial Driver, And FTDI Single Port Driver As A Module, But It Still Isn't Getting Recognized?

Feb 4, 2011

My gentoo laptop doesn't have a serial port, so I got a usb-serial (RS-232) adapter from ebay. However when I plug it in, the only thing dmesg mentiones is: Code:usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2I've tried to look for a kernel driver in "make menuconfig" by pressing "/" and typing 232. Nothing about RS-232. Device Drivers -> Character drivers -> Serial drivers has 8250 and UART as a module. Device Drivers -> USB support -> USB serial converter support has in-kernel: USB generic serial driver, and FTDI Single port driver as a module, but it still isn't getting recognized.Is there some module i forgot to enable, or do i have to download a separate module from somewhere?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Ethernet Driver - Atheros (on Board) Is Not Shown In Network Ifconfig

Jul 7, 2011

I have installed CentOS. I have two ethernet card (one onboard and one PCI). I am able to set ip for realtek ethernet card and my atheros(on board) is not shown in network ifconfig shows only one ethernet card (PCI) hen i gave the command lspci i got the following output

01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8132 Fast Ethernet (rev c0)
03:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install New Driver Off CD And Get It Recognized

Sep 12, 2010

System - Xubuntu 8.04.4 but equally valid for other Ubuntu variants.I installed an updated driver for an Intel network card by doing a "make install" from its src directory (copied from install CD). That appears to have successfully created a file named "e1000.ko" and placed it in a subdirectory named "e1000" in the appropriate /lib/modules/.../drivers/net directory. Based on the contents of the Makefile the "make" also invoked "depmod -a". The "make" doesn't appear to have done anything else interesting.

However, on reboot this new module is not the one being loaded (based off of strings in the dmesg log file), instead the original as distributed with Xubuntu is.Obviously, I have to do more than the installation instructions on Intel's CD say to do.What steps do I still need to do to get this new driver recognized in place of the original?(it is no huge deal if the only answer I get is an honest "Don't bother" since the driver that came with Xubuntu appears to work "fine", however the Intel driver is a full Version number higher so I'd expect it to be somewhat "better" by some measure)

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Ubuntu Networking :: HP Mini 1116 & Wireless Driver Not Recognized

May 23, 2010

I'm a totally rookie at all this. I installed Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook edition in an HP Mini 1116 NR computer--I used an SD card & UNetbootin) and the wireless router is not recognized. I've been pretty much googling and troubleshooting this problem for most of the day. I always get stuck at a dead end. This netbook does not have an ethernet adapter nor a CD-Rom drive, so I have no way of connecting to the internet w/out wireless. I am able to download things from my other laptop to the SD card.

1. When I enter sudo apt-get install build-essential at the terminal, I get "package not found."

2. When I try to install b43-fwcutter or bcmwl-kernel-source, it either won't work because I can't connect to the net or I get a "dkms dependency" issue.

3. So I tried to install the dkms pacakge and got a "gcc dependency" issue. After that, I come up with a dead end.

An alternative option, so I read, is to use ndiswrapper and download the HP wireless broadcom driver, but that driver is a .exe file and I read that ndiswrapper needs a .inf file and I can't seem to find one. Does it matter?

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General :: Wireless Network Adapter Recognized Or Driver Installed?

Jan 17, 2011

I am brand new to Linux and Ubuntu. However it was very easy and smooth to install and get updated using my wired ethernet connection. I am now trying to understand how to have my wireless network adapter recognized or driver installed. I will be searching around the forums but it suggested I make an initial post as a new user. I am using an older Dell Inspiron 2200. I believe the chipset in my wireless adapter is indeed Broadcomm, so hopefully that will help direct any responses.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installing - 10.4 - Driver For My Wireless Network Card Isn't Recognized

Sep 29, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 beside my Windows XP on my laptop:
Dell XPS 1330

I`m now facing some problems with my new OS :

1. The driver for my wireless network card isn't recognized although I have installed the recommended driver which was in Ubuntu Hardware Driver section.

2. When I connect my laptop to my TV using HDMI port, the screen is OK but there is no sound!

3. When by any reason my network cable is unplugged, the whole network service goes down and I have to restart the system.

lspci results:

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Dell Inspiron 1525 - Network Driver Doesn't Recognized

Feb 28, 2009

i just installed centos on my dell inspiron 1525 but the network driver doesn't recognized

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Debian Hardware :: HDD Not Recognized In BIOS But Recognized Upon Boot

Sep 18, 2014

I have a backup HDD with a different distro for my laptop and i can boot into it via external usb or if swapped into the laptop. This HDD/install in question is debian testing and was working fine, the issue arose suddenly. I was first suspecting a failure of hardware somewhere on the motherboard, but the hdd i was using with an external usb adapter also works when installed into the machine. also, the HDD is recognized once i have booted using the external HDD and distro, but it is not recognized by the bios. so i dunno, my first guess is something became corrupt within the testing install, but i guess its also possible that there is some wrong with the HDD but thats not immediately apparent as all the data is still accessible.

Should also note that the HDD with testing on it is also recognized when connected via the external usb adapter, while booted from alternative distro/HDD.

Also. just tried this, but i can get the testing HDD/disto to boot if connected externally. it was going pretty quick, but there i did catch a line about a corrupt filesystem. any commands to run to see what might be going on?? log files to look at?

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Ubuntu :: Sd Card Not Recognized - How To Make It Recognized

Jun 2, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04. The drive was formatted when I installed so it's 100% Ubuntu. The only major problem I have encountered is that Ubuntu will not recognize my SD cards. I really need to access these cards, all my film footage is on there. I think the internal SD card reader (If such a thing exists) would have been deleted during the installation process. I am a greenthumb to Ubuntu and have never used it before so I am rather stuck...

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Software :: Makefile - File Not Recognized - File Format Not Recognized Collect2 - Ld Returned 1 Exit

Mar 27, 2010

I was installing DYMOUM from [url]. "make" command is issuing this error:


Prior to this, ns-2.34 was working fine. Patches are applied very well.

I am in under fedora 9 and:


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Software :: /usr/lib/libgd.so - File Not Recognized - File Format Not Recognized

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to cross-compile glibc 2.2.3 for PowerPC 405 using ELDK 3.0 on a x86_64 machine.

I have unzipped glibc-2.2.3 in a temp directory and configured using:

The configuration seems to run fine but when I do make I get the following error:

This is the error in the config.log file:

I have installed the libgd package using apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev and I also tried recompiling using libgd2-noxpm-dev package but I still get the same error.

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Ubuntu :: Getting CPU Temperature With MSI Board?

Oct 1, 2010

So I just got a MSI 870A-G54 and have been trying to get the CPU temperature on the command line. I ran the following

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp sensors-applet computertemp

And ran sensors-detect

sudo sensors-detect
# sensors-detect revision 5818 (2010-01-18 17:22:07 +0100)
# System: MSI MS-7599
# Board: MSI 870A-G54 (MS-7599)


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OpenSUSE :: Make IDE For The BV513 PIC-board?

Aug 4, 2010

is there a reason why OpenSUSE won't come with SUN Java prepakaged? Preinstalled Java seems to be ice something, which doesn't work with most of the Java software. Is there an easy way to replace it with real Java and have all the settings ready made. With this I refer to environment.

My current project is to make IDE for the BV513 PIC-board.

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Ubuntu :: Key Board Is Stop Working

Feb 27, 2011

My keyboard (usb) keep on stopping working after about 30-60 sec Then I have to removed the cable and re-install it then it works again.

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SUSE :: DM6446 Board - DNS Name Not Resolving

Nov 19, 2010

I am having DM6446 board. I am trying to connect internet via this board. In this I am having some issues regarding this. Normally in terminal when I ping to particular site, I will use the following command

>> ping google.com

I will get proper response with the packets details. When I am trying the same thing in minicom terminal I am not getting anything even the proper error messages. If I use the same ping command in different way

>> ping of google.com)

I am getting proper response. I don't know why the DNS name is not resolving in the board. Is there any documentation is available to do the internet connectivity with this board?

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General :: How To Delete Posts On Board

Dec 12, 2010

How do I delete one of my posts?

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Hardware :: CPU Mother Board Crashed?

Jul 22, 2010

I have RHEL3 installed on my machine, It is having lot of data and 2 databases oracle and mysql are running on it. Now my cpu is having problem and it is going to be replaced by the new one. Hard disk is fine.

Whether the new CPU will be able to boot with the old hard disk. If not is there any way so that i can recover everything with the old hard disk. SO that i need not have to install any packages and configuration seetings after the replacement.

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Networking :: Apt-get Fails From Embedded Board

Dec 1, 2010

I am running Virtual Box Ubuntu Linux 2.6. Connected to my PC is an embedded board running debian 2.6.32. I have ip forwarding on at my virtual box. From my embedded board I can successfully ping www.google.com. I want to download and install some packages but when I try apt-get I get the following: I've flailed away at this for most of the day


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Networking :: On Board LAN Disabled In Slackware?

Jan 2, 2010

when I connect the LAN cable in mother board it is not working but when I connected an external LAN card it was working fine . Is there any solution where I can use the on board LAN

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Networking :: Get WIFI Connectivity To Board

Mar 28, 2010

I am working on a project to build an embedded board with WIFI connectivity. My present status:

- I have a embedded development board TS7200 .

- It has USB and Ethernet Port.

- I am able to get port Linux on it and run program to communicate between devices and a computer using socket programming and Ethernet.

I need help in deciding how to get WIFI connectivity to the board. I guess it would mostly be using WIFI dongle? Any suggestion for a WIFI dongle?How should I get it working? Where should I look for proper reading material? I am am planning to do some basic program practice using WIFI on my laptop. How can I do that ?

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General :: Install Gcc To Arm9 Board?

May 13, 2010

i installed linux OS on my lpc3131 board with kernel 2.6.20. I want to install gcc to my board in order to compile codes without cross compiler or auxilary PCs. But i think it must be different then installing gcc rpm on Fedora PC or untar and make gcc, I dont know what i must do. what release or version of gcc should i download and what kind of changes must i do in Makefile.

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Server :: Check If CPU And Board Support VT Or AMD-V?

Apr 18, 2010

I have a server running ESXi. I want to know if it supports AMD-V for hardware-based virtualization. Is there any way to check it from one of the guest os running (centos 5).

Also, I tried rebooting the box and I can't see an option in the bios to turn on/off Virtualization. Although from Asus site they say it supports is:


The motherboard is an ASUS KFN4-DRE and has 2 Dual Opteron 2216 2.4GHz processors.

Also, on a side note, I have another box with HDAMA board and 2 Dual Opteron 275s. Do these support AMD-V as well? No option in bios as well.

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Software :: Add GSM Module To Board EM2440?

Jul 18, 2010

I want to add GSM module to my board EM2440 How i can connect the module with Linux kernel 2.6.30 ? Are i will use gsmd or another ? and how add it with the kernel ? What about its GUI ?

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Debian Installation :: Network On Alix Board (no VGA)

Mar 5, 2010

I tried install Debian 5.04 on Alix 3d2 board (no VGA) but after boot i see only one line (Probbing EDD (edd=off to disable)... ok) and everythig stops. I'm doing this from this instrucion [URL] I'm looking working solution (Under Win or Linux) to install Stable Debian on Alix3d2 and 2d2 via network (PXE). I have microdrive drives for this boards

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Fedora Hardware :: New System Board And All New Configuration?

Jan 14, 2010

Here's the situation: My Dell Latitude D830 video chip failed. Dell has replaced the system board under warranty. The following problems now exist:

1. eth0 has become eth1. The system failed to see the current ethernet as the only ethernet.
2. wlan0 has become wlan1. The same has occurred.

3. The pulse audio applet (I know, not officially supported) will not start up properly at boot complaining about something missing or wrong in the configuration. I suspect the hardware for sound is also not recognized as the previous.

4. Pidgin and Firefox are both having issues with anything SSL and digital certificates. In pidgin, I can no longer log into AIM. With Firefox, I had to accept a bunch of new SSL certificates. (Did that once for any https web site I have accessed for the first time since the system board change)

I would seriously like to understand how the hardware detection situation affects all of this. I was able to tweak some configuration files to get eth0 back to normal operation by manually changing the MAC address. But that isn't working for wlan0/wlan1 as I attempted to make corrections using the GUI and that didn't work out too well.

Where would I find the central point of identifying hardware devices and device names? And I suspect the encryption cert issues are related to the change in hardware as well which makes me wonder a few things. What happens when a non-laptop user changes a network card? Is Fedora married too closely to the hardware? What happens if we were to try to "ghost" a Fedora installation?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Not Able To Access Key Board While Installation

May 11, 2010

I already had windows on my box, trying to install suze linux 10.1, but while I boot from CD, my first option is Boot from Hard disk and second is Installation. But for selecting installation option I am not able to access keyboard.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Change Of Main Board

Aug 25, 2010

Will i be able to boot openSUSE and other OS on same disk after replacing main board. i wish to set raid 5 but lack additional sata ports on main board. The boards have same pci, audio and graphic hardware.

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General :: Finding A Single Board Computer Which Can Run OS

Aug 30, 2010

I'm searching for the cheapest single board computer which can run Linux. It must have ethernet and at least one serial port.I'm currently looking at these modules from Technologic Systems, but wondering if there's anything cheaper out there?


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Ubuntu Networking :: On Board Network Won't Work?

Dec 27, 2010

I have recently built a HTPC with a GA-G41m Combo and it has worked well with Ubuntu 10.04, however last week some time the on board network stopped working. I have tried different routers and different cables, but the network light wont come on. What Can I doo?

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