General :: Take A Screen Shot Of A XWindow?

May 17, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. In a startup script, I have

start() {
log_daemon_msg "Starting selenium-server server: "
export DISPLAY=localhost:15.0
/usr/bin/Xvfb :15 -ac -screen 0 1024x768x16 &

From the console, how do I take a screen shot of the display at localhost:15.0 -- my DISPLAY above?

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General :: Not Getting Xwindow Screen (GUI) In Red Hat 8.0 System

Jun 22, 2010

I hv PIII 128MB RAM system with Red Hat 8.0. after installation of linux, I got GUI screen..but sometime back, I disabled GUI so I was getting only text mode. I changed some entries in /etc/inittab to get text mode. now I forgot. I want GUI screen again to configure LAN in that system. I changed the setting in /etc/inittab as follows and gave startx command but GUI not coming. id:5:initdefault getting error: fatal IO error 104(connection reset by peer) on X server after 0 requests.

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Ubuntu :: Fn + - Can't Capture The Screen With Screen Shot Key (ptr Sc)

Feb 28, 2010

i have ubuntu 9 10 i have been searching in the internet but i have not found a solution, my problem is that i cant capture the screen with screen shot key (ptr sc) my keyboard has it under the key home, so in windows i have to use the

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Ubuntu :: Want To Set Up A Scheduled Task To Take A Screen Shot?

Feb 13, 2011

I have my background as a satellite picture of the earth. Right now I have a scheduled task to grab that picture off the internet (the website updates it every three hours) so my background is a 'live' snapshot of the earth.

I want to set up a scheduled task to take a screen shot every three hours, so that I can see, for example, the way the earth changes over the course of a day...a week, etc. I already have the Scheduled Task Manager from Gnome, but would anyone know what command I could use to do this?

My biggest problem is figuring out how to change the name of the picture it saves it as every time. (e.g. earth1.jpg, earth2.jpg, earth3.jpg, etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Take Screen Shot When A Menu Is Open?

Apr 14, 2011

Whenever I try to take a screen shot with a menu open the menu disappears. Is this correct, and if not how do I put it right?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Capture Screen Shot Images?

Mar 26, 2010

I have Ubuntu Server Ed. installed (so no Gnome) and was wondering if it's possible to capture screen shot images?

I'm using Subversion, and need to capture screen shots of some merge collisions you see.

Everything is being done via the terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Shot/print Boot Menu?

Jun 29, 2011

how do i screen shot or print screen boot menu & save to file, tried pressing print screen when booting then paste, would not work, this for a futher question once this one is solved

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Programming :: Build Screen Shot Application In C/c++ Like In Distros?

Feb 14, 2011

i want to make a screen capture program for linux as my software engineering project. but i am not getting from where to start. i have a bit knowlege of gtk and that of c/c++ but from where can i get other references which i should know for building it.

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting To Works WEP - Can't Give A Screen Shot

Dec 7, 2009

I place the key in the wireless key section but the activate (ok) button is greyed out. Sorry can't give a screen shot because I am using my Win 7 boot at time. Oh yeah I am using Fedora 12 x64 on my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Name Of The Volume Applet (package) Shown In The Screen Shot?

Jan 13, 2011

Does anyone know the name of the volume applet (package) shown in the screen shot? I want to remove it. I'm on 10.10 and it appears every time I switch sound output from the SoundMenu.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Take Screen Shot Of A Window Having Menu Items / Enable This?

Mar 24, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu and facing a strange problem right now.
I want to take a screen shot of FF browser with expanded menu items.
I could take the same without expanded menu items, but when I click say File/Edit/View and then click on Prnt Scrn nothing happens.

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General :: Debian Can't Start The Xwindow?

Aug 31, 2010

I am using debian-2.6.30 After i installing "libkrb53" package, it can not start xwindows any more when I reboot my system. Just can login and works as a DOS system

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Netbook Remix Edition 10.04 On Laptop HP Compaq 550 Through A Usb Flash Stick - Got This Msg ( Attached Screen-shot )?

May 2, 2010

i tried to install ubuntu netbook remix edition 10.04 on my laptop HP Compaq 550 through a usb flash stick ... with the usb creator which included into the iso image i got this msg (( attached screen-shot )) .i tried another application which makes a usb bootable disk called "UNetbootin" it boots successfully but after booting every thing got FREEZED ... i tried the same thing with ubuntu 9.10 it's succeed .. but i neeed to install 10.04 .

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General :: Execute .jar At Startup & Disabling Xwindow Also?

Aug 31, 2010

i want to run a jar file at the start up..and only that application will work at the start up..other all are blocked..after giving input to the application the xwindow will enabled..otherwise it remains same.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Command - Take Screen Shot Of Non Focused Window Or Minimized Window?

Oct 30, 2010

Is there any command /utility in linux that would Take screen shot of non focused window or minimized Window?

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General :: Assign DHCP IP For Client For 5 Interfaces At One Shot?

May 11, 2010

I have a RHEL Machine. All I have is 5 Ethernet cards.I want all of them to be assigned IP through DHCP while I boot my system.

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General :: Locate And Change All The Search.php Files Permissions To 644 In One Shot?

Apr 18, 2011

I work with this travel company that host sites for different agents. They have ALL the sites in one directory and each site has its own search.php file. How can I locate, and change all the search.php files permissions to 644 in one shot? Is this possible maybe with the find command? I read the man page for this but I am not sure how to write out the command.

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General :: Redirect Stdout/stderr Of Multiple Commands In One Shot?

Jun 3, 2011

I have several commands in a bash script, and in the middle of the script there are several commands whose output and error streams I want to redirect to a file. I think I could simply add '>> myfile.txt' to the end of every command, but is there a way to set it before that block of commands, then reset the streams to their original state at the end of that block?

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Slackware :: Set Display On A Terminal And Run An Xwindow From It

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to run an Xwindow application from terminal but I'm unable to do it. What I did:

Code: oracle@firefly:/usr/local/temp/database$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
oracle@firefly:/usr/local/temp/database$ xhost +
No protocol specified
xhost: unable to open display ":0.0"

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CentOS 5 :: Xwindow - Changing The Locale?

Dec 21, 2010

I run KDE 3.X and for the life of it, can't figure out how to assign the "ALT+SHIFT" to switch between keyboard layouts? The default AL+SHIFT+K switches from EN to second one and after that it (obviously) doesn't work. saw a few posts [URL]....alt-shift.html), but the flag is not changing in the tray.

I also tried to go thru "Keyboard shortcuts", but for whatever reason, it doesn't want to accept the combination of "alt+shift" and expects another key ( i guess).

I'm using Centos 5.2 and the the keyboard model is "MS natural keyboard pro" with US and two Cyrillic layouts - one of them is phonetic.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing Xwindow And GNOME

Jul 10, 2011

I am trying to install X window on my dedicated server. This is the first time I am doing this and I had several issues which I was able to fix through searching the forum. This is a CENTOS 5.6 x86_64 standard and I am using WHM 11.30.1 (build 1) on it. Through accessing SSH as root I maneged to install X window and Gnome. #yum groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"

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OpenSUSE :: Access It Via A Remote XWindow Server Via Xdmcp?

Nov 8, 2010

on a openSUSE-11.3 how do I configure lxde so I can access it via a remote XWindow server via xdmcp?

Entry /etc/sysconfing/displaymanager:
Entry in /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager:


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Ubuntu Security :: Remove The 6600/tcp Connection Ability From XWindow?

Apr 15, 2011

I've been reading a lot of articles on Xorg XWindow System having the ability to allow 6600/tcp for remote screen connections and I've been trying to find a way to remove the functionality without having to just dump XWindow and settle for CLI on my server. I heard it was disabled by default, but I just want to get rid of that ability completely by cutting it out of it's code and yes, I'm feeling very, very paranoid.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Open Shot Video Editor But App Won't Run

Apr 2, 2010

I installed it using the ppa instructions here [URL] The terminal says this when I try to run the program:

tshipp@Harold:~$ openshot
OpenShot (version 1.1.2)
*** ERROR: MLT Python bindings failed to import ***


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OpenSUSE Install :: Recover Data Off A Shot Hard Drive XP System?

Dec 1, 2009

Trying to recover data off a shot hard drive. XP system. says I don't have permission to open the drives/folders.. not the owner...

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Debian Multimedia :: Whenever Take A Shot, The Video Window Appears 'solid Blue' In The Output Image?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to produce some screenshots of the screen in which there's a window playing a video in avi format. The problem is whenever I take a shot, the video window appears 'solid blue' in the output image. Is there any way or program with which I can capture the current frame of the video

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General :: 10.10 Booting To Terminal - Black Screen Instead Of The Normal Purple Screen

Dec 8, 2010

i am fairly new to Ubuntu. i was using it fine for a month, but today, when i booted my computer up, it came up with a black screen instead of the normal purple ubuntu screen. the black screen had white text on it, and asked for my username and password. from there, it was a terminal prompt. i have been google searching for a while, and have tried typing "startx", "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", "sudo gdm", and i have also tryed uninstalling xorg, and reinstalling, and none of these things wanted to do anything for me.

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General :: Dell Studio 1535 Screen Resolution - System Won't Get Past The Loading Screen Anymore

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunately my experience in the Unix* based world up to this point has only been using web servers and administrating them, no GUI experience of any kind so I am completely unfamiliar with the setup and entire usage of Xorg or any other Window manager at this point. The issue I am having is with the screen resolutions I am being allowed to chose for my Dell Studio 1535 running Fedora Core 13 and the KDE 4 desktop GUI, thus my issue since I am not really familiar with how to run a Unix* based GUI in the first place.

The basic information, if there is more needed just advise what and what command gathers that info (or what conf/log I should look into in order to find it). Laptop is a Dell Studio 1535 Video is the Mobile Intel GMA X3100 ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics. LCD interface is the LVDS.

So far it seems to give me modes for 1024x768 and on down, nothing above this. I believe I am supposed to use the radeon driver being that is the type of card it is but every time I change the xorg.conf file to use this instead of vesa the system wont get past the loading screen anymore upon reboot and nor can I seem to find a way to bring up a command line so I can hit up the Xorg.0.log to see what is wrong or change the xorg.conf file back to the original driver it had listed.

I am going to assume this is a missing driver or something else it hangs on but without being able to get access back to the system and having to rebuild it again (re-install via live CD) I am basically out of luck at this time. Sorry for the rather poor post but I do hope to receive some basic directions on where to go from here with this issue

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General :: Ubuntu : Decouple The VNC Server's Screen From The Physical Screen?

Sep 22, 2010

I'd like to have my VNC sessions to a server use a separate display from the physical screen. So that e.g. I could have the physical screen locked in screensaver while the VNC display is unlocked.

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General :: GNU Screen - Unable To Reattach To Screen After Lost Connection?

Jan 1, 2011

I was using irssi in screen but lost connection. After I ssh'd back in to the server, I can no longer attach to that screen. screen -ls shows that the screen is already attached. I tried screen -D to force detach it, and it said detach but screen -ls still says it's attached. I tried screen -x and it just hangs there.

[sub@server ~]$ screen -ls
There are screens on:
4033.poe (Detached)
7728.irssi (Attached)
2 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-sub.What can I do now?

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